The AAA Algorithm for Rational Approximation, Yuji Nakatsukasa, Olivier Sète, and Lloyd N. Trefethen, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 2018 40:3, A1494-A1522, https://doi.org/10.1137/16M1106122
AAA算法的全称是 adaptive Antoulas-Anderson 。主要解决了有理逼近时出现的伪极点 (spurious poles) 现象。

虚线所对应的就是一个有理逼近式,而在两边出现了伪极点。在复逼近时,除了伪极点外,还有Froissart doublets现象,即极点和零点非常接近。
定义插值集合为 \(\{(z_j, f_j)\}_{j=1}^M\),其中 \(M \gg 1\) 为数据量。
其中 \(w_j\) 是权重,\(m\) 是已经被选择了的插值支撑点。权重将求解一个最小二乘问题得到。
新节点将从 \(Z^{(m)}=Z \textbackslash \{z_1, \cdots, z_m\}\) 中选择当前有理逼近 \(r(z)\) 和 \(f(z)\) 残差最大的点,这样才能满足上述的 \(\min\) 取到。换言之总选择目前拟合结果最差的点进入支撑集。
initial all parameters
while(step < max):compute the all distance of Zmselect the largest distance zm as new support pointsolve the weight vector w with min problemcompute all residues of zm
if there are Froissart doublets:select the minus of residues and delete from the support setrecompute the weight vector w
在不启用最后一个去除双峰极点的算法下,获得逼近函数 \(r(z)\) 的极点如下:

可以发现除了真正的 \(f(z)\) 的极点外,单位圆附近还有许多伪极点。
启用去除伪极点的代码后,重绘 \(r(z)\) 的极点如下:

正常。不过,由于只用了单位圆上的数据,在较远处的极点原本应为 \(\pm 5\pi/2\),外插误差较大。
function [r,pol,res,zer,z,f,w,errvec] = aaa(F,Z,tol,mmax)
% aaa rational approximation of data F on set Z
% [r,pol,res,zer,z,f,w,errvec] = aaa(F,Z,tol,mmax)
% Input: F = vector of data values, or a function handle
% Z = vector of sample points
% tol = relative tolerance tol, set to 1e-13 if omitted
% mmax: max type is (mmax-1,mmax-1), set to 100 if omitted
% Output: r = AAA approximant to F (function handle)
% pol,res,zer = vectors of poles, residues, zeros
% z,f,w = vectors of support pts, function values, weights
% errvec = vector of errors at each step
M = length(Z); % number of sample points
if nargin<3, tol = 1e-13; end % default relative tol 1e-13
if nargin<4, mmax = 100; end % default max type (99,99)
if ~isfloat(F), F = F(Z); end % convert function handle to vector
Z = Z(:); F = F(:); % work with column vectors
SF = spdiags(F,0,M,M); % left scaling matrix
J = 1:M; z = []; f = []; C = []; % initializations
errvec = []; R = mean(F);for m = 1:mmax % main loop [~,j] = max(abs(F-R)); % select next support point z = [z; Z(j)]; f = [f; F(j)]; % update support points, data values J(J==j) = []; % update index vector C = [C 1./(Z-Z(j))]; % next column of Cauchy matrix Sf = diag(f); % right scaling matrix A = SF*C - C*Sf; % Loewner matrix [~,~,V] = svd(A(J,:),0); % SVD w = V(:,m); % weight vector = min sing vector N = C*(w.*f); D = C*w; % numerator and denominator R = F; R(J) = N(J)./D(J); % rational approximation err = norm(F-R,inf); errvec = [errvec; err]; % max error at sample points if err <= tol*norm(F,inf), break, end % stop if converged
r = @(zz) feval(@rhandle,zz,z,f,w); % AAA approximant as function handle
[pol,res,zer] = prz(r,z,f,w); % poles, residues, and zeros
[r,pol,res,zer,z,f,w] = ... cleanup(r,pol,res,zer,z,f,w,Z,F); % remove Frois. doublets (optional)function [pol,res,zer] = prz(r,z,f,w) % compute poles, residues, zeros
m = length(w); B = eye(m+1); B(1,1) = 0;
E = [0 w.'; ones(m,1) diag(z)];
pol = eig(E,B); pol = pol(~isinf(pol)); % poles
dz = 1e-5 * exp(2i*pi*(1:4)/4);
res = r(bsxfun(@plus,pol,dz))*dz.'/4; % residues = r( pol + dz ) * dz / 4
E = [0 (w.*f).'; ones(m,1) diag(z)];
zer = eig(E,B); zer = zer(~isinf(zer)); % zerosfunction r = rhandle(zz,z,f,w) % evaluate r at zz
zv = zz(:); % vectorize zz if necessary
CC = 1./bsxfun(@minus,zv,z.'); % Cauchy matrix
r = (CC*(w.*f))./(CC*w); % AAA approx as vector
ii = find(isnan(r)); % find values NaN = Inf/Inf if any
for j = 1:length(ii) r(ii(j)) = f(find(zv(ii(j))==z)); % force interpolation there
r = reshape(r,size(zz)); % AAA approxfunction [r,pol,res,zer,z,f,w] = cleanup(r,pol,res,zer,z,f,w,Z,F)
m = length(z);
M = length(Z);
ii = find(abs(res)<1e-13); % find negligible residues
ni = length(ii);
if ni == 0, return, end
fprintf('%d Froissart doublets\n',ni)for j = 1:ni azp = abs(z-pol(ii(j))); jj = find(azp == min(azp),1); z(jj) = []; f(jj) = []; % remove nearest support points
endfor j = 1:length(z) F(Z==z(j)) = []; Z(Z==z(j)) = [];
endm = m-length(ii);
SF = spdiags(F,0,M-m,M-m);
Sf = diag(f);
C = 1./bsxfun(@minus,Z,z.');
A = SF*C - C*Sf;
[~,~,V] = svd(A,0);
w = V(:,m); % solve least-squares problem again
r = @(zz) feval(@rhandle,zz,z,f,w);
[pol,res,zer] = prz(r,z,f,w); % poles, residues, and zeros
% Runge's Phenomenon
f = @(x) 1 ./ (1 + 25 * x.^2);n = 12;
x_interp = linspace(-1, 1, n);x_plot = linspace(-1, 1, 200);
y_plot = f(x_plot);y_interp = zeros(size(x_plot));
for i = 1:nL = ones(size(x_plot)); % Lagrange basis polynomialsfor j = [1:i-1, i+1:n]L = L .* (x_plot - x_interp(j)) / (x_interp(i) - x_interp(j));endy_interp = y_interp + f(x_interp(i)) * L; % f(x_interp) is y_0
end% Plot the true function and the interpolation polynomial
plot(x_plot, y_plot, 'b'); % Plot true function
hold on;
plot(x_plot, y_interp, 'r--'); % Plot interpolated polynomial
scatter(x_interp, f(x_interp), 20, 'filled', 'k'); % Show interpolation points
legend('True Function', 'Lagrange Interpolation', 'Interpolation Points');
title(['Runge''s Phenomenon with n = ', num2str(n)]);
grid on;
hold off;
Z = exp(1i * linspace(0, 2*pi, 1000)); % unityF = @(z) tan(z) ./ (1 - 16 * z.^4);plot(F(Z))
axis('equal')[r,pol,res,zer,z,f,w,errvec] = aaa(F, Z);plot(pol, '.')