general_mrkrs <- c(
'MYH7', 'TNNT1', 'TNNT3', 'MYH1', 'MYH2', "CKM", "MB", # Myofibers
'PAX7', 'DLK1', # MuSCs
'PDGFRA', 'DCN', 'ANGPTL7', 'OSR2', 'NGFR', 'SLC22A3','ITGA6', # Fibroblasts
'FMOD', 'TNMD' , 'MKX', # Tenocytes
'MPZ', 'MBP', # Schwann cells
'CDH2', 'L1CAM', # SCG
'MSLN', 'ITLN1', # mesothelium
"ADIPOQ", "PLIN1", # adipocytes
'PTPRC', 'CD3D', 'IL7R', # T cells
'NKG7', 'PRF1', #NK cells
'CD79A', "TCL1A", # B cells
'MZB1', 'JCHAIN', # B plasma
"CD14", "FCGR3A",'S100A8', 'S100A12', # Mono
"CD163", "C1QA", # Macrop
"XCR1", "CLEC9A", # cDC1 "CADM1",
"CD1C", "CLEC10A", "CCR7", # cDC2
'LILRA4', 'IL3RA', "IRF7", # pDC
'FCGR3B', 'CSF3R', 'SORL1', # Neutrophils
'EPX', 'PRG2', # Eosinophils 'CLC'
'TPSB2', 'MS4A2', # Mast cells
'PECAM1', 'HEY1','CLU', # art EC
'CA4', 'LPL', # capEC
'ACKR1', 'SELE', # venEC
'LYVE1', 'TFF3', # lymphEC
'RGS5','ABCC9', # pericytes
'MYH11', 'ACTA2', # SMC
'HBA1', #RBC
Human skeletal muscle aging atlas. Veronika R. Kedlian, Yaning Wang, Tianliang Liu, Xiaoping Chen, Liam Bolt, Catherine Tudor, Zhuojian Shen, Eirini S. Fasouli, Elena Prigmore, Vitalii Kleshchevnikov, Jan Patrick Pett, Tong Li, John E G Lawrence, Shani Perera, Martin Prete, Ni Huang, Qin Guo, Xinrui Zeng, Lu Yang, Krzysztof Polański, Nana-Jane Chipampe, Monika Dabrowska, Xiaobo Li, Omer Ali Bayraktar, Minal Patel, Natsuhiko Kumasaka, Krishnaa T. Mahbubani, Andy Peng Xiang, Kerstin B. Meyer, Kourosh Saeb-Parsy, Sarah A Teichmann & Hongbo Zhang 2024 Apr.
Mural Cell Markers
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "MYH11", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "ACTA2", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "TAGLN", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "RGS5", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "CSPG4", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "PDGFRB", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
Glial Cells Markers
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "PROX1", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "MPZ", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "NCAM1", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "CDH19", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "SOX10", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "PLP1", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
Adipocites Markers
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "PLIN1", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "ADIPOQ", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "MMRN1", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "CCL21", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
Tenocytes Markers
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "FMOD", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "TNMD", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "COL22A1", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "SCX", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "DLG2", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "FBN1", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
Endothelial Markers
#FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "PCDHA6", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "FBLN5", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "DLL4", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "SEMA3G", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "RGCC", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "EPHB4", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
Myonuclei Markers
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "TTN", min.cutoff = "q9", order = T, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "MYMX", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "MYOG", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "FLNC", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "MYH3", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "MYH8", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "XIRP1", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
NMJ Myonuclei Markers (Neuromuscular junction)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "CHRNE", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "CHRNA1", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "PRKAR1A", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "COL25A1", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "UTRN", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "COLQ", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "ABLIM2", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "VAV3", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "UFSP1", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
MTJ Myonuclei Markers (Myotendinous junction)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "COL22A1", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "PIEZO2", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "COL24A1", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "COL6A1", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "FSTL1", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "COL6A3", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(df.harmony, features = "TIGD4", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
FeaturePlot(mini_df.harmony.harmony, features = "EYS", min.cutoff = "q9", order = TRUE, cols = c("lightblue", "navy"), raster = FALSE)
Lai, Y., Ramírez-Pardo, I., Isern, J. et al. Multimodal cell atlas of the ageing human skeletal muscle. Nature (2024).

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