

    • 一:迷宫小游戏
    • 二:俄罗斯方块
    • 三:压扁小鸟





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<head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>俄罗斯方块</title>
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<body><div style="width:100%;  margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;" align="center">  <div style="width:40%; float:left; "><div style="width:100%;  margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;" align="center"><canvas  style="width:30%;  margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;" align="center" id="showTab" /></div><div style="width:100%;  margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;" align="center"><label id="score">得分:0</label><select id="level"><option value="10">初级</option><option value="7">中级</option><option value="3">高级</option></select><button id="startbtn" onclick="startGame()">开始游戏</button><button id="pause" disabled="true" onclick="onPause()">暂停</button></div></div>  		<div  style="width:60%;"><canvas id="myCanvas" /></div>  </div>   






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<audio src="./src/wav/flap.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/flap.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/flap.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/flap.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/slide.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/slide.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/slide.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/clang.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/clang.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/clang.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/coin.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/coin.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/coin.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/coin2.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/coin2.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/coin2.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/coin3.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/coin3.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/coin3.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/coin4.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/coin4.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/coin4.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick2.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick2.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick2.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick2.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick2.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick3.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick3.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick3.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick3.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick3.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick4.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick4.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick4.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick4.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick4.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick5.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick5.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick5.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick5.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/kick5.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/squish1.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/squish1.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/squish1.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/squish2.wav"></audio>
