MIT 6.830数据库系统 -- lab two
- 项目拉取
- Lab Two
- 实现提示
- 练习一 -- Filter and Join
- 练习二 -- Aggregates
- 练习三 -- HeapFile Mutability
- 练习四 -- Insertion & deletion
- 练习五 -- Page eviction
- 练习六 -- Query walkthrough
- 练习七 - 查询解析
Lab Two
- 实现Filter和Join操作并且通过相关的单元测试验证你的实现,阅读类的Javadoc将会帮助我们实现。项目中已经提供了Project和OrderBy操作的实现,阅读其代码能够帮助我们理解其他操作是如何实现的
- 实现IntegerAggregator和StringAggregator,你将会编写对元组的某一特定列分组进行聚合操作;其中integer支持求和、求最大最小值、求数量、求平均值,string只支持count聚合操作
- 实现Aggregate操作;同其他操作一样,聚合操作也实现类OpIterator接口。注意每次调用next()的Aggregate操作的输出是整个分组的聚合值,Aggregate构造函数将会设置聚合和分组操作对应的列
- 实现BufferPool类中的插入、删除和页面丢弃策略,暂时不需要关心事务
- 实现Insert和Delete操作;与所有的操作相似,Insert和Delete实现OpIterator接口,接收用于插入或者删除的元组并输出该操作影响的元组个数;这些操作将会调用BufferPool中合适的方法用于修改磁盘上的页
最后,你可能会发现本实验的操作扩展Operator类而不是实现OpIterator接口。因为next/hasNext的实现总是重复的、烦人的,Operator实现了通用的逻辑操作,并且仅需要实现readNext方法。可以随意使用这种风格,或者使用OpIterator。如果要实现OpIterator接口,请移除extends Operator,并替换为implements OpIterator。
练习一 – Filter and Join
Filter and Join:
- Filter:该操作仅返回满足(构造时指定的)Predicate操作的元组;因此,它会过滤那些不符合操作的元组
- Join:该操作将会通过(构造时指定的)JoinPredicate联合两个表的元组,Join操作仅需实现一个简单的嵌套循环连接
- src/java/simpledb/execution/
- src/java/simpledb/execution/
- src/java/simpledb/execution/
- src/java/simpledb/execution/
/*** Predicate compares tuples to a specified Field value.* 比较元组某个特定的字段--> select * from t where t.a=1;*/
public class Predicate implements Serializable {private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;/*** 待比较字段*/private final int field;/*** 操作码*/private final Op op;/*** 操作数*/private final Field operand;/*** Constants used for return codes in*/public enum Op implements Serializable {EQUALS, GREATER_THAN, LESS_THAN, LESS_THAN_OR_EQ, GREATER_THAN_OR_EQ, LIKE, NOT_EQUALS;/*** Interface to access operations by integer value for command-line* convenience.*/public static Op getOp(int i) {return values()[i];}public String toString() {if (this == EQUALS)return "=";if (this == GREATER_THAN)return ">";if (this == LESS_THAN)return "<";if (this == LESS_THAN_OR_EQ)return "<=";if (this == GREATER_THAN_OR_EQ)return ">=";if (this == LIKE)return "LIKE";if (this == NOT_EQUALS)return "<>";throw new IllegalStateException("impossible to reach here");}}public Predicate(int field, Op op, Field operand) {this.field = field;this.op = op;this.operand = operand;}/*** Compares the field number of t specified in the constructor to the* operand field specified in the constructor using the operator specific in* the constructor. The comparison can be made through Field's compare* method.*/public boolean filter(Tuple t) {if (t == null) {return false;}Field f = t.getField(this.field);return, this.operand);}. . .
/*** JoinPredicate compares fields of two tuples using a predicate. JoinPredicate* is most likely used by the Join operator.* 用于JOIN连接断言的两个元组的某个字段 --> select * from t1 join t2 on;*/
public class JoinPredicate implements Serializable {private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;/*** 字段1*/private final int field1;/*** 操作码*/private final Predicate.Op op;/*** 字段2*/private final int field2;public JoinPredicate(int field1, Predicate.Op op, int field2) {this.field1 = field1;this.op = op;this.field2 = field2;}/*** Apply the predicate to the two specified tuples. The comparison can be* made through Field's compare method.*/public boolean filter(Tuple t1, Tuple t2) {if (t1 == null) {return false;}if (t2 == null) {return false;}Field first = t1.getField(field1);Field second = t2.getField(field2);return, second);}...
