- 0、 重要
- 0.1 官网:
- 0.2 提交 (OpenReview)
- 1、 Important Dates
- 2、 Theme
- 2.1 Theme: Engaging Users with Multimedia
- 2.2 Theme: Experience
- 2.3 Theme: Multimedia Systems
- 2.4 Theme: Multimedia Content Understanding and Generation
- 3、 ACM MM 投稿论文模板
- 3.1 下载地址
- 3.2 选择模板
- 3.3 修改模板
- 3.4 微调
0、 重要
0.1 官网:
- https://2024.acmmm.org/ 链接
0.2 提交 (OpenReview)
https://openreview.net/group?id=acmmm.org/ACMMM/2024/Conference#tab-recent-activity 链接
- Submission Start: Mar 01 2024 UTC-0,
- Abstract Registration: Apr 08 2024 11:59PM UTC-0,
- Submission Deadline: Apr 12 2024 11:59PM UTC-0
1、 Important Dates
Please note: The submission deadline is at 11:59 p.m. (Anywhere on Earth) of the stated deadline date.
- Regular Papers Submission (Abstract) April 8, 2024
- Regular Papers Submission April 12, 2024
- Regular paper supplementary April 19, 2024
- Brave New Ideas SubmissionJune 3, 2024
- Open Source Competition SubmissionJune 3, 2024
- Panel Proposals SubmissionJune 3, 2024
- Tutorial Proposals SubmissionJune 3, 2024
- Doctoral Symposium SubmissionJune 3, 2024
- Technical Demo and Video Program SubmissionJune 3, 2024
- Reproducibility Companion PaperJune 3, 2024
- Regular Paper Reviews to Author June 10, 2024
- Regular Paper Rebuttal Deadline June 17, 2024
- Regular Paper Notification July 8, 2024
- 普通论文提交(摘要) 截止日期为2024年4月8日。
- 普通论文提交 截止日期为2024年4月12日。
- 普通论文 补充资料 截止日期为2024年4月19日。
- Brave New Ideas 提交截止日期为2024年6月3日。
- 开源竞赛提交截止日期为2024年6月3日。
- 小组讨论提案提交截止日期为2024年6月3日。
- 教程提案提交截止日期为2024年6月3日。
- 博士生研讨会提交截止日期为2024年6月3日。
- 技术演示和视频节目提交截止日期为2024年6月3日。
- 可再现性伴随论文提交截止日期为2024年6月3日。
- 普通论文 评审 发送给作者 截止日期为2024年6月10日。
- 普通论文 答辩 截止日期 为2024年6月17日。
- 普通论文 通知 日期为2024年7月8日。
2、 Theme
2.1 Theme: Engaging Users with Multimedia
The engagement of multimedia with society as a whole requires research that addresses how multimedia can be used to connect people with multimedia artifacts that meet their needs in a variety of contexts. The topic areas included under this theme include:
- Emotional and Social Signals
This area focuses on the analysis of emotional, cognitive (e.g., brain-based) and interactive social behavior in the spectrum of individual to small group settings. It calls for novel contributions with a strong human-centered focus specializing in supporting or developing automated techniques for analyzing, processing, interpreting, synthesizing, or exploiting human social, affective and cognitive signals for multimedia applications.)
- Multimedia Search and Recommendation
To engage user in information access, search and recommendation requires not only understanding of data but also user and context. This area calls for novel solutions for user-centric multimedia search and recommendations, in either automatic or interactive mode, with topics ranging from optimization, user intent prediction, to personalized, collaborative or exploratory algorithms. (Note: Topics focusing primarily on indexing and scalability should be submitted to “Multimedia systems: Data Systems indexing and management”)
- Summarization, Analytics, and Storytelling
The information underlying multimedia is by nature multi-perspective. Allowing efficient multi-perspective and context-adaptive information access remains an open problem. This area calls for new and novel solutions that can compose, link, edit and summarize multimedia data into a compact but insightful, enjoyable and multi-perspective presentation to facilitate tasks such as multimedia analytics, decision making, searching and browsing.
