Day_56-57kMeans 聚类


Day_56-57 k-Means 聚类

一. 基本概念介绍

二. 具体过程

三. 代码实现与解释

        1. 导入数据与数据初始化

        2. 核心代码

        3. 后续信息的补充

        4. 距离计算和随机排列

四. 后续的数据分析

五. 运行结果

Day_56-57 k-Means 聚类

一. 基本概念介绍

        同我上一篇博客的介绍,机器学习从有无标签的角度有几大分类:监督学习,无监督学习和半监督学习。这里我们介绍的k-Means 算法就是无监督学习里面最具有代表性的一种,与分类(典型knn算法)等任务不同,聚类是在事先并不知道任何样本标签的情况下,通过数据之间的内在关系把样本划分为若干类别,使得同类别样本之间的相似度高,不同类别之间的样本相似度低(即增大类内聚,减少类间距)。


二. 具体过程


        1. 数据预处理,主要是标准化

        2. 随机选取k个中心,记为u_{1}^{(0)}u_{2}^{(0)}......u_{k}^{(0)}

        3. 定义优化目标J(c,u)=min\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left \| x_{i}-u_{j}^{(0)}\right \|

        4. 令t=1,2...为迭代步数,重复如下过程直到J收敛:

                4.1 对于每一个样本x_{i},将其分配到距离最近的中心

                4.2 对于每一个中心k,重新计算该类的中心




三. 代码实现与解释

        1. 导入数据与数据初始化

        基本的变量设置MANHATTAN = 0表示曼哈顿计算距离方式,EUCLIDEAN = 1表示欧拉计算距离方式,dataset用来存储导入的数据,numClusters即k的数值(分成多少类),KMeans()函数表示导入的数据(路径为"D:/data/iris.arff"),setNumClusters(3)函数表示设置聚类的类的多少(分成多少类)

    /*** Manhattan distance.*/public static final int MANHATTAN = 0;/*** Euclidean distance.*/public static final int EUCLIDEAN = 1;/*** The distance measure.*/public int distanceMeasure = EUCLIDEAN;/*** A random instance;*/public static final Random random = new Random();/*** The data.*/Instances dataset;/*** The number of clusters.*/int numClusters = 2;/*** The clusters.*/int[][] clusters;/********************************** The first constructor.** @param paraFilename*            The data filename.********************************/public KMeans(String paraFilename) {dataset = null;try {FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(paraFilename);dataset = new Instances(fileReader);fileReader.close();} catch (Exception ee) {System.out.println("Cannot read the file: " + paraFilename + "\r\n" + ee);System.exit(0);} // Of try}// Of the first constructor/********************************** A setter.********************************/public void setNumClusters(int paraNumClusters) {numClusters = paraNumClusters;}// Of the setter

        2. 核心代码





    public void clustering() {int[] tempOldClusterArray = new int[dataset.numInstances()];tempOldClusterArray[0] = -1;int[] tempClusterArray = new int[dataset.numInstances()];Arrays.fill(tempClusterArray, 0);double[][] tempCenters = new double[numClusters][dataset.numAttributes() - 1];// Step 1. Initialize[] tempRandomOrders = getRandomIndices(dataset.numInstances());for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < tempCenters[0].length; j++) {tempCenters[i][j] = dataset.instance(tempRandomOrders[i]).value(j);} // Of for j} // Of for iint[] tempClusterLengths = null;while (!Arrays.equals(tempOldClusterArray, tempClusterArray)) {System.out.println("New loop ...");tempOldClusterArray = tempClusterArray;tempClusterArray = new int[dataset.numInstances()];// Step 2.1 Minimization. Assign cluster to each tempNearestCenter;double tempNearestDistance;double tempDistance;for (int i = 0; i < dataset.numInstances(); i++) {tempNearestCenter = -1;tempNearestDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;for (int j = 0; j < numClusters; j++) {tempDistance = distance(i, tempCenters[j]);if (tempNearestDistance > tempDistance) {tempNearestDistance = tempDistance;tempNearestCenter = j;} // Of if} // Of for jtempClusterArray[i] = tempNearestCenter;} // Of for i// Step 2.2 Mean. Find new centers.tempClusterLengths = new int[numClusters];Arrays.fill(tempClusterLengths, 0);double[][] tempNewCenters = new double[numClusters][dataset.numAttributes() - 1];// Arrays.fill(tempNewCenters, 0);for (int i = 0; i < dataset.numInstances(); i++) {for (int j = 0; j < tempNewCenters[0].length; j++) {tempNewCenters[tempClusterArray[i]][j] += dataset.instance(i).value(j);} // Of for jtempClusterLengths[tempClusterArray[i]]++;} // Of for i// Step 2.3 Now averagefor (int i = 0; i < tempNewCenters.length; i++) {for (int j = 0; j < tempNewCenters[0].length; j++) {tempNewCenters[i][j] /= tempClusterLengths[i];} // Of for j} // Of for iSystem.out.println("Now the new centers are: " + Arrays.deepToString(tempNewCenters));tempCenters = tempNewCenters;} // Of while// Step 3. Form clusters.clusters = new int[numClusters][];int[] tempCounters = new int[numClusters];for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) {clusters[i] = new int[tempClusterLengths[i]];} // Of for ifor (int i = 0; i < tempClusterArray.length; i++) {clusters[tempClusterArray[i]][tempCounters[tempClusterArray[i]]] = i;tempCounters[tempClusterArray[i]]++;} // Of for iSystem.out.println("The clusters are: " + Arrays.deepToString(clusters));}// Of clustering

