🌐Hello World !
1.安装和配置 Ansible
安装和配置 Ansible按照下方所述,在控制节点 control 上安装和配置 Ansible:安装所需的软件包创建名为 /home/greg/ansible/inventory 的静态清单文件,以满足以下要求:node1 是 dev 主机组的成员node2 是 test 主机组的成员node3 和 node4 是 prod 主机组的成员node5 是 balancers 主机组的成员prod 组是 webservers 主机组的成员创建名为 /home/greg/ansible/ansible.cfg 的配置文件,以满足以下要求:主机清单文件为 /home/greg/ansible/inventoryplaybook 中使用的角色的位置包括 /home/greg/ansible/roles
[kiosk@foundation0 ~]$ ssh greg@control#2.安装ansible软件包
[greg@control ~]$ sudo yum install -y ansible
[greg@control ~]$ rpm -q ansible
[greg@control ~]$ mkdir -p /home/greg/ansible/roles
[greg@control ~]$ cd ansible/
[greg@control ansible]$ #4.创建名为 /home/greg/ansible/ansible.cfg 的配置文件
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible --versionconfig file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg[greg@control ansible]$ cp /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg .[greg@control ansible]$ ansible --versionconfig file = /home/greg/ansible/ansible.cfg[greg@control ansible]$ ls
ansible.cfg roles#5.修改配置文件,在配置文件做免密操作
[greg@control ansible]$ vim ansible.cfg inventory = /home/greg/ansible/inventory #清单文件路径
#inventory = /etc/ansible/hosts/host
host_key_checking = False #是否指纹解锁
#host_key_checking = False/remote
remote_user = root #远程用户身份为root
#remote_user = root/become
become=True #sudo提权
[greg@control ansible]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/inventory[all:vars]
[greg@control ansible]$ vim ansible.cfg
roles_path = /home/greg/ansible/roles
#roles_path = /etc/ansible/roles#8.检查清单是否正确
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-inventory --graph #查看清单树
@all:|--@balancers:| |--node5|--@dev:| |--node1|--@test:| |--node2|--@ungrouped:|--@webservers:| |--@prod:| | |--node3| | |--node4#9.测试免密
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible all -a "hostname"
node4 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
2.创建和运行 Ansible 临时命令
创建和运行 Ansible 临时命令作为系统管理员,您需要在受管节点上安装软件。请按照正文所述,创建一个名为 /home/greg/ansible/adhoc.sh 的 shell 脚本,该脚本将使用 Ansible 临时命令在各个受管节点上安装 yum 存储库:存储库1:存储库的名称为 EX294_BASE描述为 EX294 base software基础 URL 为 http://content/rhel8.4/x86_64/dvd/BaseOSGPG 签名检查为启用状态GPG 密钥 URL 为 http://content/rhel8.4/x86_64/dvd/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release存储库为启用状态存储库2:存储库的名称为 EX294_STREAM描述为 EX294 stream software基础 URL 为 http://content/rhel8.4/x86_64/dvd/AppStreamGPG 签名检查为启用状态GPG 密钥 URL 为 http://content/rhel8.4/x86_64/dvd/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release存储库为启用状态
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc -l | grep yum
yum_repository [greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc yum_repository
[greg@control ansible]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/adhoc.sh
#!/bin/bashansible all -m yum_repository -a "name=EX294_BASE description='EX294 base software' baseurl=http://content/rhel8.4/x86_64/dvd/BaseOS gpgcheck=yes gpgkey=http://content/rhel8.4/x86_64/dvd/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release enabled=yes"
ansible all -m yum_repository -a "name=EX294_STREAM description='EX294 stream software' baseurl=http://content/rhel8.4/x86_64/dvd/AppStream gpgcheck=yes gpgkey=http://content/rhel8.4/x86_64/dvd/RPM-GPG-KEY-redhat-release enabled=yes"
[greg@control ansible]$ chmod +x /home/greg/ansible/adhoc.sh
[greg@control ansible]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/adhoc.sh
[greg@control ansible]$ /home/greg/ansible/adhoc.sh#4.测试,验证
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible all -a "yum install -y ftp"
安装软件包创建一个名为 /home/greg/ansible/packages.yml 的 playbook :将 php 和 mariadb 软件包安装到 dev、test 和 prod 主机组中的主机上将 RPM Development Tools 软件包组安装到 dev 主机组中的主机上将 dev 主机组中主机上的所有软件包更新为最新版本
[greg@control ansible]$ vim ~/.vimrc
set number ts=2 sw=2 et#2.创建playbook,编写playbook
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc yum
