
# rpm -qa|grep UltraPath

# upadmin show version

#upadmin show path

#upadmin show vlun

#upadmin show vlun

#upadmin show upconfig

[root@db1 ~]#  rpm -e UltraPath
The running service is deleted successfully.
The boot service is removed successfully.
The UltraPath files are deleted successfully.
UltraPath driver package has been successfully removed from your system.
Restart the system.

[root@db1 ~]# upadmin show version
Software Version   : 31.02.024
Driver   Version   : 31.02.024

[root@db1 ~]# upadmin show upconfig
UltraPath Configuration
Basic Configuration
    Working Mode : load balancing within controller
    LoadBalance Mode : min-queue-depth
    Loadbanlance io threshold : 100
    LUN Trespass : off

Advanced Configuration
    Io Retry Times : 10
    Io Retry Delay : 0
    Faulty path check interval : 10
    Idle path check interval : 60
    Failback Delay Time : 60
    Io Suspension Time : 60
    Max io retry timeout : 1800
    Performance Record : off
    Pending delete period of obsolete paths : 28800

Path reliability configuration
    Timeout degraded statistical time : 600
    Timeout degraded threshold : 1
    Timeout degraded path recovery time : 1800
    Frequent timeout degraded statistical time : 86400
    Frequent timeout degraded threshold : 3
    Frequent timeout degraded path recovery time : 86400
    Intermittent IO error degraded statistical time : 300
    Min. I/Os for intermittent IO error degraded statistical : 5000
    Intermittent IO error degraded threshold : 20
    Intermittent IO error degraded path recovery time : 1800
    Intermittent fault degraded statistical time : 1800
    Intermittent fault degraded threshold : 3
    Intermittent fault degraded path recovery time : 3600
    High latency degraded statistical time : 300
    High latency degraded threshold : 1000
    High latency degraded path recovery time : 3600
    Sensitive delayed degraded threshold : 0
    Sensitive delayed degraded recovery time : 120

HyperMetro configuration
    HyperMetro Primary Array SN : 2102350HYL10H6000020
    HyperMetro WorkingMode : read write within primary array
    HyperMetro Split Size : 128MB
    HyperMetro Load Balance Mode : round-robin

[root@db1 ~]#
[root@db1 ~]# upadmin  show path
 Path ID   Initiator Port      Array Name      Controller    Target Port     Path State  Check State  Port Type   Port ID  
    0     10000090fa81c6ef  Huawei.Storage-1F      0A      2080446a2ef573be    Normal        --          FC      CTE0.A.H0
    1     10000090fa81c6ef  Huawei.Storage-1F      0B      2090446a2ef573be    Normal        --          FC      CTE0.B.H0
 Path ID   Initiator Port      Array Name      Controller    Target Port     Path State  Check State  Port Type   Port ID  
    2     10000090fa81c6ef  Huawei.Storage-2F      0B      2091446a2ef573b5    Normal        --          FC      CTE0.B.H1
    3     10000090fa81c6ef  Huawei.Storage-2F      0A      2081446a2ef573b5    Normal        --          FC      CTE0.A.H1
[root@db1 ~]# upadmin check status
Checking path status:
Serverity    Array                    Type                                    Description                                                                                                                     
Critical     2102350HYL10H6000020     All path down                           All paths of LUN (wwn:6446a2e100f573b55c5a1ff100000010) are down.
Critical     2102350HYL10H6000020     All path down                           All paths of LUN (wwn:6446a2e100f573b55c5a462d00000011) are down.
Checking environment and config:
Checking HBA Information:
iscsi is not installed.
complete FC checking.

[root@db1 ~]# rpm -e UltraPath-31.02.024-2.x86_64
The running service is deleted successfully.
The boot service is removed successfully.
The UltraPath files are deleted successfully.
UltraPath driver package has been successfully removed from your system.
Restart the system.

[root@db1 CentOS]# upadmin show version
Unable to detect UltraPath device node, exit

[root@db1 ~]#  ./install.sh
complete iscsi checking.
complete FC checking.
Verify the UltraPath existence.
[WARNING] The UltraPath driver has been detected.
Do you want to uninstall it now?
The UltraPath uninstallation starts.
The running service is deleted successfully.
The boot service is removed successfully.
The UltraPath files are deleted successfully.
UltraPath driver package has been successfully removed from your system.
Modify system configuration.[file:/etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf,item:node.startup ,value:  automatic]
Modify system configuration.[file:/etc/iscsi/iscsid.conf,item:node.session.timeo.replacement_timeout ,value:  1]
Modify system configuration.[file:/etc/modprobe.d/nxupmodules.conf,module:qla2xxx,item:qlport_down_retry,value:5]
Modify system configuration.[file:/etc/modprobe.d/nxupmodules.conf,module:lpfc,item:lpfc_nodev_tmo,value:5]
Modify system configuration.[file:/etc/systemd/system.conf,item:DefaultTimeoutStartSec,value:600s]
If the operating system is installed on a local drive of the server, you are advised
to choose boot from local; if the operating system is installed on a SAN storage
system, you must choose boot from san. Please choose the boot type of your system:
please input your select:1
Preparing...                          ########################################
Updating / installing...
UltraPath-31.02.024-2                 ########################################
User configuration is saved successfully.
The boot service is installed successfully.
The running service is installed successfully.
* UltraPath would modify some parameters of HBA cards for better performace. If *
* UltraPath is installed for the first time, you may need to update the initrd  *
* image before system reboot to make the modification take effect.              *
* UltraPath will use the system hostname for alarm generation and automatic host*
* registration. Make sure that the system hostname is correctly configured..    *
The installation is complete. Whether to restart the system now?

问题1:alua not support告警

华为官网文档:Centos7.5系统自带多路径报错alua not support

Centos7.5系统自带多路径报错alua not support- 华为




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