TypeScript 入门


ts 开发环境搭建

npm i -g typescript


$ npm root -g

创建 hello.ts

console.log("hello, ts");

编译 ts 文件,得到 js 文件:

$ tsc foo.ts



let a: number;a = 10;
a = 33;
// a = "hello";let b: string = "hello";
let c = true;   // Automatic type inferencefunction sum(a: number, b: number): number {return a + b;
}console.log(sum(1, 2));



// 字面量类型
let a: 10;  // const a = 10;// 联合类型
let b: "male" | "female";
let c: boolean | string;
c = true;
c = "hello"// any 与 unknown
let d: any;
d = "hello";let e: unknown;
e = "hello";let s: string = d;
// s = e;   Type 'unknown' is not assignable to type 'string'
s = e as string;
s = <string>e;function f(): void {return;
}function f2(): never {  // 永远不会返回结果,终止进程throw new Error("error");

unknown 本质上是一个类型安全的 any

// 对象类型
let b: {name: string,age?: number,   // ? -> optional
};b = {name: "sunwukong"
};let c: {name: string,[propName: string]: any,
};// 函数类型
let d: (a: number, b: number) => number;d = function(a, b) {return a + b;
}// 数组类型
let e: string[];
e = ["a", "b", "c"];let g: Array<number>;
g = [1, 2, 3];// 元组
let h: [string, string];// enum
enum Gender {Male = 0,Female = 1,
}let p: {name: string, gender: Gender}p = {name: "sunwukong",gender: Gender.Male,
}// & 类型
let j: {name: string} & {age: number};// 类型别名
type t1 = 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5;
let m: t1;

tsc 编译选项


tsc foo.ts -w	# 文件改变时自动编译
tsc		# 根据 tsconfig.json 编译


{/*** 表示任意目录* 表示任意文件*/"include": ["./*"],"exclude": ["foo.ts"],// "files": ["./app.ts", "./index.ts"],"compilerOptions": {"target": "ES6",     // 指定 es 版本// "module": "ES6",// "lib": ["DOM"]"outDir": "./dist",// "outFile": "./dist/app.js",  // 将编译结果合并到 app.js"allowJs": false,"checkJs": false,   // 对 js 也做类型检查"removeComments": false,"noEmit": true,     // 不生成编译后的文件,只检查"noEmitOnError": true,   // 当有错误时不生成编译后的文件"strict": true,     // 打开下面的所有严格检查/*"alwaysStrict": true,   // -> use strict"noImplicitAny": true,"noImplicitThis": true,"strictNullChecks": true,*/},

使用 webpack 打包 ts 代码

npm init -y		# 初始化项目
npm i -D webpack webpack-cli typescript ts-loader

配置 webpack.config.js

const path = require("path");module.exports = {entry: "./src/index.ts",output: {path: path.resolve(__dirname + "/dist"),filename: "bundle.js",},module: {rules: [{test: /\.ts$/,use: "ts-loader",exclude: /node_modules/}]},mode: 'development',

配置 tsconfig.json

{"compilerOptions": {"module": "es6","target": "es6","strict": true,}

package.json 中增加 script 配置

  "scripts": {"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1","build": "webpack"},

最后 npm run build 即可

安装 3 个插件:

npm i -D html-webpack-plugin	# 生成 html 测试文件
npm i -D webpack-dev-server		# 编辑后自动重启服务
npm i -D clean-webpack-plugin	# 清除 dist 目录再构建
npm i -D @babel/core @babel/preset-env babel-loader core-js

package.json 中编写 webpack-server 的启动脚本:

  "scripts": {"start": "webpack serve --open"},

webpack.config.ts 中引入插件(使用 template.html 作为生成模板):

const path = require("path");
const HTMLWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");
const {CleanWebpackPlugin} = require("clean-webpack-plugin");module.exports = {entry: "./src/index.ts",output: {path: path.resolve(__dirname + "/dist"),filename: "bundle.js",},module: {rules: [{test: /\.ts$/,use: [{loader: "babel-loader",options: {presets: [["@babel/preset-env",{targets: {"chrome": "88"},"corejs": "3","useBuiltIns": "usage"  // 按需加载}]]}},"ts-loader"],exclude: /node_modules/}]},mode: 'development',plugins: [new HTMLWebpackPlugin({// title: "mytitle"template: "./src/template.html"}),new CleanWebpackPlugin(),],resolve: {  // 设置引用模块extensions: [".ts", ".js"]}



class Person {name: string = "sunwukong";static age: number = 18;readonly gender: string = "M";sayHello() {console.log("hello");}
}let p = new Person();console.log(p);