        3. 后续信息的补充


        // Step 3. Form clusters.clusters = new int[numClusters][];int[] tempCounters = new int[numClusters];for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++) {clusters[i] = new int[tempClusterLengths[i]];} // Of for ifor (int i = 0; i < tempClusterArray.length; i++) {clusters[tempClusterArray[i]][tempCounters[tempClusterArray[i]]] = i;tempCounters[tempClusterArray[i]]++;} // Of for iSystem.out.println("The clusters are: " + Arrays.deepToString(clusters));

        4. 距离计算和随机排列


   /************************ Get a random indices for data randomization.** @param paraLength*            The length of the sequence.* @return An array of indices, e.g., {4, 3, 1, 5, 0, 2} with length 6.**********************/public static int[] getRandomIndices(int paraLength) {int[] resultIndices = new int[paraLength];// Step 1. Initialize.for (int i = 0; i < paraLength; i++) {resultIndices[i] = i;} // Of for i// Step 2. Randomly tempFirst, tempSecond, tempValue;for (int i = 0; i < paraLength; i++) {// Generate two random indices.tempFirst = random.nextInt(paraLength);tempSecond = random.nextInt(paraLength);// Swap.tempValue = resultIndices[tempFirst];resultIndices[tempFirst] = resultIndices[tempSecond];resultIndices[tempSecond] = tempValue;} // Of for ireturn resultIndices;}// Of getRandomIndices/************************ The distance between two instances.** @param paraI*            The index of the first instance.* @param paraArray*            The array representing a point in the space.* @return The distance.**********************/public double distance(int paraI, double[] paraArray) {int resultDistance = 0;double tempDifference;switch (distanceMeasure) {case MANHATTAN:for (int i = 0; i < dataset.numAttributes() - 1; i++) {tempDifference = dataset.instance(paraI).value(i) - paraArray[i];if (tempDifference < 0) {resultDistance -= tempDifference;} else {resultDistance += tempDifference;} // Of if} // Of for ibreak;case EUCLIDEAN:for (int i = 0; i < dataset.numAttributes() - 1; i++) {tempDifference = dataset.instance(paraI).value(i) - paraArray[i];resultDistance += tempDifference * tempDifference;} // Of for ibreak;default:System.out.println("Unsupported distance measure: " + distanceMeasure);}// Of switchreturn resultDistance;}// Of distance

四. 后续的数据分析

        1. 时间复杂度分析


        2. 对于特殊数据的处理


        3. 对于k值的选择

        由于聚类的效果收到初始k值的影响,我们可以用试触法确定最佳的k值,即取k为不同的值,每次计算我们的优化目标J(c,u)=min\sum_{i=1}^{n}\left \| x_{i}-u_{j}^{(0)}\right \|的值,最后取一个最合适的值作为k值。

        4. 改进初始值的选择


五. 运行结果





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