
   img {float: right;}p {font-size: 32px;}
<div class="sec"><img src="penguin.png" alt="penguin"><p>With no change in the rule, the more you grow the more envious you be123  123132312...</p>

    .sec {background: #EEEEEE;padding: 90px 50px 30px;margin-top: 150px;position: relative;border-top: 10px solid #399;}img {margin-top: -220px;}p {font-size: 32px;}<div class="sec"><img src="penguin.png" alt="penguin"><p>With no change in the rule, the more you grow the more envious you be...</p>

3,Hero Unit 图标题文混排
.description{width:980px;height:380px;background:#F39C12;text-align: center;padding: 45px 60px;box-sizing: border-box;
h1{color: #FFFFFF;margin:15px auto;font-size: 56px;
}<div class="description"><img src="comment.png" alt="comment"><h1>Lioness of Gir</h1><p>Monkeys swing merrily from tree to tree. Deer, wild, boars, and antelopes roam freely among the clump of trees. If you were to go deep into the fores5, you might even see a majestic lion, stalking its prey. This is the Gir forest in Gujarat, the only reserve forest in Asia where you can still see the king of the forest walking around.</p>


.description{width:980px;height:380px;background:#F39C12;text-align: center;padding: 45px 60px;box-sizing: border-box;position: relative;
img, .content {position: absolute;top:50%;transform: translateY(-50%);
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h1{color: #FFFFFF;margin:15px auto;font-size: 56px;
}<img src="comment.png" alt="comment"><div class="content"><h1>Lioness of Gir</h1><p>Monkeys swing merrily from tree to tree. Deer, wild, boars, and antelopes roam freely among the clump of trees. If you were to go deep into the fores5, you might even see a majestic lion, stalking its prey. This is the Gir forest in Gujarat, the only reserve forest in Asia where you can still see the king of the forest walking around.</p></div>



{margin: 0;padding: 0;}section {width: 980px;background: #f5f5f5;box-shadow: 0 0 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, .3) inset;box-sizing: border-box;padding: 40px;}article {width: 49%;float: left;position: relative;}article:nth-child(2) {margin-left: 2%;}h1 {font-size: 32px;margin-bottom: 15px;}p {font-size: 15px;color: #777777;}h1, p{width: 65%;margin-left:35%;}img {position: absolute;top: 0;}.clearfix:before, .clearfix:after {content: "";display: table;}.clearfix:after {clear: both;}<section class="clearfix"><article><h1>Rip Van winkle</h1><p>Many years ago, at the foothills of the Kaatskill (Kat-skill) mountains, was a little village. In the villagelived a simple, good-natured fellow named Rip Van Winkle. He was a kind neighbour, ready to helpanyone. </p><img src="head1.png" alt="picture of Rip Van winkle"></article><article><h1>Robinson Crusoe</h1><p>As Rip and his companion reached them, they stopped playing and stared at Rip with a fixed gaze. Rip wasreally frightened. His companion emptied the contents of the barrel into glasses and made Rip drink it.</p><img src="head2.png" alt="picture of Rip Van winkle"></article>


  section {width: 500px;background: #FFF;}article {box-sizing: border-box;width: 250px;height: 250px;padding: 20px;text-align: center;float: left;border-bottom: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);border-right: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);}article:nth-child(odd){border-left: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);}article:nth-child(-n+2){border-top: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, .2);}article:nth-child(2) {height: 500px;padding-top: 150px;}article:nth-child(3) {margin-top: -250px;}article h1 {font-size: 32px;margin:10px 0 ;color :#666666;}article P {font-size: 15px;margin-bottom:10px;color:#999;}<section><article><h1>Ulysses</h1><p>Soaring through the galaxies</p><img src="pic1.png" alt="image of Ulysses"></article><article><h1>Dallas</h1><p>Rollin' down to Dallas</p><img src="pic2.png" alt="image of Dallas"></article><article><h1>McKay</h1><p>McKay and his best friend</p><img src="pic3.png" alt="image of McKay"></article>


body {margin:50px;font-family:'Helvetica Neue';font-size:24px;line-height:1.5;
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.col{width:33.33%;float:left;text-align:center;box-sizing:border-box;padding:20px;color:#FFF;background:#2980B9;padding-bottom: 500px; /*使用内边距高度增加500px*/margin-bottom: -500px;/*利用负margin抵消增加的500px*/
.col img{width:30%;margin-top:30px;
}<div id="container"><div class="col"><img src="trend.png"><h1>Trend</h1><p>The tool refers to periodic trends for collecting and analyzing weak signals and trends in chemistry.</p></div><div class="col"><img src="user.png"><h1>User</h1><p>User namespaces are now fully implemented as of document is obsolete.</p></div><div class="col"><img src="picture.png"><h1>Picture</h1><p>Taking good pictures is something anyone can do with any camera, if you practice enough and avoid some common mistakes..</p></div>

7,两列自适应布局     左侧固定右侧自适应
* {margin: 0;padding: 0;}body {margin: 50px;}.row {width: 100%;background: #000;position: relative;padding-left: 300px;box-sizing: border-box;}.side {position: absolute;left: 0;width: 300px;height: 500px;background: #c0392B;padding: 50px;}.main {width: 100%;height: 500px;background: #E74C3C;padding: 100px;}.side, .main {text-align: center;font-family: "Comic Sans MS",cursive;color: #fff;box-sizing: border-box;}.main h1 {font-size: 82px;}.main p {font-size: 26px;}.side button {background: #F39C12;border:none;border-radius: 4px;padding:5px 40px;margin-top:30px;font-size: 18px;}<div class="row"><div class="side"><img src="side.png" alt="order"><p>In restaurants, pizza can be baked in an oven with stone bricks above the heat source, an electric deck oven,a conveyor belt oven or a wood- or coal-fired brick oven.</p><button>Order</button></div><div class="main"><img src="pizza.png" alt="pizza"><h1>Pizza</h1><p>Various types of ovens are used to cook them and many varieties exist.</p></div>