/EX- name: ensure a list of packages installedyum:name: "{{ packages }}"vars:packages:- httpd- httpd-tools- name: install the 'Development tools' package groupyum:name: "@Development tools"state: present- name: upgrade all packagesyum:name: '*'state: latest[greg@control ansible]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/packages.yml
========================================================================================= 1 ---2 - name: 安装软件包3 hosts: dev,test,prod4 tasks:5 - name: ensure a list of packages installed6 yum:7 name: "{{ packages }}"8 vars:9 packages:10 - php11 - mariadb12 13 - name: 安装软件包214 hosts: dev15 tasks:16 - name: install the package group17 yum:18 name: "@RPM Development Tools"19 state: present20 - name: upgrade all packages21 yum:22 name: '*'23 state: latest
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-playbook packages.yml #4.验证
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev,test,prod -a "rpm -q php mariadb"
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev -a "yum grouplist"
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev -a "yum update"
4.A 使用 RHEL 系统角色(NEW)
使用 RHEL 系统角色安装 RHEL 系统角色软件包,并创建符合以下条件的 playbook /home/greg/ansible/selinux.yml :在所有受管节点上运行使用 selinux 角色配置该角色,配置被管理节点的 selinux 为enforcing
[greg@control ansible]$ yum search roles
[greg@control ansible]$ sudo yum install -y rhel-system-roles.noarch #3.查看角色路径,角色路径放到配置文件
[greg@control ansible]$ rpm -ql rhel-system-roles.noarch
/usr/share/ansible/roles[greg@control ansible]$ vim ansible.cfg70 roles_path = /home/greg/ansible/roles:/usr/share/ansible/roles [greg@control ansible]$ ansible-galaxy list
# /home/greg/ansible/roles
- apache, (unknown version)
# /usr/share/ansible/roles#4.查找配置文件样例,复制样例到playbook,修改playbook
[greg@control ansible]$ rpm -ql rhel-system-roles.noarch | grep example
/usr/share/doc/rhel-system-roles/selinux/example-selinux-playbook.yml[greg@control ansible]$ cp /usr/share/doc/rhel-system-roles/selinux/example-selinux-playbook.yml /home/greg/ansible/selinux.yml[greg@control ansible]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/selinux.yml#5.运行playbook
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-playbook selinux.yml #6.验证
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible all -a "grep ^SELINUX /etc/selinux/config"
node4 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
4.B 使用 RHEL 系统角色(OLD)
使用 RHEL 系统角色安装 RHEL 系统角色软件包,并创建符合以下条件的 playbook /home/greg/ansible/timesync.yml :在所有受管节点上运行使用 timesync 角色配置该角色,以使用当前有效的 NTP 提供商配置该角色,以使用时间服务器配置该角色,以启用 iburst 参数
[greg@control ansible]$ yum search roles#2.查找配置文件样例,复制样例到playbook,修改playbook
[greg@control ansible]$ rpm -ql rhel-system-roles.noarch | grep example
/usr/share/doc/rhel-system-roles/timesync/example-timesync-playbook.yml[greg@control ansible]$ cp /usr/share/doc/rhel-system-roles/timesync/example-timesync-playbook.yml /home/greg/ansible/timesync.yml[greg@control ansible]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/timesync.yml#3.运行playbook
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-playbook timesync.yml#4.验证
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible all -m shell -a "timedatectl"
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible all -m shell -a 'chronyc sources -v | grep classroom'
1 ---2 - hosts: all3 vars:4 timesync_ntp_servers:5 - hostname: iburst: yes7 roles:8 - rhel-system-roles.timesync
5.使用 Ansible Galaxy 安装角色
使用 Ansible Galaxy 安装角色使用 Ansible Galaxy 和要求文件 /home/greg/ansible/roles/requirements.yml 。从以下 URL 下载角色并安装到 /home/greg/ansible/roles :http://materials/haproxy.tar 此角色的名称应当为 balancerhttp://materials/phpinfo.tar 此角色的名称应当为 phpinfo
[greg@control ansible]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/roles/requirements.yml#2.安装角色
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-galaxy role install -r /home/greg/ansible/roles/requirements.yml#3.验证
