VUE typescript 调用stompjs[Rabbit MQ]


// <reference types="node" />export const VERSIONS: {V1_0: string;V1_1: string;V1_2: string;supportedVersions: () => string[];
};export class Client {connected: boolean;counter: number;heartbeat: {incoming: number;outgoing: number;};maxWebSocketFrameSize: number;subscriptions: {};ws: WebSocket;debug(...args: string[]): any;connect(headers: { login: string; passcode: string; host?: string | undefined }, // 头部connectCallback: (frame?: Frame) => any, // 返回消息的监听器,从服务器收消息errorCallback?: (error: Frame | string) => any, // 错误信息的监听器): any;connect(headers: {}, connectCallback: (frame?: Frame) => any, errorCallback?: (error: Frame | string) => any): any;connect(login: string,passcode: string,connectCallback: (frame?: Frame) => any,errorCallback?: (error: Frame | string) => any,host?: string,): any;disconnect(disconnectCallback: () => any, headers?: {}): any; // 拆连接send(destination: string, headers?: {}, body?: string): any;subscribe(destination: string, callback?: (message: Message) => any, headers?: {}): Subscription;unsubscribe(id: string): void;begin(transaction: string): any;commit(transaction: string): any;abort(transaction: string): any;ack(messageID: string, subscription: string, headers?: {}): any;nack(messageID: string, subscription: string, headers?: {}): any;
}export interface Subscription {id: string;unsubscribe(): void;
}export interface Message extends Frame {ack(headers?: {}): any;nack(headers?: {}): any;
}export class Frame {command: string;headers: {};body: string;constructor(command: string, headers?: {}, body?: string);toString(): string;static sizeOfUTF8(s: string): number;static unmarshall(datas: any): any;static marshall(command: string, headers?: {}, body?: string): any;
}export function client(url: string, protocols?: string | string[]): Client;
export function over(ws: WebSocket): Client;
export function overTCP(host: string, port: number): Client;
export function overWS(url: string): Client;
export function setInterval(interval: number, f: (...args: any[]) => void): NodeJS.Timer;
export function clearInterval(id: NodeJS.Timer): void;ChatGPT
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/// <reference types="node" />// 定义了支持的 STOMP 协议版本
export const VERSIONS: {V1_0: string;V1_1: string;V1_2: string;supportedVersions: () => string[];
};// 定义了 STOMP 客户端类
export class Client {connected: boolean; // 标识客户端是否连接counter: number; // 消息计数器heartbeat: { // 心跳配置incoming: number; // 接收心跳频率outgoing: number; // 发送心跳频率};maxWebSocketFrameSize: number; // WebSocket 最大消息帧大小subscriptions: {}; // 订阅列表ws: WebSocket; // WebSocket 连接// 调试日志函数debug(...args: string[]): any;// 连接到 STOMP 服务器的方法,支持多种重载形式connect(headers: { login: string; passcode: string; host?: string | undefined }, // 连接头信息connectCallback: (frame?: Frame) => any, // 连接成功的回调函数errorCallback?: (error: Frame | string) => any, // 连接错误的回调函数): any;connect(headers: {}, connectCallback: (frame?: Frame) => any, errorCallback?: (error: Frame | string) => any): any;connect(login: string,passcode: string,connectCallback: (frame?: Frame) => any,errorCallback?: (error: Frame | string) => any,host?: string,): any;// 断开与 STOMP 服务器的连接disconnect(disconnectCallback: () => any, headers?: {}): any;// 发送消息到指定目的地send(destination: string, headers?: {}, body?: string): any;// 订阅指定目的地的消息subscribe(destination: string, callback?: (message: Message) => any, headers?: {}): Subscription;// 取消订阅unsubscribe(id: string): void;// 开启事务begin(transaction: string): any;// 提交事务commit(transaction: string): any;// 回滚事务abort(transaction: string): any;// 手动确认消息ack(messageID: string, subscription: string, headers?: {}): any;// 手动否认消息nack(messageID: string, subscription: string, headers?: {}): any;
}// 订阅对象接口
export interface Subscription {id: string; // 订阅 IDunsubscribe(): void; // 取消订阅方法
}// 消息对象接口,扩展自 Frame
export interface Message extends Frame {ack(headers?: {}): any; // 手动确认消息方法nack(headers?: {}): any; // 手动否认消息方法
}// STOMP 帧对象类
export class Frame {command: string; // 帧命令headers: {}; // 帧头部body: string; // 帧主体constructor(command: string, headers?: {}, body?: string); // 构造函数// 将帧对象转换为字符串toString(): string;// 计算 UTF-8 编码字符串的大小static sizeOfUTF8(s: string): number;// 反序列化 STOMP 帧static unmarshall(datas: any): any;// 序列化 STOMP 帧static marshall(command: string, headers?: {}, body?: string): any;
}// 创建 STOMP 客户端的辅助函数
export function client(url: string, protocols?: string | string[]): Client;// 使用现有的 WebSocket 连接创建 STOMP 客户端的辅助函数
export function over(ws: WebSocket): Client;// 使用 TCP 连接创建 STOMP 客户端的辅助函数
export function overTCP(host: string, port: number): Client;// 使用 WebSocket 连接地址创建 STOMP 客户端的辅助函数
export function overWS(url: string): Client;// 发送客户端心跳
export function setInterval(interval: number, f: (...args: any[]) => void): NodeJS.Timer;// 取消发送客户端心跳
export function clearInterval(id: NodeJS.Timer): void;


