

  • 主要完成任务
  • 代码结构
    • 1.action space
    • 2.default_config
    • 3.reward
      • _agent_rewards
      • _agent_reward
      • _reward
      • _rewards
      • 小结
    • 4.terminated & truncated
    • 5.reset
      • _make_road
      • _make_vehicles
      • _spawn_vehicle
    • 6.step



  • default_config环境默认的配置
  • define_spaces设置相应的动作空间和观测空间
  • step以一定的频率(policy frequency)执行策略并以一定的频率(simulation frequency)模拟环境
  • render用于显示




1.action space

IntersectionEnv类中首先定义了action space,如下所示:分为SLOWERIDLEFASTER。默认设置期望速度设置为[0, 4.5, 9]



    @classmethoddef default_config(cls) -> dict:config = super().default_config()config.update({"observation": {"type": "Kinematics","vehicles_count": 15,"features": ["presence", "x", "y", "vx", "vy", "cos_h", "sin_h"],"features_range": {"x": [-100, 100],"y": [-100, 100],"vx": [-20, 20],"vy": [-20, 20],},"absolute": True,"flatten": False,"observe_intentions": False},"action": {"type": "DiscreteMetaAction","longitudinal": True,"lateral": False,"target_speeds": [0, 4.5, 9]},"duration": 13,  # [s]"destination": "o1","controlled_vehicles": 1,"initial_vehicle_count": 10,"spawn_probability": 0.6,"screen_width": 600,"screen_height": 600,"centering_position": [0.5, 0.6],"scaling": 5.5 * 1.3,"collision_reward": -5,"high_speed_reward": 1,"arrived_reward": 1,"reward_speed_range": [7.0, 9.0],"normalize_reward": False,"offroad_terminal": False})return config


    @classmethoddef default_config(cls) -> dict:"""Default environment configuration.Can be overloaded in environment implementations, or by calling configure().:return: a configuration dict"""        return {"observation": {"type": "Kinematics"},"action": {"type": "DiscreteMetaAction"},"simulation_frequency": 15,  # [Hz]"policy_frequency": 1,  # [Hz]"other_vehicles_type": "highway_env.vehicle.behavior.IDMVehicle","screen_width": 600,  # [px]"screen_height": 150,  # [px]"centering_position": [0.3, 0.5],"scaling": 5.5,"show_trajectories": False,"render_agent": True,"offscreen_rendering": os.environ.get("OFFSCREEN_RENDERING", "0") == "1","manual_control": False,"real_time_rendering": False}



    def _reward(self, action: Action) -> float:"""Return the reward associated with performing a given action and ending up in the current state.:param action: the last action performed:return: the reward"""raise NotImplementedErrordef _rewards(self, action: Action) -> Dict[Text, float]:"""Returns a multi-objective vector of rewards.If implemented, this reward vector should be aggregated into a scalar in _reward().This vector value should only be returned inside the info dict.:param action: the last action performed:return: a dict of {'reward_name': reward_value}"""raise NotImplementedError




    def _agent_rewards(self, action: int, vehicle: Vehicle) -> Dict[Text, float]:"""Per-agent per-objective reward signal."""scaled_speed = utils.lmap(vehicle.speed, self.config["reward_speed_range"], [0, 1])return {"collision_reward": vehicle.crashed,"high_speed_reward": np.clip(scaled_speed, 0, 1),"arrived_reward": self.has_arrived(vehicle),"on_road_reward": vehicle.on_road}


  • 输入待映射的量 v v v,映射前范围: [ x 0 , x 1 ] [x_0,x_1] [x0,x1],映射后范围: [ y 0 , y 1 ] [y_0,y_1] [y0,y1]
  • 输出: y 0 + ( v − x 0 ) × ( y 1 − y 0 ) x 1 − x 0 y_0 + \frac{{(v-x_0)}\times{(y_1-y_0)}}{x_1-x_0} y0+x1x0(vx0)×(y1y0)

如:scaled_speed = utils.lmap(5, [7, 9], [0, 1])输出为-1.

def lmap(v: float, x: Interval, y: Interval) -> float:"""Linear map of value v with range x to desired range y."""return y[0] + (v - x[0]) * (y[1] - y[0]) / (x[1] - x[0])


    def has_arrived(self, vehicle: Vehicle, exit_distance: float = 25) -> bool:return "il" in vehicle.lane_index[0] \and "o" in vehicle.lane_index[1] \and vehicle.lane.local_coordinates(vehicle.position)[0] >= exit_distance


R t o t a l = ( w c o l l i s i o n ⋅ R c o l l i s i o n + w h i g h s p e e d ⋅ R h i g h s p e e d + w a r r i v e d ⋅ R a r r i v e d ) ∗ w o n r o a d ⋅ R o n r o a d \begin{aligned}R_{total}&=(w_{collision}\cdot R_{collision}+w_{highspeed}\cdot R_{highspeed}+w_{arrived}\cdot R_{arrived})\\ &*w_{onroad}\cdot R_{onroad}\end{aligned} Rtotal=(wcollisionRcollision+whighspeedRhighspeed+warrivedRarrived)wonroadRonroad

R = ( R − w c o l l i s i o n ) × ( 1 − 0 ) w a r r i v e d − w c o l l i s i o n R= \frac{{(R-w_{collision})}\times{(1-0)}}{w_{arrived}-w_{collision}} R=warrivedwcollision(Rwcollision)×(10)

    def _agent_reward(self, action: int, vehicle: Vehicle) -> float:"""Per-agent reward signal."""rewards = self._agent_rewards(action, vehicle)reward = sum(self.config.get(name, 0) * reward for name, reward in rewards.items())reward = self.config["arrived_reward"] if rewards["arrived_reward"] else rewardreward *= rewards["on_road_reward"]if self.config["normalize_reward"]:reward = utils.lmap(reward, [self.config["collision_reward"], self.config["arrived_reward"]], [0, 1])return reward



    def _reward(self, action: int) -> float:"""Aggregated reward, for cooperative agents."""return sum(self._agent_reward(action, vehicle) for vehicle in self.controlled_vehicles) / len(self.controlled_vehicles)


_rewards 方法计算的是合作智能体的多目标奖励。对于每个动作,它计算所有控制车辆的奖励,并将这些奖励按名称聚合起来,然后除以车辆的数量得到平均奖励。这个方法返回的是一个字典,其中每个键都是一个奖励的名称,每个值都是对应的平均奖励。最后将信息送人info.

    def _rewards(self, action: int) -> Dict[Text, float]:"""Multi-objective rewards, for cooperative agents."""agents_rewards = [self._agent_rewards(action, vehicle) for vehicle in self.controlled_vehicles]return {name: sum(agent_rewards[name] for agent_rewards in agents_rewards) / len(agents_rewards)for name in agents_rewards[0].keys()}
AbstractEnvdef _info(self, obs: Observation, action: Optional[Action] = None) -> dict:"""Return a dictionary of additional information:param obs: current observation:param action: current action:return: info dict"""info = {"speed": self.vehicle.speed,"crashed": self.vehicle.crashed,"action": action,}try:info["rewards"] = self._rewards(action)except NotImplementedError:passreturn info
IntersectionEnvdef _info(self, obs: np.ndarray, action: int) -> dict:info = super()._info(obs, action)info["agents_rewards"] = tuple(self._agent_reward(action, vehicle) for vehicle in self.controlled_vehicles)info["agents_dones"] = tuple(self._agent_is_terminal(vehicle) for vehicle in self.controlled_vehicles)return info



4.terminated & truncated

  • 当车辆发生碰撞或者抵达终点或者偏离道路,则视为_is_terminated
  • 当车辆所经历的时间大于预定的时间duration,则truncated
  • _agent_is_terminal方法在info中使用。
    def _is_terminated(self) -> bool:return any(vehicle.crashed for vehicle in self.controlled_vehicles) \or all(self.has_arrived(vehicle) for vehicle in self.controlled_vehicles) \or (self.config["offroad_terminal"] and not self.vehicle.on_road)def _agent_is_terminal(self, vehicle: Vehicle) -> bool:"""The episode is over when a collision occurs or when the access ramp has been passed."""return (vehicle.crashed orself.has_arrived(vehicle))def _is_truncated(self) -> bool:"""The episode is truncated if the time limit is reached."""return self.time >= self.config["duration"]






