C# Socket 允许控制台应用通过防火墙










private static void AddToFireWall()
{if (FirewallHelper.Instance.HasAuthorization(Environment.ProcessPath)){Console.WriteLine("有防火墙权限");}else{Console.WriteLine("没有防火墙权限");FirewallHelper.Instance.GrantAuthorization(Environment.ProcessPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(Environment.ProcessPath));}


/// /// Allows basic access to the windows firewall API./// This can be used to add an exception to the windows firewall/// exceptions list, so that our programs can continue to run merrily/// even when nasty windows firewall is running.////// Please note: It is not enforced here, but it might be a good idea/// to actually prompt the user before messing with their firewall settings,/// just as a matter of politeness./// /// /// To allow the installers to authorize idiom products to work through/// the Windows Firewall./// public class FirewallHelper{#region Variables/// /// Hooray! Singleton access./// private static FirewallHelper instance = null;/// /// Interface to the firewall manager COM object/// private INetFwMgr fwMgr = null;#endregion#region Properties/// /// Singleton access to the firewallhelper object./// Threadsafe./// public static FirewallHelper Instance{get{lock (typeof(FirewallHelper)){if (instance == null)instance = new FirewallHelper();return instance;}}}#endregion#region Constructivat0r/// /// Private Constructor.  If this fails, HasFirewall will return/// false;/// private FirewallHelper(){// Get the type of HNetCfg.FwMgr, or null if an error occurredType fwMgrType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("HNetCfg.FwMgr", false);// Assume failed.fwMgr = null;if (fwMgrType != null){try{fwMgr = (INetFwMgr)Activator.CreateInstance(fwMgrType);}// In all other circumnstances, fwMgr is null.catch (ArgumentException) { }catch (NotSupportedException) { }catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException) { }catch (MissingMethodException) { }catch (MethodAccessException) { }catch (MemberAccessException) { }catch (InvalidComObjectException) { }catch (COMException) { }catch (TypeLoadException) { }}}#endregion#region Helper Methods/// /// Gets whether or not the firewall is installed on this computer./// /// public bool IsFirewallInstalled{get{if (fwMgr != null &&fwMgr.LocalPolicy != null &&fwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile != null)return true;elsereturn false;}}/// /// Returns whether or not the firewall is enabled./// If the firewall is not installed, this returns false./// public bool IsFirewallEnabled{get{if (IsFirewallInstalled && fwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile.FirewallEnabled)return true;elsereturn false;}}/// /// Returns whether or not the firewall allows Application "Exceptions"./// If the firewall is not installed, this returns false./// /// /// Added to allow access to this metho/// public bool AppAuthorizationsAllowed{get{if (IsFirewallInstalled && !fwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile.ExceptionsNotAllowed)return true;elsereturn false;}}/// /// Adds an application to the list of authorized applications./// If the application is already authorized, does nothing./// /// ///         The full path to the application executable.  This cannot///         be blank, and cannot be a relative path./// /// ///         This is the name of the application, purely for display///         puposes in the Microsoft Security Center./// /// ///         When applicationFullPath is null OR///         When appName is null./// /// ///         When applicationFullPath is blank OR///         When appName is blank OR///         applicationFullPath contains invalid path characters OR///         applicationFullPath is not an absolute path/// /// ///         If the firewall is not installed OR///         If the firewall does not allow specific application 'exceptions' OR///         Due to an exception in COM this method could not create the///         necessary COM types/// /// ///         If no file exists at the given applicationFullPath/// public void GrantAuthorization(string applicationFullPath, string appName){#region  Parameter checkingif (applicationFullPath == null)throw new ArgumentNullException("applicationFullPath");if (appName == null)throw new ArgumentNullException("appName");if (applicationFullPath.Trim().Length == 0)throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath must not be blank");if (applicationFullPath.Trim().Length == 0)throw new ArgumentException("appName must not be blank");if (applicationFullPath.IndexOfAny(Path.InvalidPathChars) >= 0)throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath must not contain invalid path characters");if (!Path.IsPathRooted(applicationFullPath))throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath is not an absolute path");if (!File.Exists(applicationFullPath))throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist", applicationFullPath);// State checkingif (!IsFirewallInstalled)throw new FirewallHelperException("Cannot grant authorization: Firewall is not installed.");if (!AppAuthorizationsAllowed)throw new FirewallHelperException("Application exemptions are not allowed.");#endregionif (!HasAuthorization(applicationFullPath)){// Get the type of HNetCfg.FwMgr, or null if an error occurredType authAppType = Type.GetTypeFromProgID("HNetCfg.FwAuthorizedApplication", false);// Assume failed.INetFwAuthorizedApplication appInfo = null;if (authAppType != null){try{appInfo = (INetFwAuthorizedApplication)Activator.CreateInstance(authAppType);}// In all other circumnstances, appInfo is null.catch (ArgumentException) { }catch (NotSupportedException) { }catch (System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException) { }catch (MissingMethodException) { }catch (MethodAccessException) { }catch (MemberAccessException) { }catch (InvalidComObjectException) { }catch (COMException) { }catch (TypeLoadException) { }}if (appInfo == null)throw new FirewallHelperException("Could not grant authorization: can't create INetFwAuthorizedApplication instance.");appInfo.Name = appName;appInfo.ProcessImageFileName = applicationFullPath;// ...