<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, inject, onMounted, onBeforeUnmount, defineProps, watch } from 'vue'
import Stomp from 'stompjs'const MQTT_SERVICE = 'ws://localhost:15674/ws' // mq服务地址const MQTT_USERNAME = 'user' // mq连接用户名const MQTT_PASSWORD = '123456' // mq连接密码function connectMQ() {const socket = new WebSocket(MQTT_SERVICE)const stompClient = Stomp.over(socket)stompClient.heartbeat.outgoing = 0stompClient.heartbeat.incoming = 0const onConnected = () => {console.log('登录成功!')stompClient.subscribe('a11022a6-ad17-459e-8b23-1ca6599af4f9', onMessageReceived) // 订阅需要的队列}const onMessageReceived = (message: { body: any }) => {console.log('返回数据:', message.body)}const onError = (error: any) => {console.error('RabbitMQ连接失败,错误原因:', error)console.error('5秒后重新连接......')window.setTimeout(() => {connectMQ()}, 5000)}stompClient.connect(MQTT_USERNAME, MQTT_PASSWORD, onConnected, onError, '/')
}onMounted(() => {connectMQ()




dashboard.vue:33 RabbitMQ连接失败,错误原因: Whoops! Lost connection to ws://localhost:15674/ws

By default, stomp.js defines a heartbeat of 10000,10000 (to send and receive heartbeats every 10 seconds).

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { ref, inject, onMounted, onUnmounted, defineProps, watch } from 'vue'
import Stomp from 'stompjs'const MQTT_SERVICE = 'ws://localhost:15674/ws' // mq服务地址const MQTT_USERNAME = 'user' // mq连接用户名const MQTT_PASSWORD = '123456' // mq连接密码let heartbeat: NodeJS.Timer | undefined = undefinedfunction connectMQ() {const socket = new WebSocket(MQTT_SERVICE)const stompClient = Stomp.over(socket)stompClient.heartbeat.outgoing = 15000stompClient.heartbeat.incoming = 0const onConnected = () => {console.log('登录成功!')stompClient.subscribe('a11022a6-ad17-459e-8b23-1ca6599af4f9', onMessageReceived)}const onMessageReceived = (message: { body: any }) => {console.log('返回数据:', message.body)}const onError = (error: any) => {console.error('RabbitMQ连接失败,错误原因:', error)console.error('5秒后重新连接......')window.setTimeout(() => {connectMQ()}, 5000)}stompClient.connect(MQTT_USERNAME, MQTT_PASSWORD, onConnected, onError, '/')heartbeat = Stomp.setInterval(15000, () => {console.log('心跳呀')})
}onMounted(() => {connectMQ()
})onUnmounted(() => {if (heartbeat) {Stomp.clearInterval(heartbeat)}






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