

Skill Sets required:

- Hands on experience enabling data via Adobe Analytics and/or Google Analytics

- Understanding of how customer level data is captured and stitched with behavioural data

- Experience working with Testing (QA) and Development teams, help them understand the tagging spec; able to guide as needed

- Experience working within an environment that uses tag management tools e.g. Tealium/ GTM/ ATM

- Excellent problem solving abilities

*Good to have:*

- Experience in enabling analytics tagging for mobile apps

- Programming and web development with HTML, SQL, CSS and JavaScript/jQuery

- Knowledge of Digital Marketing / online acquisition channels and attribution

- Scripting and automation withPython, R, Google Scripts etc

- Super high attention to detail as you will be responsible for ensuring 100% data accuracy

*What you will be doing:*

- Be accountable for the integrity of data collection for both behavioural and customer level data

- Gathering requirements from stakeholder groups and creating tagging spec/data layer specifications

- Ensure testing team validates data flow and participate in UAT process to provide signoff

- Build QA and production reports within Adobe Analytics or other visualisation tools to allow product teams monitor tagged deployment status and performance

- Build strong working relationships with multiple teams (Analytics, Tagging, Testing, Developers, Product teams)

*What you will bring to the role:*

- Strong understanding of digital analytics space includingweb analytics and clickstream data

- Strong troubleshooting abilities for data capture and digital analytics implementation at a granular level

- Able to work independently with guidance from remote teams

- Excellent communication skills. Be able to understand the background of the audience and be able to communicate the message in an effective manner


  • Foundational data warehousing concepts and fundamentals
  • The symbiotic relationship between data warehousing and business intelligence
  • How data warehousing co-exists with data lakes and data virtualization
  • Your many architectural alternatives, from highly centralized approaches to numerous multi-component alternatives
  • The fundamentals of dimensional analysis and modeling
  • The key relational database capabilities that you will put to work to build your dimensional data models
  • Different alternatives for handling changing data history within your environment, and how to decide which approaches to apply in various situations
  • How to organize and design your Extraction, Transformation, and Loading (ETL) capabilities to keep your data warehouse up to date



补充:python/维度建模数仓/kafka/tdd/ETL工具/data pipeline/数据迁移、设计迁移、代码迁移/数据抓取/ftp获取文件数据解析入数仓






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