~$ vim /apps/apache-skywalking-apm-bin/config/oal/core.oal
service_resp_time # 服务的响应时间
service_sla # 服务http请求成功率SLV,比如99%
service_cpm # 表示每分钟吞吐量
service_percentile # 指定响应时间百分比,即p99,p95,p75,p50的数据统计结果
service_apdex # 应用性能指数、// Endpoint scope metrics
endpoint_cpm # 端点每分钟吞吐量
endpoint_resp_time # 端点响应时间
endpoint_sla # 端点http请求成功率SLA,比如99%
endpoint_percentile # 端点的最近多少数据范围内的响应时间百分比,即p99,p95,p75统计结果
~$ vim /apps/apache-skywalking-apm-bin/config/alarm-settings.yml
rules: #定义rule规则service_cpm_rule: #唯一的规则名称,必须以_rule结尾# Metrics value need to be long, double or intmetrics-name: service_cpm #指标名称op: ">" #操作符,>, >=, <, <=, ==threshold: 1 #指标阈值# The length of time to evaluate the metricsperiod: 2 #评估指标的间隔周期# How many times after the metrics match the condition, will trigger alarmcount: 1 #匹配成功多少次就会触发告警# How many times of checks, the alarm keeps silence after alarm triggered, default as same as period.#silence-period: 3silence-period: 2 #触发告警后的静默时间message: dubbo-provider service_cpm 大于1了 #告警信息dingtalkHooks:textTemplate: |-{"msgtype": "text","text": {"content": "Apache SkyWalking Alarm: \n %s."}}webhooks:- url: