

Zhou合金势主要用于金属的分子动力学模拟 ,下面将主要对lammps自带程序生成相关合金势函数。



EAM database toolFortran version (create.f) by Xiaowang Zhou (Sandia), xzhou at sandia.gov
with revisions by Lucas Hale lucas.hale at nist.gov from https://www.ctcms.nist.gov/potentials/entry/2004--Zhou-X-W-Johnson-R-A-Wadley-H-N-G--Al/Python version (create_eam.py) by Germain Clavier germain.clavier at gmail.comMost parameters based on this paper:X. W. Zhou, R. A. Johnson, and H. N. G. Wadley, Phys. Rev. B, 69,
144113 (2004).Parameters for Cr were taken from:
Lin Z B, Johnson R A and Zhigilei L V, Phys. Rev. B 77 214108 (2008)This tool can be used to create an DYNAMO-formatted EAM
setfl file for alloy systems, using any combination
of the elements discussed in the paper and listed in
the EAM_code file, namely:Cu, Ag, Au, Ni, Pd, Pt, Al, Pb, Fe, Mo, Ta, W, Mg, Co, Ti, Zr, CrWARNING: Please note that the parameter sets used here are all optimized
for the pure metals of the individual elements and that mixing rules will
be applied for creating the inter-element interactions.  Those are inferior
to models where the mixed terms were specifically optimized for particular
alloys.  Thus any potential files created with this tool should be used
with care and test calculations (e.g. on multiple binary mixtures) performed
to gauge the error.Steps (create.f):1) compile create.f -> a.out  (e.g. gfortran create.f)
2) edit the input file EAM.input to list 2 or more desired elements to include
3) a.out < EAM.input will create an *.eam.alloy potential fileSteps (create_eam.py):Usage: create_eam.py [-h] [-n NAME [NAME ...]] [-nr NR] [-nrho NRHO]options:-n NAME [NAME ...], --names NAME [NAME ...]Element names-nr NR                Number of point in r space [default 2000]-nrho NRHO            Number of point in rho space [default 2000]1) you must have numpy installed
2) run "python create_eam.py -n Ta Cu" with the list of desired elements
3) this will create an *.eam.alloy potential filein DYNAMO or LAMMPS context the created file is referred to as a setfl filethat can be used with the LAMMPS pair_style eam/alloy command


  1. 首先进入lammps源码中的 eam_database文件夹

文件夹中存在下述程序,其中 create_eam.py 就是我们需要的。


  1. 运行通过python运行 create_eam.py 程序。


Usage: create_eam.py [-h] [-n NAME [NAME ...]] [-nr NR] [-nrho NRHO]options:-n NAME [NAME ...], --names NAME [NAME ...]Element names-nr NR                Number of point in r space [default 2000]-nrho NRHO            Number of point in rho space [default 2000]


python create_eam.py -n Al Mg Au








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