ROI 区域提取和ROI 区域图像叠加
ROI 区域提取
# include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> int main ( ) { cv:: Mat image = cv:: imread ( "1.jpg" ) ; if ( image. empty ( ) ) { std:: cerr << "Error: Could not read the image." << std:: endl; return - 1 ; } cv:: Rect roiRect ( 100 , 50 , 200 , 150 ) ; cv:: Mat roi = image ( roiRect) ; cv:: cvtColor ( roi, roi, cv:: COLOR_BGR2GRAY) ; cv:: imshow ( "Original Image" , image) ; cv:: imshow ( "ROI (Gray)" , roi) ; cv:: waitKey ( 0 ) ; return 0 ;
ROI 区域图像叠加
# include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> int main ( ) { cv:: Mat image = cv:: imread ( "1.jpg" ) ; cv:: Mat logo = cv:: imread ( "2.jpg" ) ; if ( image. empty ( ) || logo. empty ( ) ) { std:: cerr << "Error: Could not read the image(s)." << std:: endl; return - 1 ; } cv:: Rect roiRect ( 100 , 250 , logo. cols, logo. rows) ; cv:: Mat imageROI = image ( roiRect) ; logo. copyTo ( imageROI) ; cv:: imshow ( "Original Image" , image) ; cv:: waitKey ( 0 ) ; return 0 ;