添加implementation 'io.dronefleet.mavlink:mavlink:1.1.11'
// This example uses a TCP socket, however we may also use a UDP socket by injecting
// PipedInputStream/PipedOutputStream to MavlinkConnection, or even USB by using any
// implementation that will eventually yield an InputStream and an OutputStream.
try (Socket socket = new Socket("", 5760)) {// After establishing a connection, we proceed to building a MavlinkConnection instance.MavlinkConnection connection = MavlinkConnection.create(socket.getInputStream(), socket.getOutputStream());// Now we are ready to read and send messages.MavlinkMessage message;while ((message = connection.next()) != null) {// The received message could be either a Mavlink1 message, or a Mavlink2 message.// To check if the message is a Mavlink2 message, we could do the following:if (message instanceof Mavlink2Message) {// This is a Mavlink2 message.// When a message is received, its payload type isn't statically available.// We can resolve which kind of message it is by its payload, like so:if (message.getPayload() instanceof Heartbeat) {// This is a heartbeat messageMavlinkMessage<Heartbeat> heartbeatMessage = (MavlinkMessage<Heartbeat>)message;}// We are better off by publishing the payload to a pub/sub mechanism such // as RxJava, JMS or any other favorite instead, though.}
} catch (EOFException eof) {// The stream has ended.
int systemId = 255;
int componentId = 0;
Heartbeat heartbeat = Heartbeat.builder().type(MavType.MAV_TYPE_GCS).autopilot(MavAutopilot.MAV_AUTOPILOT_INVALID).systemStatus(MavState.MAV_STATE_UNINIT).mavlinkVersion(3).build()// Write an unsigned heartbeat
connection.send2(systemId, componentId, heartbeat);