英特尔傲腾CAS报错unknown error cache acceleration software could not start cache
- 英特尔傲腾CAS报错unknown error cache acceleration software could not start cache
- 我是怎么遇到这个问题的
- 我是如何解决的
- 实验步骤
- 打Primo Cache蓝屏补丁
- 拔掉原来的系统盘开关机一次再重插
- 完全复刻
- 拔掉原来的系统盘开机再重插
- 完全复刻
2023-08-04 23:03:28.6911 IntelCASService.IOCServ.OnStart Info - Service on start. CAS Version:
2023-08-04 23:03:28.8061 IntelCASService.IOCServ.GetCacheStateWhenStartingService Info - Cache is stopped
2023-08-04 23:03:43.6731 IntelCASService.UserNotificationsReceiver.LogNotification Info - during management operation: Auto start cache is disabled in registry.
2023-08-04 23:03:43.6911 IntelCASService.UserNotificationsReceiver.LogNotification Info - during management operation: Service ready to receive notifications.
2023-08-04 23:03:44.7181 Intel.CommonLib.Helper.NmUTB2aBah8dhQhjLFp Info - Initial drives configuration:TOSHIBA DT01ACA050 ATA DeviceVolume: Y:, File System: FAT32, Size: 4296015872 bytesVolume: E:, File System: NTFS, Size: 405613305856 bytesVolume: Z:, File System: FAT32, Size: 4296015872 bytesST500DM002-1BD142 ATA DeviceVolume: F:, File System: NTFS, Size: 500106788864 bytesINTEL MEMPEK1J016GAL120GB SSD ATA DeviceVolume: C:, File System: NTFS, Size: 68721573888 bytesVolume: D:, File System: NTFS, Size: 50979085824 bytesVolume: Volume{6d34c950-60ec-4c5c-aff1-3966208600a1}, File System: FAT32, Size: 314572800 bytes
2023-08-04 23:08:15.8261 IntelCASService.PerformanceCounterHelper.Init Info - New performance counter created
2023-08-04 23:08:15.8451 IntelCASService.PipeServerThread.HandleStartCache Info - Starting cache
2023-08-04 23:08:15.9141 IntelCASService.UserNotificationsReceiver.V9fMhJ6y8g8Lcod4bLR Error - during management operation: Cannot open cache device due to Windows internal error. CAS status: CAS_ERROR_CACHE_CANNOT_OPEN. Windows status: 0xC0000043.
2023-08-04 23:08:15.9141 IntelCASService.IOCPort.OO9oYePE3oTgl0O6HdI Error - Command START_CACHE sent to driver returned CAS status CAS_ERROR_CACHE_NOT_AVAILABLE and Windows status 0x0.
2023-08-04 23:08:15.9351 Intel.CommonLib.Helper.SaveCasAndSystemInfoToLog Info - CAS Settings:
Cache volume = Volume{32f530be-0000-0000-0000-100000000000}
Caching mode = Write Through
Auto start = True
NAS/CSV support = False
Rules list:<include list>E:\*
2023-08-04 23:08:15.9541 IntelCASService.PipeServerThread.drhHrlbAOOIquEbWQib Info - Error CAS_ERROR_CACHE_NOT_AVAILABLE occurred during starting cache.
2023-08-04 23:08:15.9941 IntelCASService.PipeServerThread.ScGtIYb0nOQsPCEphHP Error - Failed to start cache
2023-08-04 23:08:17.9081 Intel.CommonLib.Helper.NmUTB2aBah8dhQhjLFp Info - Operating system and hardware information:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 ??? (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0)
Processor(s):CPU1 AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 631 Quad-Core Processor
Disks & volumes detected:TOSHIBA DT01ACA050 ATA DeviceVolume: Y:, File System: FAT32, Size: 4296015872 bytesVolume: E:, File System: NTFS, Size: 405613305856 bytesVolume: Z:, File System: FAT32, Size: 4296015872 bytesST500DM002-1BD142 ATA DeviceVolume: F:, File System: NTFS, Size: 500106788864 bytesINTEL MEMPEK1J016GALVolume: Volume{32f530be-0000-0000-0000-100000000000}, File System: none (RAW), Size: 14401142784 bytes120GB SSD ATA DeviceVolume: C:, File System: NTFS, Size: 68721573888 bytesVolume: D:, File System: NTFS, Size: 50979085824 bytesVolume: Volume{6d34c950-60ec-4c5c-aff1-3966208600a1}, File System: FAT32, Size: 314572800 bytes
Cache disk drive: INTEL MEMPEK1J016GAL
Motherboard: MS-A75UD3 Pro
Physical Memory:Model: M378B5_PartNumber0, Speed: 1333 MHz, Size: 2147483648 bytes.Model: Array1_PartNumber1, Speed: 1333 MHz, Size: 2147483648 bytes.Model: CLray1_PartNumber2, Speed: 1333 MHz, Size: 2147483648 bytes.Model: RMR5y1_PartNumber3, Speed: 1600 MHz, Size: 2147483648 bytes.