OpIterator意为可操作迭代器,在SimpleDB中的含义为: 迭代器遍历元素的时候可以同时进行一些操作,具体遍历时执行什么操作由子类决定。
/*** Abstract class for implementing operators. It handles close, next and hasNext. Subclasses only need to implement open and readNext.*/
public abstract class Operator implements OpIterator {public boolean hasNext() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {if (! new IllegalStateException("Operator not yet open");if (next == null)next = fetchNext();return next != null;}public Tuple next() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException,NoSuchElementException {if (next == null) {next = fetchNext();if (next == null)throw new NoSuchElementException();}Tuple result = next;next = null;return result;}protected abstract Tuple fetchNext() throws DbException,TransactionAbortedException;/*** Closes this iterator. If overridden by a subclass, they should call* super.close() in order for Operator's internal state to be consistent.*/public void close() {// Ensures that a future call to next() will failnext = null; = false;}private Tuple next = null;private boolean open = false;public void open() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException { = true;}/*** @return return the children DbIterators of this operator. If there is* only one child, return an array of only one element. For join* operators, the order of the children is not important. But they* should be consistent among multiple calls.* */public abstract OpIterator[] getChildren();/*** Set the children(child) of this operator. If the operator has only one* child, children[0] should be used. If the operator is a join, children[0]* and children[1] should be used.* */public abstract void setChildren(OpIterator[] children);/*** @return return the TupleDesc of the output tuples of this operator* */public abstract TupleDesc getTupleDesc();...
- 迭代器调用约定: 先调用hasNext判断是否还有下一个元素,如果有调用next获取下一个元素,并且调用hashNext前需要先调用Open。
- OpIterator操作迭代器分为两部分,一部分是原始职能: 提供数据进行迭代遍历; 另一部分是附加职能: 在原始迭代器遍历过程中进行操作。
- Operator采用装饰器模式封装原始迭代器遍历行为,并在其基础上增加了遍历时进行操作的行为。
- 装饰器模式需要有被装饰的对象,这里通过setChildren进行设置,但是这里与普通的装饰器模式不同,因为不同的操作会涉及到不同的个数的被装饰对象。
- select * from t where t.age=18 --> 此处实际使用了单值比较过滤操作,所以只涉及单表的迭代器
- select * from t1 join t2 on t1.age=t2.age --> 此时实际使用了两表JOIN操作,所以涉及两个表的迭代器
- Operator的实现类都是装饰器,而SeqScan是迭代器的实现,也就是被装饰的对象
迭代器模式的用法可以参考Java IO整体架构实现。
图中只展示的一层装饰,如果存在多层装饰,那么child仍然是个装饰器,可以利用多层装饰实现如: select * from t where t.age=18 and"dhy"的匹配过滤。
/*** Filter is an operator that implements a relational select.*/
public class Filter extends Operator {private final Predicate predicate;private OpIterator child;/*** Constructor accepts a predicate to apply and a child operator to read* tuples to filter from.*/public Filter(Predicate p, OpIterator child) {this.predicate = p;this.child = child;}public void open() throws DbException, NoSuchElementException,TransactionAbortedException {;;}public void close() {this.child.close();super.close();}public void rewind() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {this.child.rewind();}/*** AbstractDbIterator.readNext implementation. Iterates over tuples from the* child operator, applying the predicate to them and returning those that* pass the predicate (i.e. for which the Predicate.filter() returns true.)* */protected Tuple fetchNext() throws NoSuchElementException,TransactionAbortedException, DbException {while (this.child.hasNext()) {Tuple tuple =;if (this.predicate.filter(tuple)) {return tuple;}}return null;}@Overridepublic OpIterator[] getChildren() {return new OpIterator[] {this.child};}@Overridepublic void setChildren(OpIterator[] children) {this.child = children[0];}...
/*** The Join operator implements the relational join operation.*/
public class Join extends Operator {private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;/*** 连接条件*/private final JoinPredicate predicate;/*** 参与连接的表*/private OpIterator[] children;private Tuple tuple1;/*** Constructor. Accepts two children to join and the predicate to join them* on* @param p The predicate to use to join the children* @param child1 Iterator for the left(outer) relation to join* @param child2 Iterator for the right(inner) relation to join*/public Join(JoinPredicate p, OpIterator child1, OpIterator child2) {this.predicate = p;this.children = new OpIterator[]{child1, child2};this.tuple1 = null;}/*** 返回的是两表连接后得到结果的行schema*/public TupleDesc getTupleDesc() {return TupleDesc.merge(this.children[0].getTupleDesc(), this.children[1].getTupleDesc());}public void open() throws DbException, NoSuchElementException,TransactionAbortedException {for (OpIterator child : this.children) {;};}public void close() {for (OpIterator child : this.children) {child.close();}super.close();}public void rewind() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {for (OpIterator child : this.children) {child.rewind();}}/*** Returns the next tuple generated by the join, or null if there are no* more tuples. Logically, this is the next tuple in r1 cross r2 that* satisfies the join predicate. There are many possible implementations;* the simplest is a nested loops join.