

  • 准备
  • 代码
  • 效果




import pygame
import random
from pygame.locals import *class SoundPlay:game_bgm = "sound/GameSceneBGM.ogg"world_bgm = 'sound/WorldSceneBGM.ogg'eliminate = ('sound/eliminate1.ogg', 'sound/eliminate2.ogg', 'sound/eliminate3.ogg', 'sound/eliminate4.ogg',\'sound/eliminate5.ogg')  # 消除声音score_level = ('sound/good.ogg', 'sound/great.ogg', 'sound/amazing.ogg', 'sound/excellent.ogg',\'sound/unbelievable.ogg')   # 得分声音click = "sound/click.bubble.ogg"  # 点击选中声音board_sound = 'sound/board.ogg'   # 落板子声音click_button = 'sound/click_common_button.ogg'  # 点击按钮声音money_sound = 'sound/money.ogg'   # 点击银币声音ice_break = 'sound/ice_break.ogg'   # 冰消除声音def __init__(self, filename, loops=0):self.sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(filename) Tree(pygame.sprite.Sprite):"""树类"""tree = 'pic2/tree.png'     # 树fruit = 'pic2/fruit.png'   # 果子energy_num = 'pic2/energy_num.png'  # 精力money = 'pic2/money.png'   # 银币energy_buy = 'pic2/energy_buy.png'   # 购买精力x, y = 340, 510h = 90position = ([x, y], [x+50, y-25], [x+105, y-45], [x-5, y-h-5], [x+55, y-25-h+10], [x+105, y-45-h], \[x, y-h*2], [x+50+10, y-25-h*2-5], [x+105+25, y-45-h*2-14], [x+30, y-h*3-30])   # 果子坐标组energy_num_position = (15, 70)  # 精力坐标energy_buy_position = (250, 400)def __init__(self, icon, position):super().__init__()self.image = pygame.image.load(icon).convert_alpha()self.rect = self.image.get_rect()self.rect.bottomleft = position      # 左下角为坐标def draw(self, screen):screen.blit(self.image, self.rect)class ManagerTree:"""管理树类"""__screen_size = (900, 600)screen = pygame.display.set_mode(__screen_size, DOUBLEBUF, 32)fruit_list = []fruit_image = pygame.image.load(Tree.fruit).convert_alpha()fruit_width = fruit_image.get_width()fruit_height = fruit_image.get_height()type = 0  # 0树界面,1加精力界面energy_full = False  # 精力已满标志 初始未满money_empty = False  # 银币不足def load_text(self, text, position, txt_size=25, txt_color=(255, 255, 255)):my_font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, txt_size)text_screen = my_font.render(text, True, txt_color)self.screen.blit(text_screen, position)def draw_tree(self, energy_num, money_num):"""画tree"""Tree(Tree.tree, (0, 600)).draw(self.screen)      # 画树Tree(Tree.energy_num, Tree.energy_num_position).draw(self.screen)  # 画精力# print("energy", energy_num)if energy_num > 30:self.load_text(str(30) + '/30', (22, 55), 21)else:self.load_text(str(energy_num)+'/30', (22, 55), 21)# print("money", money_num)Tree(, (15, 135)).draw(self.screen)  # 画银币self.load_text(str(money_num), (32, 124), 21)for i in range(0, 10):                            # 画果子Tree(Tree.fruit, Tree.position[i]).draw(self.screen)self.load_text(str(i+1), (Tree.position[i][0]+15, Tree.position[i][1]-47))if self.type == 1:Tree(Tree.energy_buy, Tree.energy_buy_position).draw(self.screen)if self.energy_full:self.load_text("energy is full!", (430, 310), 30, (255, 0, 0))pygame.display.flip()pygame.time.delay(500)self.energy_full = Falseif self.money_empty:self.load_text("money is not enough!", (410, 310), 30, (255, 0, 0))pygame.display.flip()pygame.time.delay(500)self.money_empty = Falsedef mouse_select(self, button, level, energy_num, money_num):"""鼠标点击"""if button.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:mouse_down_x, mouse_down_y = button.posprint(button.pos)if level == 0:if self.type == 0:          # 树界面for i in range(0, 10):if Tree.position[i][0] < mouse_down_x < Tree.position[i][0] + self.fruit_width \and Tree.position[i][1] - self.fruit_height < mouse_down_y < Tree.position[i][1]:if energy_num <= 0:self.type = 1else:level = i + 1if Tree.energy_num_position[0] < mouse_down_x < Tree.energy_num_position[0]+60 \and Tree.energy_num_position[1]-60 < mouse_down_y < Tree.energy_num_position[1]:  # 精力60*60SoundPlay( = 1else:               # 加精力弹窗界面if 408 < mouse_down_x < 600 and 263 < mouse_down_y < 313:    # 点加精力按钮SoundPlay(SoundPlay.click_button)if money_num < 50:self.money_empty = Trueif energy_num >= 30:self.energy_full = Trueelif energy_num < 30 and money_num >= 50:energy_num += 5money_num -= 50elif 619 < mouse_down_x < 638 and 158 < mouse_down_y < 177:   # 点叉号self.type = 0if button.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:passreturn level, energy_num, money_numclass Element(pygame.sprite.Sprite):""" 元素类 """# 图标元组,包括6个小动物,animal = ('pic2/fox.png', 'pic2/bear.png', 'pic2/chick.png', 'pic2/eagle.png', 'pic2/frog.png', 'pic2/cow.png')ice = 'pic2/ice.png'  # 冰层brick = 'pic2/brick.png'  # 砖frame = 'pic2/frame.png'   # 选中框bling = ("pic2/bling1.png", "pic2/bling2.png", "pic2/bling3.png", "pic2/bling4.png", "pic2/bling5.png",\"pic2/bling6.png", "pic2/bling7.png", "pic2/bling8.png", "pic2/bling9.png")   # 消除动画ice_eli = ('pic2/ice0.png', 'pic2/ice1.png', 'pic2/ice2.png', 'pic2/ice3.png', 'pic2/ice4.png', 'pic2/ice5.png',\'pic2/ice6.png', 'pic2/ice7.png', 'pic2/ice8.png')    # 消除冰块动画# 得分图片score_level = ('pic2/good.png', 'pic2/great.png', 'pic2/amazing.png', 'pic2/excellent.png', 'pic2/unbelievable.png')none_animal = 'pic2/noneanimal.png'             # 无可消除小动物stop = 'pic2/exit.png'       # 暂停键stop_position = (20, 530)def __init__(self, icon, position):super().__init__()self.image = pygame.image.load(icon).convert_alpha()self.rect = self.image.get_rect()self.rect.topleft = position         # 左上角坐标self.speed = [0, 0]self.init_position = positiondef move(self, speed):self.speed = speedself.rect = self.rect.move(self.speed)if self.speed[0] != 0:    # 如果左右移动if abs(self.rect.left-self.init_position[0]) == self.rect[2]:self.init_position = self.rect.topleftself.speed = [0, 0]else:if abs([1]) == self.rect[3]:self.init_position = self.rect.topleftself.speed = [0, 0]def draw(self, screen):screen.blit(self.image, self.rect)class Board(pygame.sprite.Sprite):step_board = 'pic2/step.png'              # 剩余步数板子step = ('pic2/0.png', 'pic2/1.png', 'pic2/2.png', 'pic2/3.png', 'pic2/4.png', 'pic2/5.png',\'pic2/6.png', 'pic2/7.png', 'pic2/8.png', 'pic2/9.png', )task_board = 'pic2/task.png'              # 任务板子ok = 'pic2/ok.png'    # ok勾# 关数板子levelBoard = ('pic2/level0.png', 'pic2/level1.png', 'pic2/level2.png', 'pic2/level3.png', 'pic2/level4.png', 'pic2/level5.png','pic2/level6.png', 'pic2/level7.png', 'pic2/level8.png', 'pic2/level9.png', 'pic2/level10.png')# xxx = 'pic2/x.png'   # 叉掉test = 'pic2/test.png'success_board = 'pic2/successtest1.png'  # 过关成功板子fail_board = 'pic2/failBoard.png'  # 任务失败step_add = 'pic2/step_add.png'  # 增加步数next = "pic2/next.png"  # 下一关按钮replay = "pic2/replay.png"  # 重玩图片stars = 'pic2/startest.png'  # 星星图片money = 'pic2/money.png'  # 银币energy = 'pic2/energ.png'  # 精力button_position = [[300, 465], [500, 465]]starts_position = [[280+50, 340], [375+38, 340], [460+35, 340]]def __init__(self, icon, position):super().