







#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Box {int length;int width;int height;
public:Box() {length = 0;width = 0;height = 0;}Box(int length,int width,int height) {this->length = length;this->width = width;this->height = height;}Box(const Box& other) {length = other.length;width = other.width;height = other.height;}//成员函数重载加法运算符Box operator+(const Box& other) {Box p;p.length = this->length + other.length;p.width = this->width + other.width; p.height = this->height + other.height;return p;}
int main() {Box a(1,2,3);Box b(2, 3, 4);Box c = a + b;//直接调用Box d;d = a.operator+(b);//调用重载运算符的函数return 0;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Box {int length;int width;int height;friend Box operator+(const Box& other1, const Box& other2);friend Box operator+(const Box& other1, int val);
public:Box() {length = 0;width = 0;height = 0;}Box(int length,int width,int height) {this->length = length;this->width = width;this->height = height;}Box(const Box& other) {length = other.length;width = other.width;height = other.height;}
Box operator+(const Box& other1,const Box& other2) {//不调用成员函数是无法访问私有的成员变量的,需要设置为友元,告诉编译器,我这个重载运算符的函数是你这个类的好朋友,都哥们,能fBox p;p.length = other1.length + other2.length;p.width = other1.width + other2.width;p.height = other1.height + other2.height;return p;
Box operator+(const Box& other1,int val) {Box p;p.length = other1.length + val;p.width = other1.width + val;p.height = other1.height + val;return p;
int main() {Box a(1,2,3);Box b(2, 3, 4);Box c = a + b;Box d;d=operator+(a,b);return 0;




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