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}<div id="container"><div id="main" class="col"><img src="star.png"><p>Ramalinga as usual was walking into the Bhuvana Vijayam premises and the guards stopped him. He questioned why were they blocking the way. The soldiers told Ramalinga about the line and asked him to enter the premises only after reciting the first three lines for the last line they recited to him. Ramalinga boiled and trembled with anger on those soldiers. </p></div><div id="left" class="col"><img src="drink.png"><p>Long before guards could understand the meaning of the poem, Ramalinga walked stiff into the main court hall. This state of affairs brought Ramalinga more close to Rayalu.</p></div><div id="right" class="col"><img src="closed.png"><p>Rayalu clapped in all praise of Ramalinga for his ingenuity and wit filled narration. </p></div>


body {background:#FFF;margin:50px;min-width:950px;font-family:Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif;font-size:23px;line-height:1.5;}#container{width:100%;color:#FFF;}#left{background:#16A085;width:350px;margin-left:-100%;}#main{background:#1ABC9C;width:100%;height:500px;}#right{background:#14856d;width:250px;margin-left: -250px;}#content{margin:0 250px 0 350px;}.col{text-align:left;padding:30px 50px;box-sizing:border-box;float:left;height:500px;}.col img{float:left;margin:20px;}<div id="container"><div id="main" class="col"><div id="content"><img src="star.png"><p>Ramalinga as usual was walking into the Bhuvana Vijayam premises and the guards stopped him. He questioned why were they blocking the way. The soldiers told Ramalinga about the line and asked him to enter the premises only after reciting the first three lines for the last line they recited to him. Ramalinga boiled and trembled with anger on those soldiers. </p></div></div><div id="left" class="col"><img src="drink.png"><p>Long before guards could understand the meaning of the poem, Ramalinga walked stiff into the main court hall. This state of affairs brought Ramalinga more close to Rayalu.</p></div><div id="right" class="col"><img src="closed.png"><p>Rayalu clapped in all praise of Ramalinga for his ingenuity and wit filled narration. </p></div>







当代码出现异常后底下代码都不会被执行了&#xff0c;也就是程序崩溃了。当然能避免异常的话尽量避免但是有的时候这个是没有办法避免的。 异常处理 &#xff08;注&#xff1a;异常处理是从上往下处理&#xff0c;所以编写代码时要注意&#xff09; 语法 try:可能出现异常…


员工A&#xff1a;“我今天想搜索的时候&#xff0c;用不了浏览器了&#xff0c;你能用么&#xff1f;” 员工B&#xff1a;“不知道啊我试一下啊” “也不行” 员工C&#xff1a;“为什么啊&#xff1f;” 针对上述对话&#xff0c;我们不禁思考&#xff1a; 公司为什么禁…






目录 一.初识继承&#xff1a; 1.1什么是继承&#xff0c;为什么需要继承&#xff1a; 1.2继承的概念与语法&#xff1a; 二.成员的访问&#xff1a; 2.1super关键字 2.2this和super的区别&#xff1a; 三.再谈初始化: 小结&#xff1a; 四.初识多态&#xff1a; 4.1多…

windows部署腾讯tmagic-editor01-Hello world

之前写过一篇使用yarn实现的;后面的两个没有写&#xff0c;这次准备重新实现 环境 pnpm 8.15.1 node 18.19.0 创建vue项目 pnpm create vitecd hello-world pnpm install执行pnpm dev启动项目 安…


构建高效Web应用&#xff1a;Flask、Django和FastAPI的全面对比 介绍Flask简介快速入门路由和视图函数模板渲染数据库操作Flask项目实战 Django简介快速入门模型和数据库视图和模板表单处理Django项目实战 FastAPI简介快速入门路径操作和参数请求和响应依赖注入FastAPI项目实战…

力扣面试经典150 —— 6-10题

力扣面试经典150题在 VScode 中安装 LeetCode 插件即可使用 VScode 刷题&#xff0c;安装 Debug LeetCode 插件可以免费 debug本文使用 python 语言解题&#xff0c;文中 “数组” 通常指 python 列表&#xff1b;文中 “指针” 通常指 python 列表索引 文章目录 6. [中等] 轮转…


适用平台&#xff1a;MatlabYalmipCplex/Gurobi 程序针对目前微电网中高比例新能源发电的波动性和间歇性&#xff0c;提出了考虑源荷不平衡特性的微电网鲁棒定价方法&#xff0c;综合考虑电力市场边际收益和边际成本&#xff0c;利用价格波动来平衡电源和负荷。程序算例丰富、注…

IDEA自带 .http 请求工具文档

基础语法 请求格式 基础格式 Method Request-URI HTTP-Version Header-field: Header-valueRequest-Body其中&#xff0c;GET 请求可以省略 Method 不写&#xff1b;HTTP-Version 可以省略不写&#xff0c;默认使用 1.1 版本。 示例&#xff1a; GET…




一、概述 加密方法主要分为两大类&#xff1a; 单钥加密&#xff08;private key cryptography&#xff09;&#xff1a;加密和解密过程都用同一套密码双钥加密&#xff08;public key cryptography&#xff09;&#xff1a;加密和解密过程用的是两套密码 历史上&#xff0c…