3horizontal straight lanes and right-turns在这里插入图片描述
2horizontal left-turns在这里插入图片描述
1vertical straight lanes and right-turns在这里插入图片描述
0vertical left-turns在这里插入图片描述


(o:outer | i:inner + [r:right, l:left]) + (0:south | 1:west | 2:north | 3:east)
    def _make_road(self) -> None:"""Make an 4-way intersection.The horizontal road has the right of way. More precisely, the levels of priority are:- 3 for horizontal straight lanes and right-turns- 1 for vertical straight lanes and right-turns- 2 for horizontal left-turns- 0 for vertical left-turnsThe code for nodes in the road network is:(o:outer | i:inner + [r:right, l:left]) + (0:south | 1:west | 2:north | 3:east):return: the intersection road"""lane_width = AbstractLane.DEFAULT_WIDTHright_turn_radius = lane_width + 5  # [m}left_turn_radius = right_turn_radius + lane_width  # [m}outer_distance = right_turn_radius + lane_width / 2access_length = 50 + 50  # [m]net = RoadNetwork()n, c, s = LineType.NONE, LineType.CONTINUOUS, LineType.STRIPEDfor corner in range(4):angle = np.radians(90 * corner)is_horizontal = corner % 2priority = 3 if is_horizontal else 1rotation = np.array([[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)], [np.sin(angle), np.cos(angle)]])# Incomingstart = rotation @ np.array([lane_width / 2, access_length + outer_distance])end = rotation @ np.array([lane_width / 2, outer_distance])net.add_lane("o" + str(corner), "ir" + str(corner),StraightLane(start, end, line_types=[s, c], priority=priority, speed_limit=10))# Right turnr_center = rotation @ (np.array([outer_distance, outer_distance]))net.add_lane("ir" + str(corner), "il" + str((corner - 1) % 4),CircularLane(r_center, right_turn_radius, angle + np.radians(180), angle + np.radians(270),line_types=[n, c], priority=priority, speed_limit=10))# Left turnl_center = rotation @ (np.array([-left_turn_radius + lane_width / 2, left_turn_radius - lane_width / 2]))net.add_lane("ir" + str(corner), "il" + str((corner + 1) % 4),CircularLane(l_center, left_turn_radius, angle + np.radians(0), angle + np.radians(-90),clockwise=False, line_types=[n, n], priority=priority - 1, speed_limit=10))# Straightstart = rotation @ np.array([lane_width / 2, outer_distance])end = rotation @ np.array([lane_width / 2, -outer_distance])net.add_lane("ir" + str(corner), "il" + str((corner + 2) % 4),StraightLane(start, end, line_types=[s, n], priority=priority, speed_limit=10))# Exitstart = rotation @ np.flip([lane_width / 2, access_length + outer_distance], axis=0)end = rotation @ np.flip([lane_width / 2, outer_distance], axis=0)net.add_lane("il" + str((corner - 1) % 4), "o" + str((corner - 1) % 4),StraightLane(end, start, line_types=[n, c], priority=priority, speed_limit=10))road = RegulatedRoad(network=net, np_random=self.np_random, record_history=self.config["show_trajectories"])self.road = road



旋转矩阵: [ cos ⁡ θ − sin ⁡ θ sin ⁡ θ cos ⁡ θ ] \left[ {\begin{array}{ccccccccccccccc}{\cos \theta }&{ - \sin \theta }\\{\sin \theta }&{\cos \theta }\end{array}} \right] [cosθsinθsinθcosθ]




