
news/2025/3/9 22:29:23/文章来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/flyingsir/p/18432318






1. **There are, of course, people belonging to all classes who do not want to be fascinated and then enslaved by Admass, and who if necessary are ready to make a few sacrifices, largely material, to achieve a satisfying state of mind.**
- **翻译**:当然,各个阶层都有人不想被大众媒体迷住,然后被奴役,如果有必要,他们愿意做出一些牺牲,主要是物质上的,以获得令人满意的心境。
- **生词**:
- **fascinated** [ˈfæsɪneɪtɪd]:着迷的,被吸引的。
- **enslaved** [ɪnˈsleɪvd]:被奴役的。
- **sacrifices** [ˈsækrɪfaɪsɪz]:牺牲。
- **largely** [ˈlɑːrdʒli]:主要地,大部分地。
- **material** [məˈtɪəriəl]:物质的,材料的。

2. **They probably believe, as I do, that the Admass“Good Life” is a fraud on all counts.**
- **翻译**:他们可能像我一样相信,大众媒体所宣扬的“美好生活”在所有方面都是一个骗局。
- **生词**:
- **fraud** [frɔːd]:欺诈,骗局。

3. **(Even the stuff it produces is mostly junk, meant to be replaced as soon as you can afford to keep on buying.)**
- **翻译**:(它生产的东西大多是垃圾,一旦你有能力继续购买,就意味着要被替换。)
- **生词**:
- **junk** [dʒʌŋk]:垃圾,无用的东西。
- **afford** [əˈfɔːrd]:负担得起,有足够的钱。

4. **Such people can be found among workers in smallish, well-managed and honest enterprises, in which everybody still cares about the product and does not assume the customers are idiots.**
- **翻译**:这样的人可以在管理良好、诚实的企业中找到,这些企业的员工仍然关心产品,并不认为顾客是傻瓜。
- **生词**:
- **smallish** [ˈsmɔːlɪʃ]:稍小的,小规模的。
- **well-managed** [wel ˈmænɪdʒd]:管理良好的。
- **honest** [ˈɒnɪst]:诚实的。

5. **They can be found, too-though not in large numbers because the breed is dying out-among crusty High Tories who avoid the City and directors' fees.**
- **翻译**:这样的人也可以在一些顽固的高级保守党人中找到,他们避开城市和董事费。
- **生词**:
- **crusty** [ˈkrʌsti]:顽固的,脾气暴躁的。
- **High Tories** [haɪ ˈtɔːriz]:高级保守党人。
- **City** [ˈsɪti]:城市,金融城。
- **directors' fees** [dɪˈrɛktərz fiːz]:董事费。

6. **But they are strongest and, I fancy, on the increase in the professional classes, men and women who may or may not believe in my Englishness but have rejected Admass.**
- **翻译**:但我认为,他们在专业阶层中最强大,而且人数在增加,这些男女可能相信也可能不相信我的英国性,但已经拒绝了大众媒体。
- **生词**:
- **fancy** [ˈfænsi]:想象,认为。
- **professional classes** [prəˌfɛʃənəl ˈklæsɪz]:专业阶层。

7. **They are usually articulate; they have many acquaintances, inside or outside their professions, ready to listen to them; and not a few of them have a chance to talk on TV and radio.**
- **翻译**:他们通常能言善辩;他们有很多熟人,无论是在他们的职业内还是职业外,都愿意听他们说话;他们中也有不少人有机会在电视和广播上发言。
- **生词**:
- **articulate** [ɑːrˈtɪkjuleɪt]:能言善辩的,表达清晰的。
- **acquaintances** [əˈkweɪntənsɪz]:熟人。
- **professions** [prəˈfɛʃənz]:职业。

8. **If the battle can be won, it will probably be these men and women who will swing it.**
- **翻译**:如果这场战斗能够获胜,很可能就是这些男女会决定胜负。
- **生词**:
- **swing** [swɪŋ]:影响,决定。








### 文件 1

1. **But what about the young?**
- **翻译**:但是年轻人呢?
- **生词**:
- **young** [jʌŋ]:年轻人。

