

1 建立表并插入数据

1.1 SQL语句

1.2 截图

2 单表查询

2.1 选择表中若干列

2.1.1 SQL语句

2.1.2 截图

2.2 选择表中若干元组

2.2.1 SQL语句

2.2.2 截图

2.3 order by子句

2.3.1 SQL语句

2.3.2 截图

​​​​​​​2.4 聚集函数

2.4.1 SQL语句

2.4.2 截图

​​​​​​​2.5 group by子句

2.5.1 SQL语句

2.5.2 截图

​​​​​​​3 连接查询

3.1 等值连接

3.1.1 SQL语句

3.1.2 截图

​​​​​​​3.2 自身连接

3.2.1 SQL语句

3.2.2 截图

​​​​​​​3.3 外连接

3.3.1 SQL语句

3.3.2 截图

​​​​​​​3.4 多表连接

3.4.1 SQL语句

3.4.2 截图

​​​​​​​4 嵌套查询

4.1 in的子查询

4.1.1 SQL语句

4.1.2 截图

​​​​​​​4.2 比较运算符的子查询

4.2.1 SQL语句

4.2.2 截图

​​​​​​​4.3 All或ANY的子查询

4.3.1 SQL语句

4.3.2 截图

​​​​​​​4.4 Exist的子查询

4.4.1 SQL语句

4.4.2 截图

​​​​​​​5 集合查询

​​​​​​​5.1 Union

5.1.1 SQL语句

5.1.2 截图

​​​​​​​5.2 Intersect

5.2.1 SQL语句

5.2.2 截图

​​​​​​​5.3 Except

5.3.1 SQL语句

5.3.2 截图

1 建立表并插入数据

1.1 SQL语句

create database ExperimentThree;
use ExperimentThree;

create table Student3
   Sno char(2) not null,
   Sname varchar(20) not null,
   Ssex char(2) not null,
   constraint s2 check(Ssex in('', '')),
   Sage int not null,
   constraint s3 check (Sage between 0 and 130),
   Department varchar(20) not null

create table Course3
   Cno char(2) not null ,
   Cname varchar(20) not null,
   Cprepare varchar(20) not null,
   Ccredit float not null,
   constraint c3 check(0 < Ccredit)

create table SC3
   Sno char(2) not null,
   Cno char(2) not null,
   Performance float not null,
   constraint sc1 check(Performance between 0 and 100)

insert into student3(sno, sname, ssex, sage, department)
values (21, '张三', '', 18, '计通学院'),
       (04, '李四', '', 19, '化学院'),
       (02, '翠花', '', 18, '文新学院');

insert into course3(cno, cname, cprepare, ccredit)
values (11, '概率论', '高等数学', 3),
       (12, '数字电路', '离散结构', 2.5),
       (13, '数据结构', '离散结构', 3.5),
       (01, '嵌入式', '数字电路', 2);

insert into sc3(sno, cno, performance)
values (21, 11, 66),
       (02, 01, 89),
       (04, 12, 59);

1.2 截图


2.1 选择表中若干列

2.1.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select Sname, Department
from student3;

2.1.2 截图

2.2 选择表中若干元组

2.2.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select Sno
from student3;

2.2.2 截图

​​​​​​​2.3 order by子句

2.3.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select Sno, Performance
from sc3
where Performance > 60
order by Performance desc;

2.3.2 截图

​​​​​​​2.4 聚集函数

2.4.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select count(Cno)
from course3
where Ccredit >= 3;

2.4.2 截图

​​​​​​​2.5 group by子句

2.5.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select Sno
from sc3
group by Sno
having avg(Performance) >= 60;

2.5.2 截图

​​​​​​​3 连接查询

3.1 等值连接

3.1.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select *
from student3, sc3
where student3.Sno = sc3.Sno;

3.1.2 截图

​​​​​​​3.2 自身连接

3.2.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select first.cname, second.cprepare
from course3 first, course3 second
where first.Cprepare = second.Cname;

3.2.2 截图

​​​​​​​3.3 外连接

3.3.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select course3.*,  sc3.*
from course3 left outer join sc3 on course3.Cno = sc3.Cno;

3.3.2 截图

​​​​​​​3.4 多表连接

3.4.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select student3.sno, Sname, Cname, Performance
from student3,sc3,course3
where student3.Sno = sc3.Sno and sc3.Cno = course3.Cno;

3.4.2 截图

​​​​​​​4 嵌套查询

4.1 in的子查询

4.1.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select Cno, Cname
from course3
where Cno in (
    select Cno
    from sc3

4.1.2 截图

​​​​​​​4.2 比较运算符的子查询

4.2.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select Cno, Cname
from course3
where Cno = (
    select Cno
    from sc3
    where Performance < 60

4.2.2 截图

​​​​​​​4.3 All或ANY的子查询

4.3.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select Sname, Sage
from student3
where Sage <= any (
    select Sage from student3
    where Sage = 18

4.3.2 截图

​​​​​​​4.4 Exist的子查询

4.4.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select Sno, Sname
from student3
where exists(
    select *
    from sc3
    where Performance >= 60 and sc3.Sno = student3.Sno

4.4.2 截图

​​​​​​​5 集合查询

​​​​​​​5.1 Union

5.1.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select *
from student3
where Department = '计通学院'
select *
from student3
where Sage < 19;

5.1.2 截图

​​​​​​​5.2 Intersect

5.2.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select *
from student3
where Department = '计通学院'
select *
from student3
where Sage < 19;

5.2.2 截图

​​​​​​​5.3 Except

5.3.1 SQL语句

use experimentThree;

select *
from student3
where Department = '化学院'
select *
from student3
where Sage < 19;

5.3.2 截图




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