# 简单的if……else……语句
state = True
if state:print("状态正常")
else:print("状态异常")# 复杂的if……elif……语句
score = 88
def __getlevel__(score):level = ""if score >= 85 and score <=100:level = "A"elif score >=70 and score < 85:level = "B"elif score >=60 and score < 70:level = "C"elif score < 60:level = "D"return level
level = __getlevel__(score)
print("my level is :"+level)# 嵌套if语句
# 普通if……else……语句
# 定义变量 存放状态
state = True# 定义函数 计算状态
def getState(state):if state:print("状态启用")else:print("状态关闭")# 调用函数 打印状态
getState(state)# if……elif……语句
# 定义变量 存放得分
scored = 78# 定义函数 计算等级
def getLevel(scored):# if else条件语句if scored >= 85 and scored <= 100:print("A")elif scored >= 70 and scored <= 84:print("B")elif scored >= 60 and scored <= 69:print("C")else:print("D")# 调用函数 打印等级
getLevel(scored)# if……else语句嵌套# while循环语句
j = 1
# 简单while循环语句
while j < 10:print(j)j += 1# while语句中使用 break、continue跳出循环
# while循环中使用break语句用于跳出整个循环
x = 0
while x < 10:x += 1if x % 2 == 0:breakprint("x:" + str(x))
# 输出 x:1# while循环中continue语句用于跳出本次循环
while x < 10:x += 1if x % 2 == 0:continueprint("x:" + str(x))
# 输出 x:1 x:3 x:5 x:7 x:9# while……else……语句# for循环语句
for i in range(1, 10):print("for:" + str(i))
# 循环字符串
for i in "python":print(i)
# 循环元组# for……else……语句
for i in range(1,10):print(i)# pass语句就是
if state:print("True")