SI152: Numerical Optimization
Lecture 14: Quadratic Programming
Active-set Method
If an optimal active-set A∗ (i.e., a set of inequalities satisfied as equalities at a solution) is known in advance, then a solution x∗ can be found as a solution.
Suppose we have an iterate \(x^k\) and a guess \(A^k\) of an optimal active set. Compute \(d^k\) as the solution to the subproblem
If x^k + d^k is feasible, then set \(x_{k+1} \gets x_k + d_k\) and let \(A_{k+1} \gets A_k\)
Else, set \(x_{k+1} \gets x_k + α_k d_k\), where \(α_k\) is the largest value such that \(x_{k+1}\) satisfies all constraints. Let \(A_{k+1}\) be the set of constraints active at \(x_{k+1}\).
Interior Point Method
Lecture 15: Penalty Methods
Quadratic Penalization
the unconstrained quadratic penalty subproblem:
where \(ν ≥ 0\) is a penalty parameter. \(ν\to\infty\) when in iteration.
Exact Penalty Function
A penalty function \(φ(x; ν)\) is exact if there exists \(ν∗\) such that for all \(ν > ν∗\), a local solution of the constrained problem is a local minimizer of \(φ(x; ν)\).
Augmented Lagrangians
Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers
Lecture 16: Barrier Methods
The challenge the problem is ALL with the inequalities/bounds.
Thus, create a subproblem that “maintains” the bounds in an easier way:
Solve for a sequence of barrier parameters such that \(µ\to 0\).