Linux alias命令(为复杂命令创建别名,其中命令可带选项或参数)


  • Mastering the Linux `alias` Command(精通Linux的`alias`命令)
    • 1. Understanding the `alias` Command(理解`alias`命令)
      • 示例
        • Ubuntu20.04 arm操作系统
        • OpenEuler20.03 arm操作系统
    • 2. Basic Usage of `alias`(`alias`的基本用法)
    • 3. Advanced Applications of `alias`(`alias`的高级应用)
    • 4. Making Aliases Permanent(使别名永久有效)
    • 5. Tips and Tricks(技巧和提示)
      • 1. Use the `unalias` command to remove an alias.(使用`unalias`命令删除一个别)名。
      • 2. Enclose commands containing spaces in quotes when defining an alias.(在定义包含空格的命令的别名时,将命令用引号括起来。)
      • 3. Remember that aliases are specific to the shell they are defined in.
    • 6. Conclusion(结论)

Mastering the Linux alias Command(精通Linux的alias命令)

The Linux alias command is a built-in shell command that allows users to create shortcuts or synonyms(同义词) for other commands. It simplifies complex command-line instructions, saving time and minimizing potential mistakes.

1. Understanding the alias Command(理解alias命令)

The alias command in Linux is an inbuilt(内置的) command that creates shortcuts for other commands which can include options and arguments. This can significantly(显著地) streamline(使效率更高) your workflow(工作流程), particularly when you frequently use long or complex commands.

To view all currently defined aliases in the terminal, simply type alias and press enter:



Ubuntu20.04 arm操作系统


OpenEuler20.03 arm操作系统


2. Basic Usage of aliasalias的基本用法)

The general syntax of the alias command is as follows:

alias alias_name='command'

The alias_name is the name of the new alias, and command is the command that the alias refers to.

For instance(例如), to create a shortcut for the ls -lh command (which lists files in ‘long format’ with human-readable file sizes), one could define an alias named ll:
例如,为了创建ls -lh命令的快捷方式(它以"长格式"列出文件,文件大小可读),可以定义一个名为ll的别名:

alias ll='ls -lh'

Now, typing ll in the terminal would execute ls -lh.
现在,在终端中输入ll将执行ls -lh

3. Advanced Applications of aliasalias的高级应用)

Aliases can be more complex and powerful. They can incorporate(包含) multiple commands separated by semicolons(分号) or contain control structures such as loops or conditional statements.

For example, an alias could be created to update the system and then clear the terminal:

alias update_and_clear='sudo apt-get update; clear'

4. Making Aliases Permanent(使别名永久有效)

Aliases defined in a terminal(终端) session(会话) are temporary - they cease(停止) to exist when the session is closed. To make an alias permanent, it needs to be defined in the shell configuration file.




"Stop"是一个更常见、更口语化的词汇,可用于各种情况,例如 “stop talking”(停止说话),“stop

"Cease"则更正式,常出现在书面语言或法律文件中,比如 “cease and desist”(立即停止)。通常用于表达某事物完全、永久性地结束。例如,“The company ceased operations”(公司停止了运营)。这个词通常不会在日常对话中使用。

For bash, this would be the ~/.bashrc file. For zsh, this would be the ~/.zshrc file. An example of defining an alias permanently for bash would be:

echo "alias ll='ls -lh'" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

5. Tips and Tricks(技巧和提示)

Here are a few additional tips and tricks that might come in handy:

1. Use the unalias command to remove an alias.(使用unalias命令删除一个别)名。

Explanation: The unalias command is used in Unix/Linux based systems to remove or delete the alias that was previously created.


Example: Suppose we have created an alias like this: alias ls='ls -al'. If we want to remove this alias, we can use unalias ls.

示例:假设我们创建了这样一个别名:alias ls='ls -al'。如果我们想要移除这个别名,我们可以使用unalias ls

2. Enclose commands containing spaces in quotes when defining an alias.(在定义包含空格的命令的别名时,将命令用引号括起来。)

Explanation: When you are creating an alias and the command contains space, then you need to enclose(括起来) the whole command in single or double quotes(引号).


Example: To create an alias for the command ls -al, which has a space, you can write it as alias ls='ls -al'.

示例:为了创建一个包含空格的命令ls -al的别名,你可以写成alias ls='ls -al'

3. Remember that aliases are specific to the shell they are defined in.


Explanation: Aliases are specific to the shell they are created in, and they will not be available in a new shell or a different terminal session unless they are defined in the shell’s configuration file.


Example: If you define alias ls='ls -al' in one terminal session, then open a new terminal window, the alias will not be recognized in the new window.

示例:如果你在一个终端会话中定义了alias ls='ls -al',然后打开一个新的终端窗口,那么在新窗口中将无法识别这个别名。

6. Conclusion(结论)

The Linux alias command can greatly simplify the command-line interface and increase productivity (生产率)by reducing the time and effort required to type long or complex commands. With a good understanding of how to create, use, and manage aliases, you’re well on your way to becoming a more efficient Linux user.





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