- 情感和社交信号
- 多媒体搜索与推荐
- 摘要、分析和叙事
2.2 Theme: Experience
One of the core tenants of our research community is that multimedia contributes to the user experience in a rich and meaningful manner. The topics organized under this theme are concerned with innovative uses of multimedia to enhance the user experience, how this experience is manifested in specific domains, and metrics for qualitatively and quantitatively measuring that experience in useful and meaningful ways. Specific topic areas addressed this year include:
- Interactions and Quality of Experience
Papers under this topic area should address human-centered issues. Topics include (i) novel interaction techniques and modalities for accessing, authoring, and consuming multimedia data, (ii) design and implementation of novel interactive media (iii) new methodologies, models, and metrics to understand and/or measure multimedia quality of experience.
- Art and Culture
Papers under this topic area should develop techniques that enable effective engagement of the public with art and other forms of cultural expression, balancing between sophisticated computational/engineering techniques and artistic / cultural purposes. Topics include (i) digital artworks, including hybrid physical digital installations; dynamic, generative, and interactive multimedia artworks; (ii) computational tools to support creativity, cultural preservation, and curation.
- Multimedia Applications
Papers under this topic area should push the envelope of how multimedia can be used to improve the user experience in a rich and meaningful manner. We solicit papers that design, implement, and evaluate applications that employ multimedia data in surprising new ways or in application scenarios that user experience remains challenging based on today’s start-of-the-art, such as immersive telepresence, distance education.
- 交互和体验质量
- 艺术与文化
- 多媒体应用
2.3 Theme: Multimedia Systems
Research in multimedia systems is generally concerned with understanding fundamental trade-offs between competing resource requirements, developing practical techniques and heuristics for realizing complex optimization and allocation strategies, and demonstrating innovative mechanisms and frameworks for building large-scale multimedia applications. Within this theme, we have focused on three target topic areas:
- Systems and Middleware
This area seeks novel contributions that address performance issues in one of the systems components. Topics include operating systems, mobile systems, storage systems, distributed systems, programming systems and abstractions, and embedded systems. Papers must establish performance improvement or non-trivial trade-offs through integration of multiple systems components or enhancing one of the system components.
- Transport and Delivery
Papers under this topic area should address improvement to multimedia transport and delivery mechanisms over a computer network. Topics include network protocol enhancement, supporting multimedia data with network mechanisms such as SDN and NFV, in-network content placement.
- Data Systems Management and Indexing
Papers under this topic area should address performance issues related to data management and indexing to support multimedia access at a large scale, including browsing, searching, recommendation, analysis, processing, and mining. Topics include scalable systems and indexing techniques that support multimedia access and analytics.
- 系统与中间件
- 传输与传送
- 数据系统管理与索引
2.4 Theme: Multimedia Content Understanding and Generation
Multimedia data types by their very nature are complex and often involve intertwined instances of different kinds of information. We can leverage this multi-modal perspective in order to extract meaning and understanding of the world, often with surprising results. Specific topics addressed this year include:
- Multimodal Fusion and Embeddings
In the real world, some problems are addressable only through a combination of multiple media and/or modalities. This area seeks new insights and solutions of how multi-perspective media information should be fused and embedded for novel problems as well as innovative systems.
- Vision and Language
Recent researchs have driven the merging of vision and language in different ways, for example, captioning, question-answering, multi-modal chatbots. This area seeks new solutions and results that are specific to the problems of combining or bridging vision and language.
- Multimedia Interpretation and Generation
This area seeks novel processing of media-related information in any form that can lead to new ways of interpreting or creating multimedia content. Examples include processing of visual, audio, music, language, speech, or other modalities, for interpretation, knowledge inference, understanding and generation.
- 多模态融合与嵌入
- 视觉与语言
- 多媒体解释与生成
3、 ACM MM 投稿论文模板
3.1 下载地址
https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template 链接
3.2 选择模板
3.3 修改模板
1、 首先
2、 然后
3.4 微调
- 如果删除1
- 如果不删除1
\acmDOI{XXXXXXX.XXXXXXX}%% These commands are for a PROCEEDINGS abstract or paper.
\acmConference[MM '22]{Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia}{October 10--14, 2022}{Portugal, Lisbon}
\acmBooktitle{Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM '22), October 10--14, 2022, Portugal, Lisbon}
- 如果删除2
\settopmatter{printacmref=false} %remove ACM reference format