


1. 简单教程

2. 要点说明     

2.1  TCommands以及TCommands基类

2.2  FUICommandInfo

2.3  FUICommandList

2.4  FUIAction

2.5  UICommand

3. 代码源码

4. 工具使用 

4.1 Display Ul Extension Points

4. 参考文章


1. 简单教程

2. 要点说明     

2.1  TCommands以及TCommands基类
/** A base class for a set of commands. Inherit from it to make a set of commands. See MainFrameActions for an example. */
template<typename CommandContextType>
class TCommands : public FBindingContext
/*** Represents a context in which input bindings are valid*/
class SLATE_API FBindingContext: public TSharedFromThis<FBindingContext>
2.2  FUICommandInfo
private:/** Input commands that executes this action */TArray<TSharedRef<FInputChord>> ActiveChords;/** Default display name of the command */FText Label;/** Localized help text for this command */FText Description;/** The default input chords for this command (can be invalid) */TArray<FInputChord> DefaultChords;/** Brush name for icon to use in tool bars and menu items to represent this command */FSlateIcon Icon;/** Brush name for icon to use in tool bars and menu items to represent this command in its toggled on (checked) state*/FName UIStyle;/** Name of the command */FName CommandName;/** The context in which this command is active */FName BindingContext;/** The bundle to group this command into. The bundle must have been added to the BindingContext first. */FName Bundle;/** The type of user interface to associated with this action */EUserInterfaceActionType UserInterfaceType;/** True if should we use long names for when getting text for input chords */bool bUseLongDisplayName;
2.3  FUICommandList
class SLATE_API FUICommandList: public TSharedFromThis<FUICommandList>
2.4  FUIAction
/*** Implements an UI action.*/
struct SLATE_API FUIAction
{/** Holds a delegate that is executed when this action is activated. */FExecuteAction ExecuteAction;/** Holds a delegate that is executed when determining whether this action can execute. */FCanExecuteAction CanExecuteAction;/** Holds a delegate that is executed when determining the check state of this action. */FGetActionCheckState GetActionCheckState;/** Holds a delegate that is executed when determining whether this action is visible. */FIsActionButtonVisible IsActionVisibleDelegate;/** Can this action can be repeated if the chord used to call it is held down? */EUIActionRepeatMode RepeatMode;
2.5  UICommand
#define UI_COMMAND( CommandId, FriendlyName, InDescription, CommandType, InDefaultChord, ... ) \

3. 代码源码

4. 工具使用 

4.1 Display Ul Extension Points

4. 参考文章

观察UE4的界面命令(UICommand)扩展编辑器界面的流程并实践_ue4 查看编辑器界面一些功能的函数流程_YakSue的博客-CSDN博客

(UE4 4.21 ) UE4给编辑器添加菜单栏(Menu),工具栏(TooBar),Tab窗口_ue4左侧工具栏怎么打开_带帯大师兄的博客-CSDN博客

TCommands用法 - 知乎

《调教UE5:编辑器拓展指南》Command 探索 - 知乎

UE4-注册UI菜单的套路以及尝试将工具类蓝图动态注册进UI - 知乎





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