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-galaxy list
# /home/greg/ansible/roles
- apache, (unknown version)
- balancer, (unknown version)
- phpinfo, (unknown version)
# /usr/share/ansible/roles
1 ---2 - src: http://materials/haproxy.tar3 name: balancer4 - src: http://materials/phpinfo.tar5 name: phpinfo
创建和使用角色根据下列要求,在 /home/greg/ansible/roles 中创建名为 apache 的角色:httpd 软件包已安装,设为在系统启动时启用并启动防火墙已启用并正在运行,并使用允许访问 Web 服务器的规则模板文件 index.html.j2 已存在,用于创建具有以下输出的文件 /var/www/html/index.html :1 Welcome to HOSTNAME on IPADDRESS其中,HOSTNAME 是受管节点的完全限定域名,IPADDRESS 则是受管节点的 IP 地址。创建一个名为 /home/greg/ansible/apache.yml 的 playbook:该 play 在 webservers 主机组中的主机上运行并将使用 apache 角色
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc service
- name: Start service httpd, if not startedservice:name: httpdstate: started[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc firewalld
/EX /imm #立即生效
- firewalld:service: httpspermanent: yesstate: enabled[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc template
- name: Template a file to /etc/files.conftemplate:src: /mytemplates/foo.j2dest: /etc/file.confowner: bingroup: wheelmode: '0644'[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev -m setup -a "filter=*name*"
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev -m setup -a "filter=*ipv4*"
#1.进入角色路径,创建名为 apache 的角色
[greg@control ansible]$ cd roles/
[greg@control roles]$ ansible-galaxy init apache
- Role apache was created successfully[greg@control roles]$ tree apache/
├── defaults
│ └── main.yml
├── files
├── handlers
│ └── main.yml
├── meta
│ └── main.yml
├── README.md
├── tasks
│ └── main.yml
├── templates
├── tests
│ ├── inventory
│ └── test.yml
└── vars└── main.yml#2.编写任务tasks文件
[greg@control roles]$ vim apache/tasks/main.yml#3.编写模板文件
[greg@control roles]$ vim apache/templates/index.html.j2
Welcome to {{ ansible_nodename }} on {{ ansible_default_ipv4.address }}#4.编写playbook文件
[greg@control roles]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/apache.yml1 ---2 - name: 创建和使用角色3 hosts: webservers4 roles:5 - apache#5.回到ansible路径,执行playbook文件
[greg@control roles]$ cd ..
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-playbook apache.yml#6.验证
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-inventory --graph[greg@control ansible]$ curl node3
Welcome to node3.lab.example.com on
[greg@control ansible]$ curl node4
Welcome to node4.lab.example.com on
1 ---2 # tasks file for apache3 - name: Start service httpd, if not started4 service:5 name: httpd6 state: started7 enabled: yes8 - name: Start service httpd, if not started9 service:10 name: firewalld11 state: started12 enabled: yes13 - firewalld:14 service: http15 permanent: yes16 state: enabled17 immediate: yes18 - name: Template a file to /etc/files.conf19 template:20 src: index.html.j221 dest: /var/www/html/index.html
7.从 Ansible Galaxy 使用角色
从 Ansible Galaxy 使用角色根据下列要求,创建一个名为 /home/greg/ansible/roles.yml 的 playbook :playbook 中包含一个 play, 该 play 在 balancers 主机组中的主机上运行并将使用 balancer 角色。此角色配置一项服务,以在 webservers 主机组中的主机之间平衡 Web 服务器请求的负载。浏览到 balancers 主机组中的主机(例如 )将生成以下输出:1 Welcome to node3.lab.example.com on重新加载浏览器将从另一 Web 服务器生成输出:1 Welcome to node4.lab.example.com on 中包含一个 play, 该 play 在 webservers 主机组中的主机上运行并将使用 phpinfo 角色。请通过 URL /hello.php 浏览到 webservers 主机组中的主机将生成以下输出:1 Hello PHP World from FQDN其中,FQDN 是主机的完全限定名称。1 Hello PHP World from node3.lab.example.com另外还有 PHP 配置的各种详细信息,如安装的 PHP 版本等。同样,浏览到 会生成以下输出:1 Hello PHP World from node4.lab.example.com另外还有 PHP 配置的各种详细信息,如安装的 PHP 版本等。
[greg@control ansible]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/roles.yml#2.执行playbook
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-playbook /home/greg/ansible/roles.yml#3.验证
Welcome to node4.lab.example.com on
Welcome to node4.lab.example.com on浏览器访问http://
Hello PHP World from node4.lab.example.com