__init__()self.image = pygame.image.load(icon).convert_alpha()self.speed = [0, 45]self.rect = self.image.get_rect()self.rect.bottomleft = position                  # 左下角为坐标值def move(self):self.rect = self.rect.move(self.speed)if self.rect.bottom >= 543:self.speed = [0, -45]if self.speed == [0, -45] and self.rect.bottom <= 450:self.speed = [0, 0]def draw(self, screen):screen.blit(self.image, self.rect)class Manager:"""  数组类 """__screen_size = (900, 600)screen = pygame.display.set_mode(__screen_size, DOUBLEBUF, 32)__brick_size = 50__bg = pygame.image.load('pic2/bg.png').convert()stop_width = 63selected = [-1, -1]   # 现选中[row, col]exchange_sign = -1  # 未交换标志last_sel = [-1, -1]  # 上一次选中[row, col]change_value_sign = False  # 是否交换值标志,初始不交换death_sign = True  # 死图标志,初始不是死图boom_sel = [-1, -1]   # 四连消特效小动物所在位置 row,collevel = 0  # 当前关卡数  初始第0关money = 100  # 金币energy_num = 30  # 精力值num_sign = Truetype = 2  # 0代表游戏中; 1代表完成任务,过关; -1代表步数用完,任务未完成,过关失败; 2代表未游戏状态,板子界面reset_mode = True     # 是否重新布局(每关布局)init_step = 15  # 每关规定步数step = init_step     # 代表游戏所剩余的步数score = 0        # 得数min = 20  # 分数中间值1max = 50  # 分数中间值2animal_num = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]   # 本关消除各小动物的个数ice_num = 0success_board = Board(Board.success_board, [200, 0])  # 过关成功板fail_board = Board(Board.fail_board, [200, 0])  # 任务失败板height, width = 9, 9row, col = 5, 5ice_list = [[-1 for col in range(21)]for row in range(21)]   # -1不画,1画冰animal = [[-1 for col in range(21)]for row in range(21)]   # -2消除的,-1不画,0-4小动物list_x, list_y = (__screen_size[0] - 11 * __brick_size) / 2, (__screen_size[1] - 11 * __brick_size) / 2  # 矩阵坐标def __init__(self, width, height):self.height = heightself.width = widthself.list_x = (Manager.__screen_size[0] - self.width * Manager.__brick_size) / 2self.list_y = (Manager.__screen_size[1] - self.height * Manager.__brick_size) / 2self.row, self.col = Manager.xy_rc(self.list_x, self.list_y)self.list_x, self.list_y = Manager.rc_xy(self.row, self.col)self.ice_list = [[-1 for col in range(21)]for row in range(21)]self.animal = [[-1 for col in range(21)]for row in range(21)]self.reset_animal()def reset_animal(self):for row in range(self.row, self.row + self.height):for col in range(self.col, self.col + self.width):self.animal[row][col] = random.randint(0, 5)@staticmethoddef rc_xy(row, col):"""row col 转 x,y坐标"""return int(Manager.list_x + (col-Manager.col)*Manager.__brick_size), int\(Manager.list_y+(row-Manager.row)*Manager.__brick_size)@staticmethoddef xy_rc(x, y):"""x,y坐标转row col"""return int((y-Manager.list_y)/Manager.__brick_size+Manager.row), int\((x-Manager.list_x)/Manager.__brick_size+Manager.col)@staticmethoddef draw_brick(x, y):brick = Element(Element.brick, (x, y))Manager.screen.blit(brick.image, brick.rect)def draw_task(self, task_animal_num, which_animal, \board_position=(400, 90), animal_position=(430, 35), txt_position=(455, 60)):"""画任务板子"""txt_size = 24txt_color = (0, 0, 0)Board(Board.task_board, board_position).draw(self.screen)if which_animal == 6:task_animal = Element(, animal_position)else:task_animal = Element(Element.animal[which_animal], animal_position)task_animal.image = pygame.transform.smoothscale(task_animal.image, (40, 40))task_animal.draw(self.screen)if which_animal == 6:if task_animal_num-self.ice_num <= 0:Board(Board.ok, (txt_position[0], txt_position[1]+15)).draw(self.screen)else:self.load_text(str(task_animal_num-self.ice_num), txt_position, txt_size, txt_color)else:if task_animal_num - self.animal_num[which_animal] <= 0:Board(Board.ok, (txt_position[0], txt_position[1]+15)).draw(self.screen)else:self.load_text(str(task_animal_num - self.animal_num[which_animal]), txt_position, txt_size, txt_color)def draw(self):""" 画背景,小动物等等 """# if self.level != 0:self.screen.blit(Manager.__bg, (0, 0))                    # 背景Board(Board.step_board, (0, 142)).draw(self.screen)       # 剩余步数板子tens = self.step//10  # 剩余步数十位数single = self.step % 10  # 剩余步数个位数if tens == 0:Board(Board.step[single], (790, 110)).draw(self.screen)else:Board(Board.step[tens], (775, 110)).draw(self.screen)Board(Board.step[single], (805, 110)).draw(self.screen)   # 剩余步数的数Board(Board.levelBoard[self.level], (30, 105)).draw(self.screen)  # 关卡数板子Element(Element.stop, Element.stop_position).draw(self.screen)    # 暂停键BrickGroup = pygame.sprite.Group()AnimalGroup = pygame.sprite.Group()IceGroup = pygame.sprite.Group()for i in range(0, 21):for j in range(0, 21):x, y = Manager.rc_xy(i, j)if self.animal[i][j] != -1:BrickGroup.add(Element(Element.brick, (x, y)))AnimalGroup.add(Element(Element.animal[self.animal[i][j]], (x, y)))if self.ice_list[i][j] != -1:IceGroup.add(Element(, (x, y)))BrickGroup.draw(self.screen)                                                         # 砖IceGroup.draw(self.screen)for animallist in AnimalGroup:self.screen.blit(animallist.image, animallist.rect)                           # 小动物if self.level == 1:self.draw_task(10, 4)elif self.level == 2:self.draw_task(21, 1)elif self.level == 3:self.draw_task(16, 4, (300, 90), (330, 35), (360, 60))self.draw_task(16, 5, (500, 90), (530, 35), (560, 60))elif self.level == 4:self.draw_task(18, 5, (300, 90), (330, 35), (360, 60))self.draw_task(18, 2, (500, 90), (530, 35), (560, 60))elif self.level == 5:self.draw_task(28, 2, (300, 90), (330, 35), (360, 60))self.draw_task(28, 0, (500, 90), (530, 35), (560, 60))elif self.level == 6:self.draw_task(70, 4)elif self.level == 7:self.draw_task(36, 1)self.draw_task(36, 2, (300, 90), (330, 35), (360, 60))self.draw_task(36, 0, (500, 90), (530, 35), (560, 60))elif self.level == 8:self.draw_task(15, 6)elif self.level == 9:self.draw_task(49, 6)else:self.draw_task(39, 6)if self.selected != [-1, -1]:frame_sprite = Element(Element.frame, Manager.rc_xy(self.selected[0], self.selected[1]))self.screen.blit(frame_sprite.image, frame_sprite.rect)                          # 选中框self.load_text('score:' + str(self.score), (300, 550), 30)                                 # 积分pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (50, 150, 50, 180), Rect(300, 570, self.score * 2, 25))pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (100, 200, 100, 180), Rect(300, 570, 200, 25), 2)return AnimalGroupdef mouse_image(self):""""  更换鼠标图片 """mouse_cursor = pygame.image.load('pic2/mouse.png').convert_alpha()mouse_x, mouse_y = pygame.mouse.get_pos()# 隐藏鼠标pygame.mouse.set_visible(False)# 计算光标的左上角位置mouse_x -= mouse_cursor.get_width() / 2mouse_y -= mouse_cursor.get_height() / 2self.screen.blit(mouse_cursor, (mouse_x, mouse_y))def mouse_select(self, button):"""鼠标点击"""if button.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:mouse_down_x, mouse_down_y = button.posif self.type == 1:                                                       # 过关成功if Board.button_position[0][0] < mouse_down_x < Board.button_position[0][0]+100 \and Board.button_position[0][1]-50 < mouse_down_y < Board.button_position[0][1]:  # 点击再来一次按钮if self.energy_num < 5:self.level = 0self.reset_mode = True# self.set_level_mode(self.level)elif Board.button_position[1][0] < mouse_down_x < Board.button_position[1][0]+100 \and Board.button_position[1][1]-50 < mouse_down_y < Board.button_position[1][1]:  # 点击下一关按钮if self.energy_num < 5:self.level = 0else:self.level += 1                                                   # 关卡数加一self.reset_mode = True# self.set_level_mode(self.level)# elif self.success_board.rect[0]+410 < mouse_down_x < self.success_board.rect[0]+410+55 \#         and self.success_board.rect.bottom+245-55 < mouse_down_x < self.success_board.rect.bottom+245:elif 610 < mouse_down_x < 610 + 55 and 205 - 55 < mouse_down_y < 205:   # xself.level = 0self.reset_mode = Trueelif self.type == -1:                                                    # 过关失败if Board.button_position[1][0] < mouse_down_x < Board.button_position[1][0]+100 \and Board.button_position[1][1]-50 < mouse_down_y < Board.button_position[1][1]:  # 点击再来一次按钮if self.energy_num < 5:self.level = 0self.reset_mode = Trueelif Board.button_position[0][0] < mouse_down_x < Board.button_position[0][0]+100 \and Board.button_position[0][1]-50 < mouse_down_y < Board.button_position[0][1]:   # 点击再来5步按钮if < 5:self.level = -= 5self.step += 5self.type = 0                           # 游戏中self.fail_board = Board(Board.fail_board, [200, 0])# elif self.success_board.rect[0] + 410 < mouse_down_x < self.success_board.rect[0] + 410 + 55 \#         and self.success_board.rect.bottom+245-55 < mouse_down_x < self.success_board.rect.bottom+245:elif 610 < mouse_down_x < 610 + 55 and 205 - 55 < mouse_down_y < 205:   # xself.level = 0self.reset_mode = Trueelif self.type == 0:if self.list_x < mouse_down_x < self.list_x + Manager.