VMware Tanzu CLI 1.5.0 - VMware Kubernetes 发新版的命令行工具

news/2025/3/10 18:52:33/文章来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/sysin/p/18530676

VMware Tanzu CLI 1.5.0 - VMware Kubernetes 发新版的命令行工具

VMware 构建、签名和支持的开源 Kubernetes 容器编排平台的完整分发版

请访问原文链接:https://sysin.org/blog/vmware-tanzu-cli/ 查看最新版。原创作品,转载请保留出处。


VMware Tanzu 命令行界面 (Tanzu CLI) 是一个用于将您连接到 VMware Tanzu 的命令行工具。

Tanzu CLI 是在Tanzu Core CLI 开源项目中开发的。您可以使用 Tanzu CLI 执行任务来创建和管理 VMware Tanzu 基础架构:

  • 创建和管理独立管理集群
  • 创建和管理工作负载集群
  • 管理 Kubernetes 版本
  • 安装和管理包
  • 创建和管理应用程序工作负载
  • 配置 Tanzu CLI 本身

有关最新版本 Tanzu CLI 的更多信息,请参阅Tanzu CLI 架构和配置。

The VMware Tanzu command-line interface (Tanzu CLI) is a command-line tool that connects you to VMware Tanzu.

The Tanzu CLI is developed in the Tanzu Core CLI open source project. You can use the Tanzu CLI to perform tasks to create and manage your VMware Tanzu infrastructure:

  • Create and manage standalone management clusters
  • Create and manage workload clusters
  • Manage Kubernetes releases
  • Install and manage packages
  • Create and manage application workloads
  • Configure the Tanzu CLI itself

For more information about the latest version of the Tanzu CLI, see Tanzu CLI Architecture and Configuration.

Tanzu CLI 架构

Tanzu CLI 具有基于插件的架构,允许您下载插件,这些插件提供为不同 Tanzu 产品执行不同功能的命令。例如,您可以下载并安装适用于 Tanzu Kubernetes Grid、Tanzu 应用程序平台和 Tanzu Mission Control 的 Tanzu CLI 插件。您还可以为 Tanzu CLI 开发自己的自定义插件。

Tanzu CLI Architecture

The Tanzu CLI has a plugin-based architecture, to allow you to download plugins that provide commands that perform different functions for different Tanzu products. For example, you can download and install Tanzu CLI plugins for Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, Tanzu Application Platform, and Tanzu Mission Control. You can also develop your own custom plugins for the Tanzu CLI.

VMware Tanzu CLI architecture

与 VMware Tanzu 产品的兼容性

Tanzu CLI 与以下 VMware Tanzu 产品兼容。

Compatibility with VMware Tanzu Products

The Tanzu CLI is compatible with the following VMware Tanzu products.

​ Important: For Tanzu CLI releases prior to v0.90.0, the Tanzu CLI is bundled with the product releases, and installation of the CLI is different depending on which product you are using. The table below includes links to the Tanzu CLI and product-specific plugin installation documentation for each product version.

Product name Product version Compatible CLI version(s) CLI and plugin installation
Tanzu Application Platform v1.4 or later v1.0.0 or later Instructions
Tanzu Kubernetes Grid(standalone management cluster) v2.5.2 or later v1.0 - v1.4 Instructions
v2.5.0 - v2.5.1 v1.0 - v1.1 Instructions
v2.3 - v2.4 v1.0 - v1.1 Instructions
v2.2 v0.29.0 Instructions
v2.1.1 v0.28.1 Instructions
Tanzu Mission Control Service v1.0.0 or laterv0.90.1v0.29.0v0.28.1 Instructions
Tanzu Service Mesh v3.2.2 v1.0.0 or later Instructions
vSphere With Tanzu(TKG with Supervisor) vSphere 8 v8.0.3, v8.0.2c, v8.0.2, v8.0.1, ≤ v8.0.1 v1.1.0 (1) Instructions
vSphere 7 (2)TKG Service ≤v0.11.x Instructions


(1) TKG CLI v1.3.0 and v1.2.0 are not supported for vSphere with Tanzu on vSphere v8.0.3, v8.0.2c, v8.0.1, or earlier.

(2) You cannot use any version of the Tanzu CLI greater than v0.11.x with a vSphere with Tanzu Supervisor Cluster in vSphere 7.


VMware Tanzu CLI 1.5.0 for macOS, Linux & Windows

Item File Name Size Last Updated SHA2 MD5
VMware Tanzu CLI for Mac tanzu-cli-darwin-amd64.tar.gz 17.21 MB Sep 30, 2024 02.55PM c0f61e9671afedd23eebe95543b50bd4c88d6bd63534b15a7ec830cef935da75 1cc3d216e78f636416a096f2745e5d7d
VMware Tanzu CLI for Mac ARM64 tanzu-cli-darwin-arm64.tar.gz 16.54 MB Sep 30, 2024 02.55PM 605966ad28a46f91cc53a67c73c598e25604162e496b49c991070743dbe14e30 88b4dec28639650401e2f8a8c7d96f40
VMware Tanzu CLI for Linux tanzu-cli-linux-amd64.tar.gz 16.16 MB Sep 30, 2024 02.55PM 8b89ca0e44d460cfe548dfb3619197f8a842bfa5ab20d28bfc6cb50976911484 13f6b256b67287ccfb9e3a8be22f296f
VMware Tanzu CLI for Windows tanzu-cli-windows-amd64.zip 16.61 MB Sep 30, 2024 02.55PM 0f5ab9ffdee623b874b16e1110eb84461e3cdb47e558d8f61054c48316ed7aae b784afa31a166da9927ad94a4e95a27d
VMware Tanzu CLI for Windows ARM64 tanzu-cli-windows-arm64-windows11.zip 14.8 MB Sep 30, 2024 02.55PM e3ee024e6e1c96e6105a2184ea258f158706429bdd03e8e410627c947682cb59 09efefa832ead3b4e8fac4ab7599db0c


  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid (TKG) 2.5.2 - 企业级 Kubernetes 解决方案
  • VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition (TKGI) 1.20.0 - 运营商 Kubernetes 解决方案

更多:VMware 产品下载汇总





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