%-----Function: Plot a histogram with fitting curve
% Deformation rate (mm/y) or Fitting accuracy (mm/y)
% a figure of histfit
%-----Author: Xieweiguo 1594862250@qq.com (JXNU,
% School of Geography and Environment)
% CSDN Blog: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_41159191?type=blog
%-----Update Date: 20230705 v1
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% %
% load data,whatever how many array
% when load n arrays,you can plot n figures
load ./deformationRate.mat
load ./fittingAccuracy.matdef = deformationRate;
acc = fittingAccuracy;% fig of Deformation rate (mm/y)
figure( 1 );
h = histfit(def,100);
legend({'Statistical','Fitted curve'},'Location','southwest')
xlabel('Deformation rate (mm/y)')
ylabel('Point Number')
xlim ([-50, 20]);
h(1).FaceColor = "y";% fig of Fitting accuracy (mm/y)
figure( 2 );
h2 = histfit(acc,100);
legend({'Statistical','Fitted curve'},'Location','southwest')
xlabel('Fitting accuracy (mm/y)')
ylabel('Point Number')
xlim ([0, 1]);
h2(1).FaceColor = "y";