2023-08-04 23:08:19.9431 Intel.CommonLib.Helper.NmUTB2aBah8dhQhjLFp Info - S.M.A.R.T report for INTEL MEMPEK1J016GAL:
Disk status:
| Attribute| Threshold| Current| Worst| RawData|
-----------------------------------------------------------------------2023-08-04 23:08:44.2511 IntelCASService.PerformanceCounterHelper.Init Info - Re-creating Intel(R) Cache Acceleration Software basic performance counters
2023-08-04 23:08:44.2711 IntelCASService.PerformanceCounterHelper.DeleteCounters Info - Removing Intel(R) Cache Acceleration Software performance counters
2023-08-04 23:08:48.2961 IntelCASService.PerformanceCounterHelper.Init Info - New performance counter created
2023-08-04 23:08:48.3161 IntelCASService.PipeServerThread.HandleStartCache Info - Starting cache
2023-08-04 23:08:48.3351 Intel.CommonLib.Helper.SaveCasAndSystemInfoToLog Info - CAS Settings:
Cache volume = Volume{32f530be-0000-0000-0000-100000000000}
Caching mode = Write Through
Auto start = True
NAS/CSV support = False
Rules list:<include list>E:\*
2023-08-04 23:08:48.3461 IntelCASService.UserNotificationsReceiver.V9fMhJ6y8g8Lcod4bLR Error - during management operation: Cannot open cache device due to Windows internal error. CAS status: CAS_ERROR_CACHE_CANNOT_OPEN. Windows status: 0xC0000043.
2023-08-04 23:08:48.3461 IntelCASService.IOCPort.OO9oYePE3oTgl0O6HdI Error - Command START_CACHE sent to driver returned CAS status CAS_ERROR_CACHE_NOT_AVAILABLE and Windows status 0x0.
2023-08-04 23:08:48.3971 IntelCASService.PipeServerThread.drhHrlbAOOIquEbWQib Info - Error CAS_ERROR_CACHE_NOT_AVAILABLE occurred during starting cache.
2023-08-04 23:08:48.4191 IntelCASService.PipeServerThread.ScGtIYb0nOQsPCEphHP Error - Failed to start cache
2023-08-04 23:08:50.0781 Intel.CommonLib.Helper.NmUTB2aBah8dhQhjLFp Info - Operating system and hardware information:
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 ??? (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0)
Processor(s):CPU1 AMD Athlon(tm) II X4 631 Quad-Core Processor
Disks & volumes detected:TOSHIBA DT01ACA050 ATA DeviceVolume: Y:, File System: FAT32, Size: 4296015872 bytesVolume: E:, File System: NTFS, Size: 405613305856 bytesVolume: Z:, File System: FAT32, Size: 4296015872 bytesST500DM002-1BD142 ATA DeviceVolume: F:, File System: NTFS, Size: 500106788864 bytesINTEL MEMPEK1J016GALVolume: Volume{32f530be-0000-0000-0000-100000000000}, File System: none (RAW), Size: 14401142784 bytes120GB SSD ATA DeviceVolume: C:, File System: NTFS, Size: 68721573888 bytesVolume: D:, File System: NTFS, Size: 50979085824 bytesVolume: Volume{6d34c950-60ec-4c5c-aff1-3966208600a1}, File System: FAT32, Size: 314572800 bytes
Cache disk drive: INTEL MEMPEK1J016GAL
Motherboard: MS-A75UD3 Pro
Physical Memory:Model: M378B5_PartNumber0, Speed: 1333 MHz, Size: 2147483648 bytes.Model: Array1_PartNumber1, Speed: 1333 MHz, Size: 2147483648 bytes.Model: CLray1_PartNumber2, Speed: 1333 MHz, Size: 2147483648 bytes.Model: RMR5y1_PartNumber3, Speed: 1600 MHz, Size: 2147483648 bytes.
2023-08-04 23:08:51.4101 Intel.CommonLib.Helper.NmUTB2aBah8dhQhjLFp Info - S.M.A.R.T report for INTEL MEMPEK1J016GAL:
Disk status:
| Attribute| Threshold| Current| Worst| RawData|
正常安装,但开启缓存时会报错unknown error,多次删除、重装、重启、重新插拔傲腾均无效
我的系统是MSDN镜像安装的Windows 10 22H2专业版,在这台电脑CAS死活装不上以后,把E5 2666V3的主机抬出来,CAS正常使用
之后我的目光投向了Primo Cache
在安装了Primo Cache后,打上补丁系统开机自动重启,之后按照论坛步骤打上了蓝屏补丁后正常开机,Primo Cache可用,CAS没试
- 打上了Primo Cache蓝屏补丁,补全了一个驱动文件
- 拔掉了原来的系统盘,更改了引导顺序
打Primo Cache蓝屏补丁
从装Primo Cache到打蓝屏补丁,再拔系统盘清BIOS
从装Primo Cache到打蓝屏补丁,再拔系统盘清BIOS