构造函数和 this

class Dog {name: string;age: number;constructor(name: string, age: number) {this.name = name;this.age = age;}bark() {console.log(`${this.name}: wangwang`);}
}let d = new Dog("wangcai", 4);console.log(d);


class Animal {name: string;age: number;constructor(name: string, age: number) {this.name = name;this.age = age;}sayHello() {console.log("sayHello()");}
}class Dog extends Animal{run(){console.log(`${this.name} is running`);}sayHello(): void {  // 子类重写父类方法console.log("wangwangwang");}
}class Cat extends Animal{sayHello(): void {  // 子类重写父类方法console.log("miaomiaomiao");}
}const d1 = new Dog("wangcai", 5);
d1.sayHello();const c1 = new Cat("mimi", 3);


super 表示父类

class Animal {name: string;constructor(name: string) {this.name = name;}sayHello() {console.log("sayHello()");}
}class Dog extends Animal {age: number;constructor(name: string, age: number) {super(name);this.age = age;}sayHello(): void {console.log("wangwangwang");}
}const d1 = new Dog("wangcai", 3);
console.log(d1);    // Dog { name: 'wangcai', age: 3 }
d1.sayHello();      // wangwangwang


使用 abstract 修饰的类,不能用于实例化对象,只能被继承


abstract class Animal {name: string;constructor(name: string) {this.name = name;}abstract sayHello(): void;  // 必须被子类重写
}class Dog extends Animal {sayHello(): void {console.log("wangwangwang");}
}const d1 = new Dog("wangcai");
console.log(d1);    // Dog { name: 'wangcai', age: 3 }
d1.sayHello();      // wangwangwang




interface Person{name: string;age: number;
}// 接口可以分离定义
interface Person {gender: string;sayHello(): void;
}class Male implements Person {name: string;age: number;gender: string;constructor(name: string, age: number, gender: string) {this.name = name;this.age = age;this.gender = gender;}sayHello(): void {console.log("hello");}


class Person {private _name: string;private _age: number;constructor(name: string, age: number) {this._name = name;this._age = age;}get name() {        // per.namereturn this._name;}set name(name: string) {this._name = name;}get age() {return this._age;}set age(age: number) {if (age >= 0) {this._age = age;}}
}const p1 = new Person("sunwukong", 18);
console.log(p1);p1.name = "zhubajie";
console.log(p1.age);class C {// 直接将属性和访问控制定义在构造函数中constructor(public name: string, public age: number) {}


function fn<T> (a: T): T {return a;
fn<string>("hello");function bar<T, K>(a: T, b: K): T {console.log(b);return a;
}bar<number, string>(10, "hello");interface Inter {length: number;
// 使用接口约束泛型的类型参数
function foo<T extends Inter>(a: T): number {return a.length;
}foo("123");     // string 有 length
foo({length: 10});// 类的泛型
class C<T> {name: T;constructor(name: T) {this.name = name;}
}const c = new C<string>("sunwukong");


