Hello ,
Thank you for your kind response . I have been in several searches on LinkedIn and Google for a competent person from your region.Let me give you a brief overview before we expand the conversation.
Pharma Cure Laboratories Ltd is One of the leading Bio-Pharmaceutical Companies in the UK.
I'm looking for a reliable person in your region to represent my company in sourcing some of the basic raw materials (Melodroxin Herbal Extract GP44)used in the manufacturing of high-quality Anti-Viral Vaccines, Cancer treatments, and other lifesaving Pharmaceutical Products.
This may not be your specialization but it will definitely be another income-generating business out of your field.
Since we lost the last supplier due to health complications, my company procurement department has not signed a new contract with any supplier to order the material, however, I was able to discover a local dealer that can supply this product. He sells at a cheap rate, which is far cheaper than our previous purchases.
Our head of procurement is not aware that I have found a new dealer.
I want you to stand in as a supplier from your country because our late supplier came from your country and this will make it easier for me to introduce you to our head of procurement. The reason is I do not want my company to have direct contact with this local dealer that sells the herbal oil extract at a very low price. There is nothing illegal about this business.Being the company research assistant and a monthly salary earner, this is how we make extra income.
You and I will work together as partners and make really good profits from the supply. I will guide and direct you on the process that will facilitate the award and signing of the supply contract for you. Moreover, the cheaper price you will give my company will get the attention of the chief procurement officer to buy from you, therefore there are chances you will get the contract.
If you are interested to proceed I will give you more specific profit details when I receive feedback from you.
Pharma Cure Laboratories Ltd是英国领先的生物制药公司之一。(有公司名字)
所以在遇到一些好事的时候,先想一想, 一个陌生人为什么会无缘无故地对自己这么好?而且还是广撒网的情况下。
第三,即使对方不需要, 可以让对方介绍对应的有需要的人群,必有感谢。
也可以按照骗子的思路 和对方说,每介绍一个客户成交之后可以返给多少金额,然后单独打给介绍的这个人,协议会替对方保密不告诉他推荐的朋友,但是他自己又能额外多一份收入,如果不放心,他可以作为监督人邮件彼此抄送,我们会严格遵守承诺等等。
所以如果开发客户没有思路的时候, 不妨研究研究骗子的邮件~~也许就会有新的突破。我们不上对方的圈套,但是我们可以学里面的思路帮助自己更好地开发客户。