Fortran 中的函数与子程序

Fortran 中的函数与子程序


  • Fortran 是不区分大小写的
  • 函数(Function):
    • 函数是一段具有输入和输出的代码块,它接受一些输入参数,经过一系列计算后返回一个结果。
      • 在Fortran中,函数的定义以关键字"FUNCTION"开始,以"end function"结束
      • Fortran 90中的函数必须在程序的`contains`块中定义,以便在主程序中调用
  • 子程序(Subroutine):
    • 子程序是一段独立的代码块,它可以被其他代码调用并执行。与函数不同的是,子程序可以不返回任何结果,或者通过参数列表传递结果。在Fortran中,子程序的定义以关键字"SUBROUTINE"开始,后面跟着子程序名和参数列表。子程序体内部可以包含一系列的计算语句,执行完后通过关键字"END SUBROUTINE"结束。



  • 需要定义返回值
program function_exampleimplicit nonereal :: length, width, areawrite(*,*) "input length:"read(*,*) lengthwrite(*,*) "input width:"read(*,*) widtharea = calculate_area(length, width)write(*,*) "the area of triangle", arearead(*,*)containsfunction calculate_area(length,width) result(area)real, intent(in) :: length, widthreal :: areaarea = length * widthend function calculate_areaend program function_example


  • 直接定义函数(函数返回值)类型
program return_exampleimplicit nonereal :: num1, num2, averagewrite(*, *) "input two number:"read(*, *) num1, num2average = calculate_average(num1, num2)write(*,*) "the average of the two numbers:", averageread(*,*)containsreal function calculate_average(a, b)real, intent(in) :: a, bcalculate_average = (a + b) / 2.0  return  end function calculate_average
end program return_example


exam1:Simple Subroutine

program mainimplicit nonecall print_message()read(*,*)
end program mainsubroutine print_message()print *, "Hello, World!"
end subroutine print_message

exam2:Subroutine with Arguments

program mainimplicit nonereal :: num1, num2, sumnum1 = 2.5num2 = 3.7call calculate_sum(num1, num2, sum)print *, "The sum is:", sumread(*,*)
end program mainsubroutine calculate_sum(a, b, result)real :: a, b, resultresult = a + b
end subroutine calculate_sum

  • 子程序不是函数,可以理解为按照约定处理一个变量  

exam3:Subroutine with Intent

program mainimplicit nonereal :: numbers(5) = [1,2,3,4,5]integer :: icall square_array(numbers,5)do i = 1, 5print *, numbers(i)end doread(*,*)end program mainsubroutine square_array(arr, size)integer, intent(in) :: sizereal, intent(inout) :: arr(size)integer :: ido i = 1, sizearr(i) = arr(i) ** 2end do
end subroutine square_array
  • 或者
    • 我们添加了一个size函数
program mainimplicit nonereal :: numbers(5) = [1,2,3,4,5]integer :: iinteger :: jj = size(numbers)call square_array(numbers,j)do i = 1, jprint *, numbers(i)end doread(*,*)end program mainsubroutine square_array(arr, size)integer, intent(in) :: sizereal, intent(inout) :: arr(size)integer :: ido i = 1, sizearr(i) = arr(i) ** 2end do
end subroutine square_array


  • In Fortran, subroutines and functions are used to encapsulate a specific set of instructions that can be called and executed from different parts of a program.
  • Subroutines are defined using the SUBROUTINE keyword followed by a name, and they do not return any values.
    • They are typically used for performing a series of calculations or operations without returning a result. Subroutines can have input parameters, which are variables passed to the subroutine for use within its code. 
  • Functions, on the other hand, are defined using the FUNCTION keyword followed by a name. Functions are used to perform calculations and return a single value as the result.
    • They can have input parameters, similar to subroutines, which are used in the calculation. 
  • Both subroutines and functions can be called from other parts of the program using their respective names.
    • When calling a subroutine, the program flow jumps to the subroutine code, executes it, and then returns to the calling point.
    • When calling a function, the result of the calculation is returned and can be assigned to a variable or used directly in an expression.
  • 在C语言中,存在函数
  • 在Java中,称为方法(method)
  • 在Python中,也有函数(function)
  • 通过区分function和subroutine,Fortran可以更好地满足不同的编程需求。这样的设计可以提高代码的可读性和可维护性,使得程序的逻辑更加清晰明确。
    • Function适用于需要返回结果的计算任务
    • Subroutine适用于需要执行一系列操作或修改参数值的任务。





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