C++ 数据结构算法 学习笔记(25) - 图及其企业级应用
Jack 自从买车后,交通出行方便了,心自然就野了!身边的各种朋友自然就多了起来! 有一天晚上,一个年轻漂亮的女同事生日,Jack 受邀请准时爽约!Jack 亲睐此女已久,只是 介于家里的 LD 不敢越雷池一步,但是,一有机会,Jack 都会和此女接近,经常在一起,所以可 以说是就当个哥们吧! Jack 当晚开心的和女同事喝酒、聊天,忘记了家的存在,不知不觉时间一下子指向了 10 点! 此时,正沉浸在幻想中的 Jack 被老婆电话惊醒!不用接都知道,老婆的“圣旨”又来了! 这下麻烦来了,老婆电话一到,必须半小时内到家,否则,皮都可能被母老虎拔了,但现在自己 渴了酒,叫代驾又需要很久的时间,这一想, Jack 觉得自己麻烦来了!
做为程序员,Jack 肯定会选择第 3 条,那么我们如何用程序来做选择呢?
在计算机科学中,一个图就是一些顶点的集合,这些顶点通过一系列边结对(连接)。顶点用圆圈表示,边就 是这些圆圈之间的连线。顶点之间通过边连接。注意:顶点有时也称为节点或者交点,边有时也称为链接。 社交网络,每一个人就是一个顶点,互相认识的人之间通过边联系在一起, 边表示彼此的关系。这种关系可以 是单向的,也可以是双向的!
如果我们有一个编程问题可以通过顶点和边表示,那么我们就可以将你的问题用图画出来,然后使用相应的图 算法来找到解决方案。
在邻接列表实现中,每一个顶点会存储一个从它这里开始的相邻边的列表。比如,如果顶点 B 有一条边到 A、 C 和 E,那么 A 的列表中会有 3 条边
邻接列表只描述指向外部的边。B 有一条边到 A,但是 A 没有边到 B,所以B没有出现在A的邻接列表中。 查找两个顶点之间的边或者权重会比较费时,因为遍历邻接列表直到找到为止。
由二维数组对应的行和列都表示顶点,由两个顶点所决定的矩阵对应元素数值表示这里两个顶点是否相连(如, 0 表示不相连,非 0 表示相连和权值)、如果相连这个值表示的是相连边的权重。例如,广西到北京的机票, 我们用邻接矩阵表示:
#define MaxSize 1024typedef struct _EdgeNode {//与节点连接的边的定义int adjvex; //邻接的顶点int weight; //权重struct _EdgeNode* next; //下一条边
}EdgeNode;typedef struct _VertexNode {//顶点节点char data; //节点数据struct _EdgeNode* first;//指向邻接第一条边
}VertexNode, AdjList;typedef struct _AdjListGraph {AdjList* adjlist;int vex; //顶点数int edge; //边数
void Init(AdjListGraph& G) {G.adjlist = new AdjList[MaxSize];G.edge = 0;G.vex = 0;for (int i = 0; i < MaxSize; i++){visited[i] = false;}
void Create(AdjListGraph& G) {cout << "Please enter the graph algorithm vertices and node number" << endl;cin >> G.vex >> G.edge;cout << "Please enter the vertices node data" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < G.vex; i++) {cin >> G.adjlist[i].data;G.adjlist[i].first = NULL;}char v1 = 0, v2 = 0;//保存输入的顶点的字符int i1, i2; //保存顶点在数组中的下标int weight;cout << "Please enter the related vertices data to connect them:" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < G.edge; i++) {cin >> v1 >> v2>>weight;i1 = Location(G, v1);i2 = Location(G, v2);if (i1 != -1 && i2 != -1) {//寻找到位置EdgeNode* temp = new EdgeNode;temp->adjvex = i2;temp->next = G.adjlist[i1].first;temp->weight = weight;G.adjlist[i1].first = temp;}}
int Location(AdjListGraph& G, char c) {for (int i = 0; i < G.vex; i++) {if (G.adjlist[i].data == c) {return i;}}return -1;
- 首先以一个未被访问过的顶点作为起始顶点,沿当前顶点的边走到未访问过的顶点;
- 当没有未访问过的顶点时,则回到上一个顶点,继续试探别的顶点,直到所有的顶点都被访问过。
- 首先从一个未走到过的顶点作为起始顶点,比如 A 顶点作为起点。
- 沿 A 顶点的边去尝试访问其它未走到过的顶点,首先发现 E 号顶点还没有走到过,于是访问E顶点
- 再以 E 顶点作为出发点继续尝试访问其它未走到过的顶点,接下来访问 D 顶点。
- 再尝试以 D 顶点作为出发点继续尝试访问其它未走到过的顶点。
- 但是,此时沿 D 顶点的边,已经不能访问到其它未走到过的顶点,接下来返回到 E 顶点。
- 返回到 E 顶点后,发现沿 E 顶点的边也不能再访问到其它未走到过的顶点。此时又回到顶点 A(D->E->A),再以 A 顶点作为出发点继续访问其它未走到过的顶点,于是接下来访问 C 顶点
- 最终访问的结果是 A -> E -> D ->B
void DHS(AdjListGraph& G, int v)
{if (visited[v] == true) return;int index = -1;cout << G.adjlist[v].data << " ";visited[v] = true;EdgeNode* tmp = G.adjlist[v].first;if (tmp){index = tmp->adjvex;DHS(G, index);tmp = tmp->next;}
}void DHS_Main(AdjListGraph& G)
{for (int i = 0; i < G.vex; i++){if (visited[i] == false){DHS(G, i);}}
- 首先以一个未被访问过的顶点作为起始顶点,访问其所有相邻的顶点;
- 然后对每个相邻的顶点,再访问它们相邻的未被访问过的顶点,直到所有顶点都被访问过,遍历结束
void BHS(AdjListGraph& G, int v)