* <p>* Note that the tuples returned from this particular implementation of Join* are simply the concatenation of joining tuples from the left and right* relation. Therefore, if an equality predicate is used there will be two* copies of the join attribute in the results. (Removing such duplicate* columns can be done with an additional projection operator if needed.)* <p>* For example, if one tuple is {1,2,3} and the other tuple is {1,5,6},* joined on equality of the first column, then this returns {1,2,3,1,5,6}.** @return The next matching tuple.* @see JoinPredicate#filter*/protected Tuple fetchNext() throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException {// 双重循环,将children[0]作为驱动表,children[1]作为被驱动表while (this.children[0].hasNext() || tuple1 != null) {// 获取驱动表的一行记录if (this.children[0].hasNext() && tuple1 == null) {tuple1 = this.children[0].next();}// 获取被驱动表的一行记录while (this.children[1].hasNext()) {Tuple tuple2 = this.children[1].next();// JoinPredicate判断join条件是否成立if (this.predicate.filter(tuple1, tuple2)) {// 获取驱动表schema和被驱动表schema合并后的schemaTupleDesc tupleDesc = getTupleDesc();// 用于承载合并后的行记录Tuple res = new Tuple(tupleDesc);int i = 0;// 拿到驱动表当前行的所有字段,然后设置到resIterator<Field> fields1 = tuple1.fields();while (fields1.hasNext() && i < tupleDesc.numFields()) {res.setField(i++,;}// 拿到被驱动表当前行的所有字段,然后设置到resIterator<Field> fields2 = tuple2.fields();while (fields2.hasNext() && i < tupleDesc.numFields()) {res.setField(i++,;}// 被驱动表遍历完了,重置指针,同时将tuple1也重置if (!this.children[1].hasNext()) {this.children[1].rewind();tuple1 = null;}// 返回捞到的记录return res;}}// 驱动表当前行在被驱动表中没有匹配行,那么将被驱动表迭代指针复原this.children[1].rewind();tuple1 = null;}// 没有匹配记录return null;}@Overridepublic OpIterator[] getChildren() {return this.children;}@Overridepublic void setChildren(OpIterator[] children) {this.children=children;}}
- 我们从驱动表中获取一条记录后,需要遍历被驱动表,在被驱动表中找出所有符合连接条件的行,然后拼接两表字段,然后返回结果
- fetchNext方法每调用一次,都会返回符合条件的一行记录,因此我们需要保留驱动表当前正在匹配的行,等到某一次fetchNext方法调用时,发现当前行与被驱动表每一行都进行了一次匹配后,才会从驱动表中取出下一行进行匹配。
练习二 – Aggregates
- 如果指定分组的话,那么返回结果格式为: (groupValue, aggregateValue);
- 没有指定分组的话,返回格式为:(aggregateValue)
- src/java/simpledb/execution/
- src/java/simpledb/execution/
- src/java/simpledb/execution/
/*** The common interface for any class that can compute an aggregate over a* list of Tuples.*/
public interface Aggregator extends Serializable {int NO_GROUPING = -1;/*** SUM_COUNT and SC_AVG will* only be used in lab7, you are not required* to implement them until then.* */enum Op implements Serializable {MIN, MAX, SUM, AVG, COUNT,/*** SUM_COUNT: compute sum and count simultaneously, will be* needed to compute distributed avg in lab7.* */SUM_COUNT,/*** SC_AVG: compute the avg of a set of SUM_COUNT tuples,* will be used to compute distributed avg in lab7.* */SC_AVG;...}/*** Merge a new tuple into the aggregate for a distinct group value;* creates a new group aggregate result if the group value has not yet* been encountered.** @param tup the Tuple containing an aggregate field and a group-by field*/void mergeTupleIntoGroup(Tuple tup);/*** Create a OpIterator over group aggregate results.* @see TupleIterator for a possible helper*/OpIterator iterator();}
对于不同类型字段的聚合有对应限制,比如: 字符串只支持COUNT统计个数聚合,不支持例如SUM,AVG等聚合操作。因此针对不兼容的类型,我们需要给出不同的聚合器实现:
- 首先来看比较简单的StringAggregator字符串聚合器,其只支持对COUNT聚合的操作
/*** Knows how to compute some aggregate over a set of StringFields.*/
public class StringAggregator implements Aggregator {private static final IntField NO_GROUP = new IntField(-1);/*** 用于分组*/private int gbfield;private Type gbfieldtype;/*** 用于聚合*/private int afield;private Op what;/*** 存放结果-- 分组聚合返回的是多组键值对,分别代表分组字段不同值对应的聚合结果* 非分组聚合只会返回一个聚合结果,这里为了统一化处理,采用NO_GROUP做标记,进行区分*/private Map<Field, Tuple> tupleMap;private TupleDesc desc;/*** Aggregate constructor** @param gbfield the 0-based index of the group-by field in the tuple, or NO_GROUPING if there is no grouping* @param gbfieldtype the type of the group by field (e.g., Type.INT_TYPE), or null if there is no grouping* @param afield the 0-based index of the aggregate field in the tuple* @param what aggregation operator to use -- only supports COUNT* @throws IllegalArgumentException if what != COUNT*/public StringAggregator(int gbfield, Type gbfieldtype, int afield, Op what) {//字符串只支持COUNT聚合操作if (!what.equals(Op.COUNT)) {throw new IllegalArgumentException();}this.gbfield = gbfield;this.gbfieldtype = gbfieldtype;this.afield = afield;this.what = what;this.tupleMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();//非分组聚合返回的结果采用占位符进行统一适配if (gbfield == NO_GROUPING) {this.desc = new TupleDesc(new Type[]{Type.INT_TYPE}, new String[]{"aggregateValue"});Tuple tuple = new Tuple(desc);tuple.setField(0, new IntField(0));this.tupleMap.put(NO_GROUP, tuple);} else {//分组聚合返回结果Schema由两个字段组成: 分组字段和聚合结果this.desc = new TupleDesc(new Type[]{gbfieldtype, Type.INT_TYPE}, new String[]{"groupValue", "aggregateValue"});}}/*** Merge a new tuple into the aggregate, grouping as indicated in the constructor** @param tup the Tuple containing an aggregate field and a group-by field*/public void mergeTupleIntoGroup(Tuple tup) {//只支持COUNT聚合if (this.gbfield == NO_GROUPING) {Tuple tuple = tupleMap.get(NO_GROUP);IntField field = (IntField) tuple.getField(0);tuple.setField(0, new IntField(field.getValue() + 1));tupleMap.put(NO_GROUP, tuple);} else {Field field = tup.getField(gbfield);if (!tupleMap.containsKey(field)) {Tuple tuple = new Tuple(this.desc);tuple.setField(0, field);tuple.setField(1, new IntField(1));tupleMap.put(field, tuple);} else {Tuple tuple = tupleMap.get(field);IntField intField = (IntField) tuple.getField(1);tuple.setField(1, new IntField(intField.getValue() + 1));tupleMap.put(field, tuple);}}}/*** Create a OpIterator over group aggregate results.*/public OpIterator iterator() {return new StringIterator(this);}public class StringIterator implements OpIterator {private StringAggregator aggregator;private Iterator<Tuple> iterator;public StringIterator(StringAggregator aggregator) {this.aggregator = aggregator;this.iterator = null;}@Overridepublic void open() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {this.iterator = aggregator.tupleMap.values().iterator();}@Overridepublic boolean hasNext() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {return iterator.hasNext();}@Overridepublic Tuple next() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException, NoSuchElementException {return;}@Overridepublic void rewind() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {iterator = aggregator.tupleMap.values().iterator();}@Overridepublic TupleDesc getTupleDesc() {return aggregator.desc;}@Overridepublic void close() {iterator = null;}}...
- 其次来看稍微比较复杂的IntegerAggregator整数聚合器,其支持Op枚举中所有聚合操作
/*** Knows how to compute some aggregate over a set of IntFields.* <p/>* 针对int字段进行聚合操作,聚合得到的结果需要是个整数*/
public class IntegerAggregator implements Aggregator {private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;private static final Field NO_GROUP = new IntField(-1);/*** 用于分组*/private int gbfield;private Type gbfieldType;/*** 用于聚合*/private int afield;private Op what;/*** 存放结果*/private TupleDesc tupleDesc;private Map<Field, Tuple> aggregate;/*** 用于非分组情况下的聚合操作*/private int counts;private int summary;/*** 用于分组情况下的聚合操作*/private Map<Field, Integer> countsMap;private Map<Field, Integer> sumMap;/*** Aggregate constructor** @param gbfield the 0-based index of the group-by field in the tuple, or* NO_GROUPING if there is no grouping* @param gbfieldtype the type of the group by field (e.g., Type.INT_TYPE), or null* if there is no grouping* @param afield the 0-based index of the aggregate field in the tuple* @param what the aggregation operator*/public IntegerAggregator(int gbfield, Type gbfieldtype, int afield, Op what) {//分组字段this.gbfield = gbfield;//分组字段类型this.gbfieldType = gbfieldtype;//聚合得到的结果,在聚合返回结果行中的字段下标this.afield = afield;//进行什么样的聚合操作this.what = what;//存放聚合结果this.aggregate = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();// 非分组聚合if (gbfield == NO_GROUPING) {this.tupleDesc = new TupleDesc(new Type[]{Type.INT_TYPE}, new String[]{"aggregateValue"});Tuple tuple = new Tuple(tupleDesc);//占位符this.aggregate.put(NO_GROUP, tuple);} else {// 分组聚合,那么返回的聚合结果行由分组字段和该分组字段的聚合结果值组成this.tupleDesc = new TupleDesc(new Type[]{gbfieldtype, Type.INT_TYPE}, new String[]{"groupValue", "aggregateValue"});}// 如果聚合操作是AVG,那么需要初始化count和summary变量,用于存放AVG聚合中间计算状态if (gbfield == NO_GROUPING && what.equals(Op.AVG)) {this.counts = 0;this.summary = 0;} else if (gbfield != NO_GROUPING && what.equals(Op.AVG)) {this.countsMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();this.sumMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();}}/*** Merge a new tuple into the aggregate, grouping as indicated in the* constructor* <p>* 向整数聚合器中添加一行记录,进行分组计算* @param tup the Tuple containing an aggregate field and a group-by field*/public void mergeTupleIntoGroup(Tuple tup) {// 从传递给聚合器的行记录中取出聚合字段的值IntField operationField = (IntField) tup.getField(afield);if (operationField == null) {return;}// 非分组聚合:if (gbfield == NO_GROUPING) {// 拿到承载聚合结果的元组对象Tuple tuple = aggregate.get(NO_GROUP);IntField field = (IntField) tuple.getField(0);// 说明是进行聚合的第一行记录if (field == null) {// 如果聚合是统计个数操作if (what.equals(Op.COUNT)) {// 初值为1tuple.setField(0, new IntField(1));} else if (what.equals(Op.AVG)) {// 如果聚合是求平均值操作// 统计参与聚合的记录个数counts++;// 累加每个值summary = operationField.getValue();// 如果参与聚合的行只存在一个,那么平均值就是当前行的值tuple.setField(0, operationField);} else {// 其他的情况: MIN,MAX,SUM在参与聚合的行只存在一个时,聚合结果就是当前行的值// 所以这里可以统一处理tuple.setField(0, operationField);}return;}// 判断是哪种类型的聚合// 非第一行记录switch (what) {//select MIN(age) from t;case MIN:// 聚合字段的值和当前阶段已经保存的聚合结果进行比较,看谁更小if (, field)) {tuple.setField(0, operationField);aggregate.put(NO_GROUP, tuple);}return;//select MAX(age) from t;case MAX:// 聚合字段的值和当前阶段已经保存的聚合结果进行比较,看谁更大if (, field)) {tuple.setField(0, operationField);aggregate.put(NO_GROUP, tuple);}return;//select COUNT(age) from t;case COUNT:// 计数+1IntField count = new IntField(field.getValue() + 1);tuple.setField(0, count);aggregate.put(NO_GROUP, tuple);return;//select SUM(age) from t;case SUM:// 求和IntField sum = new IntField(field.getValue() + operationField.getValue());tuple.setField(0, sum);aggregate.put(NO_GROUP, tuple);return;//select AVG(age) from t;case AVG:// 求平均值,每次往整数聚合器塞入一条记录时,都会将记录数和总和累加counts++;summary += operationField.getValue();IntField avg = new IntField(summary / counts);tuple.setField(0, avg);aggregate.put(NO_GROUP, tuple);return;default:return;}} else {// 分组聚合操作:// 获取分组字段 --> group by ageField groupField = tup.getField(gbfield);// 如果聚合结果中还不包括当前字段值,说明当前字段是第一次出现// 例如: group by age --> <age=18,count=20> ,如果此次获取的age=20,那么就是第一次出现的分组值if (!aggregate.containsKey(groupField)) {Tuple value = new Tuple(this.tupleDesc);value.setField(0, groupField);if (what.equals(Op.COUNT)) {value.setField(1, new IntField(1));} else if (what.equals(Op.AVG)) {countsMap.put(groupField, countsMap.getOrDefault(groupField, 0) + 1);sumMap.put(groupField, sumMap.getOrDefault(groupField, 0) + operationField.getValue());value.setField(1, operationField);} else {// 其他的情况: MIN,MAX,SUM在参与聚合的行只存在一个时,结果假设当前行的值// 所以这里可以统一处理value.setField(1, operationField);}aggregate.put(groupField, value);return;}// 当前字段不是第一次出现的分组值Tuple tuple = aggregate.get(groupField);// 获取本阶段的聚合结果IntField field = (IntField) tuple.getField(1);switch (what) {case MIN:if (, field)) {tuple.setField(1, operationField);aggregate.put(groupField, tuple);}return;case MAX:if (, field)) {tuple.setField(1, operationField);aggregate.put(groupField, tuple);}return;case COUNT:IntField count = new IntField(field.getValue() + 1);tuple.setField(1, count);aggregate.put(groupField, tuple);return;case SUM:IntField sum = new IntField(field.getValue() + operationField.getValue());tuple.setField(1, sum);aggregate.put(groupField, tuple);return;case AVG:countsMap.put(groupField, countsMap.getOrDefault(groupField, 0) + 1);sumMap.put(groupField, sumMap.getOrDefault(groupField, 0) + operationField.getValue());IntField avg = new IntField(sumMap.get(groupField) / countsMap.get(groupField));tuple.setField(1, avg);aggregate.put(groupField, tuple);return;default:return;}}}public TupleDesc getTupleDesc() {return tupleDesc;}/*** Create a OpIterator over group aggregate results.** @return a OpIterator whose tuples are the pair (groupVal, aggregateVal)* if using group, or a single (aggregateVal) if no grouping. The* aggregateVal is determined by the type of aggregate specified in* the constructor.*/public OpIterator iterator() {return new IntOpIterator(this);}public class IntOpIterator implements OpIterator {private Iterator<Tuple> iterator;private IntegerAggregator aggregator;public IntOpIterator(IntegerAggregator aggregator) {this.aggregator = aggregator;this.iterator = null;}@Overridepublic void open() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {this.iterator = aggregator.aggregate.values().iterator();}@Overridepublic boolean hasNext() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {return iterator.hasNext();}@Overridepublic Tuple next() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException, NoSuchElementException {return;}@Overridepublic void rewind() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {iterator = aggregator.aggregate.values().iterator();}@Overridepublic TupleDesc getTupleDesc() {return aggregator.tupleDesc;}@Overridepublic void close() {iterator = null;}}
完成本节练习之后,需要通过PredicateTest, JoinPredicateTest, FilterTest, JoinTest单元测试;并通过FilterTest和JoinTest系统测试。
练习三 – HeapFile Mutability
- 移除元组:为了移除一个元组,我们需要实现
可以帮助我们找到它们存储在哪一页,所以定位到元组对应的page并且正确修改page的headers信息就很简单了 - 增加元组:
- src/java/simpledb/storage/
- src/java/simpledb/storage/ (Note that you do not necessarily need to implement writePage at this point).
