重命名工具 Bulk Rename Utility v4.0.0.0 中文版

news/2024/10/5 16:25:13/文章来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/xiaohonmao/p/18441028

 重命名工具 Bulk Rename Utility v4.0.0.0 中文版






支持重命名文件、文件夹或两者兼有。删除、添加或更改文件名中的文本。进行文本替换。改变文件名的大小写。删除字符或单词。删除数字或符号。在文件名前后追加文本。追加父文件夹的名称至文件名。以多种格式向文件名中添加日期。将剪贴板中的文本添加至多个文件名。使用灵活的规则自动编号文件。预览新名称后再执行重命名。按任意列对文件详情进行排序。保存重命名标准作为收藏。使用通配符、名称长度或路径长度、正则表达式或 JavaScript 条件筛选待重命名的文件。


可选地将“Bulk 重重名”添加到 Windows 右键菜单中以便快速访问。目录递归 —— 处理所有子目录中的文件/文件夹。使用正则表达式重命名文件/文件夹。使用 JavaScript 重命名文件/文件夹。从输入文本文件列表(CSV)中重命名文件。创建撤销批处理文件。记录所有重命名活动到日志文件。更改文件和文件夹的时间戳(创建、修改、访问)。更改文件/文件夹属性(隐藏、只读、存档)。

如果您有任何新的功能建议,欢迎联系开发者,您的想法可能会在未来的软件版本中实现。下载 Bulk Rename Utility,让您的文件组织更加高效便捷!


Bulk Rename Utility 更新日志+ New “Detached Window” option for the renaming criteria.+ New “Highlight Name Changes” option to show detailed changes between new name and old name.+ New Picture Viewer supports more image formats.+ Dark Mode. Automatically enabled on Windows 11 and 10, if dark mode is active, or it can be manually enabled/disabled in program Preferences.+ New ‘Apply Windows Themes’ option in program Preferences, set to Yes by default.+ Support for Auto Refresh On / Off.+ Shortcut to ‘View Imported Rename-Pairs’ using Ctrl+Alt+V.+ Option ‘Select Imported Rename-Pairs’ (Ctrl+Alt+S).+ Display Options → List → ‘Size All Columns to Width’ (Ctrl+Shift++).+ Renaming Options → Advanced Options → ‘Skip Renaming of File If File Name Already Exists’.+ Program preference → Bulk Rename Utility logo type → Use custom logo image bru.bmp, bru.png or bru.svg.+ Program preference → Ask to check for program updates every 30 days → Yes/No.+ Support for double-quotes for Replace (3) when using wildcards * and ?.+ Show total Elapsed Time for renaming operations.+ When the ENTER key is pressed while on items in the file list, open up to 9 files in their default app.+ Sort and select items after they are dropped into Bulk Rename Utility according to the current sort order.+ New JavaScript object properties: object(‘container’), object(‘container[num]’), and object(‘containers’).+ Popup information balloon tip for certain program features.+ New editor to easily build a list of multiple RegEx, Replacements, Case Exceptions, and Filters by clicking on the list button.+ Network paths and mapped drives improvements.+ Ability to delete selected files from disk using Shift+Delete.+ New Bulk Rename Utility general program preferences in main menu ‘Tools’.+ New program preference: Allow multiple instances of Bulk Rename Utility to run at the same time.+ New program preference: When the ENTER key is pressed while on an item in the file list, action to be taken.+ New program preference: Bulk Rename Utility logo on the main window, show or hide.+ Remove non-printable Unicode characters from file properties if present.! Fixed dropping the double quotes (“) when loading values from a BRU file.+ Track and select recently used entries in most input controls, including regex, add, remove, etc., using F8 or+ Option to confirm each renaming operation individually.+ Support for UTF-8 files in “Import Rename-Pairs”.+ Display the name of the current “Import Rename-Pairs” file in-use as a tooltip and in the imported pair list view.+ New tooltip to show full text if otherwise truncated in the file list.+ Prevent duplicates, “Start From 1” option.+ Prevent duplicates, “Across Folders” option.+ Pad Numbers and Reformat Date in Name (2).+ Support for wildcards * and ? in Replace (3).+ New \regex\ option in Replace (3).+ Support for negative from/to values in Remove (5) (= remove counting from the end)+ New Copy Range and Move Range in Move/Copy (6).+ Support for negative values in Move/Copy (6) (= move/copy counting from the end).+ New Name Segment section to apply the renaming criteria to just a specific part of the file name. Negative values are also supported (count from the end).+ New Special (14) Order to change the order of the renaming criteria applied.+ New Link Files by Extension option to rename files with certain extensions as if they were the same file.+ Capitalize the abbreviation of month %b, in custom date format.+ New option to auto-select all items after a drag and drop operation into BRU.+ ALT key no longer stops the renaming operation, use the ESC key instead.+ Ability to expand the width of the Add (7) group.+ Ability to hide or move the BRU logo on the main window.+ Ask to refresh the folder tree if a new drive is detected.! Improved ‘autofit all columns’ functionality.! Fixed bug when using | symbol and one single character in Remove (3).! Fixed crash with certain JPG and TIF files when extracting EXIF information.





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