<audio src="./src/wav/squish2.wav"></audio>


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var clang = loadGameSound('./src/wav/clang.wav', 3);var coin1 = loadGameSound('./src/wav/coin.wav', 3);
var coin2 = loadGameSound('./src/wav/coin2.wav', 3);
var coin3 = loadGameSound('./src/wav/coin3.wav', 3);
var coin4 = loadGameSound('./src/wav/coin4.wav', 3);var kick = loadGameSound('./src/wav/kick.wav', 5);
var kick2 = loadGameSound('./src/wav/kick2.wav', 5);
var kick3 = loadGameSound('./src/wav/kick3.wav', 5);
var kick4 = loadGameSound('./src/wav/kick4.wav', 5);
var kick5 = loadGameSound('./src/wav/kick5.wav', 5);var kicks = [kick, kick2, kick3, kick4, kick5];var squish1 = loadGameSound('./src/wav/squish1.wav', 3);
var squish2 = loadGameSound('./src/wav/squish2.wav', 3);
var squishes = [squish1, squish2];
var clanging = -1;game.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
game.canvas.width = ww;
game.canvas.height = hh;
game.ctx = game.canvas.getContext('2d');
game.started = false;game.ctx.fillStyle = '#71c5cf';
game.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, ww, hh);var logo = {};
logo.a = -.2;
logo.fr = 0;
logo.showing = true;
logo.hiding = false;
logo.img = loadGameImage('./src/wav/logo.png'); // 626 x 144
logo.img.style.position = 'absolute';
logo.img.style.opacity = 0;
logo.img.style.zIndex = '42069';
logo.reposition = function () {logo.img.style.left = Math.floor((ww-626)/2)+'px';logo.img.style.top = Math.floor(Math.cos(logo.fr/9)*20 + (hh - 144 - 88)/2)+'px';
}var gameover = {};
gameover.a = -.2;
gameover.fr = 0;
gameover.showing = false;
gameover.hiding = true;
gameover.img = loadGameImage('./src/wav/gameover.png'); // 626 x 144
gameover.img.style.position = 'absolute';
gameover.img.style.opacity = 0;
gameover.img.style.zIndex = '42069';
gameover.reposition = function () {gameover.img.style.left = Math.floor((ww-626)/2)+'px';gameover.img.style.top = Math.floor(Math.cos(gameover.fr/32)*4 + (hh - 200 - 144 - 88)/2)+'px';
}var playagain = {};
playagain.a = -.2;
playagain.fr = 0;
playagain.showing = false;
playagain.hiding = true;
playagain.img = loadGameImage('./src/wav/playagain.png');
playagain.img.style.border = '0px';
playagain.img.style.cursor = 'pointer';
playagain.img.border = 0;
playagain.img.style.position = 'absolute';
playagain.img.style.display = 'none';
playagain.img.style.opacity = 0;
playagain.img.style.zIndex = '142068';
playagain.reposition = function () {playagain.img.style.left = Math.floor((ww-252)/2)+'px';playagain.img.style.top = Math.floor(Math.cos(playagain.fr/14)*5 + (hh + 320 + 71 - 88)/2)+'px';
playagain.img.onclick = function () {game.ended = false;poundPipes();
}var c2s = {};
c2s.a = -1;
c2s.showing = true;
c2s.hiding = false;
c2s.img = loadGameImage('./src/wav/clicktostart.png');
c2s.img.style.position = 'absolute';
c2s.img.style.opacity = 0;
c2s.img.style.zIndex = '42070';
c2s.reposition = function () {c2s.img.style.left = Math.floor((ww-337)/2)+'px';c2s.img.style.top = Math.floor((hh + 250)/2)+'px';
}var parody = {};
parody.div = document.createElement('div');
parody.div.style.width = '800px';
parody.div.style.height = '24px';
parody.div.style.position = 'absolute';
parody.div.style.textAlign = 'center';
parody.div.style.fontFamily = 'Verdana';
parody.div.style.fontSize = '12px';
parody.div.style.zIndex = 87654;
parody.div.innerHTML = '这不是 flappy bird!只是个模仿';var points = 0;
var highscore = 0;var score = {};
score.divs = [];