2. **Here we might remember that as soon as we consider even the fairly immediate future then our young will not be the young any more; some other young will have arrived.**
- **翻译**:在这里,我们可能会记得,一旦我们考虑即使是相当近期的未来,我们的年轻一代将不再是年轻人;另一批年轻人将会到来。
- **生词**:
- **immediate** [ɪˈmiːdiət]:立即的,直接的。
- **arrived** [əˈraɪvd]:到达。

3. **It is one difficulty the American counterculture enthusiasts have to face—that while they are still praising the rebellious young, half those lads and girls may have already lost their youth and may be as busy conforming to Madison Avenue as they conformed earlier to Hippy California or the road to**
- **翻译**:这是美国反文化爱好者必须面对的一个困难——当他们仍在赞扬叛逆的年轻人时,这些年轻人中的一半可能已经失去了他们的青春,可能正忙于适应麦迪逊大道,就像他们早期适应嬉皮士加州或通往加德满都的道路一样。
- **生词**:
- **counterculture** [ˈkaʊntərˌkʌltʃər]:反文化。
- **enthusiasts** [ɪnˈθjuːziæsts]:热衷者。
- **rebellious** [rɪˈbɛljəs]:叛逆的。
- **conforming** [kənˈfɔːrmɪŋ]:遵从,适应。
- **Madison Avenue** [ˈmædɪsən ˈævənjuː]:麦迪逊大道(纽约的广告业中心)。

### 文件 2

1. **So far as the English young are concerned, I am dubious about the noisy types, whether they are shouting in the streets or joining the vast herds at pop festivals.**
- **翻译**:就英国年轻人而言,我对那些吵闹的类型持怀疑态度,无论是在街头呐喊还是在流行音乐节上加入庞大的人群。
- **生词**:
- **dubious** [ˈdjuːbiəs]:怀疑的,不确定的。
- **noisy** [ˈnɔɪzi]:吵闹的。
- **herds** [hɜːrdz]:群体。

2. **Too many of them lack the individuality to stand up to Admass, which can provide them with another and even larger herd to join.**
- **翻译**:他们中的许多人缺乏个性去抵抗大众媒体,大众媒体可以为他们提供另一个甚至更大的群体去加入。
- **生词**:
- **individuality** [ɪˌdʒɪvɪˈdʒuːælɪti]:个性。
- **Admass** [ˈædmæs]:大众媒体。

3. **I have far more faith in the quieter young, who never swaggered around in the youth racket, who may have come under the influence of one or two of those professional men and women, who have probably given some thought to what life may be like at forty or forty-five.**
- **翻译**:我更相信那些更安静的年轻人,他们从未在青年喧嚣中炫耀,可能受到了一两个专业人士的影响,他们可能已经考虑过四十或四十五岁时生活可能是什么样子。
- **生词**:
- **quieter** [ˈkwaɪətər]:更安静的。
- **swaggered** [ˈswægərd]:炫耀。
- **racket** [ˈrækɪt]:喧嚣。
- **influence** [ˈɪnfluəns]:影响。

4. **They, too, might help to swing the battle.**
- **翻译**:他们也可能有助于决定战斗的胜负。
- **生词**:
- **swing** [swɪŋ]:影响,决定。






### 文件 1

1. **What follows does not apply to old-age pensioners, to people still overworked and underpaid, to all the English who have some integrity, some individual judgment and real values.**
- **翻译**:以下内容不适用于领取养老金的老年人,不适用于仍然过度工作且薪酬过低的人,也不适用于所有具有一定诚信、个人判断力和真正价值观的英国人。
- **生词**:
- **pensioners** [ˈpɛnʃənərz]:领取养老金的人。
- **integrity** [ɪnˈtɛɡrɪti]:正直,完整。
- **individual** [ˌɪndɪˈvɪdʒuəl]:个人的,个别的。

2. **Far too many of the other English-though I don't say a majority-are sloppy people.**
- **翻译**:尽管我并不是说大多数,但其他英国人中有太多都是马虎的人。
- **生词**:
- **sloppy** [ˈslɒpi]:马虎的,邋遢的。