__brick_size * self.width \and self.list_y < mouse_down_y < self.list_y + Manager.__brick_size * self.height:mouse_selected = Manager.xy_rc(mouse_down_x, mouse_down_y)if self.animal[mouse_selected[0]][mouse_selected[1]] != -1:SoundPlay( = mouse_selectedif (self.last_sel[0] == self.selected[0] and abs(self.last_sel[1] - self.selected[1]) == 1) \or (self.last_sel[1] == self.selected[1] and abs(self.last_sel[0] - self.selected[0]) == 1):self.exchange_sign = 1              # 点击相邻的,交换elif Element.stop_position[0] < mouse_down_x < Element.stop_position[0]+self.stop_width\and Element.stop_position[1] < mouse_down_y < Element.stop_position[1]+self.stop_width:   # 点推出SoundPlay(SoundPlay.click_button)self.level = 0self.reset_mode = Trueelse:self.selected = [-1, -1]if button.type == MOUSEBUTTONUP:passdef exchange(self, spritegroup):"""点击后交换"""if self.exchange_sign == -1:      # 未交换self.last_sel = self.selectedif self.exchange_sign == 1:last_x, last_y = Manager.rc_xy(self.last_sel[0], self.last_sel[1])sel_x, sel_y = Manager.rc_xy(self.selected[0], self.selected[1])if self.last_sel[0] == self.selected[0]:  # 左右相邻for animallist in spritegroup:if animallist.rect.topleft == (last_x, last_y):last_sprite = animallistlast_sprite.speed = [self.selected[1]-self.last_sel[1], 0]elif animallist.rect.topleft == (sel_x, sel_y):selected_sprite = animallistselected_sprite.speed = [self.last_sel[1]-self.selected[1], 0]else:   # 上下相邻for animallist in spritegroup:if animallist.rect.topleft == (last_x, last_y):last_sprite = animallistlast_sprite.speed = [0, self.selected[0]-self.last_sel[0]]elif animallist.rect.topleft == (sel_x, sel_y):selected_sprite = animallistselected_sprite.speed = [0, self.last_sel[0]-self.selected[0]]while last_sprite.speed != [0, 0]:pygame.time.delay(5)self.draw_brick(last_x, last_y)self.draw_brick(sel_x, sel_y)last_sprite.move(last_sprite.speed)selected_sprite.move(selected_sprite.speed)self.screen.blit(last_sprite.image, last_sprite.rect)self.screen.blit(selected_sprite.image, selected_sprite.rect)pygame.display.flip()self.change_value()if self.eliminate_animal():self.step -= 1else:self.change_value()self.change_value_sign = Falseself.boom_sel = self.selectedself.exchange_sign = -1self.selected = [-1, -1]def change_value(self):"""交换值"""temp = self.animal[self.last_sel[0]][self.last_sel[1]]self.animal[self.last_sel[0]][self.last_sel[1]] = self.animal[self.selected[0]][self.selected[1]]self.animal[self.selected[0]][self.selected[1]] = tempdef load_text(self, text, position, txt_size, txt_color=(255, 255, 255)):my_font = pygame.font.SysFont(None, txt_size)text_screen = my_font.render(text, True, txt_color)self.screen.blit(text_screen, position)def death_map(self):"""判断死图,更新图"""for i in range(self.row, self.row + self.height):for j in range(self.col, self.col + self.width):if self.animal[i][j] != -1:if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i][j+1]:if (self.animal[i][j] in [self.animal[i-1][j-1], self.animal[i+1][j-1]] \and self.animal[i][j-1] != -1) or \(self.animal[i][j] in [self.animal[i-1][j+2], self.animal[i+1][j+2]] \and self.animal[i][j+2] != -1):"""a     ba ac     d"""self.death_sign = Falsebreakif self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i+1][j]:if (self.animal[i][j] in [self.animal[i-1][j-1], self.animal[i-1][j+1]] \and self.animal[i-1][j] != -1) or \(self.animal[i][j] in [self.animal[i+2][j - 1], self.animal[i+2][j + 1]] \and self.animal[i+2][j] != -1):"""a   baa c   d"""self.death_sign = Falsebreakelse:if self.animal[i-1][j-1] == self.animal[i][j]:if (self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i-1][j+1] and self.animal[i-1][j] != -1)\or (self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i+1][j-1] and self.animal[i][j-1] != -1):"""a   a      a   ba          ac          a    """self.death_sign = Falsebreakif self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i+1][j+1]:if (self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i-1][j+1] and self.animal[i][j+1] != -1)\or (self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i+1][j-1] and self.animal[i+1][j] != -1):"""    a          ba          ab   a      a   a"""self.death_sign = Falsebreakif self.death_sign:pygame.time.delay(500)Element(Element.none_animal, (230, 150)).draw(self.screen)pygame.display.flip()pygame.time.delay(500)temp = [self.step, self.score, self.animal_num, self.ice_num, self.energy_num]self.reset_mode = Trueself.set_level_mode(self.level)self.step = temp[0]self.score = temp[1]self.animal_num = temp[2]self.ice_num = temp[3]self.energy_num = temp[4]else:self.death_sign = True# def eliminate_animal(self):#     """消除小动物"""#     score_level = self.score       # 当前得分#     """543连消"""#     for i in range(self.row, self.row + self.height):#         for j in range(self.col, self.col + self.width):#             if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i][j+1] == self.animal[i][j+2] == self.animal[i][j-1] == self.animal[i][j-2] \#                     and self.animal[i][j] != -1:            # 横五#                 if self.selected != [-1, -1]:#                     self.change_value_sign = True#                 self.score += 5#                 # print("5", [i, j])#                 SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[4])                         # 消除声音4#                 self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5                     # 消除某种小动物计数#                 self.animal[i][j-2] = self.animal[i][j+1] = self.animal[i][j+2] = self.animal[i][j-1] = -2#                 # self.animal[i][j + 2] = 15#                 self.animal[i][j] = -2#             elif self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i][j+1] == self.animal[i][j+2] == self.animal[i][j+3] \#                     and self.animal[i][j] != -1:            # 横四#                 if self.selected != [-1, -1]:#                     self.change_value_sign = True#                 self.score += 3#                 # print("横四", [i, j])#                 SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[3])                                # 消除声音3#                 self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 4                            # 消除某种小动物计数#                 if i == self.boom_sel[0] and j+1 == self.boom_sel[1]:#                     # self.animal[i][j+1] += 5#                     self.animal[i][j + 1] = -2#                     self.animal[i][j] = self.animal[i][j + 2] = self.animal[i][j + 3] = -2#                 else:#                     # self.animal[i][j+2] += 5#                     self.animal[i][j + 2] = -2#                     self.animal[i][j] = self.animal[i][j + 1] = self.animal[i][j + 3] = -2#             elif self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i][j + 1] == self.animal[i][j + 2] and self.animal[i][j] != -1:#                 if self.selected != [-1, -1]:              # 横3#                     self.change_value_sign = True#                 self.score += 2#                 # print("横三", [i, j])#                 SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[0])  # 消除声音0#                 self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 3  # 消除某种小动物计数#                 self.animal[i][j] = self.animal[i][j + 1] = self.animal[i][j + 