{int index = -1;int cur = -1;queue<int>q;q.push(v);while (!q.empty()){cur = q.front();if (visited[cur] == false){cout << G.adjlist[cur].data << " ";visited[cur] = true;}q.pop();EdgeNode* temp = G.adjlist[cur].first;while (temp){index = temp->adjvex;q.push(index);temp = temp->next;}}
}void BHS_Main(AdjListGraph& G)
{for (int i = 0; i < G.vex; i++){if (visited[i] == false){BHS(G, i);}}
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <queue>using namespace std;#define MAX_SIZE 1024
bool visited[MAX_SIZE];
typedef struct _EdgeNode
{int adjvex;int weight;struct _EdgeNode* next;
}EdgeNode;typedef struct _VertexNode
{char data;EdgeNode* first;}VertexNode, AdjList;typedef struct _AdjListGraph
{int edge;int vex;AdjList* adjlist;
}AdjListGraph;bool Init_Graph(AdjListGraph& G)
{G.adjlist = new AdjList [MAX_SIZE];if (!G.adjlist){cout << "Failed to allocate memory for the AdjGraph" << endl;return true;}G.edge = 0;G.vex = 0;for (int i = 0; i < MAX_SIZE; i++){visited[i] = false;}return true;
}int Location(AdjListGraph& G, char data)
{for (int i = 0; i < G.vex; i++){if (G.adjlist[i].data == data){cout << "The Location is sucessfully found" << endl;return i;}}return -1;
}bool Create_Graph(AdjListGraph& G)
{cout << "Please enter the number of vertices and edge for the ListGraph" << endl;cin >> G.vex >> G.edge;cout << "Please enter the vex data for the ListGraph accrodingly" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < G.vex; i++){cin >> G.adjlist[i].data;G.adjlist[i].first = NULL;}char v1, v2;int i1, i2;int weight;cout << "Please enter the related data to connect them" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < G.edge; i++){cin >> v1 >> v2 >>weight;i1 = Location(G, v1);i2 = Location(G, v2);if (i1 != -1 && i2 != -1){EdgeNode* new_node = new EdgeNode;new_node->adjvex = i2;new_node->next = G.adjlist[i1].first;new_node->weight = weight;G.adjlist[i1].first = new_node;}}return true;
}void DHS(AdjListGraph& G, int v)
{if (visited[v] == true) return;int index = -1;cout << G.adjlist[v].data << " ";visited[v] = true;EdgeNode* tmp = G.adjlist[v].first;if (tmp){index = tmp->adjvex;DHS(G, index);tmp = tmp->next;}
}void DHS_Main(AdjListGraph& G)
{for (int i = 0; i < G.vex; i++){if (visited[i] == false){DHS(G, i);}}
}void BHS(AdjListGraph& G, int v)
{int index = -1;int cur = -1;queue<int>q;q.push(v);while (!q.empty()){cur = q.front();if (visited[cur] == false){cout << G.adjlist[cur].data << " ";visited[cur] = true;}q.pop();EdgeNode* temp = G.adjlist[cur].first;while (temp){index = temp->adjvex;q.push(index);temp = temp->next;}}
}void BHS_Main(AdjListGraph& G)
{for (int i = 0; i < G.vex; i++){if (visited[i] == false){BHS(G, i);}}
}int main()
{AdjListGraph G;Init_Graph(G);Create_Graph(G);BHS_Main(G);system("pause");return 0;
图的导航-最短路径算法 (较复杂,可跳过)
从起点开始访问所有路径,则到达终点节点的路径有多条,其中路径权值最短的一条则为最短路径。最短路径算法有 深度优先遍历、广度优先遍历、Bellman-Ford 算法、弗洛伊德算法、 SPFA(Shortest Path Faster Algorithm)算法和迪 杰斯特拉算法等。
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <queue>using namespace std;#define MaxSize 1024typedef struct _EdgeNode {//与节点连接的边的定义int adjvex; //邻接的顶点int weight; //权重struct _EdgeNode* next; //下一条边