为了实现HeapPage,在insertTuple和deleteTuple方法中你需要修改表示header的bitmap;这里将会使用到我们在实验一中实现的getNumEmptySlots()和isSlotUsed方法,markSlotUsed方法是抽象方法,并且用于填充或者清除page header的的状态信息。
public class HeapPage implements Page {final HeapPageId pid;final TupleDesc td;final byte[] header;final Tuple[] tuples;final int numSlots;byte[] oldData;private final Byte oldDataLock = (byte) 0;// 本lab新增的两个属性private boolean dirty;private TransactionId tid;...
/*** Adds the specified tuple to the page; the tuple should be updated to reflect* that it is now stored on this page.** @param t The tuple to add.* @throws DbException if the page is full (no empty slots) or tupledesc* is mismatch.*/public void insertTuple(Tuple t) throws DbException {TupleDesc tupleDesc = t.getTupleDesc();if (getNumEmptySlots() == 0 || !tupleDesc.equals( {throw new DbException("this page is full or tupledesc is mismatch");}for (int i = 0; i < numSlots; i++) {if (!isSlotUsed(i)) {markSlotUsed(i, true);t.setRecordId(new RecordId(, i));tuples[i] = t;break;}}}/*** Delete the specified tuple from the page; the corresponding header bit should be updated to reflect* that it is no longer stored on any page.** @param t The tuple to delete* @throws DbException if this tuple is not on this page, or tuple slot is* already empty.*/public void deleteTuple(Tuple t) throws DbException {RecordId recordId = t.getRecordId();int slotId = recordId.getTupleNumber();if (recordId.getPageId() != || !isSlotUsed(slotId)) {throw new DbException("tuple is not in this page");}// 将tuple对应的slot置为0markSlotUsed(slotId, false);// 将slot对应的tuple置为nulltuples[slotId] = null;}/*** Marks this page as dirty/not dirty and record that transaction* that did the dirtying*/public void markDirty(boolean dirty, TransactionId tid) {this.dirty = dirty;this.tid = tid;}/*** Returns the tid of the transaction that last dirtied this page, or null if the page is not dirty*/public TransactionId isDirty() {return dirty ? tid : null;}
// see for javadocspublic List<Page> insertTuple(TransactionId tid, Tuple t)throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException {List<Page> modified = new ArrayList<>();for (int i = 0; i < numPages(); i++) {HeapPage page = (HeapPage) bufferPool.getPage(tid, new HeapPageId(this.getId(), i), Permissions.READ_WRITE);if (page.getNumEmptySlots() == 0) {continue;}page.insertTuple(t);modified.add(page);return modified;}// 当所有的页都满时,我们需要创建新的页并写入文件中BufferedOutputStream outputStream = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file, true));byte[] emptyPageData = HeapPage.createEmptyPageData();// 向文件末尾添加数据outputStream.write(emptyPageData);outputStream.close();// 加载到缓存中,使用numPages() - 1是因为此时numPages()已经变为插入后的大小了HeapPage page = (HeapPage) bufferPool.getPage(tid, new HeapPageId(getId(), numPages() - 1), Permissions.READ_WRITE);page.insertTuple(t);modified.add(page);return modified;}// see for javadocspublic ArrayList<Page> deleteTuple(TransactionId tid, Tuple t) throws DbException,TransactionAbortedException {HeapPage page = (HeapPage) bufferPool.getPage(tid, t.getRecordId().getPageId(), Permissions.READ_WRITE);page.deleteTuple(t);ArrayList<Page> modified = new ArrayList<>();modified.add(page);return modified;}
- insertTuple()
- deleteTuple()
public void insertTuple(TransactionId tid, int tableId, Tuple t)throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException {DbFile dbFile = Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(tableId);updateBufferPool(dbFile.insertTuple(tid, t), tid);}public void deleteTuple(TransactionId tid, Tuple t)throws DbException, IOException, TransactionAbortedException {DbFile dbFile = Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(t.getRecordId().getPageId().getTableId());updateBufferPool(dbFile.deleteTuple(tid, t), tid);}private void updateBufferPool(List<Page> pages, TransactionId tid) throws DbException {for (Page page : pages) {page.markDirty(true, tid);}}
练习四 – Insertion & deletion
- Insert:该操作从他的子操作中读取元组加入到构造函数指定的tableid对应的表中,需要调用BufferPool.insertTuple()方法实现
- Delete:该操作从构造函数的tableid找到对应的table,并删除子操作中的元组,需要调用BufferPool.deleteTuple方法实现
- src/java/simpledb/execution/
- src/java/simpledb/execution/
- Insert操作
/*** Inserts tuples read from the child operator into the tableId specified in the* constructor*/
