【WEEK7】 【DAY5】JDBC—PreparedStatement Object【English Version】

2024.4.12 Friday
Following 【WEEK7】 【DAY4】JDBC—Statement Object【English Version】


  • 10.3.PreparedStatement Object
    • 10.3.1.PreparedStatement can prevent SQL injection, more efficient than statement
    • 10.3.2. Insertion
    • 10.3.3. Deletion
    • 10.3.4. Update
    • 10.3.5. Query
    • 10.3.6. Preventing SQL Injection
      • Under normal circumstances
      • Result
      • SQL Injection Failed
      • Result
  • 10.4. Using IDEA to Connect to the Database
    • 10.4.1. As shown below

10.3.PreparedStatement Object

10.3.1.PreparedStatement can prevent SQL injection, more efficient than statement

10.3.2. Insertion

package lesson.three;import lesson.two.utils.JdbcUtils;import java.sql.*;public class TestInsert {public static void main(String[] args) {Connection conn = null;PreparedStatement st = null;try {conn = JdbcUtils.getConnection();//Difference from a regular statement: uses question marks as placeholdersString sql = "INSERT INTO users(id,`NAME`,`PASSWORD`,`email`,`birthday`) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)";st = conn.prepareStatement(sql);   //Pre-compile SQL: generate SQL but do not execute//Manually assign values to parameters//The syntax of set... corresponds to each position of the input function parameters and the parameters you wish to setst.setInt(1,4); //idst.setString(2,"lqf");st.setString(3,"987654");st.setString(4,"27046873@qq.com");st.setDate(5,new java.sql.Date(new java.util.Date().getTime()));//new Date().getTime() means: the time calculated by the computer needs to be converted to MySQL time//sql.Date is database time, util.Date is Java's//Because the source code of setDate has the time parameter as the database type: void setDate(int parameterIndex, java.sql.Date x)//So, we need to use new Date().getTime() to get the timestamp (in this version, using “new java.util.Date().getTime()” does not cause an error)//Executeint i = st.executeUpdate();if(i > 0){System.out.println("Insertion successful");}} catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();} finally {JdbcUtils.release(conn,st,null);}}
  • Result
    Insert picture description here
    Insert picture description here

10.3.3. Deletion

package lesson.three;import lesson.two.utils.JdbcUtils;import java.sql.*;public class TestDelete {public static void main (String[] args) {Connection conn = null;PreparedStatement st = null;try {conn = JdbcUtils.getConnection();//Difference from a regular statement: uses question marks as placeholdersString sql = "DELETE FROM users WHERE id = ?";st = conn.prepareStatement(sql);   //Pre-compile SQL: generate SQL but do not execute//Manually assign values to parametersst.setInt(1,4); //id//Executeint i = st.executeUpdate();if(i > 0){System.out.println("Deletion successful");}} catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();} finally {JdbcUtils.release(conn,st,null);}}
  • Result
    Insert picture description here
    Insert picture description here
    *After completing the code, if there’s no option to run: generally means the system didn’t detect the main function -> The most basic error is a spelling mistake in the main function, check this first before searching online for other possibilities.

10.3.4. Update

package lesson.three;import lesson.two.utils.JdbcUtils;import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.SQLException;public class TestUpdate {public static to main(String[] args){Connection conn = null;PreparedStatement st = null;try {conn = JdbcUtils.getConnection();//Difference from a regular statement: uses question marks as placeholdersString sql = "UPDATE users SET `NAME` = ? WHERE id = ?";st = conn.prepareStatement(sql);   //Pre-compile SQL: generate SQL but do not execute//Manually assign values to parametersst.setString(1,"阿布巴卡");st.setInt(2,1); //id//Executeint i = st.executeUpdate();if(i > 0){System.out.println("Update successful");}} catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();} finally {JdbcUtils.release(conn,st,null);}}
  • Result
    Insert picture description here
    Insert picture description here
    Here’s the translation:

10.3.5. Query

package lesson.three;import lesson.two.utils.JdbcUtils;import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;public class TestSelect {public static void main(String[] args){Connection conn = null;PreparedStatement st = null;ResultSet rs = null;try {conn = JdbcUtils.getConnection();//Write SQLString sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = ?";st = conn.prepareStatement(sql);   //Pre-compile SQL: generate SQL but do not execute//Pass parametersst.setInt(1,1); //id//Executers = st.executeQuery();if(rs.next()){System.out.println(rs.getString("NAME"));}} catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();} finally {JdbcUtils.release(conn,st,rs);}}
  • Result
    Insert picture description here

10.3.6. Preventing SQL Injection Under normal circumstances

package lesson.three;import lesson.two.utils.JdbcUtils;import java.sql.*;public class prevent_SQL_injection {public static void main(String[] args){login("Abubakar","123456"); //Under normal circumstances
//        login("''or '1=1 ","'or '1=1 "); //sql injection}//Login servicepublic static void login(String username, String password){Connection conn = null;PreparedStatement st = null;ResultSet rs = null;try {conn = JdbcUtils.getConnection();//SQLString sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE `NAME`=? AND `PASSWORD`=?";st = conn.prepareStatement(sql);st.setString(1,username);st.setString(2,password);//The result set returned after the query is saved in rsrs = st.executeQuery(); //The sql in the brackets should be deleted, otherwise it throws an error, but the reason is unknown//Printwhile (rs.next()) {System.out.println(rs.getString("NAME"));System.out.println(rs.getString("email"));System.out.println(rs.getString("password"));System.out.println("===========================");}} catch (SQLException e) {throw new RuntimeException(e);} finally {JdbcUtils.release(conn,st,rs);}}
} Result

Insert picture description here SQL Injection Failed

Only modify the login statement

login("''or '1=1 ","'or '1=1 "); //sql injection Result

(No results found)
Insert picture description here

10.4. Using IDEA to Connect to the Database

10.4.1. As shown below

Insert picture description here
Insert picture description here
Insert picture description here
In theory, it’s fine as long as it’s successful, but in practice, it’s almost never needed.
Create a table under the p37jdbc database and insert data through IDEA:

-- P44
-- Create user table
-- Insert test data
INSERT INTO account(`NAME`, money) VALUES ('A', 1000);
INSERT INTO account(`NAME`, money) VALUES ('B', 1000);
INSERT INTO account(`NAME`, money) VALUES ('C', 1000);





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