







Microsoft Windows [版本 6.1.7601]
版权所有 (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。C:\Users\Administrator>cd C:\MongoDB\Server\3.4\binC:\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin>C:\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin>mongod --help
Options:General options:-h [ --help ]                         show this usage information--version                             show version information-f [ --config ] arg                   configuration file specifyingadditional options-v [ --verbose ] [=arg(=v)]           be more verbose (include multiple timesfor more verbosity e.g. -vvvvv)--quiet                               quieter output--port arg                            specify port number - 27017 by default--bind_ip arg                         comma separated list of ip addresses tolisten on - all local ips by default--ipv6                                enable IPv6 support (disabled bydefault)--maxConns arg                        max number of simultaneous connections- 1000000 by default--logpath arg                         log file to send write to instead ofstdout - has to be a file, notdirectory--logappend                           append to logpath instead ofover-writing--logRotate arg                       set the log rotation behavior(rename|reopen)--timeStampFormat arg                 Desired format for timestamps in logmessages. One of ctime, iso8601-utc oriso8601-local--pidfilepath arg                     full path to pidfile (if not set, nopidfile is created)--keyFile arg                         private key for cluster authentication--noauth                              run without security--setParameter arg                    Set a configurable parameter--httpinterface                       enable http interface--transitionToAuth                    For rolling access control upgrade.Attempt to authenticate over outgoingconnections and proceed regardless ofsuccess. Accept incoming connectionswith or without authentication.--clusterAuthMode arg                 Authentication mode used for clusterauthentication. Alternatives are(keyFile|sendKeyFile|sendX509|x509)--networkMessageCompressors arg       Comma-separated list of compressors touse for network messages--auth                                run with security--jsonp                               allow JSONP access via http (hassecurity implications)--rest                                turn on simple rest api--slowms arg (=100)                   value of slow for profile and consolelog--profile arg                         0=off 1=slow, 2=all--cpu                                 periodically show cpu and iowaitutilization--sysinfo                             print some diagnostic systeminformation--noIndexBuildRetry                   don't retry any index builds that wereinterrupted by shutdown--noscripting                         disable scripting engine--notablescan                         do not allow table scansWindows Service Control Manager options:--install                             install Windows service--remove                              remove Windows service--reinstall                           reinstall Windows service (equivalentto --remove followed by --install)--serviceName arg                     Windows service name--serviceDisplayName arg              Windows service display name--serviceDescription arg              Windows service description--serviceUser arg                     account for service execution--servicePassword arg                 password used to authenticateserviceUserReplication options:--oplogSize arg                       size to use (in MB) for replication oplog. default is 5% of disk space (i.e.large is good)Master/slave options (old; use replica sets instead):--master                              master mode--slave                               slave mode--source arg                          when slave: specify master as<server:port>--only arg                            when slave: specify a single databaseto replicate--slavedelay arg                      specify delay (in seconds) to be usedwhen applying master ops to slave--autoresync                          automatically resync if slave data isstaleReplica set options:--replSet arg                         arg is <setname>[/<optionalseedhostlist>]--replIndexPrefetch arg               specify index prefetching behavior (ifsecondary) [none|_id_only|all]--enableMajorityReadConcern           enables majority readConcernSharding options:--configsvr                           declare this is a config db of acluster; default port 27019; defaultdir /data/configdb--shardsvr                            declare this is a shard db of acluster; default port 27018Storage options:--storageEngine arg                   what storage engine to use - defaultsto wiredTiger if no data files present--dbpath arg                          directory for datafiles - defaults to\data\db\ which is C:\data\db\ based onthe current working drive--directoryperdb                      each database will be stored in aseparate directory--noprealloc                          disable data file preallocation - willoften hurt performance--nssize arg (=16)                    .ns file size (in MB) for new databases--quota                               limits each database to a certainnumber of files (8 default)--quotaFiles arg                      number of files allowed per db, implies--quota--smallfiles                          use a smaller default file size--syncdelay arg (=60)                 seconds between disk syncs (0=never,but not recommended)--upgrade                             upgrade db if needed--repair                              run repair on all dbs--repairpath arg                      root directory for repair files -defaults to dbpath--journal                             enable journaling--nojournal                           disable journaling (journaling is on bydefault for 64 bit)--journalOptions arg                  journal diagnostic options--journalCommitInterval arg           how often to group/batch commit (ms)WiredTiger options:--wiredTigerCacheSizeGB arg           maximum amount of memory to allocatefor cache; defaults to 1/2 of physicalRAM--wiredTigerStatisticsLogDelaySecs arg (=0)seconds to wait between each write to astatistics file in the dbpath; 0 meansdo not log statistics--wiredTigerJournalCompressor arg (=snappy)use a compressor for log records[none|snappy|zlib]--wiredTigerDirectoryForIndexes       Put indexes and data in differentdirectories--wiredTigerCollectionBlockCompressor arg (=snappy)block compression algorithm forcollection data [none|snappy|zlib]--wiredTigerIndexPrefixCompression arg (=1)use prefix compression on row-storeleaf pagesC:\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin>
C:\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin>mongod --install --serviceName "MongoDB" --httpinterface --rest --bind_ip --port 27017 --dbpath C:\MongoDB\Server\3.4\data\db --logpath C:\MongoDB\Server\3.4\data\log\log.txt --logappendC:\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin>
C:\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin>net start MongoDB
MongoDB 服务正在启动 ..
MongoDB 服务已经启动成功。C:\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin>mongo
MongoDB shell version v3.4.24
connecting to: mongodb://
MongoDB server version: 3.4.24
Server has startup warnings:
2023-08-05T16:58:17.407+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
2023-08-05T16:58:17.407+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] ** WARNING: Access control is not enabled for the database.
2023-08-05T16:58:17.407+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] **          Read and write access to data and configuration is unrestricted.
2023-08-05T16:58:17.408+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
2023-08-05T16:58:17.408+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten] Hotfix KB2731284 or later update is not installed, will zero-out data files.
2023-08-05T16:58:17.408+0800 I CONTROL  [initandlisten]
> db
> exit
C:\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin>net stop MongoDB
MongoDB 服务正在停止.
MongoDB 服务已成功停止。C:\MongoDB\Server\3.4\bin>mongod --remove
2023-08-05T17:02:56.106+0800 I CONTROL  [main] Trying to remove Windows service 'MongoDB'
2023-08-05T17:02:56.108+0800 I CONTROL  [main] Service 'MongoDB' removed










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