3. **They are easy to get along with, rarely unkind, but they are not dependable; they are inept, shiftless, slovenly, messy.**
- **翻译**:他们很容易相处,很少不友好,但他们不可靠;他们笨拙、无能、邋遢、凌乱。
- **生词**:
- **dependable** [dɪˈpɛndəbl]:可靠的。
- **inept** [ɪˈnɛpt]:笨拙的,不适当的。
- **shiftless** [ˈʃɪftləs]:无能的,懒惰的。
- **slovenly** [ˈslʌvənli]:邋遢的。

4. **This is not entirely their own fault.**
- **翻译**:这并不完全是他们自己的错。
- **生词**:
- **fault** [fɔːlt]:错误,缺点。

5. **Unlike their fathers or grandfathers, they have not been disciplined by grim circumstances.**
- **翻译**:与他们的父亲或祖父不同,他们没有受到严酷环境的约束。
- **生词**:
- **disciplined** [ˈdɪsəplɪnd]:受过训练的,有纪律的。
- **grim** [ɡrɪm]:严酷的。

6. **They are no longer facing starvation if they don't work properly or go on strike, no longer told to clear out if they aren't properly respectful and start answering back, no longer find themselves the victims of too many hard facts.**
- **翻译**:如果他们工作不当或罢工,不再面临饥饿;如果他们不恰当地尊重并开始回嘴,不再被告知离开;他们不再发现自己是太多严酷事实的受害者。
- **生词**:
- **starvation** [stɑːˈveɪʃən]:饥饿。
- **strike** [straɪk]:罢工。
- **clear out** [klɪər aʊt]:离开。

7. **And this, in my opinion, is how things should be in a civilized society.**
- **翻译**:在我看来,在一个文明社会中,事情就应该是这样。
- **生词**:
- **civilized** [ˈsɪvəlaɪzd]:文明的。

8. **But people who have been liberated from the harsh discipline of circumstance should then move on to acquire some measure of self-discipline.**
- **翻译**:但是从环境的严酷纪律中解放出来的人应该进而获得一定程度的自律。
- **生词**:
- **liberated** [ˈlɪbəreɪtɪd]:解放的。
- **harsh** [hɑːʃ]:严酷的。

9. **Without self-discipline a man cannot play an adequate part in a civilized society: he will be just slopping around, accepting no responsibility, skimping the work he is supposed to be doing, cheating not only “the bosses”, the capitalists, but even his neighbours.**
- **翻译**:没有自律,一个人就不能在文明社会中扮演适当的角色:他只会到处闲逛,不承担责任,偷工减料,不仅欺骗“老板”、资本家,甚至欺骗他的邻居。
- **生词**:
- **adequate** [ˈædɪkwət]:足够的,适当的。
- **slopping** [slɒpɪŋ]:闲逛。
- **skimping** [skɪmpɪŋ]:偷工减料。

10. **And unless he is an unusual type, he will not even find much satisfaction in this scrounging messy existence, which does nothing for a man's self-respect.**
- **翻译**:除非他是一个不寻常的类型,否则他甚至不会在这种乞讨的混乱生活中找到多少满足感,这对一个人的自尊毫无帮助。
- **生词**:
- **scrounging** [ˈskraʊnʒɪŋ]:乞讨。
- **messy** [ˈmɛsi]:混乱的。

11. **(I am keeping this on the male side, if only because a woman's problems are generally more personal, immediate, emotionally urgent, so that unless she is a hopeless case she has to face and deal with some of them.)**
- **翻译**:(我之所以只从男性方面来谈,只是因为女性的问题通常更加个人化、紧迫、情感上紧急,所以除非她是一个无望的案例,她必须面对并处理其中一些问题。)
- **生词**:
- **immediate** [ɪˈmiːdiət]:立即的。
- **urgent** [ˈɜːrdʒənt]:紧急的。

12. **And this is the situation that many of the English, decent at heart, find themselves in today.**
- **翻译**:这就是许多英国人,心地善良,今天发现自己所处的情况。
- **生词**:
- **decent** [ˈdiːsənt]:正派的,体面的。

