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.clsContainer canvas {position:absolute;top:0px;left:0px;
{width:40px;position:absolute;border:solid 1px #eee;background-color:#000;margin-top: 200px;
function _ga(a) {var b = this;b.container = UD,b.zc = UD,b.UP = UD,b.z9 = UD,b.uP = UD,b.g = UD,b.dh = 1,b.uI = a.uI != UD ? a.uI: 20,b.uc = b[W_] = a[zl] | 320,b.ul = b[w_] = a[zL] | 480,b.zj = 8888,b.zD = 400,b.ut = 20,b.Us(uf, a),b.UU = tq,b.UG = tq,b.moused = tq}function km() {var a = this;a.kn = 40,a.kb = {r: 12,R: 8},a.kc = [0, .003, .004, .005, .006, .008, .01, .04, .08],a.d8 = [0, .003 * .8, .0032, .004, .006 * .8, .0064, .008, .032, .064],a.kx = 450,a.kz = 350,a.d7 = 10,a.KW = new KQ(5, 140, 1, 6, 3, 800, 15, null),a.KE = new KQ(0, 80, 2, 10, 3, 800, 15, new qg(255, 255, 255)),a.kl = new qg(255, 140, 62, 1),a.kj = [new qg(255, 68, 0, 1), new qg(238, 0, 204, 1), new qg(34, 238, 0, 1), new qg(255, 34, 153, 1), new qg(105, 255, 0, 1), new qg(255, 255, 0, 1), new qg(0, 204, 255, 1)],a.kh = new qg(255, 255, 255, 1),a.dl = "",a.kg = [[0, "Cadet"], [10, "Lieutenant"], [25, "Captain"], [50, "Major"], [100, "Colonel"], [150, "Brigadier"], [200, "General"], [250, "Field Marshall"]],a.kf = [[0, 0, "Crawler"], [0, .5, "Walker"], [1, .4, "Walker"], [1, .8, "Runner"], [2, .5, "Sprinter"], [2, 1, "Racer"]],a.kd = [[0, "简介", "首先选择一个点,然后走线。 "], [2, "驱逐", "会有一条线一直追逐你!"], [6, "路线", "记住,每一条线必须仍然被使用一次。"]],a.KH = [[3, "10 个等级", "There are loads more levels to be released soon. \n \nHelp me improve the game by giving me some feedback and sharing it with your friends."]],a.dc = {},a.dc.dQ = "No Thanks",a.dc.dv = "Rate/Review",a.dc.dn = "If you are enjoying playing Pathuku, help us by giving us a good review/rating. \n \nThanks \nPathuku Team",a.ks = [],a.ka = ["this is madness", "please try harder.", "hurry up, you're wasting your battery!"]}function wF(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {var i = this;i.s = a,i.zV = b,i.raduis = c,i.angle = e,i[Zk] = f,g == UD ? i[ZK] = i[Zk].kX( - 100) : i[ZK] = g,i[ZJ] = 2,i.t = h,i.ps = d,i.lineJoin = "round",i.t == "qd" && (i.ps += i.ps, i.lineJoin = "miter"),i.uz = 360 / i.ps}function UA(a) {var b = this;b.s = a,b.Gs = new Array,b.uU = 0,b.uY = 359}function _G(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) {var l,m,n,o = this;o.ls = [],o.s = a,d != UD ? (o.pn = 360 / e, o.ls[pZ] = e, o.Uz = c, o.qmzZ = d, o.zn = f, o.zI = g, o.Y = h, o.color = i == UD ? new qg(255, 255, 255) : i) : (o.pn = 360 / c.ls, o.ls[pZ] = c.ls, o.Uz = c.Uz, o.qmzZ = c.qmzZ, o.zn = c.zn, o.zI = c.zI, o.Y = c.Y, o.color = c.color),o.zg = 0,o.aF = 0,o.zV = b,o.gI = 0,o.yq = 0;for (l = 0, m = mr, n = mn; l < o.ls[pZ]; l++) o.ls[l] = new _tmppp(j + n(m() * k), m() * o.Y)}function _tmppp(a, b) {this.angle = a,this.Y = b}function KQ(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {var i = this;i.ls = c,i.KI = [c, d],i.Uz = a,i.qmzZ = b,i.zn = e,i.zI = f,i.Y = g,i.color = h}function qg(a, b, c, d) {var e = this;e.r = a,e.g = b,e.b = c,e.a = d}function _cr(a) {var b = this;b.s = a,b.cHs = new Array,b.cH = 0,b.cqk = 0,b.aF = 0,b.TTime = 0,b.qe = 0,b.enabled = a1,b.gI = 0,b.zs = .02}function h(a, b) {this.x = a,this.y = b}function _D(a, b) {var c = this;c.s = a,c.S = b,c.inner = new wF(c.s, new h(50, 100), 14, 3, 90, b.kq),c.outer = new wF(c.s, new h(50, 100), 17, 3, 45, b.kM),c.ub = .3,c.qe = 0,c.visible = tq}function un(a, b, c, d) {var e = this;e.s = a,e.sGrid = b,e.KY = 0,e.Zz = -1,e.level = 0,e[W_] = c,e[w_] = d,e.zy = a1,e.g = UD,e.KZ = 0}function um() {var a,b = this;b.d = [],b.l = [],b.qa = 1,b.t = 0,b.Uo = new Array(1111, 2222, 3333),b[pZ] = 0,a = new Date,b.id = "RB" + a.getFullYear() + a.getMonth() + "_" + a.getTime()}function _l() {this.p = [],this.zn = 0}function _p(a, b, c) {this.x = a,this.y = b,this.t = c}function U8(a, b, c, d) {var e = this;e.s = a,e.Uj = d || 50,e[W_] = b || 100,e[w_] = c || 100,e.uR = 1 / (e.Uj / 1e3),e.fps = 0,e.sfps = "FPS",e.zu = 0,e.lastTime = new Date}function _aJ() {this.aJ = [],this.KC = UD}function z3(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {var h = this;h.x = a,h.y = b,h[W_] = c,h[w_] = d,h.aD = e,h.z4 = f,h.KN = g}function U9() {this.aDs = [],this.g = UD}function U0() {this.Zzs = []}function _Zz(a, b, c, d) {var e = this;e.id = a,e.KY = b || 0,e.z5 = b || 0,e.KU = 0,e.qds = 0,e.uN = d}
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