1 ---2 - name: 从 Ansible Galaxy 使用角色3 hosts: webservers4 roles:5 - phpinfo6 - name: 从 Ansible Galaxy 使用角色7 hosts: balancers8 roles:9 - balancer
8.A 创建和使用分区(NEW)
创建和使用分区创建一个名为 /home/greg/ansible/partition.yml 的 playbook ,它将在所有受管节点上创建分区:在vdb创建一个1500M主分区,分区号1,并格式化ext4prod组将分区永久挂载到/data如果磁盘空间不够,给出提示信息Could not create partition of that size创建800MiB分区如果 vdb不存在,则给出提示信息this disk is not exist
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc parted
- name: Create a new primary partition with a size of 1GiBparted:device: /dev/sdbnumber: 1state: presentpart_end: 1GiB[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc filesystem
- name: Create a ext2 filesystem on /dev/sdb1filesystem:fstype: ext2dev: /dev/sdb1[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc mount
- name: Mount DVD read-onlymount:path: /mnt/dvdsrc: /dev/sr0fstype: iso9660opts: ro,noautostate: present[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc debug
- debug:msg: System {{ inventory_hostname }} has gateway {{ ansible_default_ipv4.gatewa>when: ansible_default_ipv4.gateway is defined[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev -m setup -a "filter=*device*"
[greg@control ansible]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/partition.yml#2.执行playbook
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-playbook partition.yml #3.验证
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible all -a "blkid | grep /dev/vdb1"
1 ---2 - name: 创建和使用分区3 hosts: all4 tasks:5 - block:6 - name: Create a new primary partition7 parted:8 device: /dev/vdb9 number: 110 state: present11 part_end: 1500MiB12 - name: Create a ext2 filesystem on /dev/sdb113 filesystem:14 fstype: ext415 dev: /dev/vdb116 - name: Mount DVD read-only17 mount:18 path: /data19 src: /dev/vdb120 fstype: ext421 state: mounted22 when: inventory_hostname in groups.prod23 rescue:24 - debug:25 msg: Could not create partition of that size26 - name: Create a new primary partition27 parted:28 device: /dev/vdb29 number: 130 state: present31 part_end: 800MiB32 when: ansible_devices.vdb is defined33 - debug:34 msg: this disk is not exist35 when: ansible_devices.vdb is not defined
8.B 创建和使用逻辑卷(OLD)
创建和使用逻辑卷创建一个名为 /home/greg/ansible/lv.yml 的 playbook ,它将在所有受管节点上运行以执行下列任务:创建符合以下要求的逻辑卷:逻辑卷创建在 research 卷组中逻辑卷名称为 data逻辑卷大小为 1500 MiB使用 ext4 文件系统格式化逻辑卷如果无法创建请求的逻辑卷大小,应显示错误信息1 Could not create logical volume of that size,并且应改为使用大小 800 MiB。如果卷组 research 不存在,应显示错误信息1 Volume group done not exist。不要以任何方式挂载逻辑卷
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc lvol
- name: Create a logical volume of 512mlvol:vg: fireflylv: testsize: 512[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc filesystem
- name: Create a ext2 filesystem on /dev/sdb1filesystem:fstype: ext2dev: /dev/sdb1[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc debug
- debug:msg: System {{ inventory_hostname }} has gatew>when: ansible_default_ipv4.gateway is defined[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev -m setup -a "filter=*lvm*"
[greg@control ansible]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/lv.yml#2.执行playbook文件
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-playbook lv.yml #3.验证
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible all -a "lvs"
1 ---2 - name: 创建和使用逻辑卷3 hosts: all4 tasks:5 - block:6 - name: Create a logical volume of 512m7 lvol:8 vg: research9 lv: data10 size: 150011 - name: Create a ext2 filesystem on /dev/sdb112 filesystem:13 fstype: ext414 dev: /dev/research/data15 rescue:16 - debug:17 msg: Could not create logical volume of that size18 - name: Create a logical volume of 512m19 lvol: 20 vg: research21 lv: data22 size: 80023 when: ansible_lvm.vgs.research is defined24 - debug: 25 msg: Volume group done not exist 26 when: ansible_lvm.vgs.research is not defined
