SciTech-EECS-Wireless-BLE(Bluetooth Low Energy)5.4- Nordic Semi. 的Bluetooth Low Energy SoCs

news/2025/1/10 2:10:56/文章来源:


  • TI
  • Nordic Semi. : nRF5340, nrf52*,

Best-in-class Bluetooth Low Energy SoCs
Bluetooth Low Energy flagship SoC
The nRF5340 SoC is our Bluetooth Low Energy flagship. It is the first SoC in the nRF53 Series and is the world’s first wireless SoC with two Arm® Cortex®-M33 processors. The combination of two flexible processors and the advanced feature set make it the ideal choice for LE Audio, advanced wearables, and other complex IoT applications. The nRF5340 is an all-in-one SoC, including a superset of the most prominent nRF52® Series features. Features like Bluetooth® 5.4, high-speed SPI, QSPI, USB, up to 105 °C operating temperature, and more, are combined with more performance, memory and integration, while minimizing current consumption. It also offers security features such as trusted execution, root-of-trust and secure key storage.

Supports an extensive range of wireless protocols
The nRF5340 is a Bluetooth 5.4 SoC and is capable of taking all angle-of-arrival (AoA) and angle-of-departure roles (AoD) in Bluetooth Direction Finding. It also supports LE Audio, Long Range, high-throughput 2 Mbps and Advertising Extensions features. Mesh protocols like Bluetooth mesh, Thread and Zigbee can be run concurrently with Bluetooth Low Energy, enabling smartphones to provision, commission, configure and control mesh nodes. NFC, ANT, 802.15.4 and 2.4 GHz proprietary protocols are also supported.

nRF52 Series
The nRF52 Series consists of seven multiprotocol Bluetooth 5.4 SoCs that integrate a powerful yet efficient 64 MHz Arm Cortex-M4 CPU. Flash memory range from 192 KB to 1024 KB while RAM range from 24 KB to 256 KB. The nRF52 Series offers simpler cost-effective options and highly-advanced options, all with ultra-low power consumption. The nRF52 Series is truly the ideal platform for basing a product portfolio upon. The similar hardware and software architecture results in excellent software portability, increasing software reusability and lowering time-to-market and development cost.

All-flash based SoCs
The nRF52 and nRF53 Series are all-flash based SoCs. Flash memory brings complete flexibility and upgradability to your products. They can be re-programmed in the factory or in the field with over-the-air device firmware upgrades (OTA DFU). This enables product updates and feature additions any time, anywhere.

Product overview webinar
All Bluetooth LE On-Demand webinars




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