七、热身仪式(Warm-Up Rituals)


5.Warm Up Rituals

A warm up ritual is your per flight checklist you go through before you start focusing for a big session.It may be checking that you have water, that you don’t need to use the bathroom, that your phone is turned off or you’ve set yourself up to not be distracted by other people.

Warm up rituals are powerful because they also condition a certain mindset.Even beyond just how the ritual impacts your ability to focus, enacting the ritual primes you to start thinking about doing real work.

Inevitably, we all create warm up rituals, whether we think we are or not.It’s the little scripts in your head that say things like,“I can’t start work without my coffee,” or, “I check emails first before getting go work.”
无论是否意识到,我们都不可避免地创造着热身仪式。这是在你头脑中上演的小脚本,上面写着“没有咖啡我就无法开始工作”, 或者“开始工作前我要先查邮件”。

The key here is to optimize your warm up rituals so that they are maximally effective and don’t lead you into situations where they prevent you from focusing because conditions aren’t right.

Here’s what you should do:

Is your ritual too demanding?You may want to lower the threshold for certain activities if those won’t always be present in order for you to work.Earlier this year,I noticed I was conditioning myself to only put in work on my book, if I went got a certain coffee shop, because it was my favorite place to write.However, sometimes I couldn’t go there, and so I might procrastinate in the intervening period. I realized I needed to recondition myself to start focus, even if I was at home.

Can you reorder the ritual?Email first may be a leisurely start to the day, but doing the hardest things first is likely more productive.Noticing when you’ve fallen into a comfortable, but suboptimal ritual, can help you fix the problem.Experiment with starting work right away, or working in chunks of time you’d normally dismiss as being too short to work.

Carry your ritual wherever you go.If your ritual involves certain thoughts or actions which aren’t tied deeply to a particular time, place or set of circumstances, you’ll have a lot more flexibility about when you can apply focus.Isolate parts of your existing warm up routine that you might be able to reinforce more strongly and detach from other circumstances.Sip of coffee?Closing your eyes for a few minutes to mediate?Maybe even just conditioning yourself to respond to saying"Do it now",in your head might be a more accessible ritual.

Test your assumptions.Part of the power of rituals is that they condition us to focus.However, this conditioned pattern of behavior can easily turn into a belief that those parts of the ritual are strictly necessary for focus (rather than merely being your current triggers).Therefore, you may want to experiment with different ways of working that violate your current ritual in order to establish new ones.

Rituals exist whether we want them to or not.The power of thinking about your focusing ritual is to avoid maladaptive designs, which prevent you from focusing if in important situations, or places where you have encoded procrastination for too long.Used properly, however, a ritual can be a powerful trigger to start important focus when you need it.





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