for (var xx = -3; xx <= 3; xx++) {for (var yy = -3; yy <= 3; yy++) {var div = document.createElement('div');score.divs.push(div);div.style.width = '300px';div.style.height = '50px';div.style.position = 'absolute';div.style.textAlign = 'center';div.style.fontFamily = 'Verdana';div.style.fontWeight = 'bold';div.style.fontSize = '30px';div.style.color = '#000000';div.style.zIndex = 88887;div.style['user-select'] = 'none';div.style['-webkit-user-select'] = 'none';div.style['-moz-user-select'] = 'none';div.style['-ms-user-select'] = 'none';div.style['-o-user-select'] = 'none';if (xx == 0 && yy == 0) {div.style.color = '#FFFFFF';div.style.zIndex = 88888;}div.innerHTML = '';}
score.update = function () {for (var i = score.divs.length-1; i>=0; i--) {score.divs[i].innerHTML = points;}
}var ground = {};ground.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
ground.canvas.style.position = 'absolute';
ground.canvas.style.zIndex = '31337';
ground.ctx = ground.canvas.getContext('2d');
ground.bit = loadGameImage('./src/wav/ground.png');var city = {};city.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
city.canvas.style.position = 'absolute';
city.canvas.style.zIndex = '60';
city.ctx = city.canvas.getContext('2d');
city.bit = loadGameImage('./src/wav/city.png');var trees = {};trees.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
trees.canvas.style.position = 'absolute';
trees.canvas.style.zIndex = '61';
trees.ctx = trees.canvas.getContext('2d');
trees.bit = loadGameImage('./src/wav/trees.png');var birds = [];
var dead_birds = [];var newBird = function () {var bird = {};bird.cw = 150;bird.ch = 150;bird.ww = 85;bird.hh = 60;bird.xx = -200 - Math.random()*360;bird.yy = 0 - Math.random() * 280;bird.svx = 3 + Math.random()*2 + Math.pow((100 - nbfr)/20, 2);bird.vx = bird.svx;bird.vy = -13 - Math.random()*13;bird.vr = 0;bird.ar = 0;bird.ang = 0;bird.fr = 0;bird.anger = 0;bird.anger_fr = 0;bird.dying = false;bird.dead = false;bird.invincible = 0;bird.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');game.div.appendChild(bird.canvas);bird.canvas.width = bird.cw;bird.canvas.height = bird.ch;bird.canvas.style.zIndex = '69';bird.canvas.style.position = 'absolute';bird.ctx = bird.canvas.getContext('2d');birds.push(bird);
}var blood_image = loadGameImage('./src/wav/blood.png');
var bloods = [];
var newBlood = function () {var blood = {};blood.ww = 325*4;blood.hh = 138*4;blood.fr = 0;blood.canvas = document.createElement('canvas');game.div.appendChild(blood.canvas);blood.canvas.width = blood.ww;blood.canvas.height = blood.hh;blood.canvas.style.zIndex = '70';blood.canvas.style.position = 'absolute';repositionBlood(blood);blood.ctx = blood.canvas.getContext('2d');bloods.push(blood);
}var repositionBlood = function (blood) {blood.canvas.style.left = (pipe_x + 148/2 - (325*4/2))+'px';blood.canvas.style.top = (pipe_center - 32)+'px';
}var pipe1 = {};
pipe1.img = loadGameImage('./src/wav/pipe1.png');
pipe1.img.width = 148;
pipe1.img.height = 1664;
pipe1.img.style.position = 'absolute';
pipe1.img.style.left = '340px';
pipe1.img.style.top = '0px';
pipe1.img.style.zIndex = '420';var pipe2 = {};
pipe2.img = loadGameImage('./src/wav/pipe2.png');
pipe2.img.width = 148;
pipe2.img.height = 1664;
pipe2.img.style.position = 'absolute';
pipe2.img.style.left = '340px';
pipe2.img.style.top = '0px';
pipe2.img.style.zIndex = '420';var nbfr = 100;
var fnbfr = 100;
var fr = 0;
var ltm = 0;