生成主机文件将一个初始模板文件从 http://materials/hosts.j2 下载到 /home/greg/ansible完成该模板,以便用它生成以下文件:针对每个清单主机包含一行内容,其格式与 /etc/hosts 相同创建名为 /home/greg/ansible/hosts.yml 的 playbook ,它将使用此模板在 dev 主机组中的主机上生成文件 /etc/myhosts 。该 playbook 运行后, dev 主机组中主机上的文件 /etc/myhosts 应针对每个受管主机包含一行内容:1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain42 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain634 node1.lab.example.com node15 node2.lab.example.com node26 node3.lab.example.com node37 node4.lab.example.com node48 node5.lab.example.com node5
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc template
- name: Template a file to /etc/files.conftemplate:src: /mytemplates/foo.j2dest: /etc/file.confowner: bingroup: wheelmode: '0644'
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev -m setup -a "filter=*address*"
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev -m setup -a "filter=*name*"
[greg@control ansible]$ wget http://materials/hosts.j2#2.创建playbook
[greg@control ansible]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/hosts.yml#3.编写hosts.j2文件
[greg@control ansible]$ vim hosts.j2 #4.运行playbook
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-playbook hosts.yml#5.验证
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev -a "cat /etc/myhosts"
1 ---2 - name: 生成主机文件3 hosts: all4 tasks:5 - name: Template 6 template:7 src: /home/greg/ansible/hosts.j28 dest: /etc/myhosts9 when: inventory_hostname in groups.dev
1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localho st4.localdomain42 ::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.lo caldomain63 4 {% for host in groups['all'] %}5 {{ hostvars[host].ansible_default_ipv4.address }} {{ hostvars[host].ansible_nodename }} {{ hostvars[host].ansible_hostname }}6 {% endfor %}
{% for host in groups['all'] %} {{ hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['default_ipv4']['address'] }} {{ hostvars[host]['ansible_facts']['nodename'] }} {{ hostvars[host] ['ansible_facts']['hostname'] }} {% endfor %}
#直接复制 /etc/hosts 内容到 hosts.j2 文件
修改文件内容按照下方所述,创建一个名为 /home/greg/ansible/issue.yml 的 playbook :该 playbook 将在所有清单主机上运行该 playbook 会将 /etc/issue 的内容替换为下方所示的一行文本:在 dev 主机组中的主机上,这行文本显示 为:Development在 test 主机组中的主机上,这行文本显示 为:Test在 prod 主机组中的主机上,这行文本显示 为:Production
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc copy
- name: Copy using inline contentcopy:content: '# This file was moved to /etc/other.con>dest: /etc/mine.conf#1.创建playbook,并编写
[greg@control ansible]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/issue.yml#2.运行playbook
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-playbook issue.yml #3.验证
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible all -a "cat /etc/issue"
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-inventory --graph
1 ---2 - name: 修改文件内容3 hosts: all4 tasks:5 - name: Copy using inline content6 copy:7 content: 'Development'8 dest: /etc/issue9 when: inventory_hostname in groups.dev10 - name: Copy using inline content11 copy:12 content: 'Test'13 dest: /etc/issue14 when: inventory_hostname in groups.test15 - name: Copy using inline content16 copy:17 content: 'Production'18 dest: /etc/issue19 when: inventory_hostname in groups.prod
11.创建 Web 内容目录
创建 Web 内容目录按照下方所述,创建一个名为 /home/greg/ansible/webcontent.yml 的 playbook :该 playbook 在 dev 主机组中的受管节点上运行创建符合下列要求的目录 /webdev :所有者为 webdev 组具有常规权限:owner=read+write+execute , group=read+write+execute ,other=read+execute具有特殊权限:设置组 ID用符号链接将 /var/www/html/webdev 链接到 /webdev创建文件 /webdev/index.html ,其中包含如下所示的单行文件: Development在 dev 主机组中主机上浏览此目录(例如 )将生成以下输出:1 Development
#1.检查webdev 组是否存在
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev -a "grep webdev /etc/group"
node1 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
[greg@control ansible]$ /home/greg/ansible/webcontent.yml#3.运行playbook
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-playbook webcontent.yml#3.浏览器浏览http://
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc file