// Use defaults for other properties of the AuthorizedApplication COM object// Authorize this applicationfwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile.AuthorizedApplications.Add(appInfo);}// otherwise it already has authorization so do nothing}/// /// Removes an application to the list of authorized applications./// Note that the specified application must exist or a FileNotFound/// exception will be thrown./// If the specified application exists but does not current have/// authorization, this method will do nothing./// /// ///         The full path to the application executable.  This cannot///         be blank, and cannot be a relative path./// /// ///         When applicationFullPath is null/// /// ///         When applicationFullPath is blank OR///         applicationFullPath contains invalid path characters OR///         applicationFullPath is not an absolute path/// /// ///         If the firewall is not installed./// /// ///         If the specified application does not exist./// public void RemoveAuthorization(string applicationFullPath){#region  Parameter checkingif (applicationFullPath == null)throw new ArgumentNullException("applicationFullPath");if (applicationFullPath.Trim().Length == 0)throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath must not be blank");if (applicationFullPath.IndexOfAny(Path.InvalidPathChars) >= 0)throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath must not contain invalid path characters");if (!Path.IsPathRooted(applicationFullPath))throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath is not an absolute path");if (!File.Exists(applicationFullPath))throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist", applicationFullPath);// State checkingif (!IsFirewallInstalled)throw new FirewallHelperException("Cannot remove authorization: Firewall is not installed.");#endregionif (HasAuthorization(applicationFullPath)){// Remove Authorization for this applicationfwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile.AuthorizedApplications.Remove(applicationFullPath);}// otherwise it does not have authorization so do nothing}/// /// Returns whether an application is in the list of authorized applications./// Note if the file does not exist, this throws a FileNotFound exception./// /// ///         The full path to the application executable.  This cannot///         be blank, and cannot be a relative path./// /// ///         The full path to the application executable.  This cannot///         be blank, and cannot be a relative path./// /// ///         When applicationFullPath is null/// /// ///         When applicationFullPath is blank OR///         applicationFullPath contains invalid path characters OR///         applicationFullPath is not an absolute path/// /// ///         If the firewall is not installed./// /// ///         If the specified application does not exist./// public bool HasAuthorization(string applicationFullPath){#region  Parameter checkingif (applicationFullPath == null)throw new ArgumentNullException("applicationFullPath");if (applicationFullPath.Trim().Length == 0)throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath must not be blank");if (applicationFullPath.IndexOfAny(Path.InvalidPathChars) >= 0)throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath must not contain invalid path characters");if (!Path.IsPathRooted(applicationFullPath))throw new ArgumentException("applicationFullPath is not an absolute path");if (!File.Exists(applicationFullPath))throw new FileNotFoundException("File does not exist.", applicationFullPath);// State checkingif (!IsFirewallInstalled)throw new FirewallHelperException("Cannot remove authorization: Firewall is not installed.");#endregion// Locate Authorization for this applicationforeach (string appName in GetAuthorizedAppPaths()){// Paths on windows file systems are not case sensitive.if (appName.ToLower() == applicationFullPath.ToLower())return true;}// Failed to locate the given app.return false;}/// /// Retrieves a collection of paths to applications that are authorized./// /// /// ///         If the Firewall is not installed.///   public ICollection GetAuthorizedAppPaths(){// State checkingif (!IsFirewallInstalled)throw new FirewallHelperException("Cannot remove authorization: Firewall is not installed.");ArrayList list = new ArrayList();//  Collect the paths of all authorized applicationsforeach (INetFwAuthorizedApplication app in fwMgr.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile.AuthorizedApplications)list.Add(app.ProcessImageFileName);return list;}#endregion}/// /// Describes a FirewallHelperException./// /// ////// public class FirewallHelperException : System.Exception{/// /// Construct a new FirewallHelperException/// /// public FirewallHelperException(string message): base(message){ }}




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