var oef = function () {if (game_loaded) {var ftm = new Date().getTime();var tm;var tj = 0;while (ltm < ftm) {ltm += 20;tj++;if (tj > 10) {ltm = ftm;break;}if (game.started) {fr++;if ((fr % fnbfr) == 1) {newBird();if (nbfr > 13) {nbfr = (nbfr - 13)*.996 + 13;fnbfr = Math.ceil(nbfr);}}}if (want_pound) {want_pound = !poundPipes();}if (logo.showing) {logo.a += .03;if (logo.a >= 1) {logo.a = 1;logo.showing = false;}logo.img.style.opacity = logo.a;}if (logo.hiding) {logo.a -= .1;if (logo.a <= 0) {logo.a = 0;logo.hiding = false;}logo.img.style.opacity = logo.a;}if (logo.a > 0) {logo.fr++;logo.reposition();}if (logo.a > .01) {if (!logo.visible) {logo.visible = true;logo.img.style.display = 'inline';}} else {if (logo.visible) {logo.visible = false;logo.img.style.display = 'none';}}if (gameover.showing) {gameover.a += .03;if (gameover.a >= 1) {gameover.a = 1;gameover.showing = false;}gameover.img.style.opacity = gameover.a;}if (gameover.hiding) {gameover.a -= .1;if (gameover.a <= 0) {gameover.a = 0;gameover.hiding = false;}gameover.img.style.opacity = gameover.a;}if (gameover.a > 0) {gameover.fr++;gameover.reposition();}if (gameover.a > .01) {if (!gameover.visible) {gameover.visible = true;gameover.img.style.display = 'inline';}} else {if (gameover.visible) {gameover.visible = false;gameover.img.style.display = 'none';}}if (playagain.showing) {playagain.a += .03;if (playagain.a >= 1) {playagain.a = 1;playagain.showing = false;}playagain.img.style.opacity = playagain.a;}if (playagain.hiding) {playagain.a -= .1;if (playagain.a <= 0) {playagain.a = 0;playagain.hiding = false;}playagain.img.style.opacity = playagain.a;}if (playagain.a > 0) {playagain.fr++;playagain.reposition();}if (playagain.a > .01) {if (!playagain.visible) {playagain.visible = true;playagain.img.style.display = 'inline';}} else {if (playagain.visible) {playagain.visible = false;playagain.img.style.display = 'none';}}if (c2s.showing) {c2s.a += .03;if (c2s.a >= 1) {c2s.a = 1;c2s.showing = false;}c2s.img.style.opacity = c2s.a;}if (c2s.hiding) {c2s.a -= .1;if (c2s.a <= 0) {c2s.a = 0;c2s.hiding = false;}c2s.img.style.opacity = c2s.a;}if (c2s.a > .01) {if (!c2s.visible) {c2s.visible = true;c2s.img.style.display = 'inline';}} else {if (c2s.visible) {c2s.visible = false;c2s.img.style.display = 'none';}}if (clanging >= 0) {clanging--;pipe1.img.style.left = (pipe_x + Math.cos(fr*Math.PI)*3)+'px';pipe2.img.style.left = (pipe_x + Math.cos(fr*Math.PI)*3)+'px';}pipe1.img.style.top = (pipe_center - 1664 - pipe_gap/2)+'px';pipe2.img.style.top = (pipe_center + pipe_gap/2)+'px';if (pipe_opening >= 0) {pipe_opening++;if (pipe_opening >= 15) {pipe_opening = -1;}}var kill_combo = 0;var new_points = 0;var kicked = 0;if (pipe_closing >= 0) {pipe_gap -= 50;if (pipe_gap <= -3) {pipe_gap = -3;pipe_closing++;if (pipe_closing >= 5) {pipe_closing = -1;pipe_opening = 0;}var wnb = false;for (var i = birds.length-1; i>=0; i--) {var bird = birds[i];if (bird.invincible == 0) {if (bird.dying) {if (bird.xx <= (pipe_x+10)) {bird.invincible = 5;bird.vx = -10 - Math.random()*20 - bird.anger*8;bird.vy = 0;bird.ar = Math.random()*6 - 3;bird.dying = false;kicks[Math.min(bird.anger, 4)].play();bird.anger++;kicked++;} else if (bird.xx >= (pipe_x + 148 -10)) {bird.vx = 10 + Math.random()*20;bird.vy = 0;bird.ar = Math.random()*6 - 3;bird.dying = false;bird.anger++;} else {bird.dead = true;wnb = true;new_points += 1 + bird.anger;kill_combo++;score.update();}}}}if (pipe_closing == 1) {if (kill_combo == 0) {if (kicked == 0) {clang.play();clanging = 12;}}}if (wnb) {newBlood();}}} else {pipe_gap += (bottom_pipe_gap - pipe_gap) * .15;}if (new_points > 0) {new_points *= kill_combo;new_points = Math.pow(new_points, 2);if (new_points == 0) {} else if (new_points == 1) {coin1.play();} else if (new_points < 8) {coin2.play();} else if (new_points < 50) {coin3.play();} else {coin4.play();}points += new_points;score.update();}if (new_points > 0) {squishes[Math.floor(Math.random()*squishes.length)].play();}for (var i = bloods.length-1; i>=0; i--) {var blood = bloods[i];var bctx = blood.ctx;bctx.clearRect(0, 0, blood.ww, blood.hh);var tx = Math.floor(blood.fr)%5;var ty = (Math.floor(blood.fr) - tx)/5;bctx.drawImage(blood_image, tx*325, ty*138, 