the sad young men 10-31

news/2025/3/12 19:41:23/文章来源:



Certainly, here are the answers in English,简洁地回答每个问题:

1. **Why were the younger generation of the 1920s thought to be wild?**
- The younger generation was thought to be wild due to their rebellion against traditional values and their pursuit of new cultural and lifestyle norms, including visits to speakeasies, challenges to Puritan morality, and experimenting with love in parked cars.

2. **Was there a revolt of the younger generation at that time? How did it manifest itself?**
- Yes, there was a revolt, manifested through the rejection of Victorian gentility and the embrace of industrialized, competitive societal behaviors, as well as through the pursuit of fashion, money spending on transient pleasures, and sensory experiments.

3. **What does the writer mean by "the pattern of escape"? (Para. 4)**
- "The pattern of escape" refers to the young generation's tendency to evade responsibilities and retreat into a life of naughty alcoholic sophistication and a pose of Bohemian immorality as a means of temporary relief.

4. **How did World War I affect the younger generation?**
- World War I affected the younger generation by releasing their repressed violent energies, which were then directed towards the destruction of the obsolete nineteenth-century society and a questioning of traditional values.

5. **In what ways did Greenwich Village set the pattern for the revolt of the younger generation?**
- Greenwich Village set the pattern for the revolt by becoming a hub for artists and writers who opposed war, materialism, and traditional morality, thus providing a model and philosophical defense for the younger generation's escapism and rebellion.






Certainly, here are the brief answers in English with indications of the paragraph where each answer can be found:

1. **Why were the younger generation of the 1920s thought to be wild?**
- Answer: They were seen as wild due to their defiance of traditional morals and pursuit of new social behaviors. (Para. 1-2)

2. **Was there a revolt of the younger generation at that time? How did it manifest itself?**
- Answer: Yes, the revolt manifested in the rejection of Victorian gentility and the embrace of new societal behaviors. (Para. 2)

3. **What does the writer mean by "the pattern of escape"? (Para. 4)**
- Answer: It refers to the young generation's avoidance of responsibilities through indulgence in alcohol and Bohemian immorality. (Para. 4)

4. **How did World War I affect the younger generation?**
- Answer: WWI desensitized the youth to violence and accelerated the breakdown of Victorian social structure. (Para. 3)

5. **In what ways did Greenwich Village set the pattern for the revolt of the younger generation of the 1920s?**
- Answer: Greenwich Village became the epicenter for artistic and intellectual rebellion against traditional values. (Para. 4)

6. **What new philosophy were the young intellectuals trying to preach?**
- Answer: They preached a philosophy that rejected materialism and traditional morality in favor of art, love, and sensation. (Para. 4)

7. **Why did many young intellectuals of this period emigrate to Europe?**
- Answer: They emigrated to Europe due to dissatisfaction with America's materialism and lack of cultural appreciation. (Para. 7)

8. **Why was this group of writers called the "lost generation"? Were they really lost according to the authors?**
- Answer: They were called "lost" due to their disillusionment post-war, but the authors argue they were not truly lost, as they were critical, rebellious, and experimental. (Para. 8)

For questions on Structure and Style:

1. **Analyze the structure of the whole essay, dividing it into parts.**
- Answer: The essay is divided into an introduction, historical context, manifestations of the revolt, the role of Greenwich Village, the emigration to Europe, and a conclusion on the impact of the "lost generation." (Throughout the essay)

2. **What is the article's main thesis? Where is it stated?**
- Answer: The main thesis is that the so-called "revolt" of the younger generation was a reaction to the conditions of their time. It is stated in the introduction. (Para. 1)

3. **How do the authors develop the central thought? Do they support their argument?**
- Answer: The authors develop the central thought by discussing the causes and effects of the younger generation's behavior, supporting their argument with historical context and examples. (Throughout the essay)







 kaoshi neirong 










 问答 ; 5




根据题目写 300字,写作题;





英汉; P174-0175, 全篇;  the unitstate 多元文化;  


汉英; 339-340;   联合国,1-4段; 









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