Technology Strategy Patterns 学习笔记8- Communicating the Strategy-Decks(ppt模板)

1 Ghost Deck/Blank Deck

1.1 It’s a special way of making an initial deck that has a certain purpose
1.2 you’re making sure you have figured out what all the important shots are before incurring the major expense of shooting them
1.3 需要从技术、战略、产品相关角度评估整体
1.4 编写步骤

  • 先有整体轮廓/outline
  • 先只写headline,make sure they still make sense
  • 不断review和检查headline:使用Dramatic Structure/Ars Rhetorica(修辞学),检查描述的影响力(impactful)
  • 指定人员编写实际内容
  • 和有帮助的人一起检查和修正内容

2 Ask Deck

2.1 用途:用于向领导要资源和投入
2.2 The ask

  • The first slide says it all. You write your first slide last-首页要概况所有,首页要最后汇总检查
  • 要包括的内容
  1. The current state is this: X, Y, Z dramatic data points.
  2. Therefore, executive, you do this: X important project described in a single sentence with a name.
  3. Here are the milestones so you know what you get along the way
  4. That will take X duration, require Y number of teams, and cost $X capex and $Y opex.
  5. Here is the end state that you will have bought for that money: something awesome, and now the bad current state is over.

2.3 编写要点

  • Imperil the hero:充分展现我们的状态如何糟糕(不做的后果),或者如何有一个新的超级令人兴奋的机会。
  • Let the data drive
  • Save the hero
    • The roadmap
    • How long will it take?
    • How much will it cost?
    • Who will do the work?
  • The ask 明确发问
  • Appendix : includes all charts, graphs, query results, and any substantiating data supporting the claims you made in your main deck

2.2.4 main deck should be 12–5 slides

3 Strategy Deck

3.1 Execute all the applicable creation patterns of this book while keeping in mind the analysis patterns along the way
3.2 Collect your output from doing that.
3.3 Do a MergeSort of the output and make it into a deck with a smooth, comprehensive story using the communication patterns in this book.

4 Roadmap


5 Tactical Plan


6 MergeSort Meeting

6.1 将各方独立计划/LIST,合并为一个整体计划/LIST
6.2 步骤

  • Call a MergeSort meeting to make your plan, and make sure you clearly state the scope of what you need to build the plan for.
  • Have everyone make a separate list of lists, perhaps categories focusing on different aspects of the project such as “business,” “data,” “infrastructure,”
  • Give everyone time to populate their lists of lists independently. You will generate a lot more ideas this way, and be more inclusive of shy people in the group and flatten out the louder voices 注意沉默者的意见
  • Bring the raw material lists together in your MergeSort operation meeting.
  • Now you have a single merged list and you want to prioritize it.
  • The project manager takes over the meeting to take the now single, merged, prioritized list of lists and assign who does what by when into a spreadsheet.





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