    def _make_vehicles(self, n_vehicles: int = 10) -> None:"""Populate a road with several vehicles on the highway and on the merging lane:return: the ego-vehicle"""# Configure vehiclesvehicle_type = utils.class_from_path(self.config["other_vehicles_type"])vehicle_type.DISTANCE_WANTED = 7  # Low jam distancevehicle_type.COMFORT_ACC_MAX = 6vehicle_type.COMFORT_ACC_MIN = -3# Random vehiclessimulation_steps = 3for t in range(n_vehicles - 1):self._spawn_vehicle(np.linspace(0, 80, n_vehicles)[t])for _ in range(simulation_steps):[(self.road.act(), self.road.step(1 / self.config["simulation_frequency"])) for _ in range(self.config["simulation_frequency"])]# Challenger vehicleself._spawn_vehicle(60, spawn_probability=1, go_straight=True, position_deviation=0.1, speed_deviation=0)# Controlled vehiclesself.controlled_vehicles = []for ego_id in range(0, self.config["controlled_vehicles"]):ego_lane = self.road.network.get_lane(("o{}".format(ego_id % 4), "ir{}".format(ego_id % 4), 0))destination = self.config["destination"] or "o" + str(self.np_random.randint(1, 4))ego_vehicle = self.action_type.vehicle_class(self.road,ego_lane.position(60 + 5*self.np_random.normal(1), 0),speed=ego_lane.speed_limit,heading=ego_lane.heading_at(60))try:ego_vehicle.plan_route_to(destination)ego_vehicle.speed_index = ego_vehicle.speed_to_index(ego_lane.speed_limit)ego_vehicle.target_speed = ego_vehicle.index_to_speed(ego_vehicle.speed_index)except AttributeError:passself.road.vehicles.append(ego_vehicle)self.controlled_vehicles.append(ego_vehicle)for v in self.road.vehicles:  # Prevent early collisionsif v is not ego_vehicle and np.linalg.norm(v.position - ego_vehicle.position) < 20:self.road.vehicles.remove(v)


    def _spawn_vehicle(self,longitudinal: float = 0,position_deviation: float = 1.,speed_deviation: float = 1.,spawn_probability: float = 0.6,go_straight: bool = False) -> None:if self.np_random.uniform() > spawn_probability:returnroute = self.np_random.choice(range(4), size=2, replace=False)route[1] = (route[0] + 2) % 4 if go_straight else route[1]vehicle_type = utils.class_from_path(self.config["other_vehicles_type"])vehicle = vehicle_type.make_on_lane(self.road, ("o" + str(route[0]), "ir" + str(route[0]), 0),longitudinal=(longitudinal + 5+ self.np_random.normal() * position_deviation),speed=8 + self.np_random.normal() * speed_deviation)for v in self.road.vehicles:if np.linalg.norm(v.position - vehicle.position) < 15:returnvehicle.plan_route_to("o" + str(route[1]))vehicle.randomize_behavior()self.road.vehicles.append(vehicle)return vehicle



abstract.pydef step(self, action: Action) -> Tuple[Observation, float, bool, bool, dict]:"""Perform an action and step the environment dynamics.The action is executed by the ego-vehicle, and all other vehicles on the road performs their default behaviourfor several simulation timesteps until the next decision making step.:param action: the action performed by the ego-vehicle:return: a tuple (observation, reward, terminated, truncated, info)"""if self.road is None or self.vehicle is None:raise NotImplementedError("The road and vehicle must be initialized in the environment implementation")self.time += 1 / self.config["policy_frequency"]self._simulate(action)obs = self.observation_type.observe()reward = self._reward(action)terminated = self._is_terminated()truncated = self._is_truncated()info = self._info(obs, action)if self.render_mode == 'human':self.render()return obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info
intersection_env.pydef step(self, action: int) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float, bool, bool, dict]:obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info = super().step(action)self._clear_vehicles()self._spawn_vehicle(spawn_probability=self.config["spawn_probability"])return obs, reward, terminated, truncated, info
    def _simulate(self, action: Optional[Action] = None) -> None:"""Perform several steps of simulation with constant action."""frames = int(self.config["simulation_frequency"] // self.config["policy_frequency"])for frame in range(frames):# Forward action to the vehicleif action is not None \and not self.config["manual_control"] \and self.steps % int(self.config["simulation_frequency"] // self.config["policy_frequency"]) == 0:self.action_type.act(action)self.road.act()self.road.step(1 / self.config["simulation_frequency"])self.steps += 1# Automatically render intermediate simulation steps if a viewer has been launched# Ignored if the rendering is done offscreenif frame < frames - 1:  # Last frame will be rendered through env.render() as usualself._automatic_rendering()self.enable_auto_render = False





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