
news/2025/3/14 5:54:43/文章来源:https://www.cnblogs.com/jiangleads/p/18771357

AGU (American Geophysical Union) https://www.agu.org/publications/authors/journals/text-graphics-requirements#authorship-consideration#guidelines

Authorship and AI Tools:

According to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), and endorsed by AGU Publications, Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, such as ChatGPT, are not permitted as authors as they cannot take responsibility for submitted works, however their use should be fully transparent. As non-legal entities AI tools cannot assert the presence or absence of conflicts of interest nor manage copyright and license agreements. Authors who use AI tools in the writing of a manuscript, production of images or graphical elements of the paper, or in the collection and analysis of data, must be transparent by disclosing details of use, including which AI tool was used and how it was used, in the Materials and Methods (or similar section) of the paper. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts produced by an AI tool, and are thus responsible for any breach of publication ethics.

For more information on our authorship, publication, and ethical policies please consult the following pages:

  • Publication policies (e.g. authorship, peer review, conflict of interest, dual publication, preprints, self-archiving, copyright, permissions, corrections)
  • Publication ethics and integrity policies and procedures (e.g., author ethical obligations, plagiarism, ethics, appeals, Comment/Reply)








AMS (American meterorological society) https://www.ametsoc.org/ams/publications/ethical-guidelines-and-ams-policies/author-disclosure-and-obligations/

Author Disclosure and Obligations 

(Adopted by the AMS Council 22 September 2010; #12 adopted by AMS Council January 2024)

These guidelines are based largely on guidelines published by the AGU, which are, to a great extent, based on “Ethical Guidelines to Publication of Chemical Research” by the American Chemical Society (Copyright 1985, 1989, 1995, 2001, 2006 American Chemical Society). The AMS appreciates the permission of the AGU and ACS to quote extensively from these documents.

12. AMS Publications follows a slightly modified version of the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) regarding the use of AI tools in manuscript preparation:

  • Authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts produced by an AI tool, and are thus liable for any breach of publication ethics.
  • AI tools cannot meet the requirements for authorship as they cannot take responsibility for the submitted work. As non-legal entities, they cannot assert the presence or absence of conflicts of interest nor manage copyright and license agreements.
  • Authors who make substantive use of AI tools in the writing of a manuscript, production of images or graphical elements of the paper, or in the collection and analysis of data, must be transparent in disclosing in the appropriate data/methods/materials sections of the paper how the AI tool was used and which tool was used.







  • 作者对其手稿的内容负全部责任,即使是人工智能工具生成的部分,因此对任何违反出版道德的行为负责。
  • 人工智能工具无法满足作者身份的要求,因为它们不能对提交的作品负责。作为非法人实体,它们不能断言是否存在利益冲突,也不能管理版权和许可协议。
  • 在撰写手稿、制作图像或论文图形元素或收集和分析数据时大量使用人工智能工具的作者,必须在论文的适当数据/方法/材料部分透明地披露人工智能工具是如何使用的以及使用了哪种工具。





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