


Lin Haoran and Yang Lingyun’s Java Adventure: The Grand Expedition of Lambda Expressions


In a corner of the Java programming world, resides a dynamic duo of the coding realm - the male lead named Lin Haoran and the female lead known as Yang Lingyun. Together, they embark on an exploration of the most mysterious and powerful artifact in the Java kingdom - Lambda expressions.


One day, Lin Haoran decides to impart the introductory secrets of Lambda expressions to Yang Lingyun. He gesticulates enthusiastically, saying, “Look at these Lambda expressions, just like magical incantations in the wizarding world. With just one line of code, you can summon a sprite of an anonymous function.” Yang Lingyun, with a delightful smile, responds, “Oh, I see. Is it like Harry Potter saying a spell, and the broomstick just takes off? Except our broomstick is the logic in the code.”


Subsequently, the two venture into the realm of functional interfaces hand in hand. Lin Haoran earnestly declares, “Functional interfaces are those with only one abstract method; they are the soulmates of Lambda expressions. It’s like every hero needs an extraordinary sword, and every Lambda needs a matching interface to unleash its power.” Yang Lingyun suddenly comprehends, “I see, just like the keyboard in my hands paired with your programming wisdom, it’s a perfect combination!”


As night falls, they delve into discussions about method references. Lin Haoran jests, “Have you ever thought about turning a class’s method directly into a Lambda, like embedding a dance directly into the plot without the need to rearrange?” Yang Lingyun nods in agreement, “Exactly, that’s method reference, eliminating the hassle of reinventing the wheel, making the code concise and elegant like ballet steps.”


Finally, under the dazzling night sky, they join forces to tackle the challenge of manipulating arrays. Lin Haoran jokes, “If an array is a lively grand party, then Lambda expressions are the efficient DJ, swiftly and accurately playing suitable music (handling logic) for each element.” Yang Lingyun can’t help but laugh, “Haha, so you’re saying we’re throwing a cool dance party for the numbers with Lambda expressions!”

通过这次深入浅出、寓教于乐的Java Lambda表达式探险之旅,林浩然和杨凌芸不仅深化了对编程技术的理解,更在幽默风趣的对话中培养了默契,一起在编程的世界里创造出了属于他们的精彩故事。

Through this entertaining and enlightening Java Lambda expression adventure, Lin Haoran and Yang Lingyun not only deepen their understanding of programming techniques but also foster a sense of humor and camaraderie through witty dialogue, creating a splendid story in the world of programming.

让我们通过林浩然和杨凌芸的对话,来具体举例说明Java Lambda表达式的四个方面:

  1. Lambda表达式入门

    Runnable task = new Runnable() {@Overridepublic void run() {System.out.println("Hello, Lambda!");}
    };// 使用Lambda表达式简化后:
    Runnable lambdaTask = () -> System.out.println("Hello, Lambda!");


  2. 函数式接口
    “看这个Function<Integer, String>接口,它定义了一个接受Integer参数并返回String的方法。我们可以用Lambda表达式实现它。”林浩然解释道。

    Function<Integer, String> intToString = (x) -> String.valueOf(x);


  3. 方法引用

    class Person {String name;//...public int compareByName(Person other) {return this.name.compareTo(other.name);}
    }Person[] people = ...; 
    Arrays.sort(people, Person::compareByName);


  4. 操作数组

    int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    IntStream.of(numbers).forEach(System.out::println); // 或者,使用lambda进行过滤和转换
    List<Integer> evenNumbers = Arrays.stream(numbers).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());


  1. Introduction to Lambda Expressions
    Lin Haoran says, “Let’s assume we have a Runnable interface. In the past, creating a thread task would look like this -”

    Runnable task = new Runnable() {@Overridepublic void run() {System.out.println("Hello, Lambda!");}
    };// Simplified using Lambda expression:
    Runnable lambdaTask = () -> System.out.println("Hello, Lambda!");

    Yang Lingyun, with a sudden realization, exclaims, “Oh, so Lambda is like magic, condensing the entire anonymous class into a single line of code.”

  2. Functional Interfaces
    “Look at this Function<Integer, String> interface. It defines a method that takes an Integer parameter and returns a String. We can implement it using a Lambda expression,” explains Lin Haoran.

    Function<Integer, String> intToString = (x) -> String.valueOf(x);

    Yang Lingyun nods, “Now I get it. Functional interfaces are designed to fit seamlessly with Lambdas, like puzzle pieces that fit together.”

  3. Method References
    “When sorting an array, if we already have a comparator method, we can use method references instead of Lambda expressions,” continues Lin Haoran.

    class Person {String name;//...public int compareByName(Person other) {return this.name.compareTo(other.name);}
    }Person[] people = ...; 
    Arrays.sort(people, Person::compareByName);

    Yang Lingyun smiles, “So this is method reference - directly calling an existing method, concise and efficient.”

  4. Working with Arrays
    Finally, they explore how to traverse and manipulate arrays using Lambda expressions.

    int[] numbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    IntStream.of(numbers).forEach(System.out::println); // Or, using Lambda for filtering and mapping
    List<Integer> evenNumbers = Arrays.stream(numbers).filter(n -> n % 2 == 0).boxed().collect(Collectors.toList());

    Lin Haoran jokes, “You see, our Lambda is like a magician, gently awakening each element in the array and transforming them according to our wishes.” Yang Lingyun can’t help but laugh, “With that analogy, programming suddenly becomes vivid and fun!”




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