// package.json
{"name": "snake","version": "1.0.0","description": "","main": "index.js","scripts": {"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1","build": "webpack","start": "webpack serve --open"},"keywords": [],"author": "","license": "ISC","devDependencies": {"@babel/core": "^7.23.9","@babel/preset-env": "^7.23.9","babel-loader": "^9.1.3","clean-webpack-plugin": "^4.0.0","core-js": "^3.35.1","css-loader": "^6.10.0","html-webpack-plugin": "^5.6.0","less": "^4.2.0","less-loader": "^12.2.0","style-loader": "^3.3.4","ts-loader": "^9.5.1","typescript": "^5.3.3","webpack": "^5.89.0","webpack-cli": "^5.1.4","webpack-dev-server": "^4.15.1"}
// tsconfig.json
{"compilerOptions": {"module": "es6","target": "es6","strict": true,"noEmitOnError": true}
// webpack.config.ts
const path = require("path");
const HTMLWebpackPlugin = require("html-webpack-plugin");
const {CleanWebpackPlugin} = require("clean-webpack-plugin");module.exports = {entry: "./src/index.ts",output: {path: path.resolve(__dirname + "/dist"),filename: "bundle.js",},module: {rules: [{test: /\.ts$/,use: [{loader: "babel-loader",options: {presets: [["@babel/preset-env",{targets: {"chrome": "88"},"corejs": "3","useBuiltIns": "usage"  // 按需加载}]]}},"ts-loader"],exclude: /node_modules/},{test: /\.less$/,use: ["style-loader","css-loader","less-loader"]}]},mode: 'development',plugins: [new HTMLWebpackPlugin({// title: "mytitle"template: "./src/template.html"}),new CleanWebpackPlugin(),],resolve: {  // 设置引用模块extensions: [".ts", ".js"]}
// index.ts
import "./style/index.less"
import Food from "./modules/food"
import ScorePanel from "./modules/score_panel"
import GameControl from "./modules/game_control";const f = new Food();
f.change();const gc = new GameControl();
// snake.ts
class Snake {head: HTMLElement;bodies: HTMLCollection;element: HTMLElement;constructor() {this.head = document.querySelector("#snake > div")!;this.bodies = document.getElementById("snake")!.getElementsByTagName("div");this.element = document.getElementById("snake")!;}get X() {return this.head.offsetLeft;}get Y() {return this.head.offsetTop;}set X(x: number) {if (this.X === x) return;if (x < 0 || x > 290) {throw new Error("snake_dead");}if (this.bodies[1] && (this.bodies[1] as HTMLElement).offsetLeft === x) {if (x > this.X) {x = this.X - 10;} else {x = this.X + 10;}}this.moveBody();this.head.style.left = x + "px";this.checkHeadBody();}set Y(y: number) {if (this.Y === y) return;if (y < 0 || y > 290) {throw new Error("snake_dead");}if (this.bodies[1] && (this.bodies[1] as HTMLElement).offsetTop === y) {if (y > this.Y) {y = this.Y - 10;} else {y = this.Y + 10;}}this.moveBody();this.head.style.top = y + "px";this.checkHeadBody();}addBody() {this.element.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<div></div>");}moveBody() {for (let i = this.bodies.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {let X = (this.bodies[i - 1] as HTMLElement).offsetLeft;let Y = (this.bodies[i - 1] as HTMLElement).offsetTop;(this.bodies[i] as HTMLElement).style.left = X + "px";(this.bodies[i] as HTMLElement).style.top = Y + "px";}}checkHeadBody() {for (let i = 1; i < this.bodies.length; i++) {let bd = this.bodies[i] as HTMLElement;if (this.X === bd.offsetLeft && this.Y === bd.offsetTop) {throw new Error("snake_dead");}}}
export default Snake;
// score_panel.ts
class ScorePanel {score = 0;level = 1;scoreEle: HTMLElement;levelEle: HTMLElement;maxLevel: number;upScore: number;constructor(maxLevel: number = 10, upScore: number = 10) {this.scoreEle = document.getElementById("score")!;this.levelEle = document.getElementById("level")!;this.maxLevel = maxLevel;this.upScore = upScore;}addScore() {this.scoreEle.innerHTML = ++this.score + "";if (this.score % this.upScore === 0) {this.levelUp();}}levelUp() {if (this.level < this.maxLevel) {this.levelEle.innerHTML = ++this.level + "";}}
export default ScorePanel;
// game_control.ts
import Snake from "./snake";
import Food from "./food";
import ScorePanel from "./score_panel";class GameControl {snake: Snake;food: Food;scorePanel: ScorePanel;direction: string = "";isLive = true;constructor() {this.snake = new Snake();this.food = new Food();this.scorePanel = new ScorePanel();this.init();}keydownHandler = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {this.direction = event.key;}init() {document.addEventListener("keydown", this.keydownHandler);this.run();}run() {let X = this.snake.X;let Y = this.snake.Y;switch(this.direction) {case "ArrowUp":Y -= 10;break;case "ArrowDown":Y += 10;break;case "ArrowLeft":X -= 10;break;case "ArrowRight":X += 10;break;}this.checkEat(X, Y);try {this.snake.X = X;this.snake.Y = Y;} catch (e) {alert((e as Error).message);this.isLive = false;}this.isLive && setTimeout(this.run.bind(this), 300 - (this.scorePanel.level - 1) * 30);}checkEat(x: number, y: number) {if (x === this.food.X && y === this.food.Y) {console.log("ate food");this.food.change();this.scorePanel.addScore();this.snake.addBody();}}}export default GameControl;
// food.ts
class Food {element: HTMLElement;constructor() {// `!` 表示判定该语句的结果不可能为空this.element = document.getElementById("food")!;}get X() {return this.element.offsetLeft;}get Y() {return this.element.offsetTop;}change() {let left = Math.round(Math.random() * 29)* 10;let top = Math.round(Math.random() * 29)* 10;this.element.style.left = top + "px";this.element.style.top = left + "px";}
export default Food;
// index.less
* {margin: 0;padding: 0;box-sizing: border-box;
}body {font: bold 20px Courier;
}#main {width: 360px;height: 420px;background-color: #b7d4a8;margin: 100px auto;border: 10px solid black;border-radius: 10px;display: flex;flex-flow: column;align-items: center;justify-content: space-around;#stage {width: 304px;height: 304px;border: 2px solid black;position: relative;#snake {&>div {width: 10px;height: 10px;background-color: black;border: 1px solid #b7d4a8;position: absolute;}}#food {width: 10px;height: 10px;position: absolute;left: 40px;top: 100px;display: flex;flex-flow: row wrap;justify-content: space-between;align-content: space-between;&>div {width: 4px;height: 4px;background-color: black;}}}#score-panel {width: 300px;display: flex;justify-content: space-between;}}






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