Algorithm 2 —— Strassen’s algorithm
The idea behind this algorithm consists in reducing the number of multiplications at the expense of increasing the number of additions and subtractions. In short, this algorithm uses 7 multiplications and 18 additions of n/2 × n/2 matrices.
要计算两个复数 x=a+bi 和 y=c+di 的乘积,只使用三次乘法,可以按照以下步骤进行:
- 计算 p=a×c 和 q=b×d。
- 使用三次乘法计算 r=(a+b)×(c+d):r=ac+ad+bc+bd。
- 乘积的实部为 ac−bd=p−q。
- 乘积的虚部为 ad+bc=r−p−q。