325, 138, 0, 0, 325*4, 138*4);blood.fr += 1;if (blood.fr >= 30) {game.div.removeChild(blood.canvas);bloods.splice(i, 1);}}if (game.started) {for (var i = birds.length-1; i>=0; i--) {var bird = birds[i];var bctx = bird.ctx;if (bird.invincible > 0) {bird.invincible--;}bctx.save();bctx.clearRect(0, 0, bird.cw, bird.ch);bctx.translate(bird.cw/2, bird.ch/2);if (!bird.dying) {bird.vr += bird.ar;bird.vr *= .8;bird.ar *= .95;var ang = 0;if (bird.vy > 11) ang = Math.atan2(bird.vy, bird.vx) * Math.max(0, Math.min(1, .1 * (bird.vy - 11)));bctx.rotate(-.4 + ang + bird.vr);}bird.fr += .4;bird.fr %= bird_images.length;var bfr = Math.floor(bird.fr);bctx.drawImage(bird_images[bfr].img, 0, 0, bird.ww, bird.hh, -bird.ww/2 + 10, -bird.hh/2, bird.ww, bird.hh);if (bird.anger > 0) {bird.anger_fr += bird.anger/8;bctx.globalAlpha = .5 * (1 - Math.cos(bird.anger_fr)) * Math.min(1, bird.anger/3);bctx.drawImage(angry_bird_images[bfr].img, 0, 0, bird.ww, bird.hh, -bird.ww/2 + 10, -bird.hh/2, bird.ww, bird.hh);}bctx.restore();bird.canvas.style.left = (bird.xx - bird.cw/2)+'px';bird.canvas.style.top = (pipe_center + bird.yy - bird.ch/2)+'px';if (bird.dying) {if (bird.stuck_side == 1) {bird.yy = pipe_gap/2 - 30;} else {bird.yy = 30 - pipe_gap/2;}} else {if (bird.vx < bird.svx) {bird.vx++;if (bird.vx >= bird.svx) {bird.vx = bird.svx;}} else if (bird.vx > bird.svx) {bird.vx--;if (bird.vx <= bird.svx) {bird.vx = bird.svx;}}bird.xx += bird.vx + bird.anger*1.5;bird.yy += bird.vy;bird.vy += .6;if (bird.yy > (bottom_pipe_gap/2 - 40)) {bird.yy = bottom_pipe_gap/2 - 41;bird.vy = -8 - Math.random()*6;flap.play();}if (pipe_closing != -1) {if (bird.xx >= (pipe_x-40)) {if (bird.xx <= (pipe_x + 148 +30)) {if (bird.invincible == 0) {bird.dying = true;if (bird.yy > 0) {bird.stuck_side = 1;} else {bird.stuck_side = 2;}}}}} else {if (!bird.dying) {if (bird.xx >= (pipe_x-40)) {if (bird.xx <= (pipe_x + 148 +30)) {if (Math.abs(bird.yy) > (pipe_gap/2 + 20)) {bird.vx = -10 - Math.random()*20 - bird.anger*8;bird.vy = 0;bird.ar = Math.random()*6 - 3;kicks[Math.min(bird.anger, 4)].play();bird.anger++;}}}}}}if (bird.xx > (pipe_x + 148 + 200)) {game.started = false;game.ended = true;gameover.hiding = false;gameover.showing = true;playagain.hiding = false;playagain.showing = true;if (points > highscore) {highscore = points;}}if (bird.dead || (bird.xx > (ww + 311))) {bird.canvas.width = 1;bird.canvas.height = 1;game.div.removeChild(bird.canvas);birds.splice(i, 1);}}}}}raf(oef);
}window.onresize = function () {resize();




} else if (bird.vx > bird.svx) {
if (bird.vx <= bird.svx) {
bird.vx = bird.svx;
bird.xx += bird.vx + bird.anger*1.5;
bird.yy += bird.vy;
bird.vy += .6;
if (bird.yy > (bottom_pipe_gap/2 - 40)) {
bird.yy = bottom_pipe_gap/2 - 41;
bird.vy = -8 - Math.random()*6;
if (pipe_closing != -1) {
if (bird.xx >= (pipe_x-40)) {
if (bird.xx <= (pipe_x + 148 +30)) {
if (bird.invincible == 0) {
bird.dying = true;
if (bird.yy > 0) {
bird.stuck_side = 1;
} else {
bird.stuck_side = 2;

    }}} else {if (!bird.dying) {if (bird.xx >= (pipe_x-40)) {if (bird.xx <= (pipe_x + 148 +30)) {if (Math.abs(bird.yy) > (pipe_gap/2 + 20)) {bird.vx = -10 - Math.random()*20 - bird.anger*8;bird.vy = 0;bird.ar = Math.random()*6 - 3;kicks[Math.min(bird.anger, 4)].play();bird.anger++;}}}}}}if (bird.xx > (pipe_x + 148 + 200)) {game.started = false;game.ended = true;gameover.hiding = false;gameover.showing = true;playagain.hiding = false;playagain.showing = true;if (points > highscore) {highscore = points;}}if (bird.dead || (bird.xx > (ww + 311))) {bird.canvas.width = 1;bird.canvas.height = 1;game.div.removeChild(bird.canvas);birds.splice(i, 1);}


window.onresize = function () {





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