2] = -2#             if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i+1][j] == self.animal[i+2][j] == self.animal[i-1][j] == self.animal[i-2][j] \#                     and self.animal[i][j] != -1:             # 纵五#                 if self.selected != [-1, -1]:#                     self.change_value_sign = True#                 self.score += 5#                 # print("55", [i, j])#                 SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[4])                         # 消除声音4#                 self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5                     # 消除某种小动物计数#                 self.animal[i+2][j] = self.animal[i + 1][j] = self.animal[i-1][j] = self.animal[i-2][j] = -2#                 # self.animal[i + 2][j] = 15#                 self.animal[i][j] = -2#             elif self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i+1][j] == self.animal[i+2][j] == self.animal[i+3][j] \#                     and self.animal[i][j] != -1:            # 纵四#                 if self.selected != [-1, -1]:#                     self.change_value_sign = True#                 self.score += 3#                 # print("纵四", [i, j])#                 SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[3])                                 # 消除声音3#                 self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 4                             # 消除某种小动物计数#                 if i+1 == self.boom_sel[0] and j == self.boom_sel[1]:#                     # self.animal[i + 1][j] += 5#                     self.animal[i + 1][j] = -2#                     self.animal[i][j] = self.animal[i + 2][j] = self.animal[i + 3][j] = -2#                 else:#                     # self.animal[i + 2][j] += 5#                     self.animal[i + 2][j] = -2#                     self.animal[i][j] = self.animal[i + 1][j] = self.animal[i + 3][j] = -2#             elif self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i + 1][j] == self.animal[i + 2][j] and self.animal[i][j] != -1:#                 if self.selected != [-1, -1]:           # 纵3#                     self.change_value_sign = True#                 self.score += 2#                 # print("纵三", [i, j])#                 SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[0])  # 消除声音0#                 self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 3  # 消除某种小动物计数#                 self.animal[i][j] = self.animal[i + 1][j] = self.animal[i + 2][j] = -2##     """丁字,勾连消"""#     for i in range(self.row, self.row + self.height):#         for j in range(self.col, self.col + self.width):#             # 丁字#             if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i][j-1] == self.animal[i][j+1] and self.animal[i][j] != -1:#                 if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i+1][j] == self.animal[i+2][j]:  # 下丁#                     if self.selected != [-1, -1]:#                         self.change_value_sign = True#                     self.score += 3#                     # print("下丁", [i, j])#                     SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[2])                                              # 消除声音2#                     self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5                                        # 消除某种小动物计数#                     self.animal[i + 1][j] = self.animal[i + 2][j] = self.animal[i][j-1] = self.animal[i][j+1] = -2#                     # self.animal[i][j] += 10#                     self.animal[i][j] = -2#                 elif self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i-1][j] == self.animal[i-2][j]:  # 上丁#                     if self.selected != [-1, -1]:#                         self.change_value_sign = True#                     self.score += 3#                     # print("上丁", [i, j])#                     SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[2])                                                   # 消除声音2#                     self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5                                       # 消除某种小动物计数#                     self.animal[i][j - 1] = self.animal[i][j + 1] = self.animal[i-1][j] = self.animal[i-2][j] = -2#                     # self.animal[i][j] += 10#                     self.animal[i][j] = -2#             if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i-1][j] == self.animal[i+1][j] and self.animal[i][j] != -1:#                 if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i][j-1] == self.animal[i][j-2]:  # 左丁#                     if self.selected != [-1, -1]:#                         self.change_value_sign = True#                     self.score += 3#                     # print("下丁", [i, j])#                     SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[2])  # 消除声音2#                     self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5  # 消除某种小动物计数#                     self.animal[i + 1][j] = self.animal[i + 2][j] = self.animal[i][j - 1] = self.animal[i][j + 1] = -2#                     # self.animal[i][j] += 10#                     self.animal[i][j] = -2#                 elif self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i][j+1] == self.animal[i][j+2]:  # 右丁#                     if self.selected != [-1, -1]:#                         self.change_value_sign = True#                     self.score += 3#                     # print("上丁", [i, j])#                     SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[2])  # 消除声音2#                     self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5  # 消除某种小动物计数#                     self.animal[i][j - 1] = self.animal[i][j + 1] = self.animal[i - 1][j] = self.animal[i - 2][j] = -2#                     # self.animal[i][j] += 10#                     self.animal[i][j] = -2#             # 勾#             elif self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i][j+1] == self.animal[i][j+2] and self.animal[i][j] != -1:#                 if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i+1][j] == self.animal[i+2][j]:  # 右下#                     if self.selected != [-1, -1]:#                         self.change_value_sign = True#                     self.score += 3#                     # print("右下", [i, j])#                     SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[1])                                                   # 消除声音1#                     self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5                                        # 消除某种小动物计数#                     self.animal[i][j + 1] = self.animal[i][j + 2] = self.animal[i+1][j] = self.animal[i+2][j] = -2#                     # self.animal[i][j] += 10#                     self.animal[i][j] = -2#                 elif self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i-1][j] == self.animal[i-2][j]:            # 右上#                     if self.selected != [-1, -1]:#                         self.change_value_sign = True#                     self.score += 3#                     # print("右上", [i, j])#                     SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[1])                                                   # 消除声音1#                     self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5                                       # 消除某种小动物计数#                     self.animal[i][j + 1] = self.animal[i][j + 2] = self.animal[i-1][j] = self.animal[i-2][j] = -2#                     # self.animal[i][j] += 10#                     self.animal[i][j] = -2#             elif