






This paper shows that masked autoencoders (MAE) are scalable self-supervised learners for computer vision. Our MAE approach is simple: we mask random patches of the input image and reconstruct the missing pixels. It is based on two core designs. First, we develop an asymmetric encoder-decoder architecture, with an encoder that operates only on the visible subset of patches (without mask tokens), along with a lightweight decoder that reconstructs the original image from the latent representation and mask tokens. Second, we find that masking a high proportion of the input image, e.g., 75%, yields a nontrivial and meaningful self-supervisory task. Coupling these two designs enables us to train large models efficiently and effectively: we accelerate training (by 3× or more) and improve accuracy. Our scalable approach allows for learning high-capacity models that generalize well: e.g., a vanilla ViT-Huge model achieves the best accuracy (87.8%) among methods that use only ImageNet-1K data. Transfer performance in downstream tasks outperforms supervised pretraining and shows promising scaling behavior


本文证明了掩码自编码器(MAE)是一种可扩展的计算机视觉自监督学习算法。我们的MAE方法很简单:我们屏蔽输入图像的随机patch并重建缺失的像素。它基于两个核心设计。首先,我们开发了一个非对称编码器-解码器架构,其中一个编码器仅对patch的可见子集(没有掩码令牌)进行操作,以及一个轻量级解码器,该解码器从潜在表示和掩码token重建原始图像。其次,我们发现掩盖输入图像的高比例,例如75%,产生了一个重要的和有意义的自我监督任务。这两种设计的结合使我们能够高效地训练大型模型:我们加速了训练(3倍或更多)并提高了准确性。我们的可扩展方法允许学习泛化良好的大容量模型:例如,在仅使用ImageNet-1K数据的方法中,vanilla ViT-Huge模型达到了最好的准确率(87.8%)。下游任务的迁移性能优于监督预训练,并显示出有希望的缩放行为








Deep learning has witnessed an explosion of architectures of continuously growing capability and capacity[33, 25, 57]. Aided by the rapid gains in hardware, models today can easily overfit one million images [13] and begin to demand hundreds of millions of—often publicly inaccessible—labeled images [16].

This appetite for data has been successfully addressed in natural language processing (NLP) by self-supervised pretraining. The solutions, based on autoregressive language modeling in GPT [47, 48, 4] and masked autoencoding in BERT [14], are conceptually simple: they remove a portion of the data and learn to predict the removed content. These methods now enable training of generalizable NLP models containing over one hundred billion parameters [4].

The idea of masked autoencoders, a form of more general denoising autoencoders [58], is natural and applicable in computer vision as well. Indeed, closely related research in vision [59, 46] preceded BERT. However, despite significant interest in this idea following the success of BERT, progress of autoencoding methods in vision lags behind NLP. We ask: what makes masked autoencoding different between vision and language? We attempt to answer this question from the following perspectives:





(i) Until recently, architectures were different. In vision, convolutional networks [34] were dominant over the last decade [33]. Convolutions typically operate on regular grids and it is not straightforward to integrate ‘indicators’ such as mask tokens [14] or positional embeddings [57] into convolutional networks. This architectural gap, however, has been addressed with the introduction of Vision Transformers (ViT) [16] and should no longer present an obstacle.



(ii) Information density is different between language and vision. Languages are human-generated signals that are highly semantic and information-dense. When training a model to predict only a few missing words per sentence, this task appears to induce sophisticated language understanding. Images, on the contrary, are natural signals with heavy spatial redundancy—e.g., a missing patch can be recovered from neighboring patches with little high-level understanding of parts, objects, and scenes. To overcome this difference and encourage learning useful features, we show that a simple strategy works well in computer vision: masking a very high portion of random patches. This strategy largely reduces redundancy and creates a challenging selfsupervisory task that requires holistic understanding beyond low-level image statistics. To get a qualitative sense of our reconstruction task, see Figures 2 – 4.


(ii)语言和视觉的信息密度不同。语言是人类产生的具有高度语义和信息密集的信号。当训练一个模型来预测每句话中只缺几个单词时,这项任务似乎可以诱导复杂的语言理解。相反,图像是具有大量空间冗余的自然信号。一个缺失的patch可以从邻近的patch中恢复,而对局部、对象和场景几乎没有高层次的理解。为了克服这种差异并鼓励学习有用的特征,我们展示了一个简单的策略在计算机视觉中很有效:掩盖非常高比例的随机patch。这种策略在很大程度上减少了冗余,并创建了一个具有挑战性的自监督任务,该任务需要超越低级图像统计的整体理解。要对我们的重建任务有一个定性的认识,请参见图2 - 4。



(iii) The autoencoder’s decoder, which maps the latent representation back to the input, plays a different role between reconstructing text and images. In vision, the decoder reconstructs pixels, hence its output is of a lower semantic level than common recognition tasks. This is in contrast to language, where the decoder predicts missing words that contain rich semantic information. While in BERT the decoder can be trivial (an MLP) [14], we found that for images, the decoder design plays a key role in determining the semantic level of the learned latent representations.





Driven by this analysis, we present a simple, effective, and scalable form of a masked autoencoder (MAE) for visual representation learning. Our MAE masks random patches from the input image and reconstructs the missing patches in the pixel space. It has an asymmetric encoderdecoder design. Our encoder operates only on the visible subset of patches (without mask tokens), and our decoder is lightweight and reconstructs the input from the latent representation along with mask tokens (Figure 1). Shifting the mask tokens to the small decoder in our asymmetric encoder-decoder results in a large reduction in computation.