13. **Bewildered, they grope and mess around because they have fallen between two stools, the old harsh discipline having vanished and the essential new self-discipline either not understood or thought to be out of reach.**
- **翻译**:困惑中,他们摸索和混乱,因为他们已经陷入了两把椅子之间,旧的严酷纪律已经消失,而必要的新自律要么不被理解,要么被认为是遥不可及。
- **生词**:
- **bewildered** [bɪˈwɪldərd]:困惑的。
- **grope** [ɡroʊp]:摸索。
- **vanished** [ˈvænɪʃt]:消失的。








### 文件 1

1. **Boredom is a menace, now and in the future.**
- **翻译**:无聊是一种威胁,现在和将来都是。
- **生词**:
- **Boredom** [ˈbɔːrdəm]:无聊。

2. **All heavily industrialized societies are in the boredom business.**
- **翻译**:所有高度工业化的社会都在从事无聊的行业。
- **生词**:
- **industrialized** [ɪnˈdʌstriəlaɪzd]:工业化的。

3. **This is not simply because so much of the work they offer is boring.**
- **翻译**:这不仅仅是因为他们提供的工作很无聊。
- **生词**:
- **boring** [ˈbɔːrɪŋ]:无聊的。

4. **It is also because, after having shattered the slow rhythms, the traditional skills, the closely knit communities of rural societies, they crowd people together, excite them by large promises that cannot be kept, so drive them into boredom.**
- **翻译**:还因为,在破坏了缓慢的节奏、传统技能、紧密联系的农村社会之后,他们把人们聚集在一起,用无法兑现的承诺激发他们,从而把他们推向无聊。
- **生词**:
- **shattered** [ˈʃætərd]:破坏。
- **rhythms** [ˈrɪðəmz]:节奏。
- **traditional** [trəˈdɪʃənəl]:传统的。
- **knit** [nɪt]:编织,结合。
- **crowd** [kraʊd]:拥挤。
- **excite** [ɪkˈsaɪt]:激发。

5. **Now the English-at least the contemporary English of my experience-can soon feel bored, which largely explains why they gamble and booze so much and enjoy any dramatic change in public life, any news that encourages excited talk: the urban English have always seemed to me a dramatic people.**
- **翻译**:现在英国人——至少是我经验中的当代英国人——很快就会感到无聊,这在很大程度上解释了为什么他们如此沉迷于赌博和酗酒,以及为什么他们喜欢公共生活中的任何戏剧性变化,任何鼓励激动人心的谈话的新闻:城市英国人在我看来一直是一个戏剧化的民族。
- **生词**:
- **contemporary** [kənˈtɛmpərəri]:当代的。
- **gamble** [ˈɡæmbl]:赌博。
- **booze** [buz]:酗酒。
- **dramatic** [drəˈmætɪk]:戏剧性的。
- **urban** [ˈɜːrbən]:城市的。

### 文件 2

1. **When boredom can't be banished, there is always danger ahead.**
- **翻译**:当无聊无法消除时,总是有危险在前方。
- **生词**:
- **banished** [ˈbænɪʃt]:消除。

2. **Teenagers, who have not been able to use up enough energy during the day(they should be worked harder), turn at night to idiot vandalism.**
- **翻译**:青少年,白天没有能够消耗足够的能量(他们应该更努力地工作),晚上就会转向愚蠢的破坏行为。
- **生词**:
- **Teenagers** [ˈtiːneɪdʒərz]:青少年。
- **vandalism** [ˈvændəlɪzəm]:破坏行为。

3. **Later, if boredom hardens into frustration, some of them, too many of them, take to crime, all kinds from petty shop-lifting to ferocious robbery with violence.**
- **翻译**:后来,如果无聊变成了挫败感,他们中的一些人,太多人,会走向犯罪,从轻微的商店行窃到带有暴力的凶猛抢劫。
- **生词**:
- **hardens** [ˈhɑːrdnz]:硬化。
- **frustration** [frʌˈstreɪʃn]:挫败。
- **crime** [kraɪm]:犯罪。
- **petty** [ˈpɛti]:轻微的。
- **shop-lifting** [ˈʃɒp lɪftɪŋ]:商店行窃。
- **ferocious** [fəˈroʊʃəs]:凶猛的。
- **robbery** [ˈrɒbəri]:抢劫。







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