self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i][j-1] == self.animal[i][j-2] and self.animal[i][j] != -1:#                 if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i+1][j] == self.animal[i+2][j]:  # 左下#                     if self.selected != [-1, -1]:#                         self.change_value_sign = True#                     self.score += 3#                     # print("左下", [i, j])#                     SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[1])                                                   # 消除声音1#                     self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5                                        # 消除某种小动物计数#                     self.animal[i][j - 1] = self.animal[i][j - 2] = self.animal[i+1][j] = self.animal[i+2][j] = -2#                     # self.animal[i][j] += 10#                     self.animal[i][j] = -2#                 elif self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i-1][j] == self.animal[i-2][j]:            # 左上#                     if self.selected != [-1, -1]:#                         self.change_value_sign = True#                     self.score += 3#                     # print("左上", [i, j])#                     SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[1])                                                   # 消除声音1#                     self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5                                        # 消除某种小动物计数#                     self.animal[i][j - 1] = self.animal[i][j - 2] = self.animal[i-1][j] = self.animal[i-2][j] = -2#                     # self.animal[i][j] += 10#                     self.animal[i][j] = -2#     eliminate_ice = []#     for i in range(self.row, self.row + self.height):#         for j in range(self.col, self.col + self.width):#             if self.animal[i][j] == 5 and (-2 in [self.animal[i+1][j], self.animal[i-1][j], self.animal[i][j+1], self.animal[i][j-1]]):#                 eliminate_ice.append((i, j))#     # print(len(eliminate_ice))#     for n in range(len(eliminate_ice)):#         self.animal[eliminate_ice[n][0]][eliminate_ice[n][1]] = -2##     self.fall_animal()##     score_level = self.score-score_level     # 一次点击交换后消除的得分值##     # 根据得分差值,播放不同声音,画不同图片,good,great,amazing,excellent,unbelievable,#     if score_level < 5:#         pass#     elif score_level < 8:           # 5 good#         SoundPlay(SoundPlay.score_level[0])#         Element(Element.score_level[0], (350, 250)).draw(self.screen)#         pygame.display.flip()#         pygame.time.delay(500)#     elif score_level < 10:          # 8 great#         SoundPlay(SoundPlay.score_level[1])#         Element(Element.score_level[1], (350, 250)).draw(self.screen)#         pygame.display.flip()#         pygame.time.delay(500)#     elif score_level < 15:          # 10 amazing#         SoundPlay(SoundPlay.score_level[2])#         Element(Element.score_level[2], (350, 250)).draw(self.screen)#         pygame.display.flip()#         pygame.time.delay(500)#     elif score_level < 20:          # 15 excellent#         SoundPlay(SoundPlay.score_level[3])#         Element(Element.score_level[3], (350, 250)).draw(self.screen)#         pygame.display.flip()#         pygame.time.delay(500)#     elif score_level >= 20:         # 20 unbelievable#         SoundPlay(SoundPlay.score_level[4])#         Element(Element.score_level[4], (350, 250)).draw(self.screen)#         pygame.display.flip()#         pygame.time.delay(500)#     return self.change_value_sign      # 返回是否交换值标志def exist_left(self, i, j, num):sl = 0for temp in range(0,int(num)):# print("leftxxxxxx", temp,self.animal[i][j], self.animal[i + temp][j])if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i][j-temp] and self.animal[i][j]!= -1 and self.animal[i][j] != -2:# j = j - 1# self.animal[i][j] = self.animal[i][j-1]sl += 1# print('left', 'judge num',sl,num,i, j)if sl == num:# print('left', 'return true')return Trueelse:# print('left', 'return false')return Falsedef exist_right(self, i, j, num):sr = 0for temp in range(0, int(num)):# print("rightxxxxxx",temp, self.animal[i][j], self.animal[i + temp][j])if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i][j + temp] and self.animal[i][j]!= -1 and self.animal[i][j] != -2:# j = j + 1# self.animal[i][j] = self.animal[i][j + 1]sr = sr + 1# print('right', 'judge num',sr,num,i, j)if sr == num:# print('right','return true')return Trueelse:# print('right', 'return false')return Falsedef exist_up(self, i, j, num):su = 0for temp in range(0, int(num)):# print("upxxxxxx", temp,self.animal[i][j], self.animal[i + temp][j])if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i - temp][j] and self.animal[i][j]!= -1 and self.animal[i][j] != -2:# self.animal[i][j] = self.animal[i - 1][j]# i = i - 1su = su + 1# print('up', 'judge num',su,num,i, j)if su == num:# print('up', 'return true')return Trueelse:# print('up', 'return false')return Falsedef exist_down(self, i, j, num):sd = 0for temp in range(0, int(num)):# print("downxxxxxx",temp,self.animal[i][j],self.animal[i+temp][j])if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i + temp][j] and self.animal[i][j]!= -1 and self.animal[i][j] != -2:# self.animal[i][j] = self.animal[i + 1][j]# i = i + 1sd = sd + 1# print('down', 'judge num',sd,num,i, j)if sd == num:# print('down', 'return true')return Trueelse:passelse:# print('down', 'return false')return Falsedef change_left(self, i, j, num):self.change_value_sign = Trueself.score += numprint('excute changeleft')for k in range(0,int(num)):print('location',i, j-k,self.animal[i][j-k])self.animal[i][j-k] = -2# cl = 1# for temp in (0, num):#     if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i][j - 1] :#         self.animal[i][j] = self.animal[i][j - 1] = -2#         cl = cl + 1#         print('changeleft', 'judge num')#         if cl == num:#             print('changeleft', 'return true')#             return True#     else:#         print('changeleft', 'return false')#         return Falsedef change_right(self, i, j, num):self.change_value_sign = Trueself.score += numprint('excute changeright')for k in range(0,int(num)):print('location', i, j + k, self.animal[i][j + k])self.animal[i][j+k] = -2# cr = 1# for temp in (0, num):#     if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i][j + 1] :#         self.animal[i][j] = self.animal[i][j + 1] = -2#         cr = cr + 1#         print('changeright', 'judge num')#         if cr == num:#             print('changeright', 'return true')#             return True#     else:#         print('changeright', 'return false')#         return Falsedef change_up(self, i, j, num):self.change_value_sign = Trueself.score += numprint('excute changeup')for k in range(0,int(num)):print('location', i - k, j, self.animal[i - k][j ])self.animal[i-k][j] = -2# cu = 1# for temp in (0, num):#     if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i - 1][j] :#         self.animal[i][j] = self.animal[i - 1][j] = -2#         cu = cu + 1#         print('changeup', 'judge num')#         if cu == num:#             print('changeup', 'return true')#             return True#     else:#         print('changeup', 'return false')#         return Falsedef change_down(self, i, j, num):self.change_value_sign = Trueself.score += numprint('excute changedown')for k in range(0,int(num)):print('location', i + k, j, self.animal[i + k][j])self.animal[i+k][j] = -2# cd = 1# for temp in (0, num):#     if self.animal[i][j] == self.animal[i + 1][j]:#         self.animal[i][j] = self.animal[i + 