

  • 文件分布介绍
  • 效果预览
  • 代码
    • css样式
      • Location
      • player.css
    • js样式
      • player.js








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(function($){// Settingsvar isShowNotification = false,isInitMarquee = true,shuffleArray = [],shuffleIndex,autoClearTimer,autoShowTimer,isFirstPlay = localStorage.qplayer == undefined? true: false,isShuffle = localStorage.qplayer == undefined? false: localStorage.qplayer === 'true'? true: false;// Load playlistfor (var i = 0; i < playlist.length; i++){var item = playlist[i];$('#playlist').append('<li class="lib" style="overflow:hidden;"><strong style="margin-left: 5px;">'+item.title+'</strong><span style="float: right;" class="artist">'+item.artist+'</span></li>');}var currentTrack = 0, audio, timeout;var shuffle_array = localStorage.qplayer_shuffle_array;if (isShuffle && shuffle_array != undefined && playlist.length === (shuffleArray=JSON.parse(shuffle_array)).length) {currentTrack = shuffleArray[0];shuffleIndex = 0;$('#QPlayer .cover').attr('title', '点击关闭随机播放');} else {isShuffle = false;$('#QPlayer .cover').attr('title', '点击开启随机播放');}//判断是否显示滚动条var totalHeight = 0;for (var i = 0; i < playlist.length; i++){totalHeight += ($('#playlist li').eq(i).height() + 6);}if (totalHeight > 360) {$('#playlist').css("overflow", "auto");if (isShuffle) {var temp = 0;for (var j = 0; j < currentTrack; j++) {temp += ($('#playlist li').eq(j).height() + 6);}$('#playlist').scrollTop(temp);}} var play = function(){audio.play();if (isRotate) {$("#player .cover img").css("animation","9.8s linear 0s normal none infinite rotate");$("#player .cover img").css("animation-play-state","running");}$('.playback').addClass('playing');timeout = setInterval(updateProgress, 500);//超过显示栏运行跑马灯if(isExceedTag()) {if (isInitMarquee) {initMarquee();isInitMarquee = false;} else {$('.marquee').marquee('resume');}}}var pause = function(){audio.pause();$("#player .cover img").css("animation-play-state","paused");$('.playback').removeClass('playing');clearInterval(timeout);if(isExceedTag()) {$('.marquee').marquee('pause');}}// Update progressvar setProgress = function(value){var currentSec = parseInt(value%60) < 10 ? '0' + parseInt(value%60) : parseInt(value%60),ratio = value / audio.duration * 100;$('.timer').html(parseInt(value/60)+':'+currentSec);}var updateProgress = function(){setProgress(audio.currentTime);}// Switch trackvar switchTrack = function(i){if (i < 0){track = currentTrack = playlist.length - 1;} else if (i >= playlist.length){track = currentTrack = 0;} else {track = i;}isInitMarquee = true;$('audio').remove();loadMusic(track);play();}// Shufflevar shufflePlay = function(i){if (i === 1) {//下一首if (++shuffleIndex === shuffleArray.length) {shuffleIndex = 0;}currentTrack = shuffleArray[shuffleIndex];} else if (i === 0) {//上一首if (--shuffleIndex < 0) {shuffleIndex = shuffleArray.length - 1;}currentTrack = shuffleArray[shuffleIndex];}switchTrack(currentTrack);}// Fire when track endedvar ended = function(){pause();audio.currentTime = 0;if (isShuffle){shufflePlay(1);} else { if (currentTrack < playlist.length) switchTrack(++currentTrack);}}var beforeLoad = function(){var endVal = this.seekable && this.seekable.length ? this.seekable.end(0) : 0;}// Fire when track loaded completelyvar afterLoad = function(){if (autoplay == true) play();}// Load trackvar loadMusic = function(i){var item = playlist[i],newaudio = $('<audio>').html('<source src="'+item.mp3+'"><source src="'+item.ogg+'">').appendTo('#player');$('.cover').html('<img src="'+item.cover+'" alt="'+item.album+'">');$('.musicTag').html('<strong>'+item.title+'</strong><span> - </span><span class="artist">'+item.artist+'</span>');$('#playlist li').removeClass('playing').eq(i).addClass('playing');audio = newaudio[0];audio.addEventListener('progress', beforeLoad, false);audio.addEventListener('durationchange', beforeLoad, false);audio.addEventListener('canplay', afterLoad, false);audio.addEventListener('ended', ended, false);}loadMusic(currentTrack);$('.playback').on('click', function(){if ($(this).hasClass('playing')){pause();} else {play();}});$('.rewind').on('click', function(){if (isShuffle){shufflePlay(0);} else {switchTrack(--currentTrack);}});$('.fastforward').on('click', function(){if (isShuffle){shufflePlay(1);} else {switchTrack(++currentTrack);}});$('#playlist li').each(function(i){$(this).on('click', function(){switchTrack(i);if (isShuffle) {for (var j = 0; j < shuffleArray.length; j++) {if (shuffleArray[j] === i) {shuffleIndex = j;break;}}} else {currentTrack = i;}});});$('#QPlayer .liebiao,#QPlayer .liebiao').on('click', function(){var pl = $('#playlist');if (pl.hasClass('go') === false) {pl.css({"max-height":"360px","transition":"max-height .5s ease"});		pl.css("border", "1px solid #dedede");pl.addClass('go');} else {pl.css({"max-height":"0px","transition":"max-height .5s ease"});pl.css("border", "0");pl.removeClass('go');}});		$("#QPlayer .ssBtn").on('click', function(){var mA = $("#QPlayer");if ($('.ssBtn .adf').hasClass('on') === false) {if (isFirstPlay) {setTimeout("showTips('#player .cover','点击封面开启(关闭)随机播放', " + function(){setTimeout("showTips('#player .ctrl .musicTag','点击拖动标题栏快进(快退)')", 1000)} + ");", 500);isFirstPlay = !isFirstPlay;localStorage.qplayer = 'false';}mA.css("transform", "translateX(250px)");$('.ssBtn .adf').addClass('on');} else {	mA.css("transform", "translateX(0px)");$('.ssBtn .adf').removeClass('on') 	}}); $("#player .cover").on('click',function(){isShuffle = !isShuffle;if (isShuffle) {$("#player .cover").attr("title","点击关闭随机播放");showNotification('已开启随机播放');var temp = [];for (var i = 0; i < playlist.length; i++) {temp[i] = i;}shuffleArray = shuffle(temp);for (var j = 0; j < shuffleArray.length; j++) {if (shuffleArray[j] === currentTrack) {shuffleIndex = j;break;}}localStorage.qplayer_shuffle_array = JSON.stringify(shuffleArray);} else {$("#player .cover").attr("title","点击开启随机播放");showNotification('已关闭随机播放');localStorage.removeItem('qplayer_shuffle_array');}localStorage.qplayer = isShuffle;});var startX, endX;$('#player .ctrl .musicTag').mousedown(function(event){startX = event.screenX;}).mousemove(function(event){//鼠标左键if (event.which === 1) {endX = event.screenX;var seekRange = Math.round((endX - startX) / 678 * 100);audio.currentTime += seekRange;setProgress(audio.currentTime);}});$('#player .ctrl .musicTag').bind('touchstart', function(event){startX = event.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].screenX;}).bind('touchmove',function(event){endX = event.originalEvent.targetTouches[0].screenX;var seekRange = Math.round((endX - startX) / 678 * 100);audio.currentTime += seekRange;setProgress(audio.currentTime);});})(jQuery);function initMarquee(){$('.marquee').marquee({//speed in milliseconds of the marqueeduration: 15000,//gap in pixels between the tickersgap: 50,//time in milliseconds before the marquee will start animatingdelayBeforeStart: 0,//'left' or 'right'direction: 'left',//true or false - should the marquee be duplicated to show an effect of continues flowduplicated: true});
function isExceedTag() {var isExceedTag = false;if ($('.musicTag strong').width() + $('.musicTag span').width() + $('.musicTag .artist').width() > $('.musicTag').width()) {isExceedTag = true;}return isExceedTag;
}function shuffle(array) {var m = array.length,t, i;// 如果还剩有元素…while (m) {// 随机选取一个元素…i = Math.floor(Math.random() * m--);// 与当前元素进行交换t = array[m];array[m] = array[i];array[i] = t;}return array;
}function showNotification(info) {isShowNotification = true;//判断通知是否存在,存在就移除if ($('.qplayer-notification').length>0) {$('.qplayer-notification').remove();clearTimeout(autoClearTimer);clearTimeout(autoShowTimer);}$('body').append('<div class="qplayer-notification animation-target"><span class="qplayer-notification-icon">i</span><span class="body" style="box-shadow: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.0980392) 0px 0px 5px;"><span class="message"></span></span><a class="close" href="#" οnclick="closeNotification();return false;">×</a><div style="clear: both"></div>');$('.qplayer-notification .message').text(info);//用width:auto来自动获取通知栏宽度var width = $('.qplayer-notification').css({"opacity":"0", "width":"auto"}).width() + 20;$('.qplayer-notification').css({"width":"50px","opacity":"1"});autoShowTimer = setTimeout(function(){$('.qplayer-notification').css({"width":width,"transition":"all .7s ease"});$('.qplayer-notification .close').delay(500).show(0);},1500);autoClearTimer = setTimeout("if ($('.qplayer-notification').length>0) {closeNotification()}",8000);
}function closeNotification() {isShowNotification = false;$('.qplayer-notification').css({"width":"50px","transition":"all .7s ease"});$('.qplayer-notification .close').delay(500).hide(0);setTimeout(function(){if (!isShowNotification) {$('.qplayer-notification').css("opacity","0");$('.qplayer-notification-icon').css({"transform":"scale(0)","transition":"transform .5s ease"});}},1000);setTimeout(function(){if (!isShowNotification) {$('.qplayer-notification').remove();}},1500);clearTimeout(autoClearTimer);clearTimeout(autoShowTimer);
*div: 要在其上面显示tip的div
*info: tip内容
*func: 不再提示按钮的click绑定函数
function showTips(div, info, func) {var box_height = 100;$('body').append('<div class="qplayer_tips"><span class="tips_arrow"></span><span class="info" style="display:none">' + info + '</span><button class="tips_button" οnclick="removeTips()">不再提示</button></div>');$('.qplayer_tips').css({"top":$(div).offset().top-box_height-30-15, "left": $(div).offset().left-28});$('.qplayer_tips').css({"height":box_height,"transition":"all .5s ease-in-out"});$('.qplayer_tips .info').delay(500).fadeIn();$('.tips_arrow').css({"border-width":"15px","transition":"all .5s ease-in-out"});$('.tips_button').css({"height":"30px","transition":"all .5s ease-in-out"});if (func != undefined) {$('.tips_button').click(func);}
}function removeTips() {$('.qplayer_tips .info').fadeOut();$('.qplayer_tips').css({"height":"0","transition":"all .5s ease-in-out"});$('.tips_arrow').css({"border-width":"0","transition":"all .5s ease-in-out"});$('.tips_button').css({"opacity":"0","transition":"all .2s ease-in-out"});setTimeout(function(){$('.qplayer_tips').remove()}, 500);







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