public class Insert extends Operator {private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;private final TransactionId tid;private OpIterator child;private final int tableId;private final TupleDesc tupleDesc;private Tuple insertTuple;/*** Constructor.** @param t The transaction running the insert.* @param child The child operator from which to read tuples to be inserted.* @param tableId The table in which to insert tuples.* @throws DbException if TupleDesc of child differs from table into which we are to* insert.*/public Insert(TransactionId t, OpIterator child, int tableId)throws DbException {this.tid = t;this.child = child;this.tableId = tableId;this.tupleDesc = new TupleDesc(new Type[]{Type.INT_TYPE}, new String[]{"insertNums"});this.insertTuple = null;}public TupleDesc getTupleDesc() {return this.tupleDesc;}public void open() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {;;}public void close() {super.close();child.close();}public void rewind() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {child.rewind();}/*** Inserts tuples read from child into the tableId specified by the* constructor. It returns a one field tuple containing the number of* inserted records. Inserts should be passed through BufferPool. An* instances of BufferPool is available via Database.getBufferPool(). Note* that insert DOES NOT need check to see if a particular tuple is a* duplicate before inserting it.** @return A 1-field tuple containing the number of inserted records, or* null if called more than once.* @see Database#getBufferPool* @see BufferPool#insertTuple*/protected Tuple fetchNext() throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException {if (insertTuple != null) {return null;}BufferPool bufferPool = Database.getBufferPool();int insertTuples = 0;while (child.hasNext()) {try {bufferPool.insertTuple(tid, tableId,;insertTuples++;} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}//返回的是插入的元组数量insertTuple = new Tuple(this.tupleDesc);insertTuple.setField(0, new IntField(insertTuples));return insertTuple;}@Overridepublic OpIterator[] getChildren() {return new OpIterator[]{child};}@Overridepublic void setChildren(OpIterator[] children) {this.child = children[0];}
- 装饰器对象继承被装饰对象的抽象父类或者父类接口,这样我们才可以在使用时能够用基类指针接收被装饰后的对象实现
- 装饰器对象内部需要调用被装饰对象的方法获取原数据,然后再此基础上进行计算然后返回一个结果,或者在原有数据基础上增加附加信息,或者啥也不干,只进行相关信息记录。
- fetchNext方法这里就是Insert装饰器对象需要实现的方法,其内部调用被装饰器对象的next方法获取所有数据,然后执行insert操作,同时计算插入数据条数,最终返回的是插入的数据条数。
- delete操作
/*** The delete operator. Delete reads tuples from its child operator and removes* them from the table they belong to.*/
public class Delete extends Operator {private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;private final TransactionId tid;private OpIterator child;private final TupleDesc tupleDesc;private Tuple deleteTuple;/*** Constructor specifying the transaction that this delete belongs to as* well as the child to read from.** @param t The transaction this delete runs in* @param child The child operator from which to read tuples for deletion*/public Delete(TransactionId t, OpIterator child) {this.tid = t;this.child = child;this.tupleDesc = new TupleDesc(new Type[]{Type.INT_TYPE}, new String[]{"deleteNums"});this.deleteTuple = null;}public TupleDesc getTupleDesc() {return this.tupleDesc;}public void open() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {;;}public void close() {super.close();child.close();}public void rewind() throws DbException, TransactionAbortedException {child.rewind();}/*** Deletes tuples as they are read from the child operator. Deletes are* processed via the buffer pool (which can be accessed via the* Database.getBufferPool() method.** @return A 1-field tuple containing the number of deleted records.* @see Database#getBufferPool* @see BufferPool#deleteTuple*/protected Tuple fetchNext() throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException {if (deleteTuple != null) {return null;}BufferPool bufferPool = Database.getBufferPool();int deleteNums = 0;while (child.hasNext()) {try {bufferPool.deleteTuple(tid,;deleteNums++;} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}deleteTuple = new Tuple(tupleDesc);deleteTuple.setField(0, new IntField(deleteNums));return deleteTuple;}@Overridepublic OpIterator[] getChildren() {return new OpIterator[]{child};}@Overridepublic void setChildren(OpIterator[] children) {this.child = children[0];}}
练习五 – Page eviction
- src/java/simpledb/storage/