1][j] = -2#         cd = cd + 1#         print('changedown', 'judge num')#         if cd == num:#             print('changedown', 'return true')#             return True#     else:#         print('changedown', 'return false')#         return Falsedef eliminate_animal(self):score_level = self.scoreself.change_value_sign = Falsefor i in range(self.row, self.row + self.height):for j in range(self.col, self.col + self.width):if self.exist_right(i, j, 5):self.change_value_sign = Trueif self.exist_down(i, j+2, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 7SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[4])  # 消除声音4self.change_right(i, j, 5)self.change_down(i, j+2, 3)else:self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[2])  # 消除声音4self.change_right(i, j, 5)elif self.exist_right(i, j, 4):self.change_value_sign = Trueif self.exist_down(i, j+1, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 6SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[3])  # 消除声音4self.change_right(i, j, 4)self.change_down(i, j+1, 3)elif self.exist_down(i, j+2, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 6SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[3])  # 消除声音4self.change_right(i, j, 4)self.change_down(i, j+2, 3)else:self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 4SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[1])  # 消除声音4self.change_right(i, j, 4)elif self.exist_right(i, j, 3):self.change_value_sign = Trueif self.exist_down(i, j, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[2])  # 消除声音4self.change_right(i, j, 3)self.change_down(i, j, 3)elif self.exist_down(i, j+1, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[2])  # 消除声音4self.change_right(i, j, 3)self.change_down(i, j+1, 3)elif self.exist_down(i, j+2, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[2])  # 消除声音4self.change_right(i, j, 3)self.change_down(i, j + 2, 3)else:self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 3SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[0])  # 消除声音4self.change_right(i, j, 3)elif self.exist_down(i, j, 5):self.change_value_sign = Trueif self.exist_right(i+2, j, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 7SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[4])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 5)self.change_right(i+2, j, 3)elif self.exist_left(i+2, j, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 7SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[4])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 5)self.change_left(i+2, j, 3)else:self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[2])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 5)elif self.exist_down(i, j, 4):self.change_value_sign = Trueif self.exist_left(i+1, j, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 6SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[3])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 4)self.change_left(i+1, j, 3)elif self.exist_right(i+1, j, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 6SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[3])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 4)self.change_right(i+1, j, 3)elif self.exist_left(i+2, j, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 6SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[3])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 4)self.change_left(i+2, j, 3)elif self.exist_right(i+2, j, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 6SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[3])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 4)self.change_right(i+2, j, 3)else:self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 4SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[1])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 4)elif self.exist_down(i, j, 3):self.change_value_sign = Trueif self.exist_left(i+1, j, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[2])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 3)self.change_left(i+1, j, 3)elif self.exist_right(i+1, j, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[2])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 3)self.change_right(i+1, j, 3)elif self.exist_left(i+2, j, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[2])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 3)self.change_left(i+2, j, 3)elif self.exist_right(i+2, j, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[2])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 3)self.change_right(i+2, j, 3)# elif self.exist_left(i, j, 2) and self.exist_right(i, j, 2):#     self.change_down(i, j, 3)#     self.change_left(i, j, 2)#     self.change_right(i, j, 2)elif self.exist_left(i+2, j, 2) and self.exist_right(i+2, j, 2):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 5SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[2])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 3)self.change_left(i+2, j, 2)self.change_right(i+2, j, 2)elif self.exist_left(i+2, j, 2) and self.exist_right(i+2, j, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 6SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[3])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 3)self.change_left(i+2, j, 2)self.change_right(i+2, j, 3)elif self.exist_left(i+2, j, 3) and self.exist_right(i+2, j, 2):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 6SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[3])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 3)self.change_left(i+2, j, 3)self.change_right(i+2, j, 2)elif self.exist_left(i+2, j, 3) and self.exist_right(i+2, j, 3):self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 7SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[4])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 3)self.change_left(i+2, j, 3)self.change_right(i+2, j, 3)else:self.animal_num[self.animal[i][j]] += 3SoundPlay(SoundPlay.eliminate[0])  # 消除声音4self.change_down(i, j, 3)self.fall_animal()score_level = self.score - score_level  # 一次点击交换后消除的得分值# 根据得分差值,播放不同声音,画不同图片,good,great,amazing,excellent,unbelievable,if score_level < 5:passelif score_level < 8:           # 5 goodSoundPlay(SoundPlay.score_level[0])Element(Element.score_level[0], (350, 250)).draw(self.screen)pygame.display.flip()pygame.time.delay(500)elif score_level < 10:          # 8 greatSoundPlay(SoundPlay.score_level[1])Element(Element.score_level[1], (350, 250)).draw(self.screen)pygame.display.flip()pygame.time.delay(500)elif score_level < 15:          # 10 amazingSoundPlay(SoundPlay.score_level[2])Element(Element.score_level[2], (350, 250)).draw(self.screen)pygame.display.flip()pygame.time.delay(500)elif score_level < 20:          # 15 excellentSoundPlay(SoundPlay.score_level[3])Element(Element.score_level[3], (350, 250)).draw(self.screen)pygame.display.flip()pygame.time.delay(500)elif score_level >= 20:         # 20 unbelievableSoundPlay(SoundPlay.score_level[4])Element(Element.score_level[4], (350, 250)).draw(self.screen)pygame.display.flip()pygame.time.delay(500)return self.change_value_sign      # 返回是否交换值标志# def fall_animal(self):#     """下落函数"""#     index = 0#     for i in range(self.row, self.row + self.height):#         for j in range(self.col, self.col + self.width):#             if self.animal[i][j] == -2:#                 x, y = self.rc_xy(i, j)#                 for index in range(0, 6):#                     pygame.time.delay(100)#                     self.draw_brick(x, y)#                     Element(Element.bling[index], (x, y)).draw(self.screen)#                     