Under this design, a very high masking ratio (e.g., 75%) can achieve a win-win scenario: it optimizes accuracy while allowing the encoder to process only a small portion (e.g., 25%) of patches. This can reduce overall pre-training time by 3× or more and likewise reduce memory consumption, enabling us to easily scale our MAE to large models.




Our MAE learns very high-capacity models that generalize well. With MAE pre-training, we can train datahungry models like ViT-Large/-Huge [16] on ImageNet-1K with improved generalization performance. With a vanilla ViT-Huge model, we achieve 87.8% accuracy when finetuned on ImageNet-1K. This outperforms all previous results that use only ImageNet-1K data. We also evaluate transfer learning on object detection, instance segmentation, and semantic segmentation. In these tasks, our pre-training achieves better results than its supervised pre-training counterparts, and more importantly, we observe significant gains by scaling up models. These observations are aligned with those witnessed in self-supervised pre-training in NLP [14, 47, 48, 4] and we hope that they will enable our field to explore a similar trajectory.



Related Work

Masked language modeling and its autoregressive counterparts, e.g., BERT [14] and GPT [47, 48, 4], are highly successful methods for pre-training in NLP. These methods hold out a portion of the input sequence and train models to predict the missing content. These methods have been shown to scale excellently [4] and a large abundance of evidence indicates that these pre-trained representations generalize well to various downstream tasks.



Autoencoding is a classical method for learning representations. It has an encoder that maps an input to a latent representation and a decoder that reconstructs the input. For example, PCA and k-means are autoencoders [29]. Denoising autoencoders (DAE) [58] are a class of autoencoders that corrupt an input signal and learn to reconstruct the original, uncorrupted signal. A series of methods can be thought of as a generalized DAE under different corruptions, e.g., masking pixels [59, 46, 6] or removing color channels [70].

Our MAE is a form of denoising autoencoding, but different from the classical DAE in numerous ways.





Masked image encoding methods learn representations from images corrupted by masking. The pioneering work of [59] presents masking as a noise type in DAE. Context Encoder [46] inpaints large missing regions using convolutional networks. Motivated by the success in NLP, related recent methods [6, 16, 2] are based on Transformers [57].

iGPT [6] operates on sequences of pixels and predicts unknown pixels. The ViT paper [16] studies masked patch prediction for self-supervised learning. Most recently, BEiT [2] proposes to predict discrete tokens [44, 50].




Self-supervised learning approaches have seen significant interest in computer vision, often focusing on different pretext tasks for pre-training [15, 61, 42, 70, 45, 17]. Recently, contrastive learning [3, 22] has been popular, e.g., [62, 43, 23, 7], which models image similarity and dissimilarity (or only similarity [21, 8]) between two or more views. Contrastive and related methods strongly depend on data augmentation [7, 21, 8]. Autoencoding pursues a conceptually different direction, and it exhibits different behaviors as we will present.




Our masked autoencoder (MAE) is a simple autoencoding approach that reconstructs the original signal given its partial observation. Like all autoencoders, our approach has an encoder that maps the observed signal to a latent representation, and a decoder that reconstructs the original signal from the latent representation. Unlike classical autoencoders, we adopt an asymmetric design that allows the encoder to operate only on the partial, observed signal (without mask tokens) and a lightweight decoder that reconstructs the full signal from the latent representation and mask tokens. Figure 1 illustrates the idea, introduced next.




Following ViT [16], we divide an image into regular non-overlapping patches. Then we sample a subset of patches and mask (i.e., remove) the remaining ones. Our sampling strategy is straightforward: we sample random patches without replacement, following a uniform distribution. We simply refer to this as “random sampling”.

Random sampling with a high masking ratio (i.e., the ratio of removed patches) largely eliminates redundancy, thus creating a task that cannot be easily solved by extrapolation from visible neighboring patches (see Figures 2 – 4). The uniform distribution prevents a potential center bias (i.e., more masked patches near the image center). Finally, the highly sparse input creates an opportunity for designing an efficient encoder, introduced next.



Discussion and Conclusion

Simple algorithms that scale well are the core of deep learning. In NLP, simple self-supervised learning methods (e.g., [47, 14, 48, 4]) enable benefits from exponentially scaling models. In computer vision, practical pre-training paradigms are dominantly supervised (e.g. [33, 51, 25, 16]) despite progress in self-supervised learning. In this study, we observe on ImageNet and in transfer learning that an autoencoder—a simple self-supervised method similar to techniques in NLP—provides scalable benefits. Selfsupervised learning in vision may now be embarking on a similar trajectory as in NLP.



On the other hand, we note that images and languages are signals of a different nature and this difference must be addressed carefully. Images are merely recorded light without a semantic decomposition into the visual analogue of words. Instead of attempting to remove objects, we remove random patches that most likely do not form a semantic segment. Likewise, our MAE reconstructs pixels, which are not semantic entities. Nevertheless, we observe (e.g., Figure 4) that our MAE infers complex, holistic reconstructions, suggesting it has learned numerous visual concepts, i.e., semantics. We hypothesize that this behavior occurs by way of a rich hidden representation inside the MAE. We hope this perspective will inspire future work.





Broader impacts

The proposed method predicts content based on learned statistics of the training dataset and as such will reflect biases in those data, including ones with negative societal impacts. The model may generate inexistent content. These issues warrant further research and consideration when building upon this work to generate images.






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