// 处理轮播图
const handleDB = require('../handleDB/index')
// 获取所有轮播图
exports.allCarousel = (req, res) => {(async function () {let results = await handleDB(res, "book_carousel", "find", "查询数据出错!", { where: `status=0` });if (results.length < 1) {res.send({ code: 0, message: '轮播图列表为空' })}const total = results.length;res.send({ code: 200, message: '获取轮播图成功', data: results, total: total })})()
// 导入数据库操作模块
const db = require('../db/index')//引入七牛文件
const upload_file=require('../utils/qn')const constant=require('../utils/constant');
exports.addCarousel = (req, res) => {const { id } = req.body;if (id) {const sql = `update info_carousel set ? where id=${id}`db.query(sql, [req.body, req.body.id], (err, results) => {// 执行 SQL 语句失败if (err) return res.cc(err)// SQL 语句执行成功,但是影响行数不等于 1if (results.affectedRows !== 1) return res.cc('更新轮播图失败!')// 更新轮播图成功res.cc('更新轮播图成功!', 0)})} else {const sql = `insert into info_carousel set ?`db.query(sql, req.body, (err, results) => {// SQL 语句执行失败if (err) return res.cc(err)// SQL 语句执行成功,但是影响行数不等于 1if (results.affectedRows !== 1) return res.cc('新增轮播图失败!')// 新增轮播图成功res.cc('新增轮播图成功!', 0)})}}
// 根据id删除轮播图
exports.delCarousel = (req, res) => {(async function () {// console.log(11);const id = req.params.id;if (!id) {res.send({ code: 0, message: '获取参数为空' })}// 3根据id查询数据库是否存在该轮播图let result = await handleDB(res, "book_carousel", "find", "book_carousel查询出错", {where: `id = ${id} AND status = 0`});console.log(result);// 4 检查指定 id 的轮播图是否存在if (result.length !== 1) return res.send({ code: 0, message: '该轮播图不存在!' })let results = await handleDB(res, "book_carousel", "update", "查询数据出错!", `id= ${id}`, { status: 1 });// 6 SQL 语句执行成功,但是影响行数不等于 1if (results.affectedRows !== 1) return res.send({ code: 0, message: '删除轮播图失败!' })res.send({ code: 200, message: '删除轮播图成功', });})()
Model.prototype.find = function (options, callback) {if (!isConnect) {console.log(options.constructor);this.connect(err => {isConnect = true;var str = '';if (!callback) {str = `select * from ${this.name}`;callback = options;} else if (options.constructor == Array) {str = `select ${options.join()} from ${this.name}`;console.log(str, '000');} else {str = `select * from ${this.name} where ${options.where}`;console.log(str, '111');}console.log(str);connection.query(str, (error, results, fields) => {callback(error, results, fields);});return this;})} else {var str = '';if (!callback) {str = `select * from ${this.name}`;callback = options;} else if (options.constructor == Array) {str = `select ${options.join()} from ${this.name}`;} else {str = `select * from ${this.name} where ${options.where}`;console.log(str, '333');};//console.log(str);connection.query(str, (error, results, fields) => {callback(error, results, fields);});return this;}};
{where: `id = ${id} AND status = 0`}