- name: Change file ownership, group and permissionsfile:path: /etc/foo.confowner: foogroup: foomode: '0644'- name: Create a directory if it does not existfile:path: /etc/some_directorystate: directorymode: '0755'- name: Create a symbolic linkfile:src: /file/to/link/todest: /path/to/symlinkowner: foogroup: foostate: link[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc copy
/EX- name: Copy using inline contentcopy:content: '# This file was moved to /etc/other.conf'dest: /etc/mine.conf- setypeThe type part of the SELinux file context.When set to `_default', it will use the `type' portion of>policy if available.[Default: (null)]type: str- name: Start service httpd, if not startedservice:name: httpdstate: startedenabled: yes
1 ---2 - name: 创建 Web 内容目录3 hosts: dev4 tasks:5 - name: Change file ownership6 file:7 path: /webdev8 state: directory9 group: webdev10 mode: '2775'11 - name: Create a symbolic link12 file:13 src: /webdev14 dest: /var/www/html/webdev15 state: link16 - name: Copy using inline content17 copy:18 content: 'Development'19 dest: /webdev/index.html20 setype: httpd_sys_content_t21 - name: Start service httpd, if not started22 service:23 name: httpd24 state: started25 enabled: yes
生成硬件报告创建一个名为 /home/greg/ansible/hwreport.yml 的 playbook ,它将在所有受管节点上生成含有以下信息的输出文件 /root/hwreport.txt :清单主机名称以 MB 表示的总内存大小BIOS 版本磁盘设备 vda 的大小磁盘设备 vdb 的大小输出文件中的每一行含有一个 key=value 对。您的 playbook 应当:从 http://materials/hwreport.empty 下载文件,并将它保存为 /root/hwreport.txt使用正确的值改为 /root/hwreport.txt如果硬件项不存在,相关的值应设为 NONE
[greg@control ansible]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/hwreport.yml#2.运行playbook
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-playbook hwreport.yml#3.验证[greg@control ansible]$ ansible all -a 'cat /root/hwreport.txt'
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc lineinfile
- name: Ensure SELinux is set to enforcing modelineinfile:path: /etc/selinux/configregexp: '^SELINUX='line: SELINUX=enforcing[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc get_url
- name: Download foo.confget_url:url: http://example.com/path/file.confdest: /etc/foo.confmode: '0440'[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev -m debug -a "var=inventory_hostname"
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev -m setup -a "filter=*mem*"
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev -m setup -a "filter=*bios*"
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev -m setup -a "filter=*device*"
1 ---2 - name: 生成硬件报告3 hosts: all4 tasks:5 - name: Download6 get_url:7 url: http://materials/hwreport.empty8 dest: /root/hwreport.txt9 - name: Ensure110 lineinfile:11 path: /root/hwreport.txt12 regexp: '^HOST='13 line: HOST={{ inventory_hostname }}14 - name: Ensure215 lineinfile:16 path: /root/hwreport.txt17 regexp: '^MEMORY='18 line: MEMORY={{ ansible_memtotal_mb }}19 20 - name: Ensure321 lineinfile:22 path: /root/hwreport.txt23 regexp: '^BIOS='24 line: BIOS={{ ansible_bios_version }}25 - name: Ensure426 lineinfile:27 path: /root/hwreport.txt28 regexp: '^DISK_SIZE_VDA='29 line: DISK_SIZE_VDA={{ ansible_devices.vda.size }}30 31 - name: Ensure532 lineinfile:33 path: /root/hwreport.txt34 regexp: '^DISK_SIZE_VDB='35 line: DISK_SIZE_VDB={{ ansible_devices.vdb.size | default('NONE', true) }}
创建密码库按照下方所述,创建一个 Ansible 库来存储用户密码:库名称为 /home/greg/ansible/locker.yml库中含有两个变量,名称如下:pw_developer,值为 Imadevpw_manager,值为 Imamgr用于加密和解密该库的密码为 whenyouwishuponastar密码存储在文件 /home/greg/ansible/secret.txt 中
[greg@control ansible]$ echo "whenyouwishuponastar" > /home/greg/ansible/secret.txt#2.修改配置文件存储路径
[greg@control ansible]$ vim ansible.cfg
144 #vault_password_file = /path/to/vault_password_file
145 vault_password_file = /home/greg/ansible/secret.txt #3.创建Ansible 库,存储用户密码
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-vault create /home/greg/ansible/locker.yml
pw_developer: Imadev
pw_manager: Imamgr#4.验证
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-vault view /home/greg/ansible/locker.yml---