public interface EvictStrategy {/*** 修改对应的数据结构以满足丢弃策略* @param pageId*/void addPage(PageId pageId);/*** 获取要丢弃的Page的PageId信息,用于丢弃* @return PageId*/PageId getEvictPageId();}public class FIFOEvict implements EvictStrategy {/*** 存储数据的队列*/private final Queue<PageId> queue;public FIFOEvict(int numPages) {this.queue = new ArrayDeque<>(numPages);}@Overridepublic void addPage(PageId pageId) {// 向尾部插入元素boolean offer = queue.offer(pageId);if (offer) {System.out.println("PageId: " + pageId + " 插入队列成功");} else {System.out.println("PageId: " + pageId + " 插入队列失败");}}@Overridepublic PageId getEvictPageId() {// 从队列头部获取元素return queue.poll();}}
private final EvictStrategy evict;public BufferPool(int numPages) {this.numPages = numPages;this.pageCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();this.evict = new FIFOEvict(numPages);}/*** Flush all dirty pages to disk.* NB: Be careful using this routine -- it writes dirty data to disk so will* break simpledb if running in NO STEAL mode.*/public synchronized void flushAllPages() throws IOException {pageCache.forEach((pageId, page) -> {try {flushPage(pageId);} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}});} /*** Remove the specific page id from the buffer pool.* Needed by the recovery manager to ensure that the* buffer pool doesn't keep a rolled back page in its* cache.* <p>* Also used by B+ tree files to ensure that deleted pages* are removed from the cache so they can be reused safely*/public synchronized void discardPage(PageId pid) {pageCache.remove(pid);}/*** Flushes a certain page to disk** @param pid an ID indicating the page to flush*/private synchronized void flushPage(PageId pid) throws IOException {Page flush = pageCache.get(pid);// 通过tableId找到对应的DbFile,并将page写入到对应的DbFile中int tableId = pid.getTableId();DbFile dbFile = Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(tableId);// 将page刷新到磁盘dbFile.writePage(flush);}/*** Discards a page from the buffer pool.* Flushes the page to disk to ensure dirty pages are updated on disk.*/private synchronized void evictPage() throws DbException {PageId evictPageId = evict.getEvictPageId();try {flushPage(evictPageId);} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}pageCache.remove(evictPageId);}public Page getPage(TransactionId tid, PageId pid, Permissions perm)throws TransactionAbortedException, DbException {if (!pageCache.containsKey(pid)) {if (pageCache.size() > numPages) {evictPage();}DbFile dbFile = Database.getCatalog().getDatabaseFile(pid.getTableId());Page page = dbFile.readPage(pid);pageCache.put(pid, page);evict.addPage(pid);}return pageCache.get(pid);}
练习六 – Query walkthrough
FROM some_data_file1,some_data_file2
WHERE some_data_file1.field1 = some_data_file2.field1AND > 1
public class JoinTest {/*** select * from t1,t2 where t1.f0 > 1 and t1.f1 = t2.f1 ;*/public static void main (String[] args) {// construct a 3-column table schemaType[] types = new Type[]{Type.INT_TYPE, Type.INT_TYPE, Type.INT_TYPE};String[] names = new String[]{"f0", "f1", "f2"};TupleDesc td = new TupleDesc(types, names);// create the tables, associate them with the data files// and tell the catalog about the schema the tables.HeapFile table1 = new HeapFile(new File("some_data_file1.dat"), td);Database.getCatalog().addTable(table1, "t1");HeapFile table2 = new HeapFile(new File("some_data_file2.dat"), td);Database.getCatalog().addTable(table2, "t2");// construct the query: we use two SeqScans, which spoonfeed// tuples via iterators into joinTransactionId tid = new TransactionId();SeqScan ss1 = new SeqScan(tid, table1.getId(), "t1");SeqScan ss2 = new SeqScan(tid, table2.getId(), "t2");// create a filter for the where conditionFilter sf1 = new Filter(new Predicate(0,Predicate.Op.GREATER_THAN, new IntField(1)), ss1);JoinPredicate p = new JoinPredicate(1, Predicate.Op.EQUALS, 1);Join j = new Join(p, sf1, ss2);// and run ittry {;while (j.hasNext()) {Tuple tup =;System.out.println(tup);}j.close();Database.getBufferPool().transactionComplete(tid);} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();}}
练习七 - 查询解析
java -jar dist/simpledb.jar convert data.txt 2 "int,int"
data (f1 int, f2 int)
java -jar dist/simpledb.jar parser catalog.txt
Added table : data with schema INT_TYPE(f1), INT_TYPE(f2)
Computing table stats.
SimpleDB> select d.f1, d.f2 from data d;
Started a new transaction tid = 0
Added scan of table d
Added select list field d.f1
Added select list field d.f2
The query plan is:π(d.f1,d.f2),card:0|
scan(data d)d.f1 d.f2
1 102 203 304 405 505 506 rows.
Transaction 0 committed.
0.10 seconds