【数学建模】【2024年】【第40届】【MCM/ICM】【E题 财产保险的可持续性】【解题思路】


(一) 赛题原文

2024 ICM Problem E: Sustainability of Property Insurance
Extreme-weather events are becoming a crisis for property owners and insurers. The world has endured “more than $1 trillion in damages from more than 1,000 extreme-weather events in recent years.” [1] The insurance industry saw claims for natural disasters in 2022 increase by “115% compared to the 30-year average.” [1] Conditions are expected to get worse as losses from severe weather-related events are likely to increase due to floods, hurricanes, cyclones, droughts, and wildfires. Premiums for insurance coverage are rising quickly, with climate change fueling projected increases of 30-60% by 2040. [1]

Property insurance is not only getting more expensive, but also harder to find, as insurance companies change how and where they are willing to underwrite policies. The weather-related occurrences propelling the cost of property insurance premiums look different depending on where you are in the world. Additionally, the insurance protection gap averages 57% worldwide and is increasing. [2] This highlights the industry’s dilemma - the emerging crisis in profitability for the insurers and in affordability for the property owners.

COMAP’s Insurance of Catastrophes Modelers (ICM) are interested in the sustainability of the property insurance industry. As climate change increases the likelihood of more severe weather and natural disasters, ICM wants to determine how best to posture property insurance now such that there is resilience in the system to cover the cost of future claims while also ensuring long-term health of insurance companies. If insurance companies are unwilling to underwrite policies in too many cases, they will go out of business due to too few customers. Conversely, if they underwrite policies that are too risky, they may pay too many claims. Under what conditions should insurance companies underwrite policies? When should they choose to take the risk? Is there anything a property owner could do to influence this decision? Develop a model for insurance companies to determine if they should underwrite policies in an area that has a rising number of extreme weather events. Demonstrate your model using two areas on different continents that experience extreme weather events.

As we look to the future, communities and property developers need to be asking themselves how and where to build and grow. As the insurance landscape changes, future real-estate decisions must be made to ensure properties are more resilient and built deliberately, including the viability to offer appropriate services to growing communities and populations. How can your insurance model be adapted to assess where, how, and whether to build on certain sites?

There may be communities where your insurance model recommends against underwriting current or future property insurance policies. This may result in community leaders facing tough decisions about properties with cultural or community significance. For example, the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse was moved on the Outer Banks of North Carolina to protect this historic light house along with the local tourism industry centered around it. [3] As a community leader, how could you identify buildings in a community that should be preserved and protected due to their cultural, historical, economic, or community significance? Develop a preservation model for community leaders to use to determine the extent of measures they should take to preserve buildings in their community.

Select a historic landmark – not Cape Hatteras Lighthouse – that is in a location that experiences extreme weather events. Apply your insurance and your preservation models to assess the value of this landmark. Compose a one-page letter to the community recommending a plan, timeline, and cost proposal for the future of their treasured landmark considering the insight you have gained from the results of your insurance and preservation models.


极端天气事件正在成为业主和保险公司的危机。近年来,全球已经承受了“1000多起极端天气事件造成的超过 1 万亿美元的损失”。保险业发现,2022 年自然灾害的理赔“比30年平均水平增加了 115%”。

由于洪水、飓风、旋风、干旱和野火,与恶劣天气有关的事件造成的损失可能会增加,预计情况会变得更糟。保险保费正在迅速上涨,预计到 2040 年,气候变化将推动保费上涨 30-60%。

随着保险公司改变承保方式和承保地点,财产险不仅变得越来越贵,而且更难找到。与天气有关的事件推动了财产保险保费的成本,这取决于你在世界上的不同地方。此外,全球保险保障缺口平均为 57%,而且还在扩大。这凸显了该行业的困境——保险公司的盈利能力和业主的负担能力正在出现危机。

COMAP 的巨灾保险建模师(ICM)对财产保险业的可持续性很感兴趣。随着气候变化增加了更严重的天气和自然灾害的可能性,ICM 希望确定现在如何最好地部署财产保险,使系统具有弹性,以支付未来索赔的成本,同时确保保险公司的长期健康。如果保险公司不愿意在太多的情况下承保保单,他们就会因为客户太少而倒闭。相反,如果他们承保风险太大的保单,他们可能会支付过多的索赔。













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