pw_developer: Imadev
pw_manager: Imamgr[greg@control ansible]$ cat /home/greg/ansible/locker.yml
创建用户帐户从 http://materials/user_list.yml 下载要创建的用户的列表,并将它保存到 /home/greg/ansible在本次练习中使用在其他位置创建的密码库 /home/greg/ansible/locker.yml 。创建名为 /home/greg/ansible/users.yml 的 playbook ,从而按以下所述创建用户帐户:职位描述为 developer 的用户应当:在 dev 和 test 主机组中的受管节点上创建从 pw_developer 变量分配密码是补充组 devops 的成员职位描述为 manager 的用户应当:在 prod 主机组中的受管节点上创建从 pw_manager 变量分配密码是补充组 opsmgr 的成员密码采用 SHA512 哈希格式。您的 playbook 应能够在本次练习中使用在其他位置创建的库密码文件 /home/greg/ansible/secret.txt 正常运行。
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev,test -a "grep devops /etc/group"#playbook查询文档
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc group
- name: Ensure group "somegroup" existsgroup:name: somegroupstate: present[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc user
- name: Add the user 'james' with a bash shell, appen>user:name: jamesshell: /bin/bashgroups: admins,developersappend: yes
[greg@control ansible]$ wget http://materials/user_list.yml#2.创建playbook,并编写
[greg@control ansible]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/users.yml#3.运行playbook
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-playbook users.yml#4.验证
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-inventory --graph[greg@control ansible]$ ansible dev,test -m shell -a "id bob; id sally; id fred"
[greg@control ansible]$ ssh bob@node1[greg@control ansible]$ ansible prod -m shell -a "id bob; id sally; id fred"
[greg@control ansible]$ ssh sally@node3
1 ---2 - name: 创建用户帐户3 hosts: dev,test4 vars_files:5 - /home/greg/ansible/locker.yml6 - /home/greg/ansible/user_list.yml7 tasks:8 - name: Ensure group "somegroup" exists9 group:10 name: devops11 state: present12 - name: Add the user13 user:14 name: "{{ item.name }}"15 groups: devops16 password: "{{ pw_developer | password_hash('sha512') }}"17 append: yes18 loop: "{{ users }}"19 when: item.job == 'developer'20 21 - name: 创建用户帐户22 hosts: prod23 vars_files:24 - /home/greg/ansible/locker.yml25 - /home/greg/ansible/user_list.yml26 tasks:27 - name: Ensure group "somegroup" exists28 group:29 name: opsmgr30 state: present31 - name: Add the user32 user:33 name: "{{ item.name }}"34 groups: opsmgr35 password: "{{ pw_manager | password_hash('sha512') }}"36 append: yes37 loop: "{{ users }}"38 when: item.job == 'manager'
15.更新 Ansible 库的密钥
更新 Ansible 库的密钥按照下方所述,更新现有 Ansible 库的密钥:从 http://materials/salaries.yml 下载 Ansible 库到 /home/greg/ansible当前的库密码为 insecure8sure新的库密码为 bbs2you9527库使用新密码保持加密状态
#1.下载Ansible 库
[greg@control ansible]$ wget http://materials/salaries.yml#2.重设密码
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-vault rekey /home/greg/ansible/salaries.yml #3.验证
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-vault view /home/greg/ansible/salaries.yml
Vault password:
16.配置 cron 作业(增加)
配置 cron 作业创建一个名为 /home/greg/ansible/cron.yml 的 playbook :该 playbook 在 test 主机组中的受管节点上运行配置 cron 作业,该作业每隔 2 分钟运行并执行以下命令:logger "EX200 in progress",以用户 bob 身份运行
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-doc cron
- name: Creates a cron file under /etc/cron.dcron:name: yum autoupdateweekday: "2"minute: "0"hour: "12"user: rootjob: "YUMINTERACTIVE=0 /usr/sbin/yum-autoupdate"cron_file: ansible_yum-autoupdate#1.创建playbook
[greg@control ansible]$ vim /home/greg/ansible/cron.yml#2.运行playbook
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible-playbook cron.yml #3.验证
[greg@control ansible]$ ansible test -a "grep EX200 /var/log/cron"node2 | CHANGED | rc=0 >>
Jul 8 15:34:02 node2 CROND[6182]: (bob) CMD (logger "EX200 in progress")[greg@control ansible]$ ansible test -a "crontab -l -u bob"
1 ---2 - name: cron3 hosts: test4 tasks:5 - name: Creates a cron6 cron:7 name: yum autoupdate8 minute: "*/2"9 user: bob10 job: logger "EX200 in progress"
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