}EdgeNode;typedef struct _VertexNode {//顶点节点char data; //节点数据struct _EdgeNode* first;//指向邻接第一条边
}VertexNode, AdjList;typedef struct _AdjListGraph {AdjList* adjlist;int vex; //顶点数int edge; //边数
}AdjListGraph;bool visited[MaxSize]; //Global array to record whether the node is being visited/*图的初始化*/
void Init(AdjListGraph& G) {G.adjlist = new AdjList[MaxSize];G.edge = 0;G.vex = 0;for (int i = 0; i < MaxSize; i++){visited[i] = false;}
}int Location(AdjListGraph& G, char c);void Create(AdjListGraph& G) {cout << "Please enter the graph algorithm vertices and node number" << endl;cin >> G.vex >> G.edge;cout << "Please enter the vertices node data" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < G.vex; i++) {cin >> G.adjlist[i].data;G.adjlist[i].first = NULL;}char v1 = 0, v2 = 0;//保存输入的顶点的字符int i1, i2; //保存顶点在数组中的下标int weight;cout << "Please enter the related vertices data to connect them:" << endl;for (int i = 0; i < G.edge; i++) {cin >> v1 >> v2>>weight;i1 = Location(G, v1);i2 = Location(G, v2);if (i1 != -1 && i2 != -1) {//寻找到位置EdgeNode* temp = new EdgeNode;temp->adjvex = i2;temp->next = G.adjlist[i1].first;temp->weight = weight;G.adjlist[i1].first = temp;}}
int Location(AdjListGraph& G, char c) {for (int i = 0; i < G.vex; i++) {if (G.adjlist[i].data == c) {return i;}}return -1;
}int min_weights = 0x7FFFFFFF;
int steps = 0;
int path[MaxSize] = { 0 };
int shortest_path[MaxSize] = {0}; //Save the shortest path//According the graph to do the deep visit function
void DFS(AdjListGraph& G, int start, int end, int weights)
{int cur = -1;if (start == end){for (int i = 0; i < steps; i++){cout << G.adjlist[path[i]].data << " "; //Print the posible path}cout << "The posible path length is : " << weights;if (min_weights > weights){min_weights = weights;memcpy(shortest_path, path, steps*sizeof(int));}return;}visited[start] = true;EdgeNode* temp = G.adjlist[start].first;while (temp){int weight = temp->weight;cur = temp->adjvex;if (visited[cur] == false){visited[cur] = true; path[steps++] = cur;DFS(G, cur, end, weights + weight);visited[cur] = false;path[--steps] = 0;}temp = temp->next;}
}void BFS(AdjListGraph& G, int v)
{queue<int> q;int cur = -1;int index =-1;q.push(v);while (!q.empty()) {cur = q.front();if (visited[cur] == false){cout << G.adjlist[cur].data << " ";visited[cur] = true;}q.pop();EdgeNode* temp = G.adjlist[cur].first;while (temp != NULL){index = temp->adjvex;temp = temp->next;q.push(index);}}}void BFS_Main(AdjListGraph& G)
{for (int i = 0; i < G.vex; i++){if (visited[i] == false){BFS(G, i);}}
int main()
{//Initiallized the graphAdjListGraph G;Init(G);Create(G);char start, end;cout << "Please enter the minumum path for the starting point and ending point" << endl;cin >> start >> end;DFS(G,Location(G,start),Location(G,end),0);cout << "The shortest path length is" << min_weights << endl;cout << "Path : ";int i = 0;while (i < MaxSize && shortest_path[i]>0){cout << G.adjlist[shortest_path[i]].data << " ";i++;}cout << endl;system("pause");return 0;