四、树立边界(Negotiating Boundaries)

2.Negotiating Boundaries

Other people are the biggest obstacles of focus.A colleague wants to chat.You get a WeChat message about that party tonight.You hear the familiar ping of new emails that demand a look.

The difference between these interruptions and those previously discussed is that they very often include some social obligation to respond.While you can try to ignore the water cooler gossip without consequences, a delayed reply to a colleague or refusal to initiate a work discussion may run you into trouble.

This step requires communication with those around you so that they understand what you’re trying to do and are less likely to interrupt you if it’s not an emergency.Here’s some steps to take:

Close the door.Shutting yourself away immediately increase the barriers to interruption. If someone has to knock or open a door to ask a question, that makes them think twice before doing it.Open office?Headphones also help do the trick.If someone has to pull them off you or tap your shoulder, this works similarly.

Tell people when to interrupt you.Let people know which hours you plan to use for your prime focus time and ask them to interrupt you in defined intervals outside of them.The flexibility here is enormous, so even if you’re in a job which requires frequent communication, you might even ask people to wait until the last ten minutes of the hour to interrupt you.I’ve often done this by reserving morning hours for focus and encouraging calls/discussion in the afternoon.

Coordinate your plan with your boss/clients. A refusal to communicate can seem rude in the moment.A plan to improve your productivity for the benefit of your manager/clients is not.Better to talk about what you want to do, and get their input, before forcing an awkward moment later.

Set up an autoresponder.If immediate emails are the norm, an autoresponder indicating your email checking hours might help.You can do the same with texts/calls.Many phones have a special feature that automatically replies when you’re driving.You can rework this to be turned on manual and deliver a custom message letting people know that you’re in focus mode but they can cut through if its an emergency.

Negotiating boundaries is usually a lot easier than people assume.The difficulty is being okay with taking the initiative to ask for a different setup in order to increase your focus.Many working environments settle on different options out of inertia, not because there’s a defined rationale for them.





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