


Lin Haoran and His “Round” Life of Fulfillment


In the distant kingdom of mathematics, there’s a fellow named Lin Haoran, not your ordinary programmer but a devotee of the beauty of geometry and the joy of life. One day, deeply immersed in the mathematical world of Pythagorean theory, Lin Haoran’s mind suddenly opened up, and he gazed at the flawless circle on the screen, unable to contain his profound reflections.


“Look at this circle, hey, it’s like the all-around champion in two-dimensional space!” Lin Haoran mused to himself, gesturing as if wielding an invisible magic wand. “Everything is a number, and this circle, it’s the best spokesperson for both mathematics and aesthetics.”


After graduating and becoming a math teacher, when Lin Haoran taught calculus for the first time, he formulated emotions and parting sorrows into equations. “Emotional Sorrow = f(Distance), the greater the distance, the more sorrow. It’s a typical monotonic increasing function! If the sorrow is infinitely large, it’s like the ‘8’ fallen on its side becoming infinite.” He explained with a smile, leaving his desk mate Xiao Wen utterly confused yet intrigued by his whimsical thoughts.


When discussing the continuity of functions, Lin Haoran’s eyes sparkled. Quoting Li Bai’s famous line, “Drawing a knife and cutting water, the water flows even more,” he excitedly waved his arms, simulating the continuous flow of water. “You see, this is the perfect metaphor for the continuity of our functions. Just like water, no matter how you cut it, its flow is continuous, exactly like our mathematically defined continuous functions. Moreover, this illustrates the seamless integration of mathematics and poetry. It’s as beautiful as two semicircles combining to form a whole — a circle!”


Lin Haoran has a special fondness for circles, believing them to be the most perfect shape for several reasons.


(1) The circle is both axisymmetric and centrally symmetric, symbolizing the philosophical concept of yin and yang balance. He said, “Which shape can be symmetric from any diameter you choose? It’s simply peerlessly beautiful!”


(2) The circle has an infinite number of symmetry axes, each one resembling a path to infinite possibilities. This led him to exclaim, “If everyone’s life had so many developmental paths to choose from, how free and easy it would be!”


(3) The generation principle of the circle is another reason that amazed him. Lin Haoran humorously stated, “Imagine you’re a point that likes to maintain a certain social distance, and the center of the circle is your social circle’s core. As long as you consistently maintain this comfortable distance, you’ll revolve around the circle’s center, forming a circle. In other words, as long as we grasp life’s ‘radius,’ we can draw our own complete trajectory of a fulfilled life.”

最后,林浩然还引用了一个有趣的民俗现象来进一步阐述他对圆的理解:“都说十五的月亮十六圆,为什么大家都爱满月?因为圆 + 满 = 圆满嘛,寓意着完美无缺。所以你看,人们追求的人生境界,其实就是一个完完整整的圆,没有一丝缺憾。”

Finally, Lin Haoran quoted an interesting folk phenomenon to further illustrate his understanding of circles: “They say the moon is full on the fifteenth and sixteen rounds. Why does everyone love a full moon? Because a circle + fullness = completeness, symbolizing perfection. So you see, the life people pursue is essentially a complete circle, without a hint of deficiency.”


In conclusion, in Lin Haoran’s world, a circle is not just a simple geometric shape but a symbol of balance, harmony, infinite possibilities, and a vivid portrayal of an ideal life. Every nightfall, as the bright moon hangs in the sky, Lin Haoran gazes at the stars, silently making a wish: “May my life be as full as this full moon, no matter how many twists and turns it experiences, ultimately returning to completeness.”





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