pygame.display.flip()##                 for m in range(i, self.row - 1, -1):#                     if self.animal[m - 1][j] != -1:#                         x, y = self.rc_xy(m - 1, j)#                         animal = Element(Element.animal[self.animal[m - 1][j]], self.rc_xy(m - 1, j))#                         animal.move([0, 10])#                         # pygame.time.delay(5)#                         self.draw_brick(x, y)#                         animal.draw(self.screen)#                         pygame.display.flip()#                         self.animal[m][j] = self.animal[m - 1][j]#                     else:#                         self.animal[m][j] = random.randint(0, 4)#                         break# def eliminate_animal_test(self):#     s = 1#     for i in range(self.row, self.row+self.height):#         for j in range(self.col, self.col+self.width):#             # current_rc = [i, j]#             if self.animal[i][j] ==self.animal[i][j+1]:#                 s += 1#             else:#                 if s# def judge_animal(self, rc1, rc2):#     """判断两坐标之间小动物是否相等"""#     judge_sign = True#     if rc1[0] == rc2[0]:#         i = rc1[0]#         for j in range(rc1[1], rc2[1]):#             if self.animal[i][j] != self.animal[i][j+1]:#                 judge_sign = False#                 break#     elif rc1[1] == rc2[1]:#         j = rc1[1]#         for i in range(rc1[0], rc2[0]):#             if self.animal[i][j] != self.animal[i+1][j]:#                 judge_sign = False#                 break#     else:#         print("rc error!")#     return judge_sign# def fall_animal(self):#     """下落函数"""#     for i in range(self.row, self.row+self.height):#         for j in range(self.col, self.col+self.width):#             if self.animal[i][j] == -2:#                 for m in range(i, self.row-1, -1):#                     if self.animal[m-1][j] != -1:#                         self.animal[m][j] = self.animal[m-1][j]#                     else:#                         self.animal[m][j] = random.randint(0, 5)#                         breakdef fall_animal(self):"""下落函数"""clock = pygame.time.Clock()position = []ice_position = []for i in range(self.row, self.row+self.height):for j in range(self.col, self.col+self.width):if self.animal[i][j] == -2:x, y = self.rc_xy(i, j)position.append((x, y))if self.ice_list[i][j] == 1:ice_position.append((x, y))if position != []:for index in range(0, 9):# pygame.time.delay(50)# clock.tick()clock.tick(20)for pos in position:self.draw_brick(pos[0], pos[1])if pos in ice_position:Element(Element.ice_eli[index], (pos[0], pos[1])).draw(self.screen)Element(Element.bling[index], (pos[0], pos[1])).draw(self.screen)pygame.display.flip()# speed = [0, 1]# while speed != [0, 0]:#     for i in range(self.row, self.row+self.height):#         for j in range(self.col, self.col+self.width):#             if self.animal[i][j] == -2:#                 self.ice_list[i][j] = -1#                 for m in range(i, self.row - 1, -1):#                     if self.animal[m - 1][j] != -1:#                         x, y = self.rc_xy(m - 1, j)#                         animal = Element(Element.animal[self.animal[m - 1][j]], (x, y))#                         # clock.tick(20)#                         animal.move([0, 1])#                         speed = animal.speed#                         self.draw_brick(x, y)#                         animal.draw(self.screen)#                         pygame.display.flip()#                         # self.animal[m][j] = self.animal[m - 1][j]#                     else:#                         # self.animal[m][j] = random.randint(0, 5)#                         break# fall_animal_list = []# for i in range(self.row, self.row + self.height):#     for j in range(self.col, self.col + self.width):#         if self.animal[i][j] == -2:#             brick_position = []#             x, y = self.rc_xy(i, j)#             if self.ice_list[i][j] == 1:#                 SoundPlay(SoundPlay.ice_break)#                 self.ice_num += 1#                 self.ice_list[i][j] = -1#             fall_animal_list = []#             brick_position.append((x, y))#             speed = [0, 1]#             for m in range(i, self.row - 1, -1):#                 if self.animal[m - 1][j] != -1:#                     x, y = self.rc_xy(m - 1, j)#                     brick_position.append((x, y))#                     animal = Element(Element.animal[self.animal[m - 1][j]], (x, y))#                     fall_animal_list.append(animal)#                     self.animal[m][j] = self.animal[m - 1][j]#                 else:#                     self.animal[m][j] = random.randint(0, 5)#                     break#             while speed != [0, 0] and fall_animal_list != []:#                 # clock.tick(300)#                 for position in brick_position:#                     self.draw_brick(position[0], position[1])#                 for animal_sprite in fall_animal_list:#                     animal_sprite.move(speed)#                     animal_sprite.draw(self.screen)#                     print('animal speed', animal_sprite.speed)#                     speed = animal_sprite.speed#                 pygame.display.flip()for i in range(self.row, self.row + self.height):brick_position = []fall_animal_list = []speed = [0, 1]for j in range(self.col, self.col + self.width):if self.animal[i][j] == -2:x, y = self.rc_xy(i, j)if self.ice_list[i][j] == 1:SoundPlay(SoundPlay.ice_break)self.ice_num += 1self.ice_list[i][j] = -1brick_position.append((x, y))for m in range(i, self.row - 1, -1):if self.animal[m - 1][j] != -1:x, y = self.rc_xy(m - 1, j)brick_position.append((x, y))animal = Element(Element.animal[self.animal[m - 1][j]], (x, y))fall_animal_list.append(animal)self.animal[m][j] = self.animal[m - 1][j]else:self.animal[m][j] = random.randint(0, 5)breakwhile speed != [0, 0] and fall_animal_list != []:# clock.tick(300)for position in brick_position:self.draw_brick(position[0], position[1])for animal_sprite in fall_animal_list:animal_sprite.move(speed)animal_sprite.draw(self.screen)print('animal speed', animal_sprite.speed)speed = animal_sprite.speedpygame.display.flip()def judgeNext(self, type, score):"""判断下一步是过关还是失败"""if type == 1:      # 过关self.loadFnsWindow(score)elif type == -1:   # 过关失败self.loadFailWindow()def loadFailWindow(self):"""画失败板子及相关按钮"""sound_sign = 0retry = Board(Board.replay, Board.button_position[1])               # 右再来一次按钮step_add = Board(Board.step_add, Board.button_position[0])          # 左再来5步按钮self.screen.blit(self.fail_board.image, self.fail_board.rect)   # 过关失败板self.screen.blit(step_add.image, step_add.rect)self.screen.blit(retry.image, retry.rect)while self.fail_board.speed != [0, 0]:self.draw()self.screen.blit(self.fail_board.image, self.fail_board.rect)self.fail_board.move()pygame.display.flip()if sound_sign == 0:SoundPlay(SoundPlay.board_sound)sound_sign = 1def loadFnsWindow(self, score):"""过关成功及相关按钮"""sound_sign = 0next_level = Board(, Board.button_position[1])              # 右下一关按钮replay = Board(Board.replay, Board.button_position[0])                # 左再来一次按钮self.screen.blit(self.success_board.image, self.success_board.rect)     # 过关成功板self.screen.blit(next_level.image, next_level.rect)self.screen.blit(replay.image, replay.rect)while self.success_board.speed != [0, 0]:self.draw()self.screen.blit(self.success_board.image, self.success_board.rect)self.success_board.move()pygame.display.flip()if sound_sign == 0:SoundPlay(SoundPlay.board_sound)sound_sign = 1self.displayStars(score)                 # 画星星# 画银币self.load_text(str(self.score*2), (Board.starts_position[0][0]+75, Board.starts_position[0][0]+46), 20, (0, 0, 0))def displayStars(self, score):"""画星星"""star1 = Board(Board.stars, Board.starts_position[0])star2 = Board(Board.stars, Board.starts_position[1])star3 = Board(Board.stars, Board.starts_position[2])if 0 <= score < self.min:self.load_text(str(1), (Board.starts_position[1][0]+48, Board.starts_position[1][1]+35), 20, (0, 0, 0))self.screen.blit(star1.image, star1.rect)elif self.min <= score <= self.max:self.load_text(str(2), (Board.starts_position[1][0] + 48, Board.starts_position[1][1] + 35), 20, (0, 0, 0))self.screen.blit(star1.image, star1.rect)self.screen.blit(star2.image, star2.rect)elif score > self.max:self.load_text(str(5), (Board.starts_position[1][0] + 48, Board.starts_position[1][1] + 35), 20, (0, 0, 0))self.screen.blit(star1.image, star1.rect)self.screen.blit(star2.image, star2.rect)self.screen.blit(star3.image, star3.rect)# print("m.energy_num", self.energy_num)pygame.display.flip()def set_level_mode(self, level):"""每关布局和规定步数"""self.level = levelif self.reset_mode:                 # 如果需要重新布局self.num_sign = Trueif level == 1:self.__init__(7, 7)self.animal[7][9] = self.animal[7][10] = self.animal[7][11] = self.animal[8][10] = self.animal[11][7] = \self.animal[11][13] = self.animal[12][7] = self.animal[12][8] = self.animal[12][12] = self.animal[12][13] = \self.animal[13][7] = self.animal[13][8] = self.animal[13][9] = self.animal[13][11] = self.animal[13][12] = \self.animal[13][13] = -1self.init_step = 17            # 规定17步elif level == 2:self.__init__(4, 8)self.init_step = 16          # 规定16步elif level == 3:self.__init__(7, 7)self.init_step = 18      # 规定18步elif level == 4:self.__init__(9, 7)row, col = self.row, self.colself.animal[row][col] = self.animal[row][col+7] = self.animal[row][col+8] = self.animal[row+1][col+8] = \self.animal[row+5][col] = self.animal[row+6][col] = self.animal[row+6][col+1] = self.animal[row+6][col+8] = -1self.init_step = 20elif level == 5:self.__init__(8, 9)row, col = self.row, self.colself.animal[row][col+7] = self.animal[row+2][col] = self.animal[row+5][col] = self.animal[row+3][col+7] = \self.animal[row+6][col+7] = self.animal[row+8][col] = -1self.init_step = 20elif level == 6:self.__init__(9, 9)row, col = self.row, self.colself.animal[row][col] = self.animal[row][col+8] = self.animal[row+2][col+4] = self.animal[row+3][col+2] = \self.animal[row+3][col+6] = self.animal[row+8][col] = self.animal[row+8][col+8] = -1for i in range(row+4, row+6):for j in range(col+3, col+6):self.animal[i][j] = -1self.init_step = 28elif level == 7:self.__init__(9, 9)row, col = self.row, self.colfor i in range(row, row+9):self.animal[i][col+4] = -1for j in range(col, col+4):self.animal[row+3][j] = -1for j in range(col+5, col+9):self.animal[row+5][j] = -1self.init_step = 25elif level == 8:self.__init__(7, 8)row, col = self.row, self.colfor i in range(row+2, row+5):for j in range(col+1, col+6):self.ice_list[i][j] = 1self.init_step = 21elif level == 9:self.__init__(9, 9)row, col = self.row, self.colself.animal[row][col+4] = self.animal[row+4][col] = self.animal[row+4][col+8] = self.animal[row+8][col+4] = -1for i in range(row+1, row+8):for j in range(col+1, col+8):self.ice_list[i][j] = 1self.init_step = 35else:self.__init__(9, 9)row, col = self.row, self.colfor i in range(row, row+2):for j in range(col, col+9):self.animal[i][j] = -1self.animal[row][col+4] = random.randint(0, 5)self.animal[row+1][col+2] = random.randint(0, 5)self.animal[row+1][col+4] = random.randint(0, 5)self.animal[row+1][col+6] = random.randint(0, 5)self.animal[row+2][col+1] = self.animal[row+3][col+1] = self.animal[row+2][col+3] = self.animal[row+3][col+3] =\self.animal[row+2][col+5] = self.animal[row+3][col+5] = self.animal[row+2][col+7] = \self.animal[row+3][col+7] = self.animal[row+8][col] = self.animal[row+8][col+8] = -1for i in range(row+4, row+8):for j in range(col, col+9):self.ice_list[i][j] = 1self.ice_list[row+2][col+4] = self.ice_list[row+3][col+2] = self.ice_list[row+3][col+4] = \self.ice_list[row+3][col+6] = 1self.init_step = 40self.type = 0self.energy_num -= 5self.success_board = Board(Board.success_board, [200, 0])  # 过关成功板self.fail_board = Board(Board.fail_board, [200, 0])  # 任务失败板self.step = self.init_stepself.score = 0self.animal_num = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]self.ice_num = 0self.reset_mode = False# def draw_task(self):#     board_center_position = (400, 90)#     animal_center_position = (430, 35)#     txt_center_position = (460, 60)#     txt_size = 30#     color = (0, 0, 0)#     if self.level == 1:#         Board(Board.task_board, board_center_position).draw(self.screen)#         task_animal = Element(Element.animal[4], animal_center_position)#         task_animal.image = pygame.transform.smoothscale(task_animal.image, (40, 40))#         task_animal.draw(self.screen)#         self.load_text(str(10-self.animal_num[4]), txt_center_position, txt_size, color)#     if self.level == 2:#         Board(Board.task_board, board_center_position).draw(self.screen)#         task_animal = Element(Element.animal[1], animal_center_position)#         task_animal.image = pygame.transform.smoothscale(task_animal.image, (40, 40))#         task_animal.draw(self.screen)#         self.load_text(str(21-self.animal_num[1]), txt_center_position, txt_size, color)#     if self.level == 3:#         Board(Board.task_board, (board_center_position[0]-100, board_center_position[1])).draw(self.screen)#         Board(Board.task_board, (board_center_position[0]+100, board_center_position[1])).draw(self.screen)#         task_animal = Element(Element.animal[4], (430, 35))#         task_animal.image = pygame.transform.smoothscale(task_animal.image, (40, 40))#         task_animal.draw(self.screen)#         self.load_text(str(10 - self.animal_num[1]), (460, 60), 30)def num_add(self):if += self.score * 2if self.score < self.min:self.energy_num += 1elif self.score < self.max:self.energy_num += 2else:self.energy_num += 5self.num_sign = Falsedef judge_level(self):"""每关任务判断过关"""if self.step <= 0:self.type = -1  # 失败if self.level == 1:if self.animal_num[4] >= 10:  # 第一关任务消除2个青蛙self.type = 1             # 过关self.num_add()elif self.level == 2:if self.animal_num[1] >= 21:  # 第二关任务21个熊self.type = 1                         # 过关self.num_add()elif self.level == 3:if self.animal_num[4] >= 16 and self.animal_num[5] >= 16:  # 第二关任务21个熊self.type = 1                         # 过关self.num_add()elif self.level == 4:if self.animal_num[5] >= 18 and self.animal_num[2] >= 18:  # 第二关任务21个熊self.type = 1                         # 过关self.num_add()elif self.level == 5:if self.animal_num[2] >= 28 and self.animal_num[0] >= 28:  # 第二关任务21个熊self.type = 1                         # 过关self.num_add()elif self.level == 6:if self.animal_num[4] >= 70:  # 第二关任务21个熊self.type = 1                         # 过关self.num_add()elif self.level == 7:if self.animal_num[2] >= 36 and self.animal_num[1] >= 36 and self.animal_num[0] >= 36:  # 第二关任务21个熊self.type = 1                         # 过关self.num_add()elif self.level == 8:if self.ice_num >= 15:  # 第二关任务21个熊self.type = 1                         # 过关self.num_add()elif self.level == 9:if self.ice_num >= 49:  # 第二关任务21个熊self.type = 1                         # 过关self.num_add()else:if self.ice_num >= 39:  # 第二关任务21个熊self.type = 1                         # 过关